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  1. #1
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    Default inquiry about TE

    Hi, I'm new here and new to mones so I bought the TE beginners combo and its on its way here

    to asia. I
    would just like ask you guys about your experience with the edge and of course the right mix for

    TE. I'm an Asian and the weather here is humid, so what are the precautions should i take when applying TE? Thanks

    in advance for all your inputs.

    Glad to be here.
    Last edited by Aldrin; 05-12-2010 at 04:18 AM. Reason: add more info

  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum Aldrin.

    Start small and work up from there is the first "rule". Give us some info like how old you are, height, weight,

    personality etc. Capt. Obvious assumes you'll be chasing Asian girls? What's your goal?

  3. #3
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    yes im chasing asian chicks but

    aside from that I want to understand how pheromones work especially its moods elevation effects and its sexual

    prowess on women. Im 30 years old, 5'4, 127 lbs, people around me said i'm smart, conversant, i have no problem in

    gaining respect of women and men on my circle. I socialize because my work required me to do so, but i preferred to

    work alone and act alone. Hope that helps and thank you so much for the quick reply.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldrin View Post
    i have no

    problem in gaining respect of women
    Wow ! With your excellent manners I can see why.

  5. #5
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    That was the problem, they

    respond to me as if i'm their uncle or father. I ask the girls on my department if i look older than my age,

    they've said i look younger, but its the way i talk, the way i walk and the way i handle myself. Maybe this is the

    result of working with the older guys mostly in top position. Please don't get me wrong, i wanted to maintain this

    composure or aura, but i wanted to use mone to add sexual overtones on my personality. I wanted them to look at me

    as a sexy matured guy, that if they need a quick fix, I'm the guy to call, not the guy to ask for advise. So i hope

    you guys will be kind enough to tell me how to use mones especially the TE beginners combo. Thanks.

  6. #6
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    What is the age range of the

    "Chicks" you are targeting? I am guessing you are looking more for short-term relationships over anything really

    long term at the moment.

    At least around the US and Europe it seems that younger women tend toward the "bad boy"

    types for the short-term sexual relationships ("one night stands" etc). You may need to "roughen" your image and

    behavior a bit to match that sort of perception/desire. The "rock star/idol" type of guy.

    You may need to

    present yourself as someone they "want" (short term) as opposed to the someone they really "need" (long term

    relationship). Some tend to desire the "rude and crude" types for the quick fling, but tend toward (or actually

    realize at some point they "*need*") the good, polite, courtious, stable types to settle in with.

    Just my

    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  7. #7
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    A perplexing dilemma Aldrin, and

    Rbt has is right when it comes to how you present yourself. TE will give you a bit of a sexual vibe but you have to

    stand behind it with your persona.

    I could be wrong, but perhaps you need to relax a little in social

    situations, especially around women. Not all business is business. Loosen up, smile, make jokes. If a woman

    smiles back or shows interest, project yourself physically with a light touch on the arm or back. Show them that

    you're not cool or distant. That kind of thing.

    If you only have TE, I'd start with a single spray, covered

    with a good cologne/edt. Spray the TE on the inside of one wrist (pulse point) then immediately rub the other wrist

    lightly, and then both wrists onto your neck. This will spread the pheromones around for better exposure on your

    skin. You can move up to two sprays as needed, but don't be greedy.

    TE is -None, the most sexual pheromone.

    You really need to pay attention to the behavior of those around you when you wear it, and move in with your charm

    if you sense something. Its a really fun time once you get used to it.

    Best of luck, and keep us posted.

  8. #8
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    Thanks Rbt and idesign for the

    priceless advise. I promise that i will post my experience with TE as soon as i get my hands on it.

  9. #9
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    Finally Ive got my TE beginners

    combo, atomizer, musk oil and two packets of perception, all are well packed with bubble wraps. I checked TE first

    and sprayed a little on my wrist. I don't notice any musky or cat pee scent, it smells like alcohol to me. check

    also the oil, it smells like alcohol too. Maybe i belong to people who cant detect mones. I've read the

    instructions, it says there that i must stick with 1 spray or 2 spray, so i did spray 1 on my wrist and rub it,

    spray on the wrist again and rub it at the back of my ears, then used adidas pulse as my cover scent. I sprayed

    adidas lavishly to fully cover the possible od scent of the mones. I volunteered to distribute the memos to other

    offices so i can test the TE. One elder women commented that i smelled so great, as if I'm always ready for the

    camera or ambushed interview. i just smiled and say thanks. But i dont notice any dramatical or significant hits.

    what ive noticed is a change in my behavior, i feel like gliding while i'm walking, i feel the urge to hold the

    stare of women when they look at me and i talk slowly. Funny, because im a fast talker, lively and animated. Anyway

    i'm new to mones and its my first day. so tonight i will study more, read alot at phero library about TE. So can

    someone point me the right thread at the phero library to visit. thanks in advance.

  10. #10
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    Still waiting for hits, maybe i

    sprayed too much cover scent and it drowned the mone scent. Is that possible?

