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Thread: Liquid Trust

  1. #1
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    Default Liquid Trust

    Is this product any

    good? Anyone try this? Liquid Trust. I am about ready to get a bottle. Thanks for the Warm Welcome idesign

  2. #2
    Stranger Andras's Avatar
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    Default Yes

    LT is the weirdest thing in

    the world. It really only works for like 30minutes after you apply it on like 2 sprays worth. but, lemme tell you,

    you plan it out right a girl will immediately be completely comfortable with you. You just have to watch out,

    because GUYS will too, it's scary since they'll start talking to you like directly next to your face. I guess you

    want to watch out for yourself too since you'll trust others the same way... hence don't get robbed. but yeah, I

    don't know if it's really oxytocin or whatever... but it works at least 5 girls have said "I just felt like I can

    trust you a lot from the moment I saw you" after we slept together.

  3. #3
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    Ok. Well, I don't know.

    Maybe I'll try it. I wasn't tryin to use it to pick up a girl but to gain peoples trust for da time being. U know

    how some people are they just don't get too friendly to certain people. They act totally weird and I think its


    What is it my breath? No. Da way I dress could be. lol. Am I a bit intimidating? Hard ta tell. It juss keeps

    going on and on.

  4. #4
    Stranger Andras's Avatar
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    Well, just keep in mind that I

    don't think it works miracles... but it does definitely work within the first like 20minutes of it since it

    basically makes it easy to at least be comfortable around somebody you just met... then and I guess don't spray it

    immediately before you see somebody, you need to give it like 2 minutes before that weird metallic alcohol smell

    goes away. That... and I guess it can make you look like kinda a pussy to other guys since you are mimicing what

    babies give off to mothers. Hence why I think LT is directly responsible for giving the period back to some girl

    that hadn't had it in like 4 months.

  5. #5
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    LT gives me a light buzz like

    SOE. I haven't noticed much in the way of effects on other people. To be fair, though, I have used it in

    combination with other products since I didn't want to be limited by its short duration. I may have been thinking

    the effects were all from one of the other mones and really they were from LT. Once again, we see why it is

    important to test products alone.

    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 04:33 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default Ok...

    Alright then. I doubt

    I'll even try it lol. I'll just wait till I save some money and get some WAGG along with some Chikra or Pheros.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast stuttgart-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andras View Post

    just keep in mind that I don't think it works miracles... but it does definitely work within the first like

    20minutes of it since it basically makes it easy to at least be comfortable around somebody you just met... then and

    I guess don't spray it immediately before you see somebody, you need to give it like 2 minutes before that weird

    metallic alcohol smell goes away. That... and I guess it can make you look like kinda a pussy to other guys since

    you are mimicing what babies give off to mothers. Hence why I think LT is directly responsible for giving the period

    back to some girl that hadn't had it in like 4 months.
    All the time I have applied LT 30 minutes before

    like other products and I have never seen any results with one exception: Recently I have once again used LT (one

    spray) and then I have drank a coffee on the fuel station. There was a man (who I never seen before) and within 5

    minutes we have taked about spirituality and the sense of life! This are normally topics which I usually only taked

    with intimate people!

    What is the reason, that LT works no longer than 20 or 30 minutes? Is LT absorbed by skin

    or has it a high evaporation rate? Can you extend the time when applining on clothes?

  8. #8
    Stranger Andras's Avatar
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    I have no idea, all i know is

    that when I put it on my girlfriend becomes wicked cuddly with me and other people try to be my friend much more.

    ofcourse it could just be a placebo effect but I'm positive that it has very little to do with that. I mean, tell

    you the truth it kinda feels like A1 sometimes. but whatever, it works i'm good with it. for a real wild time put

    it on with a -none product, kinda makes the girls all sorts of confused.

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    that's good to know, I put off

    that trust vibe naturally, wtf does that say about me? Sounds like I'd need to moderate the effect with

    some sexual mones to avoid the dreaded "just friends" zone.

  10. #10
    Journeyman Gorgar's Avatar
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    I recently obtained a bottle of

    LT and have had a chance to play with it a bit. I rolled on a few inches of SOE and a few drops of A314 as well as a

    small dab of PI. I gave myself 4 sprays of LT on my shoulders and torso. Then I got into a poker game...


    were 8 of us playing, including 2 women, both mid 50ish. For some reason they chose to sit on either side of me.

    I've played poker with this bunch several times before without much luck. This night I was raking em

    in and was the big winner of the evening. My bluffing game was spot on more often than not. Coincidence? Perhaps.

