Option 1.

I think you guys are going more into then Bart ever did. It was just a detail, another detail such as if this girl is a a blonde or redhead blah blah blah. Second the guy is a track star fastest guy in school, and he is white. Now would you have thought he was white until Bart said that. Third white guys are more uptight with their girlfriends, like \"Margaret, you can\'t eat that holy moly that has 10 grams of fat in it, jesus H Christ.\" The opposite for any other race may be true or not.

Option 2.

Bart has weird thinkings at times, he relates way more then is plausable to race, and is another reason used as him not being able to get some. It\'s not bad it\'s just he thinks a bit too logically and looks at any difference such as that guy has more muscle then me that\'s why, that guy looks hotter then me, that guy is gayer then me, that guy has a bigger wee wee then me. That guy has this or that that must be the reason.

PS. As I have seen it seems like white guys view any fat on girls body as bad, my friend always is on his girls case about anything she eats, and nitpicks about any sign of fat and this girl is really skinny already.