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  1. #1
    Newbie mywetnightmares's Avatar
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    Default Humorous situation or tough quandry?

    Well aren't I in a quandry. My friends have talked my into asking the most attractive starting

    varsity player on my university's volleyball team to a formal event coming up in the near future. It's the

    Navy/Marine Corps Birthday Ball. There are two caveats however, one moderate, one very large. Number one is an age

    difference, I'm a freshman and she's a junior. Number big(ok so big isn't a deffinite number, I know) is the

    fact that I've never talked to her, and she's only seen me twice, once when she signed my headright after I shaved

    it after a game. I don't expect her to say yes, so I'm going into it like I have nothing to lose, cuz well, I

    don't. That doesn't mean that I don't want her to say yes, cuz I VERY much would like that. I'm wondering if

    anyone has any suggestions as to what mones I should wear, and what cologne over them when I talk to her. Mone

    selection includes NPA, SOE, and Chikara. Cologne selection includes GIT, Himalaya, original vetiver, imperial

    millesime, Havana by Aramis, John Varvatos, Casran, and Pheros. Also I'd be talking to her after the game, when

    the team is signing autographs. Should I try to talk to her in the autograph line, or try to snag her before/after

    she signs autographs? Does anyone have any suggestions as to anything else specific or non-specific I should do

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    be confident. the fact

    you two have never really seen each other means nothing at all. the age difference is no big deal either. ask her

    when you would feel most comfortable. don't pick a time when she may be overtired and not want to be bothered. also

    it would be best if you picked a time where the two of you would have a few minutes to be in very close proximity to

    each other as this will give her extra time to absorb the mones.asking her in a more private setting will probably

    be better as you don't run the risk of putting her on the spot in front of her friends. i know when i was in

    college if you weren't an athlete and you wanted a chance with say a cheerleader it was better to ask them away

    from their circle as they were less likely to be influenced by their friends. not all women are superficial like

    that but you never know.

    with those mones i would recommend npa/soe combo. cologne choice is

    completely up to you. some testing might help you before you make your move. apply a dosage of the npa/soe combo

    with one cologne and take a poll from other random girls of their opinion of the scent. next day keep the mones the

    same but maybe switch the scent. this way you can find an effective dose of the mones and see which cologne might be

    bet. cover scents are a matter of personal taste.

    other than that be confident. if she

    doesn't want to go then it's her loss. best of luck le us know how it goes.

  3. #3
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    Default hot chick?

    Is this chick a 8-10

    You have to meet her and talk to her at any level (do youhave a pencil?) before you ask her out. ( make

    sure that she has a good wiff of your SOE/PI Te what ever, yo have a chance to imprint on her as being someone she

    may waht to know.

    The second meeting is when you ask here, you have to ask her like it is no big deal andyou

    can get another date as good as her no problem.

    NEVER NEVER tell her how great looking she is, she gets that

    all of the time. no not eyes ears ass of tits. As her opinoin on something like the book she is holding, ( is that

    a good text? I was think of taking that class... that was very insightful, thank you.

    hot babes are always

    told they are hot. tell her you like what she thinks and look her in the eye while you do it; she will go out with

    you. This is more true with hot babes than normal 6-8 girls.

    pheromones will open the door but they don't

    get you through it. Treat her like she is a good friend with a sexual edge on a low tone.

    good luck dude!

  4. #4
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    sloppy writing. Sorry

  5. #5
    Newbie mywetnightmares's Avatar
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    In response to the

    question about the number range, I'd give her a 9.5. She has the nicest volleyball player ass, absolutely


  6. #6
    Newbie mywetnightmares's Avatar
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    Oh, I forgot to mention,

    the building that her classes are in and the buildings that mine are in are on opposite sides of campus. I don't

    think she lives on campus so my chances of randomly running into her are pretty slim. I could look up her e-mail in

    the directory but i don't really want to, and I doubt that'd be recommended. If I'm pretty much only gonna see

    her after the game how would y'all recommend I go about this?

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    one way... tell her

    you've seen her around a few times in passing. you wanted to say hello before but never really had the time to stop

    when you saw her. ask her if she'd like to grab lunch. (doesn't have to be lunch)

    i agree she probably gets

    compliments on her looks all the time. she may very well have heard all the lines in the books so would probably be

    best to avoid the pickup lines in the beginning.

    have to love the athletic women bodies. she probably could

    ride all night long. dancers are even better in my book as they tend to be super flexible.

    i've gone out with

    several models just because i had the nerve to go talk to them. i never thought they'd be single and i would

    actually have a chance. later i learned this was because so many men were so intimadated and counted themselves out

    of the equation without even trying. as beautiful and perfect as they were it was shocking to learn they really

    didn't get hit on as much as one would think. this is of course different then your situation as they were older

    and weren't surrounded by hundreds of horny college guys trying to hump their legs everyday. but it does go to show

    you anything is possible.

