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  1. #1
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    Default Asking a girl to prom but dont know her...

    ok heres my situation,
    for some reason i dont have the balls to ask this cute girl out to prom.

    sometimes i want to ask her and sometimes i dont.

    Shes half korean/german. I saw her many times

    in class and smiled at me at times but never talk to her. Ya, me=loser lol

    What do you guys recommend to wear

    when I pass by her and say good things about her like hi and stuff? I want her to listen to me and I take charge

    that she'll say yes. HELP!!!
    "Good looks get you to the door, but it doesn't keep you in!"

  2. #2
    Banned User
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    I doubt pheromones would help

    you. However, I suggest gettin SOE for yourself It'll build up the confidence that you need, and will help you

    break the ice. Good Luck.

  3. #3
    Full Member Cullmanz Own's Avatar
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    Not to sound mean but

    growing some balls might help. I was like that for a long time but then I read Double Your Dating and it helped me

    understand women a whole lot better. Now, I talk to girls whereever I go. Women are humans too. The morals that we

    have been taught here suggests that pretty women are always turning down average guys. But if you have the

    technique, charm, style, and right balence of pheromones *wink* you'll be gettin laid prom night no doubt. Just go

    and talk to her. You'd be surprised what her reaction will be to you.
    "Freedom to change seems to come after acceptance of ourselves." -BT pg. 56

  4. #4
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    i don't think telling him to

    grow some balls ain't going to work, plus, he already know that.

    when you walk up to her, make sure you have a

    pretty confadant walk. (imagin you are doing a slow motion entrance scean in a movie, so slow your walk down, just

    alittle bit more then your confort zone.) once you talk to her make sure you keep your eyes focused on her (if you

    like while you are looking and she is looking at you scan her from head to toe, and make sure she sees you doing

    that. don't stop on her you know whats, and when you go back up to her head (which you shold be doing the scan

    slowly too, land back on her eyes.

    you have to show her that you are not afrid of her, (cuase think about it,

    why would a girl want a guy thats scared of her, come on you are a guy!)

    and when you go up to her to ask her to

    the prom make sure you keep it short, and after you get the answer get out of there as soon as you can so you don't

    say anything dumb and ruin the chance.

    if all else fails, im pretty sure there are other girls at your school,

    and don't forget about the underclassmen.

  5. #5
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    THANKS! your right, theres

    nothing to lose to ask. if fail, find another.
    "Good looks get you to the door, but it doesn't keep you in!"

  6. #6
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by b737pilot88
    THANKS! your

    right, theres nothing to lose to ask. if fail, find another.
    There's the spirit that beat the


    Just fuckin' ask her. If not for yourself, then for me.

    And wear some SOE.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  7. #7
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    I did this back in highschool with

    a girl I never talked to. When I asked her I was determined to do it. She was walking with two of her friends and I

    stopped her out of the blue. We actually went to the prom together, I didn't really have a game plan and the nite

    ended pretty badly (way too much awkward silence between us). But it was cool because my friends thought I had some

    balls to do this, and still remember it even though it was almost 10 years ago.

    Asking her out is easy, and if

    she says 'yes' it'll show that she actually has interest in you. The hard part is making sure she has a good time

    and wants to come back for more.

    Hope you have better luck!

  8. #8
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    You could build up your

    confidence and game by asking out women you don't like that much. If you like her too much it's easy to choke

    and/or get all squirrelly. It sounds weird but it helped me in HS and college. Plus I got more honey on my stinger

    than I needed, had fun, made new friends and developed my game. After all, you don't want to be too serious at this

    point in your life. Sow dem dar oats!
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  9. #9
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    Thats how i got my girl first

    time ever i stood up and had the balls to say hey and i'm still with her trust me treat women as FRIENDS pals ..

    u don't suck up to ur friends do you? just like that.


  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Honestly, if I had HS to do all over

    again I would just skip the proms. I certainly wouldn’t ask anybody I really liked to go with me.

    maybe things have changed. In my day they were just huge popularity contests where everybody postured and nobody had

    If that’s still the case get some SOE and take that cute girl somewhere fun (somewhere without

    chaperones or the usual mix of HS jerks, thugs and pranksters.)
    Give truth a chance.

