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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast stuttgart-man's Avatar
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    Default Mones, the look and body language - what is important?

    You can often read in the forum that mones are only shared with about 10% for attracting

    women wheres the other 90% is your appearance, the look, the body language, your dress and other factors!


    to want make advertising for mones, I am convienced that mones have a much more share on the flirting success!

    Perhaps I overrate the mones because the signature of mones can easily changed and so you can see the difference in

    behavior by other people! On the other side the look (at least the look given by nature) is only hardly (and

    expensive) to change! And even the body-language is hardly to manipulate! So you can not see what would be the

    difference if you could change it!

    But nevertheless I believe that mones are one of the most important factors

    concerning the attractiviness to women!

    I have made a ranking of factors how important I guess the single

    features concerning flirting:

    very important: Mones and the look (given by nature)
    imortant: body language, the

    dress and the appearence
    a litle bit important: body hight and the car you drive

    But I am very pry how guess

    you the single factors and so I yould be glad to see other estimations.....

  2. #2
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    I would have to

    disagree with you on that. I think mones would be somewhere near the bottom of the list. Looks are also not at the

    top of list. Instead I think body language, confidence and an outgoing sexual personality are the most important

    factors in deciding how attracted a woman is to you.

    I have not experienced the crazy effects that mones can

    have on women yet, maybe when i see a girl throw her bra at me for no "apparent" reason ill move mones further up

    the list of importance.

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    1) Very important =

    2) Important = Personal Hygene and style.
    3) A little important =

    Vermont Dispensaries
    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 03:40 PM.

  4. #4
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    IMO how you present yourself

    (attitude, behavior, appearance [eg cleanliness]) beats just about anything else.

    People are going to see you

    and see how you behave long before they get close enought to talk to you or smell you.
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  5. #5
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    The most important things for

    attracting women are in my experience:
    1. Confidence
    2. Dominance
    3. Humour

    If you have those 3 you

    need nothing else.

    Important but not as important as the first 3:
    4. Social skill.
    5. Body language

    (you get this for free when you have 1 and 2.

    Thing that may have an affect but are not that important:

    7. Mones.
    8. Cloths/style.

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    That's true to a point.

    However, your social demeanor and the way you dress will have an impact on the females you attract. If you dress in

    goth fashion don't expect many business women to be attracted to you, no matter how much confidence, dominance and

    humor you have. If you are dressed in a suit and tie don't expect to attract many of the down on the farm types. By

    the same token, acting in an overtly dominant manner will turn many women away from you.

    Humor, or it's

    application, is a social skill and needs to be applied appropriately. Dead baby jokes during dinner usually turn a

    woman off but some may enjoy them, it all depends on the woman. Some women can't take teasing and others love it.

    Another critical point is knowledge and intelligence. A high school drop out is rarely going to attract a highly

    educated person and a well read individual is most likely not going to find a person attractive who's reading

    material is generally found on bathroom walls.

    I guess it all has to do with context and congruency. You have to

    be aware of your surroundings and the mindset of the people where you are. Mones also help a lot more than you give

    them credit for but you have to use mones that work with who and what you are. You may make a good first impression

    wearing a lot of -none. But when they discover that you really are a shallow person who can't back up what you

    broadcast in your pheromone signature, it will make you seem weird. Females are very good at detecting when you are

    not what you appear to be.

    Read some of the posts by Tounge. He has the right idea about how to use mones and

    what needs to go with them, in my opinion.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast stuttgart-man's Avatar
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    I agree with Belgareth

    that if you bluff people with a mone-signatur and you are unable to continue the first impression the same people

    will turn away from you!

    But the first impression (even if it have (sometimes) no long influence) is made for a

    big part by mones! All the things which are mentioned in this thread what is important can created by mones!


    A.none: enhances dominance and masculinity
    A.nol: let seem you as more attractive
    Oxitocin: creates

    A.ron: raises the feeling of protection
    A1: improve women s mood!