  8. #8
    Newbie mywetnightmares's Avatar
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    So I should ask her to

    get lunch or chill after the next game?

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    that's up to you really.

    me personally i like lunch or dinner dates before simply the hang out thing for first dates. at least with lunch or

    dinner you can focus on getting to know each other's likes and dislikes. you are there to eat and chat vs having no

    real agenda trying to keep her interests going.

    besides you never know after a strenuous game she could be

    really hungry and may decide to take you up on your offer that same day. understand she may be a little worn out

    from her day but most athletes need to intake some fuel to recharge their batteries

  10. #10
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    Teams hang out together after

    games, and she will not be at her best. look for between game times. do your research here so you have less of a

    chance of gettingshot down. She is not going to skip a game for you. Wear NPA and SOE.

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by mptty
    Teams hang

    out together after games, and she will not be at her best. look for between game times. do your research here so you

    have less of a chance of gettingshot down. She is not going to skip a game for you. Wear NPA and SOE.

    i agree teams usually hang out together after games and she won't be her best. i said there might be a chance she

    would take him up on a food offer that day.

  12. #12
    Newbie mywetnightmares's Avatar
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    I decided I'm gonna try

    to talk to her after the game on wednesday. If it sounds like she wants to keep talking I'll ask her if she wants

    to get something to eat sometime or get together this weekend. If it sounds like she really ain't feelin' me then

    I'll just ask her right then if she'll go to the ball with me, since I have to ask her sometime.

  13. #13
    Enlightened One
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    chances are it will end in failure

    but dont let that stop u = keep us informed.

  14. #14
    Newbie mywetnightmares's Avatar
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    I know, I'm not going

    in expecting success. I'm gonna present myself like I expect it, but I don't.

  15. #15
    King of the coupons!
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    Talking Scared? Get a do!

    Men make

    dealing with women harder than it has to be.

    Here's what'cha do ... the next time you see her

    dance up to her, and just ask! Say, "hey, you available to escort me to the Marine's Ball next

    " with a smile on your face and still dancing. If she say's no, keep dancing and say, "what,

    you can't dance?"
    Let her answer ... if she says she has a boyfriend, say "I understand, or cool," if

    she says she's busy, spin around and say, "you're gonna miss out on my best moves!" Tis all a game, so have

    fun, and play.

    The answer will probably be no, if she has a man. Still, DO NOT WORRY about the end

    results 'cause it makes man chiken once the negatives enters into the sitchation, and that's pretty much

    what stops most CHIcKEN'S from making the attempt.

    And remember, SCARED MEN shouldn't gamble, and

    will never get the girl!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  16. #16
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    That dancing pickup could be a

    little extreme at first. And sometimes it just make you look like a wierd person.
    Since you are older than her I

    suggest I more subtle approach.
    If she is indeed hot as you say. NEVER NEVER comment on her looks or what she

    wears etc. You would be seen as a wuss.
    The KEY is be a MAN and don't care what she thinks.

    And yes, based on

    my experience with hot girls. I advice just saying hi and as her to coffee or lunch. Than just joke around and

    like "critisize" her faults. Hot girls think they are perfect and so does typical guys.

    Have fun with it and be

    very observative.

    at this lunch just have fun, dont' think "oh oh oh, she so hot, me want to take her out".

    Think her more as a "old friend".

    IMPORTANT: at the lunch, END the meeting just as you are "having fun". Leave

    it hanging at a cliffhanger. NEVER let the girl end it or drag the lunch too long. I say maximum 30 minutes.

    Around this time, look at your watch and say "oh look at the time, I have a [appointment or whatever] I have get

    going now."

    Look at her exponse, if she is like "awed" or open eyes etc. or if she responds with something like

    "oh so soon,we were just getting started"


    Tell you what, give me your phone number so we can keep in


    when she give it to you, look at it and say "You I be able to reach you in this number" to confirm you

    know the 'game" some girl tests

    Than after confirmation of the number say "Well, I ,might call you sometime by

    the end of the week so we get meet up again and continue to develop our friendship"

    NOTE the key work is

    "FRIENDSHIP" why, cause think about it, man approach hot girls to do what, get into their pants. And i bet you NO

    man ever said this friendship word to her. Just watch as her eyes lid up.

    than give her a smile and walk away.

    Do not look back, just walk away.

    than during the weekend say friday call her and say hi and she will say "whos

    this" and say you really dont' remember me, this is really dissappointing. (tease her in a funny way), I'll give

    you 3 guesses. Than give her clues to see if she knows your name. I don't this all the time, it works like a


    Than after her guests your name or she does not. Just go now that you know me, let go grab some lunch

    etc etc. BAM you all good.

