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  1. #1

    Default My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    3 years trying pheromones. 3 weeks now using love-scent products. Zero, zip, nothing. Absolutely nothing that I could honestly call a pheromone hit. I\'ve come to realize that the hits you guys are reporting ae things that would happen to you whether you were wearing pheromones or not. You just report them as hits because that\'s what you\'re looking for when you put the pheromones on.

    So here\'s my challenge- Go a week without pheromones, but be on the alert for \"hits\" I\'m ready to bet that, if you pay attention, you will notice the exact same behavior, good or bad, out of the people around you that you have been reporting here as pheromone hits.

  2. #2

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    Could well be the case...

    To prove that the substances are ineffective, I suggest emptying an entire bottle of PI over your head and then sitting in a crowded bar for a while.

    If that has no effect, I would suggest your case is proven.


  3. #3

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    ratspeaker: that would be an excellent test....would like to see the results of that one!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    Trust me, they work. They may not be working for you (or may not work for you at all) for whatever reasons.

    But it\'s obvious that they do something. There are over 1000 people on this board, and there\'s a growing body of research make it obvious.

    My advice to you would be to try and forget that you\'re wearing them. Don\'t go out looking for hits; a watched pot yada yada etc.

    About a month after I started wearing pheros I got a hit that made it pretty apparent to me. Long story short: a girl who I had known for a while (but hadn\'t seen in a while) comes to visit my hallmate (dorms), they\'re \"friends with benefits\" but he really likes her. She ignores the crap out of him and was going for my dick before I had even kissed her. All the while she\'s going \"What\'s that wonderful smell?!\" She said like five times.

    Now this was not a good hit, I had to kick her out. She was scaring me with the slut routine. But I set this girl on FIRE without doing anything, I was embarassed infront of my friends because this girl was acting so foolish.

    Stuff like this happens often to me now (but in a good way, the girls don\'t go psycho!). My friends have noticed too. They say things like \"Man, when a girl sets her mind on you, watch out!\"

    An old friend of mine (female) recently told me (word for word I shit you not) \"What the hell is it about you that makes these girls you mess with go ape shit over you! Did you just finish puberty? Are you secreting some kind of martian sex chemical?!\"

    I probably turned white whem she said that.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    The OD idea could well be used to show it does something at least...of course you\'d want it well covered with a nice scent, else the effect could be down to the strong scent itself not the OD of -none. Of course you\'ll get funny looks and people avoid you if you smell likes cats piss.

  6. #6

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    No Splinter, I don\'t trust you. They don\'t work. The hits you reported are nothing that hasn\'t happened to me when I wasn\'t trying phermones. They\'re called life experiences. I\'ve gotten better responses than that wearing Jovan Musk For Men which has no pheromone properties. For example, one girl in a bar got a whiff and literally started sniffing the air, like an animal after her prey, until she found me. And yes, I\'m still using Jovan.

    If pheromones worked they would work for everyone. Saying saying that they may not work for some people is just a way of explaining away something you don\'t want to hear.

    My challenge still stands, stop using them and watch people\'s behavior. You\'ll notice no change.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    The OD experiment wouldn\'t work. Get one of those big bottles of cheap cologne and dump that over your head. Sit at a public place. You\'ll probably get the same OD reaction. People will run, cover their noses, or say \"what\'s that smell\".

    As far as hits, sometimes I do think that people who are having success were probably already having hits but were not looking for it. For me, I\'ve had hits before the \'mones, now it seems that I\'m getting less reactions with mones on. Why? I\'m trying to hard. I\'m forcing myself at people, with the attitude \"smell me, and your mine\". This is obviously wrong.

    I\'m waiting for the Rogue Male set. I\'ll get to test a heavy -none in RM and heavy -nol in SOE gels. If I see no difference, I\'ll be convinced it probably doesn\'t work for me. I want to believe, I spent close to 150 bucks wanting to believe.

    [ May 15, 2002: Message edited by: Lee ]

  8. #8

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    hey lee, when your saying they dont work, what do you mean by that? that women arent running up to you and wantign to screw you? that you arent being raped in parking lots? pheromones are just a tool to make women more receptive to your advances, and there is tons of scientific research that all species including humans, use pheromones as a way to broadcast mating what exactly are you lookng for that youre not getting with mones? have you tried them? if not, why not? and if you havent , how do ya know what the reaction would be??

