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  1. #1

    Default Phermol Factor users enlighten The Bat

    Yes, I\'m one of those low lives trying to aquire a quick bottle of PF from Bruce\'s already dwindling stock before time runs out. I know I know, you\'re all saying \"Damn, brother ain\'t got no shame.\" Now I need to know what\'s up with PF. What have your experiences been ect. Don\'t do me like you did me with the work phero use and the Edge/NPA post. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I haven\'t heard a lot about it so I\'ll assume it\'s not the greatest stuff in the world but then again I don\'t here much about PI either and when I do it\'s mostly all positive. Maybe it needs some NPA added, maybe not. Someone talk dirty to me about PF. I\'ve spoken with big Bruce and locked it in so someone please tell me how to use this.

    So I\'ll have NPA and APC (which translates to you know what), then PF, TE and SPMO. So I\'ll be able to run some test once I know PFs make up and how ladies respond.

    [ September 26, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  2. #2

    Default Re: Phermol Factor users enlighten The Bat

    Hey jambat, Oscar and I had a brief exchange on PF, so check out the NPA without APC thread. I can\'t say I\'m impressed with PF so far. But then again, that\'s just my opinion, I could be wrong.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Phermol Factor users enlighten The Bat

    I shall do this. Thanks. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Phermol Factor users enlighten The Bat

    Okay so we\'ve got some difference of opinion. What\'s the majority say? Anyone else use PF? Any sugguestions? Does it work is what I\'m trying to figure out and should I waste NPA trying to punch it up. I hear it\'s heavy in \"nol\" so a good hit of NPA could be the answer, but I don\'t know.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Phermol Factor users enlighten The Bat

    hey I already replied to this one but something went wrong with the board again, so here we go again.


    PF has always been a popular product, not just bacause it doesn´t stink but because it is also effective.

    It hasn´t been mentioned a lot lately, there are trends on this forum, one week it´s AFA then TE, then Andro etc.

    The only results I have had so far was using PF, there is a long thread with the results, ( DEER looks or something like that and as a matter of fact I have a follow up story on that one, I´ll post that too).

    The writer guy had success with it as did a gay female user, the posts are a several pages back.

    I asked about mixing NPA with PF too but people reckoned it was not a good idea coz the PF scent is probably too subtle to mask the NPA.

    PF is so subtle that it´s almost scentless, I am totally addicted to the scent though.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Phermol Factor users enlighten The Bat

    Wow CJ. A couple of questions.

    1. How much did you use for those kind of effects?

    2. What would you think about mixing up a small batch of PF, APC and NPA?

    I think it could be the next big thing. Or maybe just spraying some on along with the APC/NPA mix. This is something I surelly want to try. I\'ll try PF by itself, then PF with the mix. I\'m also thinking about trying AFa but if this stuff is good I\'ll stick with it. I\'m looking for something I know will work and I won\'t have to spend too much cash for, and while Edge has gotten me some small hits I\'m anxious to go back to the hits of old when women became chatty and couldn\'t take their eyes off me.

    [ September 27, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Phermol Factor users enlighten The Bat

    I really like the results I\'ve had with both PF and the Xcite wipes. They seem to contain more of a \"friendly\" pheromone, where both women and men treat you better. For example, I\'ve had store clerks treat me almost like royalty (which is especially nice in of really poor service!) Wearing Xcite or PF, I\'ve had girls at fast food joints like Subway be really friendly and then refuse to charge me for my order. No real DIHL looks, but I\'d still call these hits. I\'ll usually wear some PF or Xcite for something like business meetings - a word of caution, the Xcite wipes have a noticable scent, so apply an hour before a meeting if you don\'t feel comfortable about wearing a noticable scent for business. One nice thing I\'ve also noticed about either product is that if you\'re in a \"down\" mood or even somewhat cranky, you won\'t have people avoid you as when you\'re wearing an androstenone-only product. I\'ve found that products like PI can be great stuff if I\'m in either a neutral or up mood...but if my mood is negative (even a little bit) then PI seems to almost amplify that to people. Anyway, to answer your question, I think PF and Xcite wipes are great stuff...

    Your mileage may vary...


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