
biology stuff I have been reading, it was my understanding that all pheromones are odorless to begin with, and that

the bacteria interaction is what gives them their smell.

I guess one could ask the question, when does a

chemical become a working pheromone? Immediately after it is released to the skin (and still odorless?) or after it

interacts with bacteria (and starts gaining odor).

Whatever stone labs does is some good stuff...AFA still

has an A-none which barely smells. Granted it doesn\'t have the secret ingredient(s) but of every other pheromone

I have smelled, none is the only bad smelling stuff. A-1, rone, nol, wagg all seem to be okay. I even like the

smell of a-1.

When I keep reading pheromones are odorless chemicals, I think, it would be damn nice if we

could have them that way. Perhaps calling them odorless is wrong. But if they are odorless in their purest form

then impurities would seem to be the only thing that is making these things smell.