    Of course the mones during the first meeting is good.

    BTW, all what I have

    wrote, is tested and true up to 95% of the time with girls areound 9 to 10.

  17. #17
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "I advice just saying hi

    and as her to coffee or lunch. Than just joke around and like "critisize" her faults. Hot girls think they are

    perfect and so does typical guys."
    Back in the day, I used to do that and really upset my dates. They

    thought I was an insensitive ass forever and wouldn't go out with me anymore. Many women--no matter how hot others

    may think she is--are extremely sensitive and insecure about their bodies, intelligence and clothing. A lot of hot

    women look in the mirror and see a dog. Yeah, bow-wow bro. So a nice comment can be very welcome. In fact, they're

    often aching to hear one. I had a GF blow up once because I didn't say anything about her new doo and outfit. Be

    sincere, don't over do it and don't be patronizing.

    It's better to play it safe until you know them well

    enough you don't stick your foot in your mouth with a bad joke, critical comment or fake cocky behavior. Once you

    know their limits, you can do any thing you want up to that point. Women are individuals so one size does not fit

    all. What works for one will not work for another. You gotta go with the flow.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  18. #18
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    "Many women--no matter how hot

    others may think she is--are extremely sensitive and insecure about their bodies, intelligence and clothing. A lot

    of hot women look in the mirror and see a dog."

    LOL!!! You have to be kidding me. Look I dont know much about

    Hawaii....but where i am from the girls know they are hot....I just respectfully and totally disagree with you here

    man. where I am from guys are constantly drooling over these 9's and 10's and complimenting them and all over them

    with their pathetic worshipping and pedastool placements. Woman are much more intelligent then a lot of guys give

    them credit for....thats for sure. Yea woman like to be noticed and to feel good and be worshipped...but the

    confident and good looking ones ones dont have sex with those guys....because those guys are the sheep. Save the ass

    kissing for after your'll need it then!Heres what you do....

    Dont buy her flowers or kiss her

    butt.....Set the tone early with some sort of a compliment NOT ON HER LOOKS but on something she does or on a detail

    in her attire ....or as an "evaluation" of her....make sure to build a little bit of rapport...ask her an

    interesting question about something that has to do with getting her opinion...then once there is some rapport and

    she see's you are not some jerk and before she has a chance to decide you are "just another boring guy"

    would be best if you start being playful with her and bust on her a few times if she is really a 9....are you with

    me? Make sure its natural and funny...dont do it just to do it. Dont just try to randomly cram it in there. If there

    is a good chance for a funny bust on her that shows your not intimidated by her like a canine....than take the


    woman will actually sometimes purposely leave themselves open and purposely set themselves up to be busted on.... to

    see if you are playful and fun and not just another sick porno watchin worshipper of women trying to show her she

    should "let" you have sex with her.

  19. #19
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Maybe it's just me, but most

    hotties I've known are insecure as hell and thus easy to wound. However, I'm good at seeing through the glam and

    glimpsing their essence (usually a scared little girl). Once you know their strengths and weaknesses, it's easy to

    steer the relationship the way you desire. You don't have to resort to formulas and silly games. Of course you must

    enjoy and entertain these insights from a position of power, confidence and utter relaxation. Most younger guys take

    themselves and their desires too seriously and therein lies the problem. They're too needy and acting like you

    aren't hungry is a tall order when you're pitching a tent with your Levis.
    Dont buy her flowers or kiss

    her butt
    Actually the forbitten kiss of the blind eye is one of my favs. The flowers come later (but not

    too often so they remain special).
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Maybe it's just

    me, but most hotties I've known are insecure as hell and thus easy to wound. However, I'm good at seeing through

    the glam and glimpsing their essence (usually a scared little girl). Once you know their strengths and weaknesses,

    it's easy to steer the relationship the way you desire. You don't have to resort to formulas and silly games. Of

    course you must enjoy and entertain these insights from a position of power, confidence and utter relaxation. Most

    younger guys take themselves and their desires too seriously and therein lies the problem. They're too needy and

    acting like you aren't hungry is a tall order when you're pitching a tent with your Levis.

    Actually the

    forbitten kiss of the blind eye is one of my favs. The flowers come later (but not too often so they remain

    I used to feel the same way you do....perhaps the culture in Hawaii is different then the

    mainland....I dont play games with women....but I dont fall for their games either....and I certainly dont think

    they are just innocent and delicate creatures.... Course I cant figure out all of a womans strengths and weaknesses

    on the first date like you can either....but that will probably come with experience and age.

    P.S....The way I

    feel is if a real hot woman is acting insecure about her looks its because she is fishing for a compliment from

    you....and if you are not with her may not want to fall into her little "game" cause thats what it is.