    Maybe added "trust" enhanced my bluffing game, who knows? All I know was that I ended up winning the pot with

    several crappy hands. I must say the cards were very kind to me as well. There was some luck involved no doubt about


    I did refresh the LT several times throughout the evening. It does go fast. The crowd I was playing with

    seemed very relaxed and happy, even the old grump who usually sits in was chatting nicely. I think I had a good mix

    of mones for the crowd I was with.

    Sat night there is another game and I'll give it another go.

  11. #11
    Journeyman Gorgar's Avatar
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    Sat night has come and gone. The

    poker game went OK. I managed to stay a few dollars above my buy-in amount. I used up the remainder of my bottle of

    LT. I can't report on the effects as I imbibed a little too much alcohol and spilled the remainder of my mone mix

    on the back of my hand. I tried to wash it all off but I doubt I got it all.

    I did manage to get one of the

    ladies at the poker table to remove her bra and shake em. I asked her how much her boobs cost and she said they were

    real. I played it off and told her I didn't believe it and that she should prove it so she did. So the

    other gal just had to follow suit, a fun time was had by all.

    The next morning there was payback from the tequila

    shots I drank but thats another story.

  12. #12
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Good job Gorgar.

    Sounds like you're mixing intelligently and getting results, two pair to be exact.

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast countesszero's Avatar
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    Liquid Trust landed me a

    very high paying job just recently. LT was the only product I used when interviewing with 6 people. They all loved

    me and believed everything I said. I was hired right on the spot. No lie.

    I would have to say that for the

    effects to happen you do have to expose your target almost immediately to LT. But yes it works. I wouldnt be without


  14. #14
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by countesszero View Post

    I would have to say that for the effects to happen you do have to

    expose your target almost immediately to LT. But yes it works. I wouldnt be without it.
    So with your

    experiences you are stating if you meet someone for the first time and you have LT on there will be 'great

    success'. Now, say you meet someone for the second time and this is the first time you wore LT near them the

    chances of 'great success' is greatly lower than the first stated situation?

    If so, it makes sense.

    How many

    sprays did you use for your successful interviews and where did you spray?


    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  15. #15
    Phero Enthusiast countesszero's Avatar
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    IIMO I think that even if

    you meet that person a second time now wearing LT the effects are still great. When you think about it in any kind

    of relationship you have to keep renewing your trust in them and in you. This is what LT does.

    I apply only one

    spray to the back of my head,but I apply again after 4 to 5 hours it depends on the situation. This stuff

    works....Trust Me.

  16. #16
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by countesszero View Post

    stuff works....Trust Me.
    Its even working way over here, think I'll get some.

  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast countesszero's Avatar
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    I told you.

    Yes do get

    some it really helps out alot in most situations.

  18. #18
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    Cool. Now here is the

    frightening question lol. Now since I knew this girl about a yr and we just friends and thats it if I would apply

    this stuff would it help me gain her trust more. Or should I mix it with some other mones? Which combination lol.

  19. #19
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyViper View Post

    Now here is the frightening question lol. Now since I knew this girl about a yr and we just friends and thats it if

    I would apply this stuff would it help me gain her trust more. Or should I mix it with some other mones? Which

    combination lol.
    If you've known her for a year and you're still friends then trust is probably not

    the issue. No harm in trying LT just in case.

    You could also try C7 or SoE (friendly) with a -none product like

    TE or A7 (sexy/respect).

    Without knowing why you're still in the friends zone its hard to say what you should


  20. #20
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    Default Alright cool.

    Now here is my

    second situation.

    I'll keep that in mind though idesign. I guess I'm gonna have to experience with different

    mones til I figure it out. I guess women don't find me sexually attractive because I don't smell a certain way. I

    thought I was a decent looking guy but that doesn't help one bit if I don't know how to talk to her. Besides we

    went to college together. I knew where she worked and I've talked to her. I gave her my number and she said she had

    a b/f. Ever since then she hasn't been as cool toward me. Thats life I guess.

    Anyway, now my 2nd situation. I

    met this girl on the internet. Shes a cutie. She loves my pictures and she told me she finds me sexually attractive.

    Besides I had plenty of att. women comment on my pics. So thats not an issue. (Im a cancer so I guess I worry bout

    my appearance and the way I dress. like a thug) lol.

    Anyway, we been having phone sex for a month and when I get

    some money soon I'm gonna see her. I already did my airlines research lol. Now the hard part: When we meet I could

    just go and meet her wearing no phermones. 50/50 chance. Either good or not so good.

    Or I could get LT and maybe

    some TE or A7 or should I do all 3. She tells me I turn her on all she does is think of me all day.

    Yeah. Shes

    5'4. 150lbs. Brown skinned. Pretty face and has a phatty on her! hahaha!

