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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Talking life in the slippery lane: why hookers are better for you

    Five or six years ago my life took one of those turns, file under "you can't make this stuff

    up", when I took a deep breath and dove into the pay for sex pool. Now, I completely appreciate that a large number

    of guys will think of this as a cop out, or too gross, or too risky, just plain not done, or some horrific fall from

    grace in the eyes of God, their superego, community standards, things their friends and parents would freak out

    about if they knew, voluntary virgins would weep and pray for you....

    There was the other side of the street

    to consider, however, as many of our more seasoned posters have spoken of, the weird triangles you unexpectedly find

    yourself in, emotional blackmail (I've known a few women who must have gotten advanced degrees in this specialty),

    all the confusions of "true feelings", whatever the heck they are, and pure slathering reproductive DNA spewing

    instincts, or mostly the damned stupidity of spending untold amounts of money trying to be noticed, dating scenes,

    clubs that are so loud and the patrons are so drunk you can't think a complete sentence to yourself, more untold

    amounts of misused time, girls who play the preggo game to lock you in (happens all the time and nobody talks about

    this one, no media comes clean about the guys who find themselves drafted into fatherhood and all their protective,

    responsible instincts get triggered... ooops must have forget a pill or ten when I was about to ovulate


    Yeah, I had been the responsible guy, the good guy and I had been played like a schmuck for my charitable

    attitude. Midlife crisis ? Fuck the midlife crisis. I was going to consciously regress part of my life back to my

    teen years and totally blow off the identity that society had glued to me.

    Smartest thing I ever did.

    Researched the escort websites, followed the discussions until I felt I had a grounding in how the game was played,

    and then..... bada bada baaaa, trembling with insecurity made the phone call to an, ummmm... gentleman's

    establishment that caters to the mid priced bracket that my lifestyle permits. Lucked out, this place was sane, well

    managed, and some of the girls were among the coolest people I've gotten to know.

    Many, many preconceptions

    about this activity went sailing out the window, say, like when you actually get to know people of different

    ethnicity and you see how much you thought you knew about them were absurd preconceptions...

    About the same

    time I was finding out about pheromones as products one could purchase and use, instead of laboratory items that

    never made it to the public.

    Not surprisingly, the availability of decent to mind boggling sex depending on

    the factors of the evening, without needing to blow one or more futile nights trying to score, minus the liver

    stress of the drinking, the staying up too late, the ludicrous stupidity of charming some questionable babe home to

    my place, or home to her place, or the pathetic dating scene... nope, freeedom from all that, one or two hours of

    superior physical jammin, clean bed with fresh sheets, shower if you need it, with a stunning woman half my age that

    I would have about 1:1000 chance of hooking up with in a public joint, some nice conversation, nice massage after

    the high point of the evening, home again, long soak in the tub as this is an aerobic activity par excellance, and

    sound asleep by midnight...

    Following this line of reasoning so far ? Yes, it costs money, quality costs

    money, you get nuttin for nuttin, but when you calculate the real, summarised costs of cruising for nookie, it's

    cheaper and way less stressful...

    Now, take the above and add pheromones. Big, juicy large doses of

    pheromones, lotsa androstenone, lotsa androstenol, have no shame, the night is yours, and finish it with a good

    spray of classy cologne, consider it an investment.

    What then, Mr. Wizard ??? What happens when you add sex

    madness pheromones to an already combustible mix ???

    Well, Grasshopper, sometimes not much. Some women don't

    respond strongly, it is maybe a touch friendlier, a touch more communicative...Other times... wellllll, other times

    its like detonating nitroglycerine and you know whats coming when they give you The Look, nope, it isn't DIHL,

    it's more like, dude you are about to be swallowed whole... in more than one sense of the word...

    Where does

    that leave us ? The crucial thing in my experience is that there is almost no background sexual pressure with

    "civilians", as non-pros are known in the trade. It becomes greatly easier to sort out what is the emotional and

    intellectual side of a relationship, and what is the physical drive. Sex with pros can still have warmth, emotional

    communication, and dare I say it, meaning. No more do I wonder what this one or that one of my civilian friendships,

    business relations, casual contacts might be like as a sexual partner.... ooooh baby, what's she like naked ?

    Don't much care, don't much need to reflect on it, sure won't be mindlessly chasing it... if the hornies are

    creeping up, the solution, a reliable no hassle, no deep where do we go from here conversation thing, what you see

    is what you get experience is a phone call away.

    That can be massively liberating. If somebody's wife wants

    to play footsie with me or flash me her thingie, yep, been there and seen that, most of us old pharts have once or

    twice, I can say, yeah, that's cute, flattered that you care so much for me, but I'm not your man-ho to play your

    mind games with sweety, and if I feel a residual stirring in my loins, a shave, shower, a quick mone OD and a spritz

    of cologne, and I'm good for a week.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    I appreciate your honesty and I know

    everyone's situation and outlook is different but I personally don't find it that difficult to get some


    The challenge to me is hooking up with someone on more than a physical level that will hold my

    interest on all levels.

