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  1. #1

    Default A-none and ovulation...Whats the normal reaction?

    My girlfriend began ovulating recently and the night she told me just happened to be a night that I think I OD on RM or something...I cannot remember if it was RM or TE, but I remember it was a -none product...I used some SOE as well, but it didnt stop the attack.

    Upon walking in the door she was fine, but moments later there was no logical reason as to why she was a complete bitch. I am not just saying this either...It came down to me trying to get the TV remote away from her because she kept turning it up when I was talking and her kicking me.

    I found this to be very odd.

    I retreated to the bathroom and grabbed good ol A-1 (Ol reliable) and dripped on a whole lot. Like 6 drops in various places.

    Went back into the room and within 5-10 minutes she picked her head up from her magazine and cracked a joke about the content...Then she was as tame as a kitten.

    To test the theory, I hit her with the big gun, PI the next day, but ONLY one drop dabbed on either side... Another brat session followed by an SOE / A-1 rescue.

    Last night, same [censored] with the -none....Her friend reacted better to me (beautiful). This time it was TE, NPA, SOE.

    So is -none a no no during ovulation or what? I thought I had the cycle-recipe down, but maybe not...WHat kind of experiences have any of you had?

    What to use during ovulation, what to use right before and during her period and what to use to get anything right after....

    What kind of recipies have y\'all come up with


  2. #2
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    Default Re: A-none and ovulation...Whats the normal reaction?

    This sounds weird. Research has show that, in general women respons positively to -none when they are ovulating and particularly negatively when they are having their period. I can\'t explain it...

  3. #3
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    Default Re: A-none and ovulation...Whats the normal reaction?

    I thought that women were bitchy BEFORE ovulation, I thought they got horny during ovulation. I believe, that, it is the more testosterone during ovulation. More violent, but also more sexual...V.S. very calm, but, wants sex less?


  4. #4

    Default Re: A-none and ovulation...Whats the normal reaction?


    You said \"My girlfriend began ovulating recently.\" Did you mean to say she was having her period by any chance? That would make more sense. Or was she definitely ovulating?

  5. #5
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: A-none and ovulation...Whats the normal reaction?

    I personally feel I am capable of OD\'ing at any time of the month.

    But way to go with the A1. If it was bottled like the edge we could call it bitch spray.

  6. #6

    Default Re: A-none and ovulation...Whats the normal reaction?

    She said she was ovulating and she is not on her period...Could I have merely OD\'d? Could the OD threshold be lessened by her being in \"heat\" for lack of a better term?

    Could I be targeting the WRONG phero? Could it be a lack of -none and too much \"happy\" phero which would give her the feeling of being around a wimp or something?

    I have been attacked by the guys and treated like [censored] when wearing PPA/w and a mix of PPA/w and SOE, so that could be the case.

  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: A-none and ovulation...Whats the normal reaction?


    Where did you buy A1? I can\'t find it on the love-scent website.

    - Krish

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: A-none and ovulation...Whats the normal reaction?

    I think there’s some research that women can smell pheromones better during ovulation. This would account for greater receptivity AND lower OD threshold.

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: A-none and ovulation...Whats the normal reaction?

    As a trend for a group, none was fould to be less repulsive during ovulation. The best it got was a neutral/slightly positive rating. This is hardly a ringing endorsement for the none scent, even though they did test the women with high concentrations.

    Also, the results weren\'t for ALL women, just the overall trend for the goup. Even within the study group there will be some women that always hate none, some that really like it - but the big overall trend for the group though is for a neutral rating at ovulation, and a negative rating the rest of the time (at the concentration tested).

    That\'s why you have to take study results for what they are worth. Often they show trends for groups, which are informative especially if you are cruising around in public. What I mean is a trend found in a study is a good guide if you are testing a phero out in public with lots of women. But if you are with one particular woman you need to see if the group trend holds in her individual case. Odds are better that it will than won\'t, but there\'s still no guarantee on any individual

  10. #10
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Female Complexities

    So she was 1) ovulating 2) exposed to \'none and 3) aggressive with you.

    Some women like to test a man they want to have sex with by arguing, fighting, challenging him. What I think happened was that the \'none really turned her on and she responded by putting up resistance for you to overcome.

    I think you should have gone into wrestling mode with her, a playful physical tussle between man and woman, over-powering her (but stopping short of rape, of course.) I bet that she would have given in at some point, and gleefully surrendered to her Big Strong Man.

    It can be a really, really fun game.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Female Complexities

    \"It came down to me trying to get the TV remote away from her because she kept turning it up when I was talking and her kicking me. \"

    On the other hand, maybe she really just wanted you to be quiet so she could watch tv and chill out a little.

    Be careful with Whitehall\'s game. I guess when it works, it\'s great, but that sh*t turns me off so fast it would make your head swim. If she\'s usually pretty straightforward in her interactions, I\'m not sure I\'d take her irritation as a sign to escalate.

  12. #12
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Female Complexities

    You have to be there to decide what\'s really going on. Still, if a woman\'s kicking me to steal the remote - woe be to her!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Female Complexities


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