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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Default First date advice

    Hi guys,


    getting my first order in tomorrow or Friday, Chikara gel packs and TE sandalwood. Thing is, I have a first date

    with a total hottie on Friday and I'd really love to have the extra boost from some pheros on that date. Without

    having much(any) time to test the products, I'd love a recommendation on what to use for that date. She's 24,

    I'm 32, both caucasion, both slim, well I'm 175, if it makes any difference.

    Thanks much!

  2. #2
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    just use this



  3. #3
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    I'd rather recommend you to

    start with Chikara as it is more social not like TE which will give pure sexual reaction. On a first date it is

    better to build the social connection with the woman you are dating & make her comfortable & safe around you.

  4. #4
    King of the coupons!
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    First dates should always be

    FUN! If all you have is TE and Chika .. Chika.

    Everyone thinking they'd find themselves in/on a first

    date sitchation needs SOE or A-nol to better your chances for a second date ... unless you end up talking to much

    and saying the wrong things.

    If ya ask me
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  5. #5
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    I am like a motor mouth

    when I out personally with women but working on toning that down.

    But anyway on a first date...

    NPA(Lite) or something else if you don't want a strong sexual response and a little bit of SOE... who am I kidding

    I love SOE (alot of SOE 10"~ if you really want to land something)

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    For those who didn't catch it,

    all I'll have is Chikara and TE. Thanks for the responses, sounds like the Chikara is the way to go without

    experimenting with the TE. I figure I can switch to TE after and hit the clubs

  7. #7
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gmoney View Post
    For those who

    didn't catch it, all I'll have is Chikara and TE. Thanks for the responses, sounds like the Chikara is the way to

    go without experimenting with the TE. I figure I can switch to TE after and hit the clubs

    sounds like what I would suggest. Chikara is a great "all-rounder" and would be my choice for a first date. You want

    that balance, and the androstenols for the social vibes. The androstenone can be carefully added later, perhaps at a

    future date (3rd +) and in gradual amounts until you find a sweet spot.

    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Any suggestions on dosages?

    They're gel packs, remember. half pack? Full pack? Split between wrists and neck?

    My Black code cover won't

    get here till next week, will I need to cover up Chikara? I'd hate to buy something retail, but will if needed.

    Does it need to "air out" a bit? Should i apply right before the date, or an hour or so before? Yeah, this is

    all stuff I'd figure out on my own with enough testing time

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I've used Chikara on first

    dates on a few occasions. It seems to boost "cuddliness"

    I would use 1 full gel pack. Spread it on your upper

    chest, front of neck, sides of neck, behind ears, and wrists.

    I've never used TE, so I can't comment on that,

    but Chikara works great. I think the amount depends on the person, but 3/4 to a full gel pack will do you good.

    Just make sure you apply it around 15-30 min before seeing her because the scent is strong initially. But from

    my experience, they love the scent...

    edit: I'm 23, white, and the girls I've used Chikara with have been 18,

    19, works better with younger girls. I think it also depends how tolerant the girl is to androstenone.

    You'll see after a while. For some odd reason, from my experience, I've noticed that the lighter skin women have

    less tolerance to -none, while darker skin have more tolerance. But you'll find from your testing how to modify

    the amount of -none you use, etc. It also depends on how much your own natural output of -none is.

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Thanks smooth, I have no idea of

    the variables, I'm thinking I'll start with half a gel pack and see where it goes. Hey, if it can get her cuddly,

    I"m in the money, that's all the head start I need

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    So I got the order and put on

    half a packet of chikara just to see how I liked the smell, I gotta say the stuff smells amazing! Is that smell

    gonna wear off with the phero smell kicking in later? If not, I don't think this stuff needs a cover.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Ok, so just wanted to update,

    since it was my first experience with this stuff. Date's daughter got sick so she cancelled and I decided

    to go clubbing instead. Put on a gel pack of chikara(whole thing) and two dabs of TE(didn't wanna OD) on my throat

    pulse points.

    Evening started out about normal and about 11:00(applied at 8:30, got here about 10) it turned

    into the biggest bump and grind fest I have ever had in my life! I mean, all I had to do was put my hand on a

    girl's hip in passing and her ass was in my crotch, good times! . At least one girl had to be dragged away

    by her friends, while she swore she'd be back! Now, I've been clubbing at this very place, and it's never, ever

    been this hot for me, so I can only conclude that these were hits! I can still smell their hair, more testing is

    calling my name Oh, and it seemed to suddenly wear off about 12:30, so I'll need to remember to reapply

    at hour 3.5 in future.

    Oh, and had one small hit in line at target, picked up a sports illustrated and started

    talking to the girl next to me about the body painting, very good raport, very comfortable feeling from her. Lots

    of laughs.

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gmoney View Post
    Ok, so

    just wanted to update, since it was my first experience with this stuff. Date's daughter got sick so she cancelled

    and I decided to go clubbing instead. Put on a gel pack of chikara(whole thing) and two dabs of TE(didn't

    wanna OD) on my throat pulse points.

    Evening started out about normal and about 11:00(applied at 8:30, got

    here about 10) it turned into the biggest bump and grind fest I have ever had in my life! I mean, all I had to do

    was put my hand on a girl's hip in passing and her ass was in my crotch, good times! . At least one girl had

    to be dragged away by her friends, while she swore she'd be back! Now, I've been clubbing at this very place, and

    it's never, ever been this hot for me, so I can only conclude that these were hits! I can still smell their hair,

    more testing is calling my name Oh, and it seemed to suddenly wear off about 12:30, so I'll need to

    remember to reapply at hour 3.5 in future.

    Oh, and had one small hit in line at target, picked up a sports

    illustrated and started talking to the girl next to me about the body painting, very good raport, very comfortable

    feeling from her. Lots of laughs.
    Sounds like some pretty sweet results. I've never tried Chikara to a

    club, but PI has gotten me similar results in clubs. I think the 'wearing off' could also be the good scent

    wearing off or pheromones kicking in too much? Sometimes it's hard to tell if the lack of response is because of

    too much or because of too little.

    What were you wearing at Target?

    Cool, I'm a fan of SI the

    swimsuit calendar on my wall

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Think I was just wearing chikara

    at target, like 2/3 gel pack.

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