Basically the same report

today. Not much to do so I went back to the lake for some sun and exercise. Went earlier so there were more people.

The smell really seems to increase in the H2O. The first time I didn't totally submerge but my neck did get wet. I

was imagining a "sex" oil slick across the beach, attracting all girls to my trail. There were 4 latino's, 3

male, 1 female (hot), late teen's, in close proximity. On dry land it would have been too far to pick up the scent

but I believe getting wet may have carried it to them. I swam out a bit, tread water for about 10 minutes, and swam

underwater to get back to the shallows. Due to years of heavy smoking it wasn't an impressive distance to some but

was to them. 2 of the boys swam out to see how far they could go. My spanish is horrible but the girl was laughing

saying it wasn't as far "him". Coulda been a hit. I'll leave it for the jury. This is not a very "cultured" place

so some races don't mix too well. Ignorance is no excuse and is another reason I hate this area so bad. I'm

trying to be good to be "vibrant" for the weekend. I'm dedicating 3 days to pure phero testing. 2 test mixes per
