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Thread: Sex Super Drug

  1. #1
    Full Member DAdams91982's Avatar
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    Default Sex Super Drug


    is something that has been floating around the bodybuilding community for awhile (Cause we love new drugs to enhance

    life ) ... some definately worth a try.

    And the Sex Super

    Drug.... Cabergoline.

    Sex and



    =black]By David Jay Brown

    Cabergoline is a fairly new pharmaceutical that has enormous

    potential to aid male stamina. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of carbergoline is that it has been found to

    substantially raise a man’s chances of sustaining multiple orgasms during sex. Some men on cabergoline are able to

    have numerous multiple orgasms in rapid succession.

    Cabergoline, which is marketed under the trade name of

    Dostinex, is used to treat Parkinson's disease, to prevent women producing milk when they want to stop breast

    feeding, and to lower prolactin levels in patients with a pituitary tumor. It is also sometimes used to help men

    with sexual dysfunction.

    It is cabergoline’s capacity to lower prolactin levels that makes it such a sexual

    wonder drug for men. Prolactin is a single-chain protein hormone, closely related to growth hormone, that stimulates

    the secretion of milk of women. The hormone also has the effect of reducing a man’s desire for more sex by

    preventing new erections. Cabergoline has been found to to minimize the effects of the hormone prolactin, which is

    produced by men at the point of orgasm. As a result, some subjects who tried the drug found that they were able to

    have multiple orgasms in rapid succession.

    In one study, 60 subjects, all healthy males, between the ages of 22

    and 31, normally needed a break of 19 minutes between lovemaking sessions. However, after taking Cabergoline, they

    were able to have several orgasms within a few minutes. Medical psychologist Manfred Schedlowski, who was involved

    in the trials at Essen in Germany, said the drug raised the libido to enable the male to orgasm again more


    Schedlowski said, "We saw that prolactin rises after

    orgasm and then thought maybe prolactin is a negative feedback system. Subjects who took this drug had decreased

    prolactin levels, and reported their orgasm was better and there was a shorter refractory period. We interviewed

    these subjects and found they were able to have multiple orgasms in very rapid succession. This is sitting very

    nicely with our hypothesis that orgasms and sexual drive are steered by prolactin and dopamine in the


    Cabergoline was reported to have no side effects on men during the tests, according to a paper that was

    published in the International Journal of Impotence Research.

    Researchers are carrying out trials to investigate

    whether Cabergoline will have similar effects on women. Some anecdotal reports suggest that the drug has the

    potential to enhance the intensity of orgasms in both men and women.

    You can find more at




  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Exclamation There is a part you forgot...

    However, there may be a drawback. There’s evidence that the release of prolactin

    in the brain, which surges during orgasm, promotes the growth of new neurons in the brain--a process called

    neurogenesis. Researchers at the University of Cal-gary discovered that the release of prolactin spurs the

    growth of new brain cells in the front regions of the brain involved in smell. So Cabergoline may allow men to

    have multiple orgasms at the expense of
    less brain growth. Sounds like a tough call to me.

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    still every now and then? why


  4. #4
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    Hmm.. So "takin' care of

    business" on a regular basis can make you smarter? Or just increase your sense of smell?
    Blessed are the cross-eyed, for they shall see God twice.
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  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Well not really, sure, but this

    drug wont.... does this help??

  6. #6
    Full Member DAdams91982's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Icehawk
    However, there may be a drawback. There’s evidence that the release of prolactin in the brain,

    which surges during orgasm, promotes the growth of new neurons in the brain--a process called neurogenesis.

    Researchers at the University of Cal-gary discovered that the release of prolactin spurs the growth of new brain

    cells in the front regions of the brain involved in smell. So Cabergoline may allow men to have multiple orgasms at

    the expense of
    less brain growth. Sounds like a tough call to me.
    That must have been

    left out of the part I copied... I just found that same article.. with that addition... Eitherway... 3 or 4 orgasms

    in a row... or some new neurons for smell??... I dont think that is a tough choice.


  7. #7
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    Default next... the three hour orgasm !