    If you don't mind me asking how old are you?


  3. #3


    that was certainly an

    interesting read lol

  4. #4


    what about std's?

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I'm fifty, more or less. When I

    was 20-25 sex just happened, 25-30 things got a touch more strategic as women get to thinking long term, guys are

    still in short term mode, 30-35 everybody is expected to turn into a serious citizen, 35-40 you're laying the

    foundations of cardio vascular disease due to overwork keeping up with everybody else, piling on the debt, 40-45

    you're either the boss or you're the employee and that's how it's going to stay and all the crazy shit you did

    from 20-25 is catching up with you bigtime. Your face turns as beautiful or ugly as the stuff in your soul. Nobody

    gives a damn about your charm unless you work as a maitre'd, they care about your competence. The collective genius

    or idiocy of a lifetime gains karmic momentum. What you sewed you now reap, bigtime my friend. That's about when I

    looked around and saw that there was an emergency eject button, and just for grins I pushed it.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Exclamation what about std's?

    what about


    good question, the answer may surprise you. Almost all the girls who aren't druggies or psychos, in

    a well run place they spot them coming and keep 'em out, the higher quality people are rational and careful. I've

    never caught a STD in this manner. I get extensively tested at a clinic that adult video actors and actresses are

    required to go to, the doc there is a great urologist as well, he knows more about prostate health than any other

    fancy dan doc I've been to. You're biggest risk is hepatitis (A+B) so anyone who plays must get the hepatitis

    vaccine. Anecdotally, civi girls may be higher STD risks becaue they don't get tested frequently, and they aren't

    as vigilant. There is a ton of reckless civiv sex in the 20-25 group, mindless careless partying. How many of them

    get their Hep series, or know of a dedicated STD clinic, or ever which tests to ask for ?

  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Well it certainly keeps life

    simpler! I've gotten myself into more messes over women than I care to remember. However, I have never felt

    fulfilled by a hooker as there's much more to relations between men 'n women than sex. In fact, sex is the least

    of the fun. It's nice to have both a friend and a playmate.
    Last edited by Gegogi; 11-17-2004 at 06:14 PM.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  8. #8
    Man of La Pancha
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    Although society will probably

    always frown upon it, prostitution is really just commoditizing (probably not really a word) sex. There's supply

    and demand for it, and if people are willing to pay for it then more power to them.

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Smile more to life than sex !!!!! Nowwwww Waaayyyyy !!!

    Look hard at the multitude of relations around you, commodified connections are everywhere. I see

    untold numbers of marriages that have a strong commodity factor going. People talk about wife as "a man's

    property", seriously, today... is a man then "a woman's property" too ? What's with this chattel value


    Here's an ever stranger twist to consider, where out friend beta-androstenol came into play. At one point

    in my unconventional love life, there was a stunning young hooker, er.. escort, european girl, so intelligent,

    naturally cultivated, speaks many languages fluently, I was mad for her, and of course used huge doses of pheros to

    make our time together more meaningful... we were connecting on a deep personal level although neither one of us

    could make out what was happening nor could we, should we, trust our immediate responses.

    There was this

    otherworldly ease of communication, finding ourselves completing the other's thought, I'm asking myself, this is

    supposed to be a bimbo escort ? She's half my age and she makes me look dumb ?

    We gradually became true

    friends, travelled to excellent places, because of her unusual linguistic ability we could go just about anywhere.

    She's know who the architect was that built a modern structure in a foreign city, she liked opera, she was, and is,

    a first rate writer who could easily work for any magazine as a correspondent, so go figure. Stunning girl,

    outrageous breat implants, it didn't add up. Who cared ? Our communication had its up and downs like it always

    does, I would prefer they stay on the upside as when she was on her game she was the most brilliant communicator I

    ever met, when she'd go internal and contend with her demons she wasn't as available... demons being the needful

    things that demons are...

    To contend withthis issue I made up a strong batch of beta-androstenol + Athena

    (yes, Athena is good stuff, it works, no it isn't just DHEA, yes I've tested it extensively in groups and with

    individuals) + extra androstadienone + pure ambergris (not Sigma Aldrich fake ambergris) and some Creed Himalaya...

    the ambergris really adds a dimension to it that I can't explain... and every day I'd put a little on my face and

    neck... she's get a whiff and her eyes would light up, she get this mischeveous grin and get light and playful,

    like her cares would drop away, we'd have these moments, really deep, personal, like ESP between us, she was

    totally a friend, more like a sister than a lover, it was the most powerful vibe, people around us would feel it, in

    public places, in restaurants, I was thinking... under the right circumstances, this technology can be so powerful,

    so life changing..

    and to this day she does not know about it....

