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  1. #1

    Default newbie need advice

    I\'m 16, and around 2 months ago, I got an email which advertised pheromones. I looked around and bought a bottle of Primal. I honestly have not noticed any effect. All I really want to do is get some girls at school to notice me. Can anyone tell me what\'s wrong?? advice??

  2. #2

    Default Re: newbie need advice

    Hi hpphaeton:

    Welcome to the forum. I will be happy to help if you will do me a favor. Please promise to use this info responsibly. I worry that sex pheromones and high school could be a dangerous combination…

    Primal Instinct is a androstenone heavy product. Word on the forum is that many younger women don’t respond well to a-none. They seem to react better to products containing androstenol. This is also a better choice for someone your age, since it should elicit a chatty, friendlier response, rather than a sexual one. As far as products that contain pheromones are concerned, here are a couple of options:

    1) Use a minimal amount of Primal. Perhaps only a couple of small dabs (not drops)… period. In your situation, too much Primal could have a negative effect.

    2) You could buy an androstenol heavy product. If you want to spend the cash, \"Scent of Eros\" ($49.95)
    is a good a-nol heavy choice. A more affordable option is the \"Super Primal Oils\" ($7.95) which have some a-nol in them, and can be used with your Primal. This said, I don’t know how much a-nol is in the SPMO’s so there may not be enough to get the job done.

    Finally, remember the following: Pheromones alone won’t get the job done. You also need to approach people with a warm, inviting smile and try to interact in a friendly, confident, non-threatening manner. This is a skill you will need to work at, and develop. The key is to approach and interact. If you are painfully shy, all the pheromones in the world probably won’t help.

    Hey, I totally relate to being 16 and wanting certain girls to notice me. It is a very frustrating thing! Try to relax, approach and be approachable. This may take a little time, as I recall it’s not always an easy thing to do.


  3. #3

    Default Re: newbie need advice

    Thanks for the advice. I\'ll Keep it in mind. What about Primal for women? That has 11mg -nol. Would it be a good idea to get it?

  4. #4

    Default Re: newbie need advice

    Good point. When you compare all the products offered by Love-Scent ($ per mg.) Primal for women is by far the best deal. A couple of things to consider though…

    PI/w contains an additional substance known as \"copulins\". It is not known how much of this substance it contains. Copulins is produced naturally by women and excreted into the vaginal fluid. So far, it is exclusively used (commercially) in products designed for women to attract men. This said, there are a number of men on the forum that are using PI/w. Additionally, I believe PI/w is unscented, where as SOE is the total package with a nice \"musky\" scent included.

    This is all I know about the product. Perhaps one of the guys on the forum that are using PI/w could give us some additional insight.


    * You can further educate yourself concerning copulins through the link below:

    <a target=\"_blank\" href=;Board=UBB4&amp;Number=9582&a mp;page=&amp;view=&amp;sb=&amp;o=&amp;vc=1>;Board=UBB4&amp;Number=9582&a mp;page=&amp;view=&amp;sb=&amp;o=&amp;vc=1</a>

  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: newbie need advice

    My advice for someone youre age try The edge unscented or even attraction unscented would be a good option as well to get started.

  6. #6

    Default Re: newbie need advice

    I\'m using PI/w along with a whole wack of other pheromones. Currently using DD-1 but PI/w is also highly effective for getting great responses from women.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: newbie need advice

    Well according to this study suggest that couplins and another similar substance (hydroxyphenylpropionicacid) influence the assessment of men by women. So unless that is a typo and they meant assessment of women by men, I guess it\'s possible couplins can have a postive effect on women also. I think women have been noted to have an increased libido (sex drive) during ovulation, which again makes sense when trying to reproduce. What causes the increase of libido I don\'t know. An internal hormone released? A male pheromone like androstenone becomes at it\'s most potent (studies have suggested androstenone\'s effectiveness varies during the menstrualcycle)? Or maybe a womans own couplins?

  8. #8

    Default Re: newbie need advice

    I read this stuff a while back, it constitutes another pile in the conflicting swathe of research on the subject. The bit about \"copulins\" at the end seems suspect, then again I find Androstenone to be quite an eroginous scent. So the statement about repelling males seems suspect as well, (female sweat also contains -none). I do not think that the male/female divide in these substances is as defined as people think. They, as sexual scents probably have an effect on both sexes to a degree. I wouldn\'t be concerned for instance about wearing a product containing \"copulins\" myself, I mean, how many of us have done the business and gone forth into the world without washing \"uncle meat\"? Don\'t think its gonna repel anyone, in fact it would surely give you an aura of being \"sexually successful\". In fact the only dichotomy with any degree of credence would appear to be pherins research with androstadienone/estratetraenol, and even that is not as clear cut as would be liked, as again the male/female response is a matter of degree rather than on/off.


  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: newbie need advice

    Yes ratspeaker it is going to take a lot more research before we get any definite ideas (although this forum is a good place for experiences and also dissemination of this type of information) it actually works quite well actually.

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