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Thread: Pherlure

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by luxveritas
    When I

    finish my testing I think that I might post a website with the information from this thread and my personal

    experience and see if slashdot will pick it up. If in 2 weeks i find that it works then I might extend my study to a

    month. Something as contraversial as this seems to need investigation. If nothing else the site that I might create

    will expose the companies marketing tactics. While doing research on this product I have yet to find a counterpoint

    to the rave reviews of Pherlure. (maybe astroturfing) This is something that needs to be fixed for the sake of

    balance. Of course I'll definately mention this forum and its wealth of info. I love this site. It seems to be the

    only island in the sea of BS. Kudos to Bruce for allowing this thread for a product which he doesn't even (wisely)

    I'm not sure slashdot is such a good idea, luxveritas...

  2. #92
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catlord17
    I'm afraid I fail

    to see the negativity you are attempting to punish me for with your silence. I am stating that your logic is

    faulty, and it is. That's not negativity, that's simple fact. My experience disagrees with your "logic".

    And when I say I have friends who get a kick out of reading what you and others have said when disagreeing

    with me, when they see what I experience first hand, that is also a simple fact. It's just amusing that you guys

    are so stuck on your beliefs without ever trying the stuff for yourselves.

    I couldn't care less if you

    believe what I have to say. I don't care if you are interested in talking to me or not. You are welcome to your

    choice of beliefs and actions. But please don't think I am going to suffer because you've chosen to stop talking

    with me when I disagree with you.
    Blah, blah. Funny how it was you who said it was dangerous to

    assume yet you were the one making the assumptions. I just don't appreciate your disrespectful tone when I was

    never doubting your claims. And I'm not trying to punish anyone, I'm just not going to invest the time to follow

    up like originally would have.
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    Blah, blah. Funny

    how it was you who said it was dangerous to assume yet you were the one making the assumptions. I just don't

    appreciate your disrespectful tone when I was never doubting your claims. And I'm not trying to punish anyone, I'm

    just not going to invest the time to follow up like originally would have.
    Well I'll give you

    the benefit of the doubt then and presume that I'm reading something into what you said that was not there.

  4. #94
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    Talking Pherlure and its uses

    Hey all,
    I am waiting for my bottle of Pherlure in the mail so ya. I research and research and

    got confuse of why you have to mix each different kind. Can't you just use one alone byitself?

    Another question is: If I take a shower every morning with shampoo and soap bar as a daily thing to me; then

    putting on the -mone, will there be a less effective on it because of the fresh new bathe shampoo


    Lastly, How would mixing would attract girls sexually?

  5. #95
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    I probably did the same thing

    that you did a week ago. I saw pherlure first and didnt pay attention to the advertising techniques and ended up

    with a bottle. There is no trustworthy information on the web proving pherlure works only marketing information. If

    you read between the lines it looks like a bogus product.

    It might actually work. Some people on this board like

    it and i was going to do some testing myself but i cant stand the smell of the stuff. It smells very strong and

    cheap to me so i plan to return it before the month. I tried a chikara packet today, even if it does nothing I would

    wear it for the scent, reminds me of the way strippers smell.

    I recommend using pherlure by itself for a while to

    see if it even works for you and what kind of response it illicits. If it is a pheromone then it doesnt matter if

    someone can detect the odor. Pheromones are supposed to be sensed subconciously.

  6. #96
    Journeyman TylerOC's Avatar
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    yeah ive heard some good things

    and some neutral things so i decided to buy a bottle myself. ill do some personal testing and if i like it then ill

    keep it and give good feedback on here for it. otherwise, im gonna test out their money back garuntee

  7. #97
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    Lux, Tyler........Did

    pherlure work out good for you guys?

  8. #98
    Journeyman TylerOC's Avatar
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    not sure yet i havnt received

    mine yet. ill let you know when i test it though

  9. #99
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    I didn't really ever give it

    a chance. The scent was too much for me. Gave me a headache and they say one application lasts 4-8 hours. I would

    not be able to hit myself 2x in a day with that. Dont want to be known for my smell, just remembered by my aura.

    catlord17 seems honest and has experience with this product, he seems to like it.