    Furthermore with me, None has an

    indirect effect to me! I am usually a little bit shy man, but if a woman is effected by None (that is if she take a

    short body distance or even touching me, keep long eye contact, approach me and other things) this makes me

    aggressive (aggressive in the sense that I take the initiative) and so she is added attracted by my REAL

    And this interaction creates a (positive) circulation, so that the first impression resulted by the

    None keep alive

  8. #8
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    I used to be horrible with

    women. Then I spent years experimenting with mones and hitting the clubs trying to increase my social skills and


    Now I am in relationship with a really great women due to a combination of increased social skill and

    pure luck (no mones but my own though). So at least, if nothing else works, effort will

  9. #9
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    For any particular woman, the

    most important factor is her internal condition. It really isn't you, it's her. Adding 'mones help to sort them


    But if she is receptive or, better, proceptive, than she's either looking for good genes or a good

    provider. In either case, she wants a masculine man since the gender difference makes her feel feminine.


    what's a masculine man? She's looking for confidence, competence, and drive, in general. But with that, women

    differ in their appreciation. Displays of wealth and/or social status turn some on (Capricorns and Libras

    especially.) Geminis and Aquarius like verbal play and a quick, quirky wit.

    To summarize, make yourself into a

    man of character and strength that builds on who you really are and some woman, sooner or later will respond.

  10. #10
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    According to something I saw (I

    think in Cosmopolitan magazine) some more "alpha" women prefer "beta" males, but you still need to be a *quality*

    beta male. Find one of them women and let THEM support you for the rest of your life...

    ("Beta" here does NOT

    mean "wussy!" It's more along the lines of a dependable/capable adjutant/asistant/vice president...)
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  11. #11
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    I agree with Traggard, it's not

    even possible to rate in an order as you have to present these qualities at once, and the hotter the girls are the

    more important these factors are.

    Bel's example is generally true for the average person but also you could

    actually dress funny and succeed with a dressed up babe if you have game as in knowing the art of pickup.

    Those with significant pickup skills (and experience) even use it to their advantage to wear some silly outfits

    or items to stand out. I once wore a big silver dollar on a necklace that got quite a bit of attention from girls

    while everyone else thought it was goofy. While this was at a time I didn't even have any game but at least it was

    an opener and then only occasionally was I able to build on it.

    I think bottom line for knowing "what's best"

    is that every situation is different and if you really want to know the you need to study pickup arts like a pro so

    you can learn how to act in different settings and apply the processes. Key then is getting out there and practice,

    practice, practice your game into a routine.

    Ultimately my view on mones significance is they allow you to have

    faith in your own attraction more than without them because you know from experience that they do work so you loose

    the sense of being desperate. You relax and act not being needy but have fun, play and tease them instead. But I'm

    also one of those who can get pretty strong responses wearing mones not even doing anything such as on a bus or

    sitting room so naturally I love putting my faith in them.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    Gfunk: Some of my friends are

    so naturals. They walk up to chicks and make-out, sometimes even sex within 30 minutes of meeting chicks. Its the

    most amazing thing to watch.
    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 03:49 PM.

  13. #13
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Well, chicago, it's possible those

    "natural" friends have been already practicing on their skills for quite a while, although possibly not knowing


    Sometimes just plain old family upbringing and social gatherings can be an early training ground. A large

    extended family can provide many early "test/training subjects." Both my grandparents and parents were big on having

    both family and friend gatherings (eg card parties [bridge]), so I got to pick up on some of the general social

    interaction "rules."

    As I look back on it I realize that summer camps, High School, and especially college were

    some of the best training opportunities I had (besides family) for "field work." If you were lucky enough to get

    sent to camps or had larger schools with lots of potential targets to play with skills may have developed without

    much special effort.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  14. #14
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuttgart-man View Post

    can often read in the forum that mones are only shared with about 10% for attracting women wheres the other 90% is

    your appearance, the look, the body language, your dress and other factors!

