Coyote, your stories are totally believable. They don\'t surprise me at all. The only thing I can\'t believe is that you continue to use that mix of yours with such a high concentration of EW. That stuff is wickedly dangerous. I can\'t even begin to imagine how much more you have on yourself than I do, and I have a serious effect on some peoples brains. Especially men will get f#cked right up. I have had guys near me stare at a blank wall for an endless amount of time until someone beats them on the side of the head; I\'ve had guys get so groggy that they almost fall off their chair and almost start slurring their speech and talking real slow; and I\'ve had guys just plain spaced out, and then after 5 minutes say to me, \"What are we doing here?\". I had one guy in a classroom beside me just get totally glazed over and he stayed that way for the whole class and then promplty passed out on the desk as soon as the class had a break. After the break we had trouble getting him conscious,then he was given an assignment but he just glazed over again(and no, he doesn\'t use drugs!).
You really got to cut down the EW. That sh#t is dangerous. I don\'t even think it\'s right to be messing with peoples\' brains that seriously. This is how I feel about it and I am probably not wearing a concentration like you are.