  11. #11
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldrin View Post

    waiting for hits, maybe i sprayed too much cover scent and it drowned the mone scent. Is that

    Using excessive cover will certainly diffuse less

    pheromone and more fragrance at any given time and i have found better results when i do not over do the cover, even

    smelling slightly pissy is is not an overtly bad thing as this in it self can be perceived as attractive, maby not

    to the wearer but to females yes.

    I used to drench my NPA applications with cologne and now i get far better

    results with a couple dabs spread below the ears and just a spritz of cologne to cover each dab.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  12. #12
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    Thanks Terry. Yesterday

    afternoon I sprayed TE on my wrist and rub it on my neck then cover it with little amount of musk oil. I didnt cover

    it with cologne anymore. I went to a restaurant nearby for my dinner, I've known the waiter their for a year, and

    she was timid. But yesterday she was chatty, she often teased me and ask me if she can choose the menu for me, she

    even took my desert and told me that i must give it to her. She was not behaving like this before..maybe the mones

    is starting to work.

  13. #13
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldrin View Post

    Terry. Yesterday afternoon I sprayed TE on my wrist and rub it on my neck then cover it with little amount of musk

    oil. I didnt cover it with cologne anymore. I went to a restaurant nearby for my dinner, I've known the waiter

    their for a year, and she was timid. But yesterday she was chatty, she often teased me and ask me if she can choose

    the menu for me, she even took my desert and told me that i must give it to her. She was not behaving like this

    before..maybe the mones is starting to work.
    Aldrin hi, nice

    feedback it looks as if you are getting a handle on the art of applying to suit the conditions by applying

    appropriate cover technique
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  14. #14
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Yes, a solid hit Aldrin. Keep

    experimenting and observing reactions and you'll get this thing down. Then you'll have to move in on your results

    when the opportunity is right.

  15. #15
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    I,am not getting consistent hits

    from TE. My dosage with TE is 1 spray on the wrists and rub it at the back of my ear, 1 spray on the wrists again

    and rub it at the opposite of the elbows (anicubital space) then covered it with musk oil. Its been a week now and

    i'm not getting solid hit/s. I was simply rationalizing that since I'm taking a shower two or sometimes thrice a

    day, i have washed up my natural mones and therefore need a higher dosage of TE. I tried 3 sprays, the 3rd is the

    chest part or the neck part and still no result. I'm pretty sure that I am not ODing because Im not getting any bad

    vibes from my office mates and clients. Any suggestions from the mone gurus, or at least can somebody explain what

    is happening? Thanks.

  16. #16
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    Well I'm no expert in mones

    but you might wanna try use only one spray on your wrist then rub your wrists together and after that rub them on

    either side of your neck to get that even dispersion of the scent. After that cover it with just 1 spray of


    Just because you don't get negative vibes doesn't mean you're not overdosing, Od'ing can also cause

    neutral or no responses so its hard to tell.

    It's also possible TE just isn't good for you, You

    might have to try out a few pheromones before you find the right ones and use them on a couple occasions to find out

    the best dosages/combinations for certain situations.

    I also just recently startd getting into pheromones and

    i'm still experimenting, Try reading a lot of the discussions here theres a lot of useful information on these


    Lots of luck & happy hunting

  17. #17
    Journeyman Crash's Avatar
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    I've bought the new boxed

    version of TE.Can't dab it so I have to spray it.I can't notice any cat piss smell either so I'm with you on that

    one.We must be that 25% who can't notice it.I will suggest grabbing another mone product like chikara or soe.I have

    these and I'll go with one spray of TE to the chest and then use the chikara to my neck and wrist.So far so good on

    my watch.Smiles all around and I've even had a girl tell me I should be a model because I have good bone

    structure.Completely random but I'll take that as a hit

  18. #18
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    Tnx Mr. Lemming and crash, I

    better try other mone products, maybe TE isn't for me. To narrow down the options this is my more detailed profile.

    Im 30 turning 31 this august, 127 lbs, 5'4", asian, i'm gyming 2 to 3 times a week, smoke 5-7 sticks a day,

    drinking occasionally, i take a shower 2-3 times a day because it was so hot in here, I'm not timid and usually

    initiate conversation and not afraid to speak my mind out, but after work or heavy socialization i prefer to be

    alone and I act alone on my problems. I hope this more detailed profile of mine can help the phero gurus to suggest

    which mone/s should i buy next. I really wanted to add some more edge on my sex appeal and experience the adventures

    you guys experienced with the female species. thanks a lot guys.

  19. #19
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    TE is one of my fav

    products. im 27, 190lbs, mixed. Aside from the mones, you should quickly decide on what your goals are. Yes you said

    you want to attract asian chicks (so do I, who doesnt?), but thats not specific enough. Dont get caught up in the

    message forums reading things like "certain mones attract certain races', this stuff hasnt even been proven. What

    is proven is that a confident man, will attract a female. Dont let your size and/or weight determine anything,

    confidence comes from within. If you want my advice I say dont even use pheromones yet, go out and try to pick a

    girl up without them. Then that will boost your confidence, and then add mones into the mix from there. Then the

    more your getting laid, the more confident you will be. Also, sometimes a girl that is 5/10 will give you confidence

    to get the girl thats 8/10. think about that one.

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