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Thread: Scent Of Eros

  1. #1
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    Default Scent Of Eros

    Ok.. got my Scent Of Eros. I\'ve noticed more than a few of us have asked how much of this stuff we put on? James, we need somewhere to start here. One swipe on neck? Two swipes?
    Two swipes on on each arm? We need a starting point. You state you put on 1ml, and how eactly did you measure that out of roll on bottle?
    Need some help


  2. #2

    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    how do you like the smell?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    I think it smells alot like Attraction. But I enjoy it. Haven\'t tried it our yet though.
    I will this week.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    Do you like the way Attraction smells? I have heard it smells pretty bad, almost like air freshner in a bathroom. Is that what Scent of Eros smells like?

  5. #5
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    I\'ve already posted regarding how much SOE to use; it\'s a matter of your discretion. Circumstances dictate. The way I determined I had (with others help) used 1ml was merely by eye-balling the SOE container; it was about 1/10th less full, thus 1 ml of 10 ml had been used.

    I just rolled it on my neck.

    I also advise others to take care when someone describes what SOE smells like. The sense of smell is very subjective. Also, some people are unable to smell the RONE in SOE; and thus their impression of it would be different that someone who could detect the odor of RONE.

    Except for two complaints that SOE was too potent right out of the bottle; every woman who has smelled it has raved about the scent.
    And the two women who complained changed their minds after their lover put some on, and they smelled it after the alcohol had evaporated--much more subtle.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    Sounds interesting well ill be ordering some very soon i think although will use up some of my other products first like jambat running a bit low on finances at the moment.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    I just got my SOE -- FYI, it was exactly one week in the mail, from Colorado to Arizona. (Pre 9/11, it was 2 days, tops.)

    I love the scent, especially first out of the bottle. It\'s not super-musky, and it\'s got a little bit of a high note in there. It could definitely be a unisex scent, but unlike a lot of them, it\'s got a pretty masculine edge to it.

    It\'s nothing at all like attraction, other than the fact that there might be a sandalwood note in it, it\'s hard to tell.

    It\'s a fairly clean scent. It actually reminds me of fresh APC in a way, before APC goes sweet on you.

    Anyway, it reminds me of:
    sandalwood, APC, Brut aftershave, and musk. Definitely NOT a car air-freshener, like Attraction is (even though I like attraction, it just smells kind of cheap.)

    It\'s the first product that I like as a cologne. Other than AE, but AE is so subtle it frustrates me, because it\'s gone minutes after you apply it. SOE seems like it has some legs on it, and it gets a deeper bass note as it wears. It\'s subtle, but not invisible the way AE is. Enough scent that someone who smells it is going to inhale/sniff to get a better read. I find myself doing the sniff-the-wrist thing that I do with Jambat #1.

    Anyway -- no reports on opposite sex reaction -- it may be a while for me on that topic.

  8. #8
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    I agree that SOE doesn\'t smell anything like Attraction. I think once Jaggy has a chance to wear it a few times he\'ll agree. I was glad to see that the SOE fragrance has almost the staying power of APC. Maybe I\'m just overly used to using NONE products, but I look forward to the transformation of the scent after it has been on the body for an hour or so. You can definitely notice the faint smell of NONE coming on over time. Give SOE a good roll on the wrists and rub your wrists together until a bit warm. As the musk slowly dies down, you should smell an increase of a NONE \"note\" in there. Try it.

    RE application amount: The musk fragrance is a major player; you will want to \"season to taste\" I think. Over the long haul the question of: is there the \"right\" amount of pheros in a reasonable application (which is presumably based on the amount of fragrance the wearer is likely to want on his body at a particular time). But this is more a headache for the perfumer than the customer. Just let your nose be your guide.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    I\'ve been using SOE for a couple of days and I decided to go with James\' recommendation of application to the skin. It only smells like APC for a short while then the light musk scent comes through. When I applied to my shirt the original scent remains unchanged. I like it better on the skin. I had a couple drinks with two women tonight, one I\'d just met through the other. The one I\'d just met was prety talkative, knee touching mine and her pupils were dilated. I\'d call that a hit.

  10. #10
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    Scientist: You have a better nose than I, and are more descriptive of SOE. Unisex, clean, and masculine are all descriptors I have heard both in experiments with androsterone alone, and more recently with SOE.

    Bruce\'s comments on the role of the musky scent are well taken too. The combination has to work well together, and I think it does with SOE. Perhaps someone will make androsterone available for mixing, but in my (considerably biased) opinion, it would be difficult to find a better mix than what is in SOE.

    Flatbush: good to read your comments, and hope you continue to keep us posted. Also, I\'m glad to see that your expectations are realistic.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    Well...I know some of you jumped all over my comment that SOE smells like Attraction and that\'s ok, each of us has our own scent perception. I have tried it now for 4 days and decided to take Bruce\'s suggestion and wait a few days after trying it and see if the smell changes to me. It has, but I also sprayed Attraction on one arm and rolled SOE on the other. I will still say they are very smiliar for the first 30 min. I have seen other descriptions like it first smelled like APC. I don\'t think this is anything like APC, but to each his own. Besides if my thread had been read correctly I also mentioned I liked the smell of SOE. It is pleasant and does last a very long time. It does change from the Attraction scent(at least to me)to a very nice pleasant scent. Although you guys jumped all over the mention of Attraction, I had always gotten compliments on it\'s scent from a lot of women. So... four days and counting. Also if anyone is wondering, no hits from SOE yet. I might try mixing on skin one dab of NPA covered with SOE.

    [ January 15, 2002: Message edited by: Jaggy ]

    [ January 15, 2002: Message edited by: Jaggy ]

  12. #12

    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    jaggy, what is your \"target age group\"?

  13. #13
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    Hi Jaggy,
    Don\'t take the \"SOE doesn\'t smell like Attraction\" personally. I know in my case, I have been looking foward to the release of SOE for a while and although I like Attraction too and use it every now and then, a lot of guys on this forum don\'t like it and in fact there are a lot of posts floating around stating that it smells like \"soap\" etc. So when I saw your post I gasped and had to say something quick or a LOT of guys would just write the stuff off. I don\'t think it smells much like APC either if that makes you feel any better. So, don\'t worry about that.
    By the way, I meant just wait a couple of hours after appllying SOE, not days. The last couple of days I have been putting the stuff on my arm pits before going to the gym and I that really gets the NONE brewing. Works good I think.
    Not to worry,

  14. #14

    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    Attraction seems to be more a case of smelling more strong to the wearer ive noticed that other people dont seem to mind it, just be careful not to OD on it or if youre going to OD on something make it different products ie attrraction Alter ego NPA and anything else you might have to give yourself a stand out signature scent. Also mixes up the various androgen ratios as well.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    I got my SOE on Tuesday and I must say it smells good to me.

    Wenn I roll a little under my nose I feel happier than without it or with JB1 (my other phero-tool). JB1 rather makes me nervous (due to the A-none).

    So far I noticed people around me are more comfortable when Im wearing SOE, very opposite to JB1 which makes people nervous.

    When attracting girls is concerned, with JB1 I get women turning their heads to me continously in trains and busses, but with SOE alone I havent noticed anything like that yet. Perhaps I should use in combination with JB1 (unfortunately I put all my NPA into the JB1).

    Im going to have a more extensive testdrive this friday and/or saturday goin out clubbing and see what SOE and JB1 do! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Scent Of Eros

    Any hits to report from anyone who\'s tried SOE? Just curious since it\'s listed as a new product and thinking of ordering SOE or the Edge shortly.

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