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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Default Live Nude Girls!

    Haha, tricked you.

    This is just another earnest request for Forum Members with empty profiles to key in at least their age and gender.

    I wasn\'t going to mention it again, but I\'ve found that the subject irritates some so strongly they feel compelled to post complaints, which of course pleases me no end. I find the posted complaints rather ironic, since it would have taken them less time to update their profiles... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Live Nude Girls!

    I don\'t fall for thing like that. Have experienced this enough on other boards already. I always just check for the reason behind the use of such a title as bait.

    It\'s gotten a lot better, ya know! Most people have their profile updated.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Live Nude Girls!

    Oppositional/defiant disorder runs high in teenaged males...

  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Live Nude Girls!

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Oppositional/defiant disorder runs high in teenaged males...

    <hr></blockquote>Tell ya what, if Gerund is going to use this bio thing to get to Phero Pharoah before anyone else, then I\'m going to reply to every one of his posts and ride in on his coattails...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Live Nude Girls!

    If you care that much about your title, write on. I\'ll help. In response to Watcher\'s old query, Do Clowns Get Laid, the answer is Yes, and I can tell you because I have a cousin who is a professional clown, and she has a daughter, fathered by a clown husband.

    What do you think of that?

  6. #6
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Empty Profiles


    I used to be a rather prolific poster here on the forum.
    One of the factors that has made me post less is the prevalence of \"agendas\".

    Yours has become especially annoying and as a result I\'ve emptied my profile of ALL the information I had entered there.

    If you continue to be an annoyance I shall recommend that all forum members do the same.
    But I\'ll only do it once.

    I\'ve seen the flow of far too many interesting threads interrupted as a result of your crusade.

    I avoid commercial television for the same reason.


  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Live Nude Girls!

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    If you care that much about your title, write on. I\'ll help. In response to Watcher\'s old query, Do Clowns Get Laid, the answer is Yes, and I can tell you because I have a cousin who is a professional clown, and she has a daughter, fathered by a clown husband.

    What do you think of that?

    <hr></blockquote>Back in the day [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] My ex-wife has a (very RCatholic) friend who was a professional clown who bore four kids. She was fathered by a geek husband, a clown in his own right [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] I\'d guess she has to have gone at it at least four times [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    So maybe the REAL question is... Do Clowns -Enjoy- Getting Laid?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Empty Profiles


    Gosh, another critic who hasn\'t thought things through...

    As has been mentioned in previous posts, the interruption of the flow of threads is PRECISELY what occurs countless times when Forum members HAVE TO REQUEST FURTHER PROFILE INFORMATION TO RESPOND TO A POST!

    And what you further fail to realize or refuse to recognize is that my \"agenda\" as you call it HAS A NATURAL TERMINATION POINT -- when most forum members have basic profile info listed. The quest for current profile data pretty much has to end then, doesn\'t it? Whereas the thread interruption resulting from repeated requests for profile data will go on, forever and ever if the status is left quo. Surely you can understand that? I also dislike agendas, but maybe you can agree that this TEMPORARY pursuit is the lesser of two evils?

    Had you asked, I\'d have gladly explained. But you want to pout in public, and take your ball home because we\'re not playing the game your way. So you have to expect the kind of response you\'ve received.

    So you delete your profile data, issue an ultimatum, and threaten consequences if I don\'t comply. Boy, I have to say I don\'t believe I\'ve done anything like that while encouraging everyone to fill in their profiles...

    You also state that you avoid commercial television because you don\'t like anything but pure content. I have to ask, Is commercial television getting along okay without you?

    Sorry, oscar, it\'s a little tough not to get patronizing and sarcastic sometimes. It is not my intent to deter anyone from participating in the forum, but you must realize, I\'m human like anyone else.

    To repeat: You gave me an ultimatum and threatened consequences. Did you think for a moment that I\'d tolerate that? I\'ll put up with a lot, but never, ever, ever ultimatums... Your post approximates throwing a tantrum, and I have responded accordingly.

    ************************************************** **************
    I am cognizant that my occasional posts urging entry of BASIC profile data are not anyone\'s idea of fun. I can only hope that posting members feel the temporary distraction will be of lasting benefit in the long run, eventually resulting in less thread interruption. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    ************************************************** **************

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    I agree with oscar.
    Gerund is starting to get annoying.
    His anwser to everything is just input your info in your bio, bla bla bla.
    Gerund is stopping threads <font color=blue>cold</font color=blue> with <font color=red>his want</font color=red> for newbie to put personal info in their bios. It really isn\'t that important.

