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  1. #61
    Full Member Sunny's Avatar
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    Oh yes I should!

    This guy was

    about 60 and had built the whole organization himself. This was his lifetime achievement (purpose of life for him).

    I believe he would die for the organization if he had to in order to save it.

    Logically I was not a real threat.

    But "pheromonically", his subconscious mind registered that I appeared much stronger than him - and I was doing

    things which he did not like.

    I appeared superior, the mones were stronger. But with a person who would rather

    die than submit, the fight or flight question will always be answered with: Fight! And if no fight is necessary,

    because he is in the position to remove me, that's very easy.

    Since that experience I always ask myself, when I

    put on lots of -none: How will the people I meet react to my subconsciously perceived superiority? Do they have

    something to defend? If so, they might defend it!

    Pure -none close to possible OD should never be worn around

    people who could cause serious harm to you if they perceive you as a threat. If there is nothing they need to

    defend, they will submit to you. If there is something to defend, their reaction (submit or fight) will all depend

    on their personality, experience, rules and values etc.


  2. #62
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default what a hastle it could be

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny
    Oh yes I should!

    This guy was about 60 and had built the whole organization himself. This was his

    lifetime achievement (purpose of life for him). I believe he would die for the organization if he had to in order to

    save it.

    Logically I was not a real threat. But "pheromonically", his subconscious mind registered that I

    appeared much stronger than him - and I was doing things which he did not like.

    I appeared superior, the mones

    were stronger. But with a person who would rather die than submit, the fight or flight question will always be

    answered with: Fight! And if no fight is necessary, because he is in the position to remove me, that's very easy.

    Since that experience I always ask myself, when I put on lots of -none: How will the people I meet react to my

    subconsciously perceived superiority? Do they have something to defend? If so, they might defend it!

    Pure -none

    close to possible OD should never be worn around who can cause harm to you if they perceive you as a threat. If

    there is nothing they need to defend, they will submit to you. If there is something to defend, their reaction

    (submit or fight) will all depend on their personality, experience, rules and values etc.

    yes i

    was working with a large group of people and i was getting on with the blokes ok, but at lunchtime i put a few drops

    PI on and the 2 black girls were so nice to me all afternoon but the guys sort of just grouped together and started

    putting shit on me, but it was good because i was using the group in my pheromone results search and PI does cause

    reactions. I also tested SOE on another day withn this group, i had a little rone on as well and about 20"SOE and 2

    small dabs NPA, the girls turned into my personal slaves and the men were as friendly as anything, on another day i

    was wearing 2 drops PI and a new young plump smart arse girl was working about 4 foot away from me and was not

    friendly but she could not keep her eyes off of me for the first 3 hours, so the stuff definatelly causes reactions


  3. #63
    Full Member Sunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40
    and PI does

    cause reactions...

    so the stuff definatelly causes reactions


    That is exactly why I love it. With other mones, there are often reactions but I don't notice them.

    In hindsight, I now know that these subtle reactions were in people's minds: How they perceived me, what they

    thought about me... but that does not mean that the reacted upon it right away.

    With -none the reactions can be

    so much fun:

    I went into an elevator. Behind me, a couple (mid 50s) entered. The doors closed. I stood at the

    back, they stood before me. When the doors opened again, they wanted to get out as well as me. The man started

    moving first. His wife pulled him back and to the side, looked at me, smiled and pointed me to go first while she

    almost pressed her confused husband to the wall. Let me tell you, I have NEVER experienced anything like this before

    in my life...


  4. #64
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Yes the good ones do work

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny
    Good experiment!

    That is exactly why I love it. With other mones, there are often reactions but I

    don't notice them. In hindsight, I now know that these subtle reactions were in people's minds: How they perceived

    me, what they thought about me... but that does not mean that the reacted upon it right away.

    With -none the

    reactions can be so much fun:

    I went into an elevator. Behind me, a couple (mid 50s) entered. The doors closed.

