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  1. #1
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    Default Just another newb sharing and asking

    Well another newbie here and I just got my order of AE last friday. overdid it(~4 drops) at first but still noticed

    a difference in peoples reactions towards me though they were not overbearing but slightly noticable....i

    think . some Dihls, girls giggling, comment made when i walk by, that sort of thing.
    I am thinking my

    range is probably around 2 drops or less for AE but as a person who is new with pheromones it is very hard to

    believe that a quantity that small can make such a difference but it seemingly does make a noticable difference(or

    am i trying to cherry pick situations out to explain them i can't really tell yet).
    The mones also seem to clear

    up my sinuses(which is great) and gives me this sort of high confident feeling which is also great so i know they

    definitely do something!

    I was thinking if these phereomones really work this well it is a great advantage to

    have over other men but then I also thought how prevalent they may be(like am i likely the only one wearing them at

    my gym etc).
    Do you guys notice(by smell of AE etc) when others are also wearing mones or can you even tell if

    others are wearing them around your vicinity?
    i really don't want others to know i am wearing them and it is

    great to know that i may have found a "secret" advantage with attracting women!

    about me:
    I am 26yr, half

    korean/caucasian, 5'9"160
    as far as my looks i am not really too confident right now(which know is a really big

    I just got out of a very serious 6.5 year relationship and feel i have been out of the game for a long

    time. before that i was ultra confident and girls were flocking to me left and right though i was indifferent to it

    and took it for granted. now i am desperate just to get any sort of attention (which i think i do but fail to

    act or notice). a little pathetic but i will work my way out. hopefully mones can help(just a little i


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    hmm i have the same question as

    you, i.e. that are pheromones really common these days?
    GL kent!

  3. #3
    Full Member
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    Pheromones are not used by very

    many people - most people know they can be bought and used but they got a bad name in the early days when products

    had no human phero content or not enough to be effective,. Most people dont believe in them now, but thats bound to

    change in the next few years once the word gets out on the newer research & people find out what products actualy

    work. Right now it's a fringe market (not main-stream)

  4. #4
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Pheromones are just a small part of

    the equation, it shouldn't be your main focus.


  5. #5
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    Welcome to the site and don't let

    your ex get you down. You'll find that person to make you happy. Although, you have to be happy with yourself prior

    to looking for another. Unfortunately, I've got some experience with your situation. I'm starting to sound like

    "Dr Phil".

    Enjoy yourself and take care


  6. #6
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    So far it seemed the effects of

    using AE to be very subtle but when i added SOE to the mix the signs of effectiveness is very easy to see. girls

    blatently smiling, staring, talking their little heads off to me. It is kind of fun and funny to mess with these

    things and get these reactions. It is true that mones does not make you a super star but it seems to bring

    people out of there shells to take a step closer to you IF that is what they want(i hope as i really don't want to

    create a false sense of attractiveness). and i like that because it makes it easier for me.
    It is weired

    to me how these pheromones work but i have no doubt that there is definitely something to them that effects how we

    interact with one another. Also makes me feel better to which in itself is worth it.
    lata playas

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    how much SOE do you use with


  8. #8
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    I think i use about 1/2 a pack

    it is hard to tell though. I read you can't really od on it but i will still try to cut down and see how that is.

    I seem to have some attention now and i need to start acting on it.

  9. #9
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I don't think pheromone usage

    ("real" pheromone products. Not the "one drop per drum full," "found at the drugstore-type" like Realm) are all that

    common. And even if they were more common, there are a whole bunch of different prodcuts out there, and they all

    work in different ways on each person. Even finding two people wearing the exact same commercial cologne is

    *relatively* rare in my experience.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  10. #10
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenjhow
    I think i use

    about 1/2 a pack it is hard to tell though. I read you can't really od on it but i will still try to cut down and

    see how that is.
    I seem to have some attention now and i need to start acting on it.
    Yes you

    can OD on it, but the effects of an OD of SOE are a bit more pleasent than if you ODed with -none. Then again try

    not to be around animals (dogs in particular) if you do (long story).

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  11. #11
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    well i just got back from the

    bar. wasn't bad i still got alot of work to do on myself. i think i got a lot of subtle attention but it is hard to

    tell. lots of girls seemed to stare at me but it was not so obvious(maybe in my head don't know). someone grabbed

    my ass thats for sure! i just don't know who :0
    I think i need to cute down on my none though. i use 3-4 drops of

    ae and seemingly get no reactions but then i take a shower put on some soe and head to dinner and then the bar and

    everything seems good.
    it is just so hard for me to believe that those little drops of ae is enough! i need to get

    that fixed in my head that less is better.
    do you guys basically get no reactions or observed attention when you od

    on mones? thats what seems to happen to me. it is weired as i think people would notice the more mones you wear

    whether they are bad reactions or not.

  12. #12
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    >>> Then again try not to be

    around animals (dogs in particular) if you do (long story).

