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  1. #1
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    Cool Pheremone Newbie Needs A lot of advice... Just Ordered "The Edge"


    My name is Jonathan. I'm 24 years old, I'm recently single and trying to have some serious fun, if you get my drift. I'm a keyboardist playing in a local band, attend a church and in two weeks I'll be starting a Dental Assistant training program... So I figured there I will have plenty of opportunities to be around a lot of ladies and experiment with this stuff (pheromones).

    I'm completely new to mones but through reading a lot of the post on this site I decided to go with Edge Unscented version. What should I buy now? Already in my closet I have "Impressions" (imitation cologne) of Cool Water, Unforgivable, and Armani Code, these aren't the real colognes, but can I use them as a cover scent? Or should I just invest in something else?

    I guess my real question would be, what should I mix with Edge? And yes I know, I have some catching up to do lol. Is there anyone out there that can show this young jedi knight the way of the force?

  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Unscented Edge is a great place to start. It was a wide spectrum of pheromones. My advice is to apply a little to a wrist when it arrives and see how sensitive your sense of smell is to the various pheromones it contains. Then cover with one of the colognes you have already and get out and do some "serious" road testing at any and all of the venues you mentioned. As you noted, your regular calendar is ideal for this venture. My feeling is that your prospects will brighten in the very near future.

    Best of Luck,
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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  3. #3
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    Default Thanks Bruce!

    Thank you for responding so fast! My order of Edge hasn't got here yet, in the future I'll be ordering from this site directly rather than from (I had found this site shortly after the order was placed).

    As a matter of fact, I expect to get paid this coming week. What would you personally recommend I add to my arsenal? To give you an idea I'd like to have a good range from "subtle attraction" to "all hell breaking loose". lol

    Thanks for all your help!

  4. #4
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Most users here seem to like checking out the "basics" like Scent of Eros (SoE) - a "social" phoromone product, Chikara (C7) - a "general purpose" blend, and Alter Ego - more of a "sexual" product. I know A7 is popular with some but it may have too much -none for a guy your age.

    Some like to build with a base of SoE or C7 and add small amounts of something like Edge as a "booster." It's best to start out with one product at a time and play with it for a while though to get the feel for each before you start mixing and blending.

    Two things I've found. Some users will experience "self effects" from the products, meaning they are affected by them as well, not just their "targets." (I've found I'm not one of them). Secondly, remember that some products may "stink" as far as you are concerned, but remember that to your targets, that "stink" may turn them on. What may repel a guy may attract a girl... part of the nature of things. Observation is key. If the girls go running away as fast as they guys, well, back to the drawing board with your applications...
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  5. #5
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    Default Sound Advice...

    At least I now know what C7 means lol... Yeah I did worry about having to much -none because of my age, but something that bothers me is that I'm not much of an alpha... I mean... to be honest I'm not an alpha. But I do have some game! My whole problem (what I believe through observation) is that sometimes I need that "spark" that other guys seem to have. I've tried new clothes, spicing up my wardrobe, learn some dance moves, I already play a few instruments, but still... it's not setting it off the way I want it to.

    So I turned to mones, did some research... Bought that bottle of Edge Unscented thinking what have I got to lose? I sure do hope it gets here before my B-day on the 20th...

    Well that was just some background, I guess my real question is, will A7 have too much -none for a non-alpha like myself?

  6. #6
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JFrench720 View Post
    Well that was just some background, I guess my real question is, will A7 have too much -none for a non-alpha like myself?
    Pending you don't OD I would think it would not be too much.

    But in the context of does your pheromone signature match your personality, that's a tough question to answer.

    If the women standing before you smells the signature of a super alpha male ready for Jane but she sees a shy timid individual I can see how confusion would set in for her. As you probably read by now, mones are just a helper and really all they do is too help unlock the door and it's up to you to break down the door the rest of the way and raid the kitchen. Well they do much more than lower the guard of females, but still when meeting a female for the first time randomly on the street the analogy is apt.

    For me personally, I am not beta, but nowhere near an alpha, so when applying a potent signature I try to remember that I have the flexibility in changing my external behavior in order to be perceived as alpha. (acting) However, I have noticed the confusion I mentioned earlier because my base personality is so strong it overrides the my signature at times. In an environment where your natural personality will be dominate try to use a signature which enhances it so you don't have to be 'on' all the time. An example of such an environment may be your training program where studying, groupwork, and education has the majority of your attention. When you go the the club, a place where you can experiment, then try those sexy mixes and act all the way to the end game.

    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  7. #7
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    Default Thanks Surreal!

    I was very worried about the confusion especially because I do have a target female (don't get me wrong, I would like a lot of attention from other females as well, but she's the pinnacle, understand?). She's in a group of females I regularly see, I'm the band leader/musician who plays for their singing group. So I don't think she see's me as a beta, but I'm not fooling anyone I've worked with for a couple of years already into thinking I'm a Alpha. In the past she has been sexual with me... no intercourse( I'll leave it at that).

    What do you think can help me "bring it home" with this pretty little lady?

  8. #8
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    "Let's Get it On" by Marvin Gaye

    ^^Seriously and just kidding at the same time.

    It sounds like you have quite a to castle siege. Considering you two have had a close encounter of some kind it seems like you're hanging around third base and all you have to do is steal home. All you need is a good distraction to make the play. This is where you should read books on seduction, I don't mean the players hand book, but about the game of subtle seduction like The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene.

    When it comes to mones and your personality, IMO, a possible technique is to slowly ramp up your signature as well as make subtle ploys of seduction and shows of masculinity, alphaness, and most importantly: worth. Not all in one week mind you, but over the course of weeks/months, but not so slow she pigeon holes you and looks elsewhere. Win over her friends, and if possible have them like you, but thin ice may be having your target think you like her friend. (some girls find it a challenge to steal you away while others find it gross and you loose standing instantly)

    Also considering you're new, please do yourself a favor and don't OD when you are near your target. On the flipside, I believe I see suggestions to OD purposely so you get a first hand look at the effect when you are in OD land. This will help you identify your sweet spot when you begin to experiment by knowing when too much is too much. When you know you will not be around people you know or work with or if you're taking a trip to another city, that is a good time OD. It's hard to tell how many sprays of the Edge will OD for you.. it could be three, more than likely four sprays will definitely be an OD for your age. Would someone else please chime in on this, I don't know TE as well.

    All of that or perhaps just be a total dick to her, who knows, each woman is an enigmatic conundrum wrapped a riddle.

    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  9. #9
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    Post Yes!!

    This is definitely a castle siege my friend, hopefully it works, as soon as my the edge gets here I'm going to put it to work. Then when I get more cash I'm going to get my hands on SOE and NPA...

    Anyway yeah I hear you about the plan, the thing is one of our mutual friends ( another group member) would definitely have sex with me, have a relationship, I'd be so bold as to say she'd say yes if I asked for her hand in marriage!! But the thing is I don't have feelings for the other girl like that (much regrettably). However I am curious as to how that girl would react to me wearing pheromones. Long story short, I'm doubting how much she'd react to the idea of another woman wanting me. Unless I'm missing something, is there a way I could still make it work, I understand all of this is speculation in it's purest form.

    Much appreciation!!

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