  11. #11
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    Junior year of highschool

    there was a really cute girl I was going to ask to the prom. I thought she liked me but I wasn't sure. When I

    walked up to her to ask her out for coffee she started complaining about how busy she was so I aborted the mission.

    The day I graduated highschool I went to the coffee house and saw her again a year later. She was angry that I

    didnt ask her. We dated for a while after that.

    If she is shy or giggly around you ask her out for coffee. Even

    if she gives you mild negative signals. Girls can be clueless too.
    24 year old, good looking, white guy SOE+NPA works like a charm
    Chikara no results nice scent
    Pherlure cant wear it; strong scent headache
    AA314 good stuff
    NPA girls get frisky, stinks
    A7 almost as good as NPA
    SOE legit

  12. #12
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I think that happens to every guy

    a few times. I hotly pursued a woman in college, she brushed me off repeatedly so I gave up and moved on. Trouble is

    she liked me, was playing hard to get--really hard to get--and went ballistic when she saw me hooking up with

    another woman in class. She got so angry she screammed at me in front of God, the professor and my classmates. Well,

    it was an acting workshop so it wasn't as shocking as if it happened in English lit, but still everyone thought I

    was a dickhead and she a psycho.

    The lesson I learned is to stay away from really young women.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  13. #13
    Stranger Caitsidhe's Avatar
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    Default advice from a woman



    I have a couple of tips for you.

    Tip #1
    Before you ask her to the prom, invite her to do

    something casual with a couple of friends-- but not a herd of friends! That's too intimidating and not personal

    enough. Tell her she should bring a couple of friends along so she feels more comfortable. Coffee, movies, sports

    events are good ideas. Why? If you just pop the prom invite on her out of nowhere, she's less likely to say yes

    because it puts a lot of pressure on her before she is comfortable with you. Remember to smile and make eye contact

    when you talk to her. Be friendly, yet confident. Follow it up with a phone call the next day asking her to the


    If there's not much time left, then ask her out to do something casual alone and bring up the topic while

    you're out.

    Tip #2
    Whatever you do, when you're around girls remember to stand up straight. Even

    more than pheromones (IMO), this psychologically gives them the impression that you are confident and self-secure.

    Confident & self-secure = manly/attractive.

    Remember that if she says no, that doesn't mean she won't change

    her mind on her own later. There could be influences out of your control causing her to say no, so tumble with it

    and land on your feet.

    Hope this helps! Good luck.

  14. #14
    Banned User
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    ^ Great tips!!

  15. #15
    Phero Pro
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    whats a Prom anyway?


    sorry we humans of the south say things differently. This word does not convey any


    I presume its some kind of end of high school dinner dance? stock up on lots of alcohol, and if you

    vomit it up all over the place and her by the end of the night, you will look back and think you were a legend. and

    I bet your chances with the girl will increase that way anyway!!

    its your high school end of year dance, take

    it easy and chill, wearing pheromones there will just make you feel like an over anylizing nut...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caitsidhe


    Tip #1
    Before you ask her to the prom, invite her to do something casual with a couple of

    friends-- but not a herd of friends! That's too intimidating and not personal enough. Tell her she should bring a

    couple of friends along so she feels more comfortable. Coffee, movies, sports events are good ideas. Why? If you

    just pop the prom invite on her out of nowhere, she's less likely to say yes because it puts a lot of pressure on

    her before she is comfortable with you. Remember to smile and make eye contact when you talk to her. Be friendly,

    yet confident. Follow it up with a phone call the next day asking her to the prom.

    If there's not much time

    left, then ask her out to do something casual alone and bring up the topic while you're out.
    A woman

    giving advice to men about relationships, run for your lives!

    I think going out with a few of her

    friends would be OK. If you them over (especially the female ones), you'll have a better chance with her.

    If you

    go out with her, I wouldn't call her up the next day, it will make you seem desperate and too much of a 'nice

    guy'. At the end of the day if it went well, tell her to call you. If she doesn't, wait a few days (2-4?) then

    call her.

    And if she's in your classes you need to start talking to her or you might come off as a weirdo.