    I am also a noob and this

    website has plenty of products with both positive and negative reviews (shows honesty). Pherlure didn't have a

    single negative review anywhere at all on the web. That is impossible, pheromones aren't supposed to get women to

    throw their panties at the ugliest of guys, someone would have written a bad review somewhere. I wanted to start

    with a product that i knew for almost a fact wasnt snake oil. Good luck

  10. #100
    Journeyman TylerOC's Avatar
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    well i like to be known for my

    aura AND for my smell, as long as its a good one. i hear from girls i work with that i always smell good, thats a

    good thing to be associated with

    also one night before i used pheremones i was just wearing fierce by abercrombie

    and my friend kelsey smelled me when i hugged her and was like "oooh you smell good, im gonna have to follow you

    around all night now"

  11. #101
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    I just bought the chikara and

    npa combo special. Everyone on here raves about those two products and I really dig the scent of the free chikara

    gel pack they sent me.

  12. #102
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    oh u did? can't we use our


    colognes and buy pheromones separate and just add them ? How you have to mix it and stuff to do all

    the work?


  13. #103
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by b737pilot88
    Sorry this was

    a separate topic that i posted in the wrong section.

    Is there a pheromone out there that is the real deal? I

    hear some sites say they will gurantee you the results but some people say its a marketing what

    pheromone in the world would work?

    Doesn't everybody seem that they are telling you how good it is and lure you

    in to buy their product? happens to me b4...

    I wish there was one that I can choose from instead of

    looking all of the brands and comparing and testing it.

    I've been searching and searching and still can't make

    up my mine but instead i brought a Pherlure bottle to test it out.
    The extent of the posting on this

    forum should be evidence enough to prove that these products work: none of us would be here if the products didn't

    work. If at all you're skeptical (understandably), Bruce offers the freebie pack to "test-drive" different products

    and make a decision on whether or not you should purchase other products. In the end though it does require a leap

    of faith though, as pheromones are, for the most part, outside of mainstream knowledge.

  14. #104
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by b737pilot88
    oh u did?

    can't we use our own

    colognes and buy pheromones separate and just add them ? How you have to mix it

    and stuff to do all the work?

    This company does sell products that can be added to colognes

    or you can just use the unscented pheromones and cover them with whatever scent you wish. The unscented Scent of

    Eros is recommended by many people on this forum and the chikara has a really mild scent.

  15. #105
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    Just read the forums. The sheer

    number of posts is a good indication, like the guy above mentioned. Then there are the threads that talk about

    results with mones and combos.

    Look at the product list then do an advanced search using the search tool and

    look up each one and what they do. That will give you an idea of you'll want.

    Pherlure...thats not the most

    respected product in the world. As you mentioned, alot of people try to pull the wool over your eyes with some kind

    of marketing tactic. And Pherlure is pretty aggressive when it comes to that.

    But people have had some results

    on this forum atleast in combination with other stuff.

  16. #106
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Yeah, pretty much you can

    sprinkle pheromones on a deadman and watch women at his funeral hump him raw. Not! [I love writing that!] Human

    responses to pheromones aren't as simple or as direct as in the insect world, or even lower


    Pheromones use may be likened like buying a trumpet. In the hands of a master this instrument

    produces amazing beauty, power and expressive emotion. In the hands of a noob, silly fart-lke utterances. In other

    words, you gotta study and work at pheromone use or you'll fall on your arse. MAybe even get a black eye. You gotta

    get your ducks in a row: look good, smell sweet and make witty conversation. Moreover, there is no universal dose,

    so you must experiment until you find the right combination for your persona and body chemistry.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  17. #107
    Phero Dude
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    Default of the

    things you will read repeatedly from forum members who have experimented extensively with these products is that: NO


    MOTHER OF YOUR CHILDREN. And that is advertising you wont see here.I became a custome of Love-Scent because they

    DIDNT make rediculous claims.

    The lure of a product that will cause women to follow you around and profess thier

    undying love for you is as seductive as the products that claim such things as "rapid herbal weight loss," "herbal

    breast enlargement," "herbal penis enlargement" and so forth.The fact is that pheromones DO work.They work quite

    well under the right conditions,but they require some work on your part to be truly effective.