    Without to want make advertising for

    mones, I am convienced that mones have a much more share on the flirting success!
    For the longest time

    I would have and have argued against your position. However, the more I read and learn, the more it seems to me that

    mones are one of the main deal makers. I recently posted some articles that relate.

    To take an example, the PUA. He goes to a bar

    or club to pick up women. But you have to assume that a large percentage of those women are there to be picked up

    anyway. If that isn't their sole intention, it certainly is one of their interests. Ok, so if she is horney, it

    means she is in the fertile part of her cycle which, according to the recent articles, is going to be more

    attractive to the PUA in the first place. So, he is most likely going to hit on the women who are most interested in

    sex. Since he is interested in sex, the woman picks that up and decides if he is acceptable. Now all he has to

    really do is not screw it up by saying the wrong things.

    You hear a lot of noise about naturals and methods and

    such but the deal maker/breaker is the natural attraction inherent in each person's pheromone makeup. Then, so long

    as the guy can keep from being utterly stupid, he gets laid. It really is more learning to play the game correctly

    and having the correct attraction or immune system than anything else.

    I know I am going to get a lot of

    arguement about the above statements and I am interested in hearing it. But please back it up with something

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  15. #15
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I'd still say the pheromones may

    not be a real high percentage as you have to be close enough to have someone else pick them up, although there is

    someting to be said for the "self effects" angle.

    But the other thing that popped into mind is that maybe people

    are basing their observations on the wrong pheromone. So much seems to be centered around androstenone, possibly due

    to it's known effect with pigs (an effect that is hard to deny).

    But when you start looking at this other

    research, and if I understand it right, it seems it may actually be androstedienone (A-1) that is one of the primary


    Methinks I may start playing around more with A-1 and see what happens. I've had my doubts about

    androstenone for some time and still consider it overrated.

    We shall see.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    For the

    longest time I would have and have argued against your position. However, the more I read and learn, the more it

    seems to me that mones are one of the main deal makers. I recently posted some articles that relate.

    To take an example, the PUA. He goes to a bar

    or club to pick up women. But you have to assume that a large percentage of those women are there to be picked up

    anyway. If that isn't their sole intention, it certainly is one of their interests. Ok, so if she is horney, it

    means she is in the fertile part of her cycle which, according to the recent articles, is going to be more

    attractive to the PUA in the first place. So, he is most likely going to hit on the women who are most interested in

    sex. Since he is interested in sex, the woman picks that up and decides if he is acceptable. Now all he has to

    really do is not screw it up by saying the wrong things.

    You hear a lot of noise about naturals and methods and

    such but the deal maker/breaker is the natural attraction inherent in each person's pheromone makeup. Then, so long

    as the guy can keep from being utterly stupid, he gets laid. It really is more learning to play the game correctly

    and having the correct attraction or immune system than anything else.

    I know I am going to get a lot of

    arguement about the above statements and I am interested in hearing it. But please back it up with something


    I think using your example, pheromone signature can be an initial attractor, and the

    final deal sealer or breaker. Taking your scenario. The women is probably going to be hit on by a lot of guys. The

    guys whose mone sig doesn't not appeal to her or turn her off are out of the running with her. Right from the

    get-go. The others that have an attractive signature are now in the running. Now is when appearance, personality and

    means come into play. Then when that is narrowed down to a manageable few, than I think the pheromone signature

    comes back into play as the tiebreaker so to speak. I am going to continue this in another post as I want to go off

    on another tangent.

  17. #17
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge View Post
    I think

    using your example, pheromone signature can be an initial attractor, and the final deal sealer or breaker. Taking

    your scenario. The women is probably going to be hit on by a lot of guys. The guys whose mone sig doesn't not

    appeal to her or turn her off are out of the running with her. Right from the get-go. The others that have an

    attractive signature are now in the running. Now is when appearance, personality and means come into play. Then when

    that is narrowed down to a manageable few, than I think the pheromone signature comes back into play as the

    tiebreaker so to speak. I am going to continue this in another post as I want to go off on another

    I think you may be right and I am looking forward to reading your other post.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  18. #18
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    For the

    longest time I would have and have argued against your position. However, the more I read and learn, the more it

    seems to me that mones are one of the main deal makers. I recently posted some articles that relate.