    Hot women are used to being worshipped and if you dont worship them they try to create drama and attention. If you

    havent landed her yet ....and you give into that game with become another average guy....and could become

    yesterdays news.

  21. #21
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Like most things in life, it

    depends. Some are delicate, innocent and inexperienced, some are a lioness ready to eat you alive while others are

    hoes in angel threads. Nevertheless I rarely take my pursuits of women very seriously nor am I goal oriented or

    competitive in those pursuits. However it's not a game. I actually don't care if she ends up as friend, friend

    with benefits, lover, GF, etc. Actually the "friend with benefits" is my fav if I had a choice. However, it's all

    good and there's plenty more where she came from.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Nevertheless I

    rarely take my pursuits of women very seriously nor am I goal oriented or competitive in those pursuits. However

    it's not a game. I actually don't care if she ends up as friend, friend with benefits, lover, GF, etc. Actually

    the "friend with benefits" is my fav if I had a choice. However, it's all good and there's plenty more where she

    came from.
    Yup....I agree with this wholeheartedly....any other attitude is a flawed one....some guys

    get "fixated" on one girl. I used to do the same thing. Learned my lesson on that one. The only time I will ever get

    fixated on one girl as the only girl for me will be if I get married. If I agree not to see "other" girls

    though....of course I would hold true to my promise.

  23. #23
    Newbie mywetnightmares's Avatar
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    One more quick question,

    when I talk to her should I act like I have a sort of indifferent attitude? Like I'm interested but at I don't

    really care at the same time?

  24. #24
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    My bad on my advice. I

    misunderstood. Thought you two knew each other visually, and had a few words already, in which the dancing bit was

    to be different and humorous. If she found that weird, she doesn't have a sense of humor, and is definitely not

    worthy. I wouldn't go out with a total stranger, unless, in my eyes, she was totally HOOOOOOOOOOT! I'm sure the

    same applies to her.

    Be yourself ... humor and kindness is good seasoning for one's

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  25. #25
    Enlightened One
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    My input here is if u dont succeed

    with this one just wear the pheromones every single day and u will get plenty of other hot girls on u its up to u

    what u do with their appraochs etc after that. For he who focuses on one girl stands a 1 in 20 chance of being

    successful. Hence lies the 95% failure rate for the one girl focused guy.

  26. #26
    Newbie mywetnightmares's Avatar
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    I forgot to check the

    volleyball schedule before I asked her, they have a game the day after and they have to travel the day before to get

    there. She never gave me a definitive yes or no however so I'm going to ask her what her answer would have been,

    were there no schedule conflict. If she says she would have said yes, then I'm gonna ask her to get lunch with me

    sometime, if she says no, then it's done.

  27. #27
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    HAVE SAID!!! That is putting pressure on her....and she may say no because your making her take initiative and girls

    dont like that...they like you to make them feel that they have no choice but to say yes so they dont look needy or

    desperate or too easy. You may have already blown it by not asking for another date right then and there and she is

    probably wondering what your gig is. If she did not answer either way with the schedule thing in the way that means

    she wanted to do something with you. Instead of asking her what she WOULD have said...ask her out to dinner on such

    and such day. If she is busy tell her that you are real busy but would be interested in finding a time to do it with

    her and give her a couple choices. Do it.

  28. #28
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by DUKE3100

    HER WHAT SHE WOULD HAVE SAID!!! That is putting pressure on her....and she may say no because your making her take

    initiative and girls dont like that...they like you to make them feel that they have no choice but to say yes so

    they dont look needy or desperate or too easy. You may have already blown it by not asking for another date right

    then and there and she is probably wondering what your gig is. If she did not answer either way with the schedule

    thing in the way that means she wanted to do something with you. Instead of asking her what she WOULD have

    said...ask her out to dinner on such and such day. If she is busy tell her that you are real busy but would be

    interested in finding a time to do it with her and give her a couple choices. Do it.

    agree dont ask what she would have said. she didnt say no she said she couldnt becuz of travelling for the game.

    seems you have a chance at another time.

  29. #29
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jollysnowdevil
    i agree dont

    ask what she would have said. she didnt say no she said she couldnt becuz of travelling for the game. seems you have

    a chance at another time.
    Besides if you ask, you seem needy!

    Just let it go like it was of no

    importance in the grand scheme of your life and ask her out later.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  30. #30
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
    Besides if

    you ask, you seem needy!

    Just let it go like it was of no importance in the grand scheme of your life and ask

    her out later.
    Yes, whatever you do, do NOT ask what she would have said.
    Treasure Every Moment that you have
    Yesterday is History - Tomorrow is a Mystery
    Today is a Gift - That's why It's called the Present!
    (Unknown source)

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