  9. #9

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    oops, i mean the last post to be directed at whoever, lee, i congradulate you on at least giving it an honest go...but i will tell you,.i have no way of knowing what you look like, but if a person is bone ass ugly, have a gut the size of toledo, or were born with three eyes, ....its very very possible nothing would help, not even mones LOL seriously, are you like applying stuff and walking around the mall?? ....oh my god, i just figured it out...ITS DA SKEPTIC!! YOUR BACK!! how the heck you been dude?

  10. #10

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    whoever, seriously though, one last thing i wnated to tell ya...i agree that jovan musk kicks butt, you know why women are attracted to musk?? cause it smells very much like androstenone, whcih a primary male, i myself have used jovan musk for years, and it works well, but do a little experiment,.put some jv in a little atomizer, and go out and spray it on and check out your reactions..then, then next nigth, add about 4 drops of npa into a small amount and watch the reactions then, it will be like the difference between a hand grenade and an a-bomb...try it, thats how i mix my npa, with jv musk, and its one kick ass winner!!

  11. #11

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    Let me add to this thread. I\'ve heard about pheromones a few years ago and plunked down some good money to order APC and some other pheromone type product that smells just like the TE i just got. Anyway, to make a long story short.. i don\'t recall getting any hits at all. I\'ve just experimented with TE with some SPMO 2day at the mall and got no reactions at all. I\'m going to try the SOE gells i have tomorrow and see what happens. I\'m turning 22 tomorrow. I\'m not an ugly guy.. cute, average looking i would say with a baby face and a pretty nice muscular body. I guess my major pitfall would be my height at 5\'7. But nevertheless, i just haven\'t seen the results yet, but i know it is still early in the game... however i still have my doubts about this stuff. I hope i get proven wrong.

  12. #12

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    Duh spiderwebster, that\'s already what I\'ve been using. I\'ve mixed it strong and tryed only a little. As I said, I\'ve tried many products over the course of 3 years. Many of them mixed with my Jovan. So far, Zip, nothing.

    As far as what I\'ve been looking for? ANYTHING, any changes in anyone\'s behavior towards me at all. so far, nothing

    My looks? Many women have told me I\'m handsome or cute. And I\'ve had my share of success with women. Including much \"slut\" behavior as Splinter mentioned. But none of these was when I was wearing pheromones.

    I\'ve noticed this happens alot here. When someone states that they\'re not getting results, people chime in attacking their looks or interaction with women. My abilities with women have actually gotten much better over the years (I\'m more confident, better at conversation, etc..) but the use of pheromones has clearly added nothing. Oh, and the confidence and so on hasn\'t come from pheromone use either I got that before trying mones.

  13. #13

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    whoever: have you tried pi? or the jb#1 mix? look, if you want some input on this thing, tell me what ya been using and i will give you my opinon on what you may be doing wrong...first of all, are you young? if you are say, under 21 years old, you may not need extra -none found in npa, you may want to try soe...let me say that there must be some reason why you would post in a pheromone forum if you were totally convinced they didnt work...i mean, it could be possible that you just havent found the right product/, if you test them out by walking around, taht is need to be stationary for a short time so the women around you can pick up on the scent..the best thing is just put them on and go about your normal day and night...since i know they work, i just wish i could help you out because they the mones on this site are really pretty effective, and sometimes really really awesome...if you want to be more specific about the prodcuts youve used, im sure myself or others would be glad to give you some input on this thing!

  14. #14

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    Just out of curiosity...what is it exactly you hope to achieve, whoever? Are you actually expecting everyone to agree with you and stop using pheromones? You describe yourself as young, handsome or cute, and in posession of good interpersonal skils. Sounds like you don\'t need pheromones anyway... so just post your remainder lot of pheros over to one of us, and call it a day.

  15. #15

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    \"whoever: have you tried pi? or the jb#1 mix? look, if you want some input on this thing, tell me what ya been using and i will give you my opinon on what you may be doing wrong...first of all, are you young? if you are say, under 21 years old, you may not need extra -none found in npa, you may want to try soe...\"

    Or maybe I\'m only supposed to wear a red hat, on tuesdays, with my left pinkie finger in my ear.. Is that why they didn\'t work for me?