  10. #10
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    oh well, it doesn\'t matter, i\'ll just ask someone when i want to see how pheros work for their age/gender/height etc.

    if they don\'t want to answer, fine, if they want to update their post, that\'s fine too

    although i don\'t think gerund should tell everybody to put the info in their profiles every single time, i understand he appreciates it because it helps him learn what works for different ages/genders/hieghts etc. so he\'s doing it for the sake of learning - but gerund, if they aren\'t going to put it, don\'t ask them. if they want to put it, they\'ll put it. or you could just ask them so that you know how pheros affect certain ages/genders etc.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    &lt;double sigh&gt;

    Go ahead, get it out of your system...

    Stopping threads cold? no~
    Only requesting bio info? no
    It\'s only MY want for profile info? no~
    Requests made only of newbies? no-

    Hmm... there\'s nothing left of your post, Walter.

    And it is relevant to many members, Walter, or don\'t you read other posts?

    You can\'t just react, you must also think.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    I also find it annoying that it is being asked over and over. If someone does not have profile information and you find that info is necessary to answer their question, then say \"It would be helpful if you give me more information, so I can answer your question.\" If you do ask for their info, though in that regard please answer the question when it is given and not use it as a sole means to get their info for some sick fetish like reason. A lot of questions can be answered without profile info, the constant requests for it makes it seems like there is a ulterior motive to collect that information, what kind of list are you compiling and what are you using it for.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    How about a compromise?

    Gerund, why don\'t you just PM any newbie that you think needs to put in their info. That way you won\'t be doing it in the middle of all these threads, but you\'ll still be giving newbies some help in this area that they weren\'t aware of.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    Aparantly I read more post than you.
    Do you even read what you write?
    It really isn\'t relevant to anything by for you to get one more post in.
    Maybe you should think before you write.
    Your starting to annoy a lot of people with your little crusade here.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    Walter, I certainly understand how you feel. I just want to say that after awhile on this forum, you see certain subjects and certain questions come up AGAIN AND AGAIN, and they become tedious. Some of that repetition could be alleviated if you could just do a quick check of someone\'s bio before answering a question. Wait till you\'ve seen \"Help me, I\'m a newbie and don\'t know what to do\" sixteen times. Folks here are incredibly patient and they\'ll go through it again and again, and stumble on whether the person\'s male or female, or assume they\'re in one age group when they\'re in another, and have to go back and modify their suggestions accordingly ... it\'s a pain in the butt, when there is a place already provided for that information, if people would just use it. I think Gerund\'s just trying to establish a custom and I see how it could be quite helpful. It *isn\'t* a big deal - so why not attend to this trivial bit of profile maintenance?

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    If Gerund wants the information so much why doesn\'t he do like upsidedown suggested and PM them? He is just getting very annoying. I have never see anyone else going on about it like he is. And I am not the only one he is irritating or others would not have replyed to this thread.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    I\'m sure you\'re not the only one annoyed; I\'m also sure I\'m not the only one sick of hearing the same question asked over and over. He can PM them, but why should he have to? And he\'s not the only person who will answer a newbie who comes on and gives not the first bit of information about him/herself except Help, I\'m confused, tell me what to do.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    Guys, I understand where you\'re coming from, I really do. Unfortunately, I took personally some of the misinformation posted, and fanned the flames with my responses.

    I\'m certainly willing to drop the issue, or compromise in some manner as suggested by upsidedown. I doubt that I\'d ever take to PMing anyone I see without profile info; it isn\'t that important to me. My probable response will be to not try to respond to members who post if they don\'t have any profile info whatsoever. And hell, that\'s fair, and I\'m sure they\'re fine with that, also. Me being the profile Nazi I\'ve been made out to be...

    Holy cow guys. I went back over my previous 35 posts during the past week, and I interrupted ONE thread to ask 1 guy for his age &amp; gender . Any other requests for info were responses to postings by others to me. One guy in a week, over the past 35 posts. And I never \"told\" anyone to fill out their profile, or insisted, or threatened, or made ultimatums and threatened consequences. I kidded, teased, cajoled, and I\'m pretty sure I usually said \"please.\" I just don\'t see myself as the villain a few portray me as.

    To everyone who is thoroughly exasperated with Gerund: When I raised the issue and promoted it, I definitely saw a need. At this time, I\'ve no idea how many were encouraged to key in data, but I\'m going to discontinue the supporting the idea because it isn\'t worth the flak. It isn\'t that important to me. And it\'s too hard for me to leave a post like evil louie\'s unanswered who raises issues of \"sick fetish\" and \"ulterior motives.\" Good heavens, for crying out loud, what goes on in the mind of someone like that? I don\'t even want to think about it. And that\'s why I\'ll stop raising the issue; it just isn\'t worth it having to respond to insinuations and paranoia.

    I think Pantero\'s &amp; upsidedown\'s have reasonable thoughts &amp; observations about the subject. I don\'t mind suggestions and constructive criticism. And I don\'t mind hearing opinions about likes &amp; dislikes: to each his own. What did set me off though was the posts calling into question my motives or attacking my character, and I just couldn\'t let them go unanswered. Maybe I need to develop a thicker skin. I dunno. At any rate, everyone can now proceed to profile-interruption-free posting.