  17. #17
    Newbie lyric820's Avatar
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    Oh man! That brings back


    For my own prom, my date was my best friend's brother.

    This is how he asked me:

    "Hey girl! Go

    get a going with me to the prom...end of story!"

    He was the resident "bad boy", hung out with the

    cool crowd and was the best looking guy in school. So sue me...I went to the prom with him.

    I had a great

    time, but my date got mad cuz I picked up the chauffeur. What? He was cute!


  18. #18
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    In ten or fifteen years, you're

    going to be laughing at yourself for having made such a mountain out of this molehill.

    Don't make it into a

    bigger deal than it is.

    (And do wear SOE)
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  19. #19
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    "Good looks get you to the door, but it doesn't keep you in!"

  20. #20
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Bronzie, a prom is a silly

    American tradition rooted in the remnants of chivalry practiced in military prep schools of the 19th century. It's

    supposed to teach you how to enter "high society" and behave as proper gentlemen and ladies.

    I didn't

    bother with my senior prom. I graduated a year early and enrolled at WWU. I thought I was way cool at the time but

    I'm the only guy I know without prom memories. I feel robbed...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  21. #21
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    I didn't bother

    with my senior prom. I graduated a year early and enrolled at WWU.
    Western Washington? My brother

    went there.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  22. #22
    Stranger Caitsidhe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drid
    A woman giving

    advice to men about relationships, run for your lives!
    Well, I try to look at it with a

    neutral eye. That said, you just can't reason through instincts sometimes.

    Quote Originally Posted by drid
    If you go out with

    her, I wouldn't call her up the next day, it will make you seem desperate and too much of a 'nice guy'. At the

    end of the day if it went well, tell her to call you. If she doesn't, wait a few days (2-4?) then call

    The going trend now is for women to expect men to call the next day after a date, and to view it

    as disrespectful if they don't.

    However, hanging out with friends is not a date so he could wait to

    call-- but I said he should call the next day because it's May and I bet his prom is coming up in a week or two.

    Girls usually make sure they have dates at least 2 weeks in advance. If she commits to going with another guy, he

    gets nothing but a dead end for playing aloof and hard to get.

  23. #23
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    If you go out with her, I

    wouldn't call her up the next day, it will make you seem desperate and too much of a 'nice guy'. At the end of

    the day if it went well, tell her to call you. If she doesn't, wait a few days (2-4?) then call

    Sounds like a silly HS game. Trust your instincts and do what feels right. Calling the next day

    after a date doesn't make you appear weak unless you act like an arse kissing weenie doormat. Calling shows you

    have manners, something too many guys lack today. With that said, I have neglected to call a woman several times

    after an initial date--I wanted to but was really busy--and they weren't too happy with me, they felt I was rude

    and let me know it.

    Incidentally, you can be a nice guy and still be a strong confident man. What you want to

    avoid is being a doormat (ass kissing weenie with no will power) or wantabe (pretending to be a man by being cocky,

    playing HS games but looking like a dumb ass).
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  24. #24
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    Default none

    I didn't go to my HS prom

    and have no regrets. The woman next door was talking with my Mom and trying to get her to get me to take her

    daughter to the prom. We had nothing in common so I begged off. I was screwing (well, with clothes on, not exactly

    real sex) my two best friends younger sisters (one year back in HS), luckily they lived in two different parts of

    town. Funny, I would have been too shy to ask anyone for a date but was having a blast nonetheless.

    I hope

    she goes with you!!!!
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  25. #25
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    ya first of all my prom is

    on june 3.
    First of all, im gona ask one of her friends to tell more info about her like does she date or have a

    boyfriend yet. After i get all the info about it, im gona go ask her out.

    dam, school is over and im

    freakin happy im graduating.
    "Good looks get you to the door, but it doesn't keep you in!"

  26. #26
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by b737pilot88
    ...First of all,

    im gona ask one of her friends to tell more info about her like does she date or have a boyfriend yet. After i get

    all the info about it, im gona go ask her out.
    Lots of time, but you are making it harder

    than it has to be. Just ask her out. You'll get any answers you need then.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

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