    \", if you test them out by walking around, that is need to be stationary for a short time so the women around you can pick up on the scent..\"

    Right, that\'s it, I haven\'t stood still or stopped to talk to a woman in the past three years while wearing pheromones. I just constantly run full speed none stop, waiting for some woman to reach out and grab me.

    \"...if you want to be more specific about the products youve used, im sure myself or others would be glad to give you some input on this thing!\"

    Some input?? O.K. how about actually trying the challenge and reporting what happens??

    \"...what is it exactly you hope to achieve, whoever? Are you actually expecting everyone to agree with you and stop using pheromones?\"

    I asked to take up the challenge. What\'s the matter? Are you afraid I may actually be proved right? Are pheromones such a crutch for you that you can\'t go one week without them? Even an alcoholic or drug addict could probably go one week, can\'t you? If they work then certainly they could stand up to this one little challenge, can\'t they?

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    What\'s your androstenone calculation number?

    If it\'s above 11, I suggest you do try straight -nol or A1. Or a mixture.

  17. #17

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    Actually, it\'s quite possible that those of us who don\'t see much of a difference with pheros are the physically attractive ones who don\'t need pheros. :-). Perhaps, we just don\'t see a difference because we\'re always treated well! The short, old guys (who benefit from the -none) are the ones who normally don\'t get attention.

  18. #18
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits


    Interesting that you say, \"Many women have told me I\'m handsome or cute. And I\'ve had my share of success with women. Including much \"slut\" behavior as Splinter mentioned. BUT NONE OF THESE WHEN I WAS WEARING PHEROMONES.\"

    Strange that it would appear that pheromones are actually working to your detriment. You would not be alone if this were the case, however. There have been numerous reports of phero users being negatively affected by the stuff they\'re wearing.
    But to actually LOSE OUT on positive female interaction due to using pheromones is something I certainly wouldn\'t tolerate for even one night. And certainly not for THREE YEARS!

    Maybe the reason that you are lucky with women when you\'re NOT wearing pheros, but unlucky when you ARE wearing them is that the pheros push you over that fine line between extremely arrogant and totally obnoxious.

    I\'ll have to take you at your word on being handsome, but judge you on your words as being arrogant.

    The stuff works for me, but if it hadn\'t after a few months or so, I think I would have had the sense to stop trying.

    Bruce will gladly refund your money for those products you bought at Love-Scent.
    You won\'t be able to get those three years back though. Sorry. Maybe you\'d find that Yoga or TM might be a better investment of your time and money. Just try to set more realistic \"continue or quit\" time limits on your endeavors in the future. Three years is an awfully long time to waste.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  19. #19

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    Wilde Oscar
    Perhaps you should actually read my posts before responding to them. Where did I say women were acting negative to me while wearing pheromones???

    Let me repeat for the hard of reading such as yourself. There has being NO CHANGE in ANYONE\'S(that\'s man or woman) behavior towards me between wearing pheromones or not.

    And are you really so dumb as to think I\'ve been using pheromones non-stop for the past 3 years? I experimented with them on and off the same way I have tried different colognes or different bodybuilding supplements to see what might work and what doesn\'t. Are you so despeate to make me look bad that you had to try to make something out of that point?

    And my arrogance?? Is it arrogance, or the fact that I\'m willing to stand up for myself against people such as yourself who so far have only attacked me but not yet has one person been willing to say that they\'ll take the challenge and report back honestly what happens.

    How about it Wilde Oscar? Care to step up for the honor of pheromones or just continue the petty verbal attacks?

    [ May 16, 2002: Message edited by: Whoever ]

  20. #20
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    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits


    No offense, but all we do here is try to help you out and you just come back with some negative attitude.

    Oscar NEVER stated that woman acted negatively to you with mones, maybe you should read just a little bit better. He was making a general statement, or is that a concept too hard for you to grasp?

    How are we supposed to know you didn\'t wear mones 3 years straight? You never specified. This is not the Miss Cleo psyhic network, we can\'t read minds.

    Your arrogance is picked up pretty thick, and only an arrogant person wouldn\'t be able to distinguish that.