    I had a weird situation with a dog tonight - I went

    to a clients home to pick up some documents, the dog was this HUGE male Rottweiler I swear the dog acted like there

    was a 12" force field between him and me - hes a happy dog and tried to come to me but looked like he was being

    slammed into a wall at the last second - the owner was like "what the hell is the deal with my dog"? He called his

    wife in to watch - they were at a loss, the poor dog looked really scared and walked off sneazing.

    8" SOE & 2

    sprays TE about 2 hrs prior.

  13. #13
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pongo
    >>> Then again try

    not to be around animals (dogs in particular) if you do (long story).

    I had a weird situation with a dog

    tonight - I went to a clients home to pick up some documents, the dog was this HUGE male Rottweiler I swear the dog

    acted like there was a 12" force field between him and me - hes a happy dog and tried to come to me but looked like

    he was being slammed into a wall at the last second - the owner was like "what the hell is the deal with my dog"? He

    called his wife in to watch - they were at a loss, the poor dog looked really scared and walked off sneazing.

    8" SOE & 2 sprays TE about 2 hrs prior.
    Hmm . . . sounds like the TE was keeping him away. I've

    had a lot of run ins with female dogs. In fact here's what happened when I was first experimenting with SOE gel


    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  14. #14
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    well been testing and it seems

    like i have found a good mix for me to use. there is also no doubt in my mind that pheros work.
    AE and SOE mixed

    around 1:1 seems to work great for me(4 drops total from mixed used around neck and wrist)!
    I also made a mix with

    NPA and SOE(first 3:7 then 3:11) but it seems like women are intimidated by me with just a little bit put on(~3

    dabs). they look interested but when they get close they seem to get nervous and then usually go away(i wonder if it

    is because i stink?). it is weired

    I od one time too. for whatever reason it seemed like an all day event.

    some freak guy in Subway was staring me down big time(i did not even notice till my friends told me after 10 minutes

    of him doing it). my friend in my car later just went off on me and started yelling at me over something stupid(not

    like him). then when i went to the gym a girl i know just rudely told me to be quite because she did not feel like

    talking (she apologized later). it was a very unusual bad day.

    that is when i decided to just use the

    ae/soe mix and it has been good ever since. i am a little disapointed though that npa does not work easily with

    I went to a club(put some extra soe gel on) and i actually felt like a king in there. i never got that

    much attention in my life! all these girls were just staring at me,smiling, and touching me. dancing very close to

    me especially in groups. it was fun to observe. this one girl whom i see in the gym and i think is interested in

    me(even before phero use) was with this guy at the club and as soon as she saw me she totally detached from this guy

    and made it very clear she was available(she sat by herself while staring at me).

    I am also getting good at

    getting the attention of the hosteses at restaraunts
    I just walk by them and it seems like it is enough.

    one of them actually started serving me because our server kept encouraging her to(she was trying to hide from me

    but i noticed).
    another occasion when i went to the bathroom i passed by a load of congregated hosteses(this

    restaraunt needed many). well when i came back the same way i noticed this cute one saw me and immediatly turned her

    back to me while i was about to pass by and then her coworkers were giggling and made an attempt to push her into me

    as if by accident( i smiled in my mind at that one.). she was giving me smiles and glances the whole time after


    well even then after all that obvious attention i could not muster up enough courage to talk to these

    girls in all those occasions to maybe get a number or date. pathetic still yes but i swear to you i will and i am on

    the verge of doing it!!!
    I feel good either way though My confidence level has jumped up 10X since i am

    getting the hang of using these mones. that is a big plus for me as i don't feel so much like a loser anymore.

    btw do you guys think that soe gels smell better(or stronger) than the liquid roll on? seems that way to

    sorry for all the bad spelling and grammer in a hurry.

  15. #15
    Phero Pro
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    "btw do you guys think that soe

    gels smell better(or stronger) than the liquid roll on? seems that way to me. sorry for all the bad spelling and

    grammer in a hurry."

    To me it seems that the SOE gel is not quite as strong (fragrance) as the roll on. I

    think it also mellows better.

    Anyhow it is good to see that you are getting some great social attention and

    the hint of some sexual ones as well. I love using SOE in resturants. I never seem to have to complain about the

    service anymore . My suggestion to you is to take the next step and start teasing, flirting, using lines etc . .

    . . The one thing about SOE that I found out is that, I may not get the blatent sexual advances that I get from

    -none products and mixes (this is rare and I'm beginging to think there are a lot more factors in those type of

    hits), but if you are brave enough to start flirting, I wouldn't be surprised on how fast things start moving. I

    mean that I would use the most hooky , innuendo filled, slap inducing line that I can think of and it would work

    to my utter amazement (and to the shock of my friends as well).

    Last edited by SwingerMD; 02-13-2006 at 10:00 PM.
    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  16. #16
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by kenjhow
    well been testing

    and it seems like i have found a good mix for me to use. there is also no doubt in my mind that pheros work. AE and

    SOE mixed around 1:1 seems to work great for me(4 drops total from mixed used around neck and wrist)!

