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Thread: Androstenol

  1. #1

    Default Androstenol

    Bruce et. al.

    Which of the love-scents products, besides Attraction, AE and AFA, are known (key is known not suspected)to be high in androstenol?

    Also, is there an androstenol-only product?

    Given the high number of androstenone-only products, it would seem that a androstenol-only product would be a good thing to have so that one can mix with it PI/NPA/TE.

  2. #2
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Androstenol


    Lure for men is an Androstenol-only cologne.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Androstenol

    Lex the womens products tend to have more
    - nol that the mens so if you would like more of it you could simply buy the womens version of say TE. Of course if you already have a combo you like with TE in it you´d have to start experimenting again, but that´s not so bad. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Androstenol


    Even though I used to think of Lure as a low-end type cologne, I get quite a few nice reviews from customers; enough to think it might actually contain quite a bit of androstenol. It is cheaper to make than androsteonoe, so it wouldn\'t kill them to put in a decent amount. Strong maybe there.

    Those new little e-oil dropper bottle from IR are androstenol only (unknown amount).

    I believe the PPA from Stone Lab (women\'s formula) has a pretty good amount of androstenol, check W Oscar\'s review on that.


  5. #5
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Androstenol

    Hi again,

    Forgot to mention; Primal has announced the release of a woman\'s version of Primal Instinct, which is said to contain a massive amount of androstenol. I have ordered 250 bottles, which could arrive any day. Keep an eye on the forum for that.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Androstenol

    copulins are named from \"copulate\" i believe, named so because they increase testosterone levels in males. therefore, this chemical is found in female products, and i dont believe it\'s in any male products. i did pick up a bottle of the female datemate since it contained copulins. i wanted to test if it would make me more aggressive/outgoing, i\'m still not really sure what my reactions to it are.

    androstenol is supposed to be an equalizer for androstenone, balances it out as a \"softer\" pheromone. sorry, it\'s been so long since i had those definitions in my head that i cant recall a better one. someone else should be able to though.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Androstenol

    From my now-extensive reading:

    Androstenone -- as you said, the alpha-male pheromone. Essentially a dominance signal, some evidence indicates it shows relative health, possibly carries information about the immune status of the male as well.

    Androstenol -- appears in fresh sweat, is decomposed by bacteria in about 20 minutes. Reported by women to be sweet-smelling (go figure.) Androstenol appears to result in submissive behavior by women and a high degree of emotional openess. It\'s referred to in one study as the pillow-talk phermone, due to a theory that since it only lasts for 20 minutes and that women are sensitive to it that they\'d only be exposed to \'nol immediate after sex during the cuddling phase.

    Androsterone -- a byproduct of testosterone metabolism. Also a real hormone, not just a pheromone. Apparently only about 10% of men give off a lot of this. I haven\'t seen that many studies that cover \'rone yet, most of the cites go back to a Dr. Regina E. Maiworm in Germany or a london university study. Apparently it results in positive feelings, but not necessarily the alpha-male reaction. Interestingly, Androsterone is also considered a female pheromone in some studies as well, and males percieved women as friendlier and prettier when exposed to it.

    Copulins -- these are short-chain fatty acids. Vinegar shows up as well. They appear in vaginal secretions. In one test copulins resulted in the wearer being seen as more attractive, and when synthetic copulins corresponding to a female\'s secretions during ovulation were used, they increased the measured testosterone levels in men by 150%. So they appear to make men more in the mood (and presumably agressive.)

    Note that the copulin \"profile\" (mix of the fatty acids) appears to be _very_ important in getting this last effect.

    This is wild guessing on my part, but it would seem that androsteRONE and copulins are \"real\" female pheromones that work on males. Since AndrosteNOL results in submissive and open behaviour, I can\'t help but wonder if they\'re actually working on the woman wearing them to make them more approachable (assuming men go for submissive, emotionally open women).

  8. #8

    Default Re: Androstenol

    sscentist if nol only last on skin for 20 min. would it not be wiser to spray on clothing??? for longer effects?
    of interest to me if you can reply

  9. #9
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Androstenol


    Where does that information about the life span of Androstenol come from?
    Does that relate to naturally produced A-Nol only, which by its very nature is born in sweat? Does synthetic A-Nol perhaps last longer? [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  10. #10

    Default Re: Androstenol

    I would imagine that you\'re better off with androstenol being on clothing. However, the study I saw referred to natural androstenol, which is probably concentrated in sweat from the armpits and groin area -- areas with lots of bacteria to change it.

    This is only an educated guess, but applying androstenol to skin in other places would probably last much longer than armpits/groin due to much less bacteria. Hair would likely last very long as well. Clothes would probably last longest.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Androstenol

    Wilde Oscar --

    I\'ve seen a number of different references. Do a google search on androstenol and minutes and you\'ll see (among the blizzard of phero ads) studies. There\'s one site -- -- that\'s actually pretty negative on phermones, but points out that the sweat oxidizes in 20 minutes.

    I think that the concentration of androstenol and the location of the application probably results in it lasting a lot longer. As well, using a oil-base solution (AE, perhaps) likely greatly diminishes oxidation.

    I\'m a bit confused as I know that there\'s oxidation and baterial breakdown, and no one seems to distinguish between the two.

    One thing, though -- all the studies use face masks or T-shirts or some object sprayed with \'nol, so I think that supports using clothing or hair rather than skin as the place to put it.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Androstenol

    im finding that putting products on the for arms was working a lot for me
    wild o thats the tile girl plus two others
    but i\'ve started working also with nol products and am finding if mixed or spread on the body it gets stronger results or hits as your other members post
    head light efects and people (girls or guys ) making conversation or just smiling saying hi while i have my morning coffe
    will need additional info in 2 to 3 weeks a bout nol strenon and non for more experiments
    but so far thanks to wild o and that statement about phero signature i\'ve found all the products work but at different levels
    or reactions from idividuals meaning a pi
    works well when mixed with (2mil of apc 2 drops pi)lots of faar off staares and hair twirling and i realy like you comments
    different reactions with atraction like confusion girls just forgetting what they were doing or distracted but more on what ive done in the last month soon
    scientist thanks you also /helped a lot wild o if you had not made that first statement i would have given up

    thaks again ill post all result and applications soon

  13. #13

    Default Re: Androstenol

    Ok, I\'ve heard all that people have said, but now I\'ma guessing that I need an explanation of the different pheros. Please correct/clarify the following:

    Androstenone - The \"male\" phermone. Alpha-male, macho, etc.

    Androstenol - ???

    Androsterone - ???

    Copulins - ???

    Also, why are so many women\'s products using the androstenol phero, while the men\'s products focus on the androstenone???

  14. #14

    Default Re: Androstenol

    Thanks everyone for the posts to this thread, especially Scientist.

    Next question: Do Androstenol, Androsterone, and Copulins produce a \"smell\" as does Androstenone? If so, what is the smell like?

    Also, does Androstenol appear primarily in a male\'s sweat, a woman\'s, or equally in both? Since this is the \"pillow talk\" phero, it would seem strange to me that a woman would product something that has the noted effect on herself.

    [ September 24, 2001: Message edited by: Lex ]

  15. #15

    Default Re: Androstenol

    Bump... Don\'t want this lost. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  16. #16

    Default Re: Androstenol

    As far as smells:

    Androstenone: smells like piss. Well all know this one.

    Androstenol: smells like musk.

    Androsterone: Musty Camphor, revolting, or nothing at all.

    Copulins: Well, they show up in real life with acetic acid (vinegar). And they apparently stink in high concentrations.


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