    Yes, that\'s right, we now return you to your regularly scheduled programming! And in the words of the immortal great one, (Spock, not Elvis) Live Long, and Prosper!

  19. #19
    Phero Dude Xehupatl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    I agree with some of the stuff you guys said ... although Gerund doesn\'t really get on my nerves - PMing those people would be better.
    I too am really sick of 20 fresh \'help I\'m a newbie what should I do\'-posts each week. I mean can\'t those people do their homework like everybody else, I mean cheez, there\'s a million posts here and another million in the archives! these newbies could at least pretend to have done a search first!

    my €0.02


  20. #20
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    Guys, this just got out of hand, its a forum, for crissake.

    Its a simple request, if you take issue with it, just say so and dont do it.

    It does seem to have taken over the topics, but that\'s primarily because of the narrow mindedness of some people.

    oscar: Its not much to ask, seems slightly immature that you removed your profile data.

    Walter: Ultimate compromise, have a message when you sign up saying that to help others help you on the forum, please provide some basic information about yourself, or perhaps in the conformation email. Thats what it all boils down to.

  21. #21
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    yeah, that\'s what i\'m thinkin.
    put it on the registration page and again in the password e-mail.
    whatta ya think Bruce.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    I’ve been sitting here reading this thread and I am completely confused. I fail to see what the problem is here. A request for profile info of age and gender. What problem do you people have with that? Gerund didn’t ask for email addresses so that he could spam people or something. I don’t understand why you find this disruptive? This thread was generated by Gerund. It’s not an interruption of someone else’s question. This is a great bulletin board. The people here are very helpful. I have yet to see a question go unanswered. So what if Gerund interrupts a thread every now and then asks for someone’s profile. After all, how long does it take to read “profile please”. I have started 3 threads on this board and have watched my question become something totally different from what I asked. Should I get annoyed about that? Should I be annoyed with the fact that the members of this board are trying to help me? I think not! I don’t have a problem giving my age and gender if it is going to help me get an answer to my question. A little patience and tolerance goes long way.


  23. #23

    Default Re: Live Nude Girls!

    Or is it because, there were no “Live Nude Girls” when you clicked the link? LOL.

  24. #24
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    I don\'t know what the problem is here either,Gerund seems to want to help the new people out. Personally I don\'t think profiles work when it comes to Pheromones,too many conflicting reports on age ,height, weight and what Pheromone works better. Doesn\'t matter if your tall or short or how old you are in my opinion . For the newbies and anonymous out there who are not registered or thinking about posting, please do your \"HOMEWORK\" and use the search engine before asking a question.

  25. #25
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    Your right jose, thats the most important thing;


  26. #26
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    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    Nevertheless, I find it good when people tell a little bit more about themselves in the profile. I like to know what kind of person I\'m talking to.

  27. #27

    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    well, I keep thinking this: oscar and walter have contributed a great deal to the forum, long before most of us ever showed up here. Much of the stuff that we take for granted as \'known\' phero wisdom was originally contributed by them. I, for one, would like to make certain that they can continue to contribute. They managed to survive all of our incessant newbie questions; I\'m sure we can survive the next wave of newbie questions without asking them to profile. It\'s useful info to have on frequent contributors, it\'s true, but it\'s of little or no value for most of the one-shot same-question-as-the-last-ten-newbies newbie anyway....Until a forum member makes his bones, so to speak, by contributing something thought-provoking to the forum, I really don\'t care about the profile data.

  28. #28

    Default Re: Empty Profiles


    I agree with you. I may be new to posting to this forum but I am not new to love-scent. I purchased PI/m over a year ago. I stopped using it after 3 months because it didn’t work for me. I spent 2 weeks trying to find an answer to my question, from previous posts. There were many people who asked the same question. The problem was, to quote you, “too many conflicting reports on age ,height, weight and what Pheromone works better.” I believe that’s why so many people ask the same question over, and over, hoping to possibly get a more decisive answer. As I said in my previous post, if filling out my profile will help me get better answers to my questions, I’m all for it. As with any question, ask 10 people the same question, you’ll probably get 10 different answers.


  29. #29

    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    \"As with any question, ask 10 people the same question, you’ll probably get 10 different answers.\" BNQ

    So, the moral of the story? Everybody needs to do their own experimemting to find what works for them. This board can only give newbies a ballpark place to start, but in the end everybody has to plow their own path through the jungle.

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Empty Profiles

    have a message when you sign up saying that to help others help you on the forum, please provide some basic information about yourself, or perhaps in the conformation email.

    Alright~ I think that\'s the best idea I\'ve heard so far -- nice, clean, and most importantly, unobtrusive! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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