    The fact is that

    marketing gurus have figured out that you can sell almost anything to anyone if you present it right.I dont

    represent this company but I have been a pheromone user for some time and can attest to thier effectiveness

    myself.And Love-Scent offers a very liberal money back gaurantee because they do work.They also offer free samples

    so that you can get an idea of what your getting into befor you spend hard earned money.

    Reading through the

    forums you will get an idea of all the various components that are necessary for successful pheromone use.Theres

    more to it than simply splashing on the mystical love juice and waiting for the supermodels to line up for you to

    autograph their naked bodies.There are issues like "game," where you have to learn to approach women correctly.There

    are issues of dress,where you learn to look like you mean business to a woman.Theres issues of phisical

    fitness, I found out...chicks are alittle standoffish if your not in at least some semblance of decent

    condition.We arent talking body builder,but in better shape than a kitchen sponge (thats me ) would be good.

    All these elements must come together to form a cohesive wall of manlyness that women apprciate,including

    pheromones.The science behind them is sound and the products are gaurateed.All you need to do now is hang around the

    forums to get a better idea of what might help you in your quest.Like the rest of us,we all came here looking for

    ways to impress women,gain respect from others and generaly enhance our day to day lives through the miricle of

    science.Some have reached the pinicle of that search and have discovered all the components they need to improve

    thier lives.Some of us are still searching for that "perfect combination."Whatever the case,pheromones are

    legitimate and the use of pheromones has definatly improved my outlook on life,and improved my day to day

    interactions as well.

    I can understand being alittle skeptical,I was for a long time too.But Bruce and his team

    have consistently impressed me with both thier products and thier service. the way...welcom to the


  18. #108
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    TO U!
    I am in search of pheromones but like you said they do work but you need to find the right combi for yur body


    Anyways i am searching for days but still can't find an answer for me yet...if anyone can plz


    Im a bit confuse on what inside the forum says like for example....some say use the standalone

    -mone first then add other scent to it (combi mixes)
    And for another part is the ratio thingy that u have

    to add to balance..

    I search and search but theres too many!

    Thanks for letting me feel


  19. #109
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Before you start trying to mix

    experiment with single products first. Oreder the free gel packs and try them out first. See what happens. Mixing

    without solid basic knowledge usually adds more confusion than anything else.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  20. #110
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    I forgot to tell my age

    lol....I'm 17; 5'9
    OK i ordered the sample packs and it will come soon. I have read all about the -mone stuff

    that each -mone will do differently....when i get the samples, do each of them has its own separate -mone to test

    out first like attracting girls to talk more and the other is to have romantic stuff? If one of them work for me and

    if i want both attractions, I just combine both of them correct?

    How do i know how much will I have to put on


  21. #111
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    There are negative reviews of

    Pherlure out there. Not a lot of them, but they are out there. There's no product along the lines of pheromones

    (Di-DHEA is apparently not a pheromone) that gives everyone great results. (TE seems to do nothing for me, for

    instance, but others love it.) You also have to remember individual chemistry, circumstances, amount used, which

    woman you're dealing with (not every woman responds the same to a particular product) and of course other factor as


    There's some who might think I'm trying to sell Pherlure, but I'm not. I have actually decided against

    becoming a distributor for them because of their marketing tactics. I trust Love Scent's products, because I have

    good results from AE and SOE, and I had good results from the packet of Chikara I tried, too. Pherlure's not

    perfect... nothing is... but for me, it happens to work well. (Anyone decides they want to get rid of a

    bottle they're not happy with, PM me and let's see if we can make a deal.)

    I also happen to really enjoy the


    If you want to buy stuff to add to colognes, consider such things as NPA, PPA and the like. They're

    designed to be added to colognes. Or, you can just use the pheromone spray and cover with a cologne. Pherlure's

    definitely not the only thing worth looking at, or using.

  22. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce

    ...Now on

    to the "suggestion" at hand, I've seen Pher-Lure come up a couple of times, but I am getting 3-4 spam emails a day

    from those guys and in my mind that more or less takes them out of the running. Sort of 2 strikes against them, but

    I'm interested to hear more if it seems to be a worthy product.

    My experience with Pherlure

    has been overall good. