Interesting remarks Rbt. I

can't disagree really. Maybe its me but I've never warmed up to learning "techniques". Its always been my

thought that if you improve yourself in whatever aspects of life your can, you'll naturally become a more

attractive person. In particular, you'll become more attractive to the kind of person you want to be with. For

me, it goes far beyond just looks, but I've never dated an "ugly".

I have to admit to a general

disinterest in "scoring" for its own sake. I'm pretty sexually driven, but I've always found more satisfaction in

longer term and more well developed relationships. Maybe my disinterest in "hot babes" plays along the grounds of a

PUA's "technique", ie they'll want you because you don't want them. No matter. Then again, this may be part of

what you mean when you talk about "making it a natural part of you".

This is not a criticism of those who's

goals and methods are different from my own. Just a different take.

another interjection...

cheers all