    To take an example, the PUA. He goes to a bar

    or club to pick up women. But you have to assume that a large percentage of those women are there to be picked up

    anyway. If that isn't their sole intention, it certainly is one of their interests. Ok, so if she is horney, it

    means she is in the fertile part of her cycle which, according to the recent articles, is going to be more

    attractive to the PUA in the first place. So, he is most likely going to hit on the women who are most interested in

    sex. Since he is interested in sex, the woman picks that up and decides if he is acceptable. Now all he has to

    really do is not screw it up by saying the wrong things.

    You hear a lot of noise about naturals and methods and

    such but the deal maker/breaker is the natural attraction inherent in each person's pheromone makeup. Then, so long

    as the guy can keep from being utterly stupid, he gets laid. It really is more learning to play the game correctly

    and having the correct attraction or immune system than anything else.

    I know I am going to get a lot of

    arguement about the above statements and I am interested in hearing it. But please back it up with something

    Quite interesting indeed. and I wonder if the PUA's are into pheros, if they are they're

    certainly keeping it to themselves. Come to think of it I did hear one lecturer mention it being just bogus, little

    does he know was my thought. But the game that they study, rehearse and practice/perform is actually so seriously

    powerful and potential by itself and them still being able to succeed terrifically without it makes sense. These

    guys also groom and wash very clean too before going at it. It's probably not possible to compare their game vs the

    use of synthetic pheromones.

    The PUA's are mostly focusing on how to get with most desirable targets as

    possible, perfect 10's etc. Targets that are usually over exposed to attention and seduction attempts and thereby

    have naturally evolved a strong sense of pickyness, having a shield of protection around them, bitch shield. Picky

    as in high criterias for how to be "spelled" into affair and as we know well enough now is that simply having

    mones and not the game won't make much difference. You could get lucky but most often, especially with attractive

    women, you'd only buy yourself a few more seconds to show what you've got, your game, then a cold shoulder if you

    ain't got it.

    A good example where mones doesn't seem to make much difference is for the many Asians who

    doesn't produce much sweat/odor or have the ability to stand those who does. Still the number of their people

    speaks for itself for a most active and productive sex life.

    Another thing to consider is that when a woman is

    horny as in the fertile part of her cycle, her primal instincts tells her to mate and this makes the brain produce

    and release chemicals into her system that makes her ready both mentally and physically for action. In this

    situation mones or not might not mean much difference if the guys has little of it and if he has plenty it will

    probably heighten her arousal more effectively. I would suppose alcohol has the same effect on this process.

    Just from the top of my head..

  19. #19
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt View Post
    I'd still say

    the pheromones may not be a real high percentage as you have to be close enough to have someone else pick them up,

    although there is someting to be said for the "self effects" angle.

    But the other thing that popped into mind is

    that maybe people are basing their observations on the wrong pheromone. So much seems to be centered around

    androstenone, possibly due to it's known effect with pigs (an effect that is hard to deny).

    But when you start

    looking at this other research, and if I understand it right, it seems it may actually be androstedienone (A-1) that

    is one of the primary keys.

    Methinks I may start playing around more with A-1 and see what happens. I've had my

    doubts about androstenone for some time and still consider it overrated.

    We shall

    Interestingly I have recently just not bothered with adding A1 and doesn't seem to make

    much difference to me other than I'm getting more and more successful lately though I can't trace this to the

    avoiding A1. (That said there are probably enough A1 in C& and A314 I still use).

    As for Bel's comment on it

    having a significance in the closing stage I'm quite willing to agree with this. Probably especially -none (right

    amount of course) and it could possibly avoid reactions of LMR (last minute rejection).

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