The world is really not overpopulated for the available resources, it is mismanaged. Many tons of food

goes to waste daily in affluent areas while people starve in others. Often abundant food is available in areas

within a day\'s travel of a famine area. Much of the problem is due to corruption and political games. Still more

is due to ineffective methods of food production. All that is political but the end result bears on the human

reproduction issue.

Under normal conditions a population with minimal resources will breed to excess due to a

high infant mortality rate. Population growth is kept low and often decreases due to the high mortality. However,

the more advanced civilizations have spread medical and sanitation skills greatly reducing the mortality rate and

increased the number of years a person remain fertile. That has resulted in a massive baby boom in undeveloped areas

that are poorly prepared to feed the increased population. The end result is famine. Again, that is perfectly

natural, when a population of game animals increases in a given area, the number of predators also increases. As the

number of game animals decreases predators cannot find sufficient food sources and the mortality rate increases

reducing the population. We have disrupted that cycle with humans by reducing the mortality rate. But we have not

done much to increase available food supplies at comparable rates. So these undeveloped areas grow their population

yet are unable to feed themselves.

All the while, highly developed nations have plenty of food and obesity

becomes a problem. Being fat is counter-survival as it reduces your likelihood of reproduction. Medical science

thwarts that issue to some degree by chemically supporting over-weight people. However, the closer a person is to an

ideal specimen, the more likely they are to mate with another ideal specimen producing high quality offspring. The

bad news is that the high end of the spectrum tends to reproduce far less frequently than the low end. As I said in

another post, this could arguably be causing a degeneration of our species.

Since the areas most underfed and

overpopulated are the ones reproducing at the greatest percentage rates it seems unlikely that there is some factor

inducing people to stop mating. In those areas you will probably find the alpha type still is the one most able to

find mates. I think it likely that there is some other factor that is contributing to our changing taste in mating

partners but I don\'t know what it is.