    I stood at the back, they stood before me. When the doors opened again, they wanted to get out as well as me. The

    man started moving first. His wife pulled him back and to the side, looked at me, smiled and pointed me to go first

    while she almost pressed her confused husband to the wall. Let me tell you, I have NEVER experienced anything like

    this before in my life...

    YES there are some very obvious reactions and also heaps that we dont

    even see, i have had women follow me around the supermarket and if i stop somewhere sometimes they will just start

    to congregate around me, one girl followed me and stopped right next to me every time i stopped id move to another

    isle and stop look at the cornflakes and next thing here she was again stopping within 2 foot of me and just

    staring, most women will be affected but they will not show any obvious sighns at all because in normal day time

    situations a lot of women nowdays are a little inhibited and also lacking in confidence and i have noticed that they

    are in a lot of cases just waiting for a man to talk to them as there are a hell of a lot of lonley girls out there

    and sometimes they think " Men dont seem very sexy nowdays" so we must be aware and also be good at judging body

    language, and more importantly if we are on the prowl we must also exibit the correct body language because they are

    picking up on our every movement and expression and its the first thing they do so we have other signals to send out

    besides smell and these signals can be used very effectivley to our advantage as even a very suttle hand movement or

    flutter or a tilt of the hips or licking of the lips can be a very seductive method of communication, and then there

    is the dress image some girls like the dolled up guy and some like the t shirt and thongs layback sort of guy ha ha

    this game has so many variables, heaps mor than a game of monopoly, but it all involves movement, and if we apply

    ourselves we can always get what we want no worries. Hmmm But i wonder what we want, hmmm

    I think i know, isnt it just SO NICE and i mean really nice, Im glad that God made me a man

  5. #65
    Full Member Sunny's Avatar
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    I fully agree to all of your

    points, terry!

    I suspect that part the confusion we create in people using mones is that our body language,

    energy, behavior in general contradicts the pheromone signature.

    These days, when I put on 2 drops of PI, I like

    to make very slow movements, I mean overtly slow, with strong body language. I like to look around a room like a

    lion would look around who sits on his little hill, overlooking his territory. Doing this congruently is much easier

    with the effect if PI on myself. I don't fear that people would believe I am behaving stupid. And the really


  6. #66
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Good post

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny

    fully agree to all of your points, terry!

    I suspect that part the confusion we create in people using mones is

    that our body language, energy, behavior in general contradicts the pheromone signature.

    These days, when I put

    on 2 drops of PI, I like to make very slow movements, I mean overtly slow, with strong body language. I like to look

    around a room like a lion would look around who sits on his little hill, overlooking his territory. Doing this

    congruently is much easier with the effect if PI on myself. I don't fear that people would believe I am behaving

    stupid. And the really don't...
    SO who cares what we perceive people to think and if you want to make those

    slow movements because it suits the way you feel then go for it because it will contribute towards smooth energy

    flow, sometimes i like to act a bit stupid and if i enjoy doing so then that is all that matters, as we dont have to

    justify ourselves to any one, And we have 2 voices speaking to us continually one is positive and confident and one

    is negative and it is up to us which one we will listen to, who cares if we look stupid because we have chatted the

    chick up or whatever, the person who thinks we look stupid didnt have the guts to be themselves and just do it,

    sometimes we do get a knockback so what, we just get over it and fire again and if we are firing we are always going

    to score a hit sooner or later, but if we are negative and dont fire then we will never get the hit, But as you say

    just act as what is natural and comfortable, because everyone is acting upon their stage and putting on some kind of

    a front and after all we all like fun and smiles and good vibes and positive comments and love, so we must be true

    to ourselves and not respond to the neg litle voice, and not get to involved in the dialogue too much as it unfolds,

    SO save and create energy and just mind flow with each breath and then you will really see magic in action.
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 11-02-2006 at 02:08 PM. Reason: spelling fix

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