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    prostitution is a societal norm.

    there's really nothing wrong with it imo. if you got the money but little free time, it's more economical to just

    go to the bedroom.

  11. #11
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    So surfs up, you guys traveled and

    stuff. Did she still make you pay for sex? If so, didn't you feel mixed up about the nature of your


  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Cool Did she still make you pay for sex?

    No, no way.. like I said, she became like a sister... she is a friend, a good friend, better than many

    friends I've had... she loves to do things, never known another person who can cover as much ground, I'd turn my

    back and she'd be picking up Euskedi (basque language) if she had half a chance, then take me up to a basque

    place... it was funny, there was no confusion, we change roles, threw out the costumes, reveled in being human

    beings, went shopping at Corte Ingles and filled the apartment up with strange euro food, went to the theatre, got

    drunk and acted ridiculous... lived, man, lived.

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default yeah, no, I didn't pay for sex after that

    it was no longer a money thing, or an ego thing, or even a sex thing.. it was a soul thing.

  14. #14
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Whatever make u happy man, your not

    hurting anyone.

    Some hookers will tell you that they have regulars that just want to talk and nothing more. I

    kinda feel sorry for a guy who would pay someone just to talk to or for simple companionship.

    I got news for

    you some of today's big money actresses and a few singers were once "kept women" and willing casting couch


    But what the heck.


  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    ^any names?

  16. #16
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up was the

    most powerful vibe, people around us would feel it....
    Sounds like what I would consider my heaven....

    Got any pics of you two together you can post?

  17. #17
    Journeyman pheromack's Avatar
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    I just hope your careful out

    there because there are many sicknesses out there

  18. #18
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    Wow you're escort sounds like

    quite a catch.

  19. #19
    Phero Dude
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    As far as visiting an escort

    goes,it realy is alot easier and frankly...more honest that what we as men and women usualy end up doing.What does a

    man end up doing if he meets a woman he realy likes and wants to get with?He takes her to dinner,a movie,maybe

    dancing,pays for drinks and all of the other nifty stuff that women expect a man to pay for on a first date.The

    second date she is usualy treated to simmilar entertainment.And if your in the tax bracket I wish I was in,it might

    involves a round trip on the Concord.We as men tend to be the ones paying for all these goodies.And I have had a few

    first dates that cost quite a bit for thigs like concert tickets and dinner at a nice resturant plus cab fair.And we

    spend all this money for...what was it again exactly? SEX! We are simply putting on the moves to get

    laid.Sure,relationships are nice and all that.But what we realy want rests comfortably between a womans legs.So why

    not just cut to the chase and pay her for sex?What is dating realy but leagalized prostitution?And if you simply pay

    her for it,you get the pleasure of skipping the moutain of B.S. that goes along with trying to impress a woman

    enough to get her back to your place(or her's)You dont need to be anybody but you.She is getting paid so she realy

    couldnt care less about how impressive you seem.And nobody needs to lie about anything or play any of the mind

    boggling number of head games that are usualy included in the whole dating scene.
    Thats my two cents worth.

  20. #20
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    I think that's an odd way to look

    at things. I usually go for sex first, and if things hit off I'll go out on a date. Saves money and time. And

    feels less sleazy, for me anyways.

  21. #21
    Full Member lordcrazyd's Avatar
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    Since we're on the topic

    anyone know any spots in New York City =)

  22. #22
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Tim, you're hangin' with the

    wrong women. Sure I take women out on dates and pay. However, just as often women take me out and pay. In fact,

    often they ask me out first and treat me. Not too long ago a new lady friend surprised me with a reserved hotel room

    for an after dinner romp. Moreover there's a lot more to life than a roll in the hay. If that's all you want, whip

    your noodle in private. It's cheap and you'll pleasure yourself better than any hired hand. But if you want to

    experience good company and conversation, the joy of getting to know a new friend or the excitment of falling in

    love forget about bangin' a hoe.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  23. #23
    Enlightened One
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    Paying for sex is fine


    personally used it once or twice but after the pheromones havent had the need.

    Gotta use it to keep that

    advantage over other guys and i dont apoligize for using em.

    In terms of preggo games - bring on a male

    contraceptive (heard about a pill that turns the immune system against male sperm - temporary and after about a week

    of not taking this type of drug you become fertile again) but a male pill would be a great idea - the other option

    is of course go to the sperm bank squirt out some stuff keep it in storage and cut the tubes then you can go bonking

    as much as you want.

    Of course condom usage is always a good otpin

  24. #24
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    Yea...Better use condom, it

    protects from STDs too. Just make sure that there is no holes in it(don´t let her use her fingernails to make those


  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knuuttipukki

    use condom, it protects from STDs too. Just make sure that there is no holes in it(don´t let her use her fingernails

    to make those holes)
    Do you have some sort of past experience with sabotaged condoms?