    You seem very adament in saying that there is ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGE in behavior. So you never had a good day with mones? Your stating that you can have good days without mones? If a lady approaches you on a day that you wear mones, you say it\'s a life experience, not mones. If a lady approaches you without mones, it\'s because you\'re handsome. If a tree falls in a forest with nobody around, does it still make noise? So no matter what happens to you, you\'re never going to think it\'s the mones EVER.

    You probably had your fair share of ladies and that\'s not because of mones. You\'ve had flirtatous behavior, but not cause of mones...blah, blah, we get you. You come out arrogant in the fact that it sounds like you get all the chicks without mones anyway. Why even bother? If you had girls, you wouldn\'t need mones. But I\'m just making a presumption in which you will be offended in your reply. Again, we are not psychic. We don\'t know anything about your lifestyle or your age, how you dress, money...pheros are just a tool.

    [ May 16, 2002: Message edited by: Lee ]

  21. #21

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    \"Bitter, party of one, your table is ready...\"

    Whoever, it\'s a shame you\'re looking for validation from forum members for your sorry plight, yet beating them up at the same time...when in fact you\'re alienating the very same people who might help you with your success.

    Go find another group of people to be your emotional garbage can.

    [ May 16, 2002: Message edited by: Morning Wood ]

  22. #22
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    I can\'t imagine anyone who has read anything I\'ve written not believing that pheromonal enhancement causes behavioral change. It\'s simply a pheromone to hormone to behavior thing common to all mammals. There\'s so much scientific support for this, that unless you ignore the science, you can\'t help but understand why \"hits\" are reported. Maybe your antagonism is because you\'re new to this forum. But it seems somewhat inappropriate to assume that others are reporting falsely, merely because you do not share their experiences with pheromonal enhancement. Might be best for you to take a look at Human Pheromones: Linking Neuroendocrinology and Ethology (linked from page 2 of my website) before taking your antagonism further. Or, for that matter, look around my website at the less technical representations of how and why human pheromones work. There\'s a lot more info than what you\'ll get via this Forum, and even without this Forum, I think you\'ld find it difficult to doubt the power of pheromones. Still, you may be one of the few people (researchers included) who refuse to believe anything unless you\'ve experienced it yourself. You might even be one of the hard core folk who think that visual input is more important than olfactory input when it comes to human behavior. In any case, people are entitled to be wrong. And in some cases it does no good to debate opinions.

  23. #23
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits


    I\'ve laid off phero use for periods of a few days, a week, even two weeks. I find that I get MORE positive interactions with women when I\'m wearing some. But I don\'t expect my success to convince you to perservere any more than you should expect your lack of success to convince me to quit.

    I did quote you directly. I have no problem reading. The negative reaction I implied by saying that the pheros are working to your detriment, is a negative reaction from YOU.
    Read MY post! Note the \"fine line\". You passed it some time ago. There is no magic formula to make someone likeable. Spend your money and time as you please. I know when I\'m wasting my time. End.


  24. #24

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    Lately I went 4 days without any mones and it surely made me feel like I was kind of invisible (especially to the ladies).

    Franki [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  25. #25

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    \"But to actually LOSE OUT on positive female interaction due to using pheromones is something I certainly wouldn\'t tolerate for even one night. And certainly not for THREE YEARS! \"

    There\'s your quote exactly which claimed I was getting negative reactions from women.

    Arrogant? Bitter? All I\'ve done in introduce some doubt into your precious worship of the almightly pheromones and all I see are the arrogant and bitter townsfolk taking up their torches and pitchforks and chasing after the non-believer.

    I guessed I proved what I was after sooner than I thought I would. Pheromones are not something that really works but rather, just a belief system. The endless attacks on my doubt are nothing more than a desperate attempt to protect that belief.

    This thread is for all you lurkers and newbies. If you been thinking of trying pheromones or have started and haven\'t gotten results, don\'t fall for the \" try this product, try this combo, use more, use less\" You\'ll end up wasting a lot of time and money for nothing. Try this for free. Hold your head up, make eye contact with women and Smile! You\'ll notice more hits with that than with any pheromone.

  26. #26

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Whoever:

    Try this for free. Hold your head up, make eye contact with women and Smile! You\'ll notice more hits with that than with any pheromone.

    One more time, when you are wearing mones you are also supposed to make eye contact, keep your head up and smile. Mones are just an EXTRA tool when it comes to interaction with people.

