Your results are similar to

mine. I would almost go as far as saying they are identical.

But instead of SoE/TE I've been using


If you want to combine Chikara with your other approach try the smallest possible spray on your

fingers, then spread it out. Less is more in mixes with that stuff, in my own experience.
DrSmellThis, I

completely agree. C7, I find, is extremely strong. Hence why it is used as a standalone. I enhance Axe(Kilo) with

C7... great mini hits.

I have not found good results with AE and C7 yet. (2 drops AE / one full spray C7) I only

have one entry down in my journal. It states that I had some early flirtations with the younger female coworkers..

but that died down quick.. also the entry states to "tone it down"

I never use more than 2 full sprays of C7...

honestly I am kind of scared to. This may be silly but one time I had on 2.5 sprays C7, when I was living at my

parent's garage... there was a nuclear explosion in that house when I walked to grab a bite to eat before I left

for the night. I never experienced such hostility from my mother before. (except once...)

Like the other

posters I get the chatty responses and "I am so into you" with C7.

Off note: I always have google open on the

other monitor/foxfire tab just to spellcheck. I've won many awards for 'offensive spelling'.