    I also

    made a mix with NPA and SOE(first 3:7 then 3:11) but it seems like women are intimidated by me with just a little

    bit put on(~3 dabs). they look interested but when they get close they seem to get nervous and then usually go

    away(i wonder if it is because i stink?). it is weired

    I od one time too. for whatever reason it seemed

    like an all day event. some freak guy in Subway was staring me down big time(i did not even notice till my friends

    told me after 10 minutes of him doing it). my friend in my car later just went off on me and started yelling at me

    over something stupid(not like him). then when i went to the gym a girl i know just rudely told me to be quite

    because she did not feel like talking (she apologized later). it was a very unusual bad day.

    that is when

    i decided to just use the ae/soe mix and it has been good ever since. i am a little disapointed though

    that npa does not work easily with me.

    I went to a club(put some extra soe gel on) and i actually felt

    like a king in there. i never got that much attention in my life! all these girls were just staring at

    me,smiling, and touching me. dancing very close to me especially in groups. it was fun to observe. this one girl

    whom i see in the gym and i think is interested in me(even before phero use) was with this guy at the club and as

    soon as she saw me she totally detached from this guy and made it very clear she was available(she sat by herself

    while staring at me).

    I am also getting good at getting the attention of the hosteses at restaraunts

    I just walk by them and it seems like it is enough. one of them actually started serving me because our server

    kept encouraging her to(she was trying to hide from me but i noticed).
    another occasion when i went to the bathroom

    i passed by a load of congregated hosteses(this restaraunt needed many). well when i came back the same way i

    noticed this cute one saw me and immediatly turned her back to me while i was about to pass by and then her

    coworkers were giggling and made an attempt to push her into me as if by accident( i smiled in my mind at that

    one.). she was giving me smiles and glances the whole time after that.

    well even then after all that obvious

    attention i could not muster up enough courage to talk to these girls in all those occasions to maybe get a number

    or date. pathetic still yes but i swear to you i will and i am on the verge of doing it!!!
    I feel good either way

    though My confidence level has jumped up 10X since i am getting the hang of using these mones. that is a big

    plus for me as i don't feel so much like a loser anymore.

    btw do you guys think that soe gels smell

    better(or stronger) than the liquid roll on? seems that way to me.
    sorry for all the bad spelling and grammer in a

    You can try one dab of your NPA:SOE to the adam's apple along with your regular

    SOE:AE mix, ORRRRR you can give TE a shot. Some say TE works, but NPA doesn't; and then there are those that say

    NPA works, but TE doesn't. NPA may be too potent for you. Anyone? Anyone?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Anyhow it is good to see

    that you are getting some great social attention and the hint of some sexual ones as well. I love using SOE in

    resturants. I never seem to have to complain about the service anymore . My suggestion to you is to take the next

    step and start teasing, flirting, using lines etc . . . . The one thing about SOE that I found out is that, I may

    not get the blatent sexual advances that I get from -none products and mixes (this is rare and I'm beginging to

    think there are a lot more factors in those type of hits), but if you are brave enough to start flirting, I would be

    surprised on how fast things start moving. I mean that I would use the most hooky , innuendo filled, slap inducing

    line that I can think of and it would work to my utter amazement (and to the shock of my friends as


    yeah. I need to at least say something or flirt a little. it must feel good to try

    to playfully push the limits of these ladies and still have them want you(if not more) and it gives major props for

    you in front of your friends.

    You can try one dab of your NPA:SOE to the adam's apple along

    with your regular SOE:AE mix,
    Yeah I think I will a least do that just so I won't waste that mix. These

    things are'nt cheap but well worth it!!

    BTW a small hit(that is all i have gotten so far) yesterday while at

    the gym(I go about 6-7 days a week now)
    I almost bump into these two girls while they got off the treadmill and i

    was about to get on. they then proceeded to giggle almost uncontrollably. it was odd and i felt like i did something

    goofy that they noticed. they later came back to the treadmills and kept looking back and smiling at me.

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Smile Sometimes you need a touch of bling

    not too much... have some unusual detail about your clothing or personal effects that others can latch

    on to and ask you questions about... I found an outrageously loud Austin Powers shirt at Macy's.... God knows what

    they were thinking when the did that line of clothing... and on a 50 year old guy (me) it should look completely

    ridiculous... you could see it 200 yards away with impaired vision.... I went to a party wearing this abomination

    (granted, a FUN abomination) along with my regular clothes.... and young guys were coming up to me, jealous, MAN,

    WHERE did you get that shirt !!!??? and a gaggle of late 20 something women wanted to hang around and get silly....

    my own late 20 something GF with her outrageous silicone tits wasn't around to blow the minds of the innocent 20

    something guys, I feel like I'm Hugh Hefner when we go out, other guys around my age get sloshed drunk and smoke

    comes out their ears around her.... anyway, sometimes ballsy outrageous over the top will do it IF you can balance

    it with a lot of self control and smooth delivery, the key attitute is that you have to be comfortable in your skin

    and play with the game, don't be so dead serious about the game that it becomes a drama, make it a comedy that's

    light on its feet....

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