    I can´t believe someone keeps on trying pheromones after 3 years of unsuccesful use. I think maybe you wanted to prove to yourself that phero´s don´t work. [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] Now that is a nice attitude, that makes for no results. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Of course pheromone usage can be difficult and time-wasting, but hey, for a lot of us figuring out the right combo´s is part of the fun. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] We are still in the Stone Age of pheromone products. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] So that means there is no magic bullet yet.

    Franki [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    [ May 16, 2002: Message edited by: Franki ]

  27. #27
    Phero Dude Xehupatl's Avatar
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    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    hey whoever, I don\'t believe bodybuilding supplements work. I mean who\'d be so dumb as to believe that those capsules make you build muscle? Ha! I think you\'re just wasting your precious money on those things! You know, it\'s just a belief! I\'ve been weight training for some time and guess what - my muscles are growing! Yeah, people say: you\'re muscular! And I\'m not taking bodybuilding supplements! So you must be pretty gullible to spend your money on those things! So I advise you to keep your weights heavy and your workouts short, because I know that supplements won\'t work for you!

    I think that on every friggin forum there is, there\'s always some dude voicing his doubt and skepticism about ANYTHING

    What do you expect? That we all just stop using the stuff? When those Hare Krishna loonies at the airport approach you and say: \'hey, you\'re practicing the wrong religion, in fact, all people of the world who are not part of our religion are going to hell!\' what are you gonna do? start chanting HARE KRISHNA??

    So what ARE you trying to do? Stupid trolls ...

    so long, suckers!


    in the back
    off the side
    far away
    is a place
    where i hide
    where i stay

    tried to say
    tried to ask
    i needed to
    all alone
    by myself
    where were you?

    how could i
    ever think
    it\'s funny how
    everything that swore it wouldn\'t change
    is different now

    just like you
    would always say
    we\'ll make it through
    then my head
    fell apart
    and where were you?

    how could i
    ever think
    it\'s funny how
    everything you swore would never change
    is different now

    like you said
    you and me
    make it through
    didn\'t quite
    fell apart
    where the fuck were you?

    [ May 16, 2002: Message edited by: Xehupatl ]

  28. #28

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    Hi Everyone:

    This guy is a \"hate baiter\". He came here tonight to antagonize, and he succeeded. It’s clear his intention was not to prove anything, but instead to insult with biting sarcasm, and innuendo.

    Hey Whoever:

    If by some slim chance, I’ve misread you’re intention here and you’re serious, I’ll take your little challenge. How did you put it?

    \"I\'m ready to bet that, if you pay attention, you will notice the exact same behavior…\"

    You seem very sure of your position, and claim that your \"ready to bet.\" Are you really? How does $500 US sound to you? Since your \"ready to bet\", and you’re so convinced that pheromones are bogus, this should be easy money for you.

    So what do you say? Will you up the ante, or show yourself to be a phony? Give me the word, and I’ll do the following:

    1) I’ll give you a list of my \"hits\" with pheromones, during the last week I used the products consistently (about three weeks ago).

    2) During the period of your little challenge, I’ll purposefully place myself in similar situations and environments without using pheromones. Then I will observe whether or not, I get comparable responses or \"hits\". At the end of the week, I’ll give a full report.

    If the two lists are similar, you’re a winner. If they don’t match, your $500 will keep me in NPA for the next couple of years!

    Come on, it’s an easy five bills for a sanctimonious guy like yourself! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Bruce: I apologize in advance if wagering is inappropriate, or in anyway a violation of the rules or decorum of this forum. If so let me know, and I will edit this post accordingly. This said, my challenge to Whoever still stands, whether this post remains the same or not.

    [ May 16, 2002: Message edited by: 30something ]

  29. #29

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    whoever: let me just tell you two things 1. oscar has more intelligence in his little toe that you do you arrogant jerk! 2. please take the challange, because youre only dangerous with an extra 500 bucks!! [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  30. #30

    Default Re: My challenge for all you guys gettings hits

    Whoever, I know they work for me and nothing you can say will change that opinion, and believe me I know the difference before and after, Annoyingly so when you can\'t get someone to leave you alone after a conversation has started, that is the biggest difference I have noticed. Men and Women makes no difference. Oh but I forgot to mention I generally have a nice disposition and I like people, and I had this before mones. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

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