  26. #26
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    Ok I feel really intruding upon this "sex is all I want from women" conversation but here I go, fools rush


    To be honest, I have nothing against prostitution as a concept. Some of the most intelligent and respectable

    women are prostitutes. Some of the most influential women in the course of history have been courtesans. The famed

    Qing dynasty Empress CiXi, for example.

    That having been said, there are serious problems with prostitution in

    practice. Prostitution supports and funds crime on all fronts. Granted, this is not so for the highest end escort

    services, but the practice of prostitution as a whole does very much. Prostitution promotes a ridiculous amount of

    objectification of women. For some of you, this might not be true right now, but for many of you it will. And for

    some of you, it clearly already has. "But what we realy want rests comfortably between a womans legs," Tim? No

    offense, but this is the kind of guy I would gladly drop kick. This is the kind of thinking that makes it ok for

    men to hit their wives. And i'm not saying that you would ever think that, but the objectification of women in

    this way is the kind of thing that promotes it.

    Everyone has different values. If you turn to prostitution

    because occasionally you would like to have sex without strings attached, that's totally fine. Whatever floats

    your boat. But if this is the way you view sex, relationships, dating, love, and women? Then I feel really sorry

    for you. Because love is a wonderful wonderful thing.

    My personal values dictate that I would never have sex

    unless I loved him, he loved me, and there was a lot of mutual trust. To me, sex is an expression of love, beauty,

    and all that is right with the world. But I can totally see and understand people who feel that sex is an

    expression of the beauty and harmony of two people coming together for pleasure, or just pleasure. That's

    awesome. Sometimes, some people just want sex for sex. But if you only want women for sex, only date for sex,

    and do not value or seek love, companionship, and beauty...then I am deeply sorry.

    Best wishes to


  27. #27
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    Although your point is very valid,

    I would have to say I feel sorry for people who cannot have sex just for sex, no strings attached. Sex has many

    health benefits. Although I would like something "more" in the long run, good sex is not something that I can do

    without. Sure I'd like to meet a great girl that is number one and I'd like to settle, but I have neither the

    time nor energy to get emotionally involved with every girl that I meet. And prostitutes don't work as I see women

    who've slept around less as of "higher value" (hey I grew up with this, so it can't be argued out of me). Why pay

    for something of considerably lower value. Not to say a whore can't be a well rounded person, but not a very

    valuable one in my eyes. Although this multilingual super cultural guru whore seems to be pretty cool that was

    talked about in this thread.

  28. #28
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Arrow there are benefits of great value

    like, my blood pressure hovers around 115/75 that is excellent for a fifty year old guy without resorting to b.p.

    meds that make you semi impotent. There are types who are incapable of emotional growth that find themselves stuck

    in a money-sex rut, these guys are stuck in other forms of life quicksand too, with other people the experience can

    be a potent emotional growth accelerator as you meet people with life stories that are wildly different, some good,

    some bad, some incredibly interesting. Knowing the ropes is a must. It's possible to have awful encounters with

    freakish, disturbed types too, this has soured many men who never knew about the quality side of it. I've been

    mentally and emotionally places I never would have, nor could have, gone in my legitimate day to day socially

    approved life. With the right use of -mones it's putting a growth accelerator on an experience that is already a

    growth accelerator. Your perception of yourself, women, life, what it's all about can be shot into orbit. If you

    have a strong prejudgment, say, a fixed idea of "whore" you may be limiting greatly the amount of understanding you

    can gain.

  29. #29
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    I've been around the block and met

    the wildest to the wierdest girls. From the emotionally repressed and just plain emotional. From outright crazy,

    to just plain crazy. Yeah you're right putting yourself in socially unacceptable environments do speed up growth,

    and I've learned a lot from them, but I've been in and around this stuff way too long, well I'm only 21 but

    still. Once you get so deep into the "darkside" you long for the "pure".

  30. #30
    Enlightened One
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    Here is the thing if a fool proof

    contraception method could be found + all STDs could be eradicated then prostituion would be fine.


    single guys yes it is a valid way to keep them going esp if they have been single for a quite a while.


    are women out there just as spot on in selling themselves - they enjoy having no strings attached and provided

    certain precautions are taken its reasonably in western countries anyway safe.

    In places like australia it is

    legal in most states - there are tough guidelnines to operate a bordello though
    a) strict criminal checks done

    through the prostition control board (government oversight department)
    b) no more than 5-10 workers (who also

    have criminal and montly STD checks) if they get a STD thats it they are out.
    c) strict workplace health and

    saftey guidelines
    d) random regular police checks
    e) they pay tax and must keep strict agreements, contracts

    and accounts

    Its all tightly controlled keeps the criminal element out - there are regular court cases on

    illegal prostition.
    Thats the way it needs to be.

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