    So far so good. WOW. Is

    this what Im gonna have to do is rely on the internet to have my fun the rest of my life. I hope not. lol

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    I'd go with the LT and A7 for

    the meet and greet. In the mean time, hit some clubs, bars, libraries, whatever, and start talking to random girls

    everywhere you see them. Get that conversation confidence up! How's your eye contact with women?

  22. #22
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    Thanks GMONEY! You know you

    right. I haven't been to school for a min. I guess I haven't practiced for a few years. I been downing myself too

    much. I need ta find a couple bars/clubs relax have a good time and speak to random women. Their not gonna judge me.

    Thats me thinking that.

    But yeah, I been rejected too many times and I always took that to heart. I should think

    of that as positive than negative. I know that now. Since I am 24. Not 20-21 anymore lol.

    Eye contact? Guess I

    need to practice that a lil more. I know about it I guess I need to talk right.

    lol. sigh....

    Oh by

    the way, I noticed dcgamer uses AE & SOE. He says AE works for him when talking to Black/Brown skinned women! Thats

    exactly what I am looking for lol. Now its up to me to do the Talk Talk. Since it works for him it could work for

    me. I just have to expierment. Am I right? When I get paid I am gonna expierment with those.
    Last edited by HornyViper; 05-29-2008 at 02:07 PM.

  23. #23
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Liquid Trust does get in and works well for me whenever i have used 4 sprays to my shirtfront at pec

    level, but after an hour it just seems to have faded away to nothing.

    Its too expensive an option for daily use and i have some in my refrigerator that i use only for

    special interveiws ect.

    It still works after nearly 2 years in the

    refrigerator lol.

    Also my experience with AE also suggests that is can be an excellent choice when used to attract

    dark women and also women who have decended from India.

    But my choice for using around polynesian

    women is Alpha 7 and SOE.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  24. #24
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    What about white women? Does

    anyone target them anymore?

  25. #25
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gmoney View Post

    about white women? Does anyone target them anymore?
    Possably, They'd

    have to have a really good tan though !!
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  26. #26
    Full Member Pendragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Possably, They'd have to have a really good tan though

    I wondered about that too. Seems a majority of post mention attracting Asians.

    I wondered if maybe the poster is located in an Asian country or thats just their preference.
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  27. #27
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    And what's the normal tolerance

    of white women? Personally, they're really the only ones I'm interested in.

  28. #28
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    We have a pretty large number of

    members from Asian countries, and a lot of them post. Thanks guys

    From reading a lot of those posts, I gather

    that attracting Asian women is more of an art form than white women. Whether that's chemical or cultural or both

    is a question mark.

    In general, I've read and experienced that darker skinned women (black and hispanic) react

    more strongly than white women. Among white women there is a perceivable difference in reaction among age groups.

    That's my direct experience, and I believe it to be differences based on maturity, and experience in dealing with

    the kind of stimulation -mones may provoke. I see younger women having a raw reaction with little comprehension of

    how to deal with it (prone to DIHL). Older women will recognize at least the nature of the stimulation and have a

    better clue as to how to handle it.

    Of course that's a completely unscientific guesstimate of something I

    can't prove.
    Last edited by idesign; 05-31-2008 at 09:53 PM.

  29. #29
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    have a pretty large number of members from Asian countries, and a lot of them post. Thanks guys

    From reading

    a lot of those posts, I gather that attracting Asian women is more of an art form than white women. Whether that's

    chemical or cultural or both is a question mark.

    In general, I've read and experienced that darker skinned

    women (black and hispanic) react more strongly than white women. Among white women there is a perceivable difference

    in reaction among age groups. That's my direct experience, and I believe it to be differences based on maturity,

    and experience in dealing with the kind of stimulation -mones may provoke. I see younger women having a raw reaction

    with little comprehension of how to deal with it (prone to DIHL). Older women will recognize at least the nature of

    the stimulation and have a better clue as to how to handle it.

    Of course that's a completely unscientific

    guesstimate of something I can't prove.
    Absolutley true, And after all

    who has the time or inclination for endless debate ?

    .....BBBBBut we keep coming back to the store to purchase our

    favourite Pheromone products, that is those of us that have been in the thick of the pheromone action and seen it up

    close and personal, us guys who have served in the front lines as stalwart pioneers in this great field of pheromone

    research and exploration.

    Hea hea hea 3 cheers for all those of them that


    , Yea i salute you, every last one of you.

    Let us all stand up in unity and Splash it on Brothers.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  30. #30
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    So, back to the white women

    question. Use more or less mones? I'm still having trouble getting the desired hits with mid twenties white

    girls. I've had some awesome hits when I slather it on, from women in their late 30s to 40s, and some great hits

    from 19 year olds with moderate amounts, but can't seem to get it right with my target age range.

    Been using

    about 12 inches soe with 1 drop of A7. Tempted to try two drops on that target audience, any feedback?

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