    Dostinex isn't a trivial medication that you can pop like a Viagra, and that isn't a trivial medication either.

    Cabergoline is an ergot alkaloid derivative (so is LSD, as is Hydergeine, a cognitive enhancer) that will affect

    more than one system, such as lowering blood pressure. Ergot derivatives have a reputation for being unpredictable.

    Dostinex binds tightly to the dopamine receptors resulting in a pharmacologic effect that lasts approx. one week.

    Right ? Be prepared for the full range of side effects for the next five days, minimum. Are you aware of your

    baseline prolactin levels before experimenting with this ? There is a prolactin blood test. One theory had it that

    as men aged their prolactin levels went up, causing them to develop old man boobies and deposits of body fat. Durk

    Pearson and Sandy Shaw advocated taking anther prolactin inhibitor, bromocriptine (Parlodel), for reasons noone

    seems interested in discussing, the Parlodel topic vanished. Durk and Sandy were looking a tad weird in the last

    photos I saw, as in not the models of good hormonal regulation.

  8. #8
    Full Member DAdams91982's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up

    isn't a trivial medication that you can pop like a Viagra, and that isn't a trivial medication either. Cabergoline

    is an ergot alkaloid derivative (so is LSD, as is Hydergeine, a cognitive enhancer) that will affect more than one

    system, such as lowering blood pressure. Ergot derivatives have a reputation for being unpredictable. Dostinex binds

    tightly to the dopamine receptors resulting in a pharmacologic effect that lasts approx. one week. Right ? Be

    prepared for the full range of side effects for the next five days, minimum. Are you aware of your baseline

    prolactin levels before experimenting with this ? There is a prolactin blood test. One theory had it that as men

    aged their prolactin levels went up, causing them to develop old man boobies and deposits of body fat. Durk Pearson

    and Sandy Shaw advocated taking anther prolactin inhibitor, bromocriptine (Parlodel), for reasons noone seems

    interested in discussing, the Parlodel topic vanished. Durk and Sandy were looking a tad weird in the last photos I

    saw, as in not the models of good hormonal regulation.
    Please share some of the sides... cause the

    numberous med. pubs I looked at... shared none... except maybe a little nausea.


  9. #9
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    Default possible side effects

    One website

    listed these:

    other possible effects are vasospasm (other ergot analogs are powerful vasoconstrictors, used

    in modern medicine for migraine headache, in the bad old days, entire limbs would become gangrenous, that was from

    the rye smut fungus that produced "ergotism") and thickening of the lung wall, althought that is a lot more likely

    with chronic dosing..

    I'd be cautious about using this medicine with any other known vasoconstrictor, as

    over the counter decongestants are, or going to the dentist within ONE WEEK (remember, long washout time) and having

    a nerve block with epinephrine. Epi and Dostinex could be a nasty mix, you'll know if your fingers start to turn


    There's a paradox here, because it also is know for causing HYPOtension, or lower blood pressure,

    sometimes these medicines can "flip" when combined with the wrong something else. I would not use it with any other

    potentially blood pressure modifying drug, including Viagra, nor would I drink alcohol. You could either have a

    vasospasm episode or a low blood pressure episode. On ocassion there is the possibility of circulatory collapse,

    this actually happened to a friend of mine w/o warning, sort of spontaneously going into shock when the arterioles

    suddenly relax.

    If you want to play with Dostinex, don't consider combining it with any other recreational

    drug, mind medicine (prozac, etc), and many OTC medicines for one week after administration.



    Disturbances of the gut such as diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal


    Indigestion (dyspepsia)

    Low blood pressure (hypotension)

    False perceptions of

    things that are not really there (hallucinations)

    Excessive fluid retention in the body tissues,

    resulting in swelling (oedema)



    Nausea and


    Difficulty performing voluntary movements, resulting in jerky or involuntary movements or muscle

    twitches (dyskinesia)

    How can this medicine affect other medicines?

    Care should be taken when

    cabergoline is combined with the following medicines:
    dopamine antagonists - phenothiazines (eg chlorpromazine),

    metoclopramide, butyrophenones (eg haloperidol) and
    macrolide antibiotics such as erythromycin.

  10. #10
    Full Member DAdams91982's Avatar
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    Hahaha.. Damn man... I said

    some... I couldnt find any of what you just supplied though... Then again... it wouldnt change my mind anyway... My

    past is 10X worse than mixing this with alcohol.


  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    Epi and

    Dostinex could be a nasty mix, you'll know if your fingers start to turn blue.

    Jez, why cant

    nature make this easy?
    Blessed are the cross-eyed, for they shall see God twice.
    Products I own: AE/m, APC/m, NPA/m, TE/m, SPMO, SOE/m, WAGG, Perception, EW, Chikara

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    I still however believe that a

    healthy non drugged up individual could experiment with this. Its not like I get every single side-effect of Vitamin

    C when I take it?...

  13. #13
    Full Member DAdams91982's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Icehawk
    I still

    however believe that a healthy non drugged up individual could experiment with this. Its not like I get every single

    side-effect of Vitamin C when I take it?...
    Like I said... I dont get the side effects at all.. unless you

    take a couple percosets, and you call tired, euphoria a side.


  14. #14
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    Speaking out of personal

    experience, I found cabergoline rather disappointing after reading all the hype (multiple orgasm potential, 24 hour

    libido). Expensive stuff, and its an MAOI which means drug interactions can be dangerous such as with certain

    antidepressants or even alternative herbal meds. Anyhow here's my objective lowdown. Fyi: I'm 24, very healthy,

    non-alcoholic, sex manic. Brand used: “cabaser” (european brand of cabaser). Dosage taken:


    Took about an hour to kick in. It did have a slight “drugged” feeling about it. Felt fine

    and pleased with myself. I did notice an increased interest in sex, though nothing earth shattering, just a more

    full feeling, “puffy” sensitive to pleasure penis – don't know the words – sort of like

    you've been very horny for quite a while, but have stepped away from the sexual stimulus, with a fullness of the

    penis and sexual interest still remaining. This is not like a viagra penis, which feels more like a stick in your

    pants. Cabergoline works on your mind being a dopamine agonist, not your penis or plumbing anywhere else down


    Anyhow, sex itself was different in that I was able to last a lot longer than usual after penetration

    commenced. A normal for me is between 10-20 minutes, though on cabergoline I felt as though I could avoid orgasm as

    long as I wanted. It felt like it was always “just around the corner.” The sex did feel slightly more

    satisfying as I could pump away at any pace I liked safe in the knowledge that it wouldn't end sooner than I

    wanted. The orgasm was powerful too, I felt it “further inside”

    After orgasm however, there was a

    mild to moderate headache, and it did feel localised in the pituitary area (sort of between my temples in my head).

    It lasted for about an hour, though waned off towards the end. I must have simply taken too much. Not


    The slightly drugged feeling was gone after about 12 hours, but the sexual effects from the drug

    remained for three days following, with effect lessening on each day.

    Experienced no nausea, though I would

    recommend a lower dosage if you're in your twenties. The pills were tiny little things too, hard to split. All in

    all, I prefer bromocriptine, you need to take a little more as it's less strong, but as its patent has long

    expired, its about ¼ the price of its more expensive cousin.

    Cabaser is much cheaper than dostinex, despite

    being the same thing chemically. I think the price difference has something to do with the different range of

    applications in the USA compared with Europe for cabergoline.

    Overall, nothing amazing, but certainly

    interesting stuff. Make sure you do your own research as I did before messing with it, don't take my word for it.

  15. #15
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    Interesting, that stuff is way

    too expensive to experiment with without having more scientific evidence on the pros and, more importantly, the

    cons. Will have to look into the "bromocriptine."

  16. #16
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    Thanks for the

    user report. Did anyone else try it?

  17. #17
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    Default mixing Cabergoline(dosinex) with other drugs

    I was just wondering if anyone knows what side effects there are to mixing cabergoline (dostinex), with


  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    LOL how low key of you, but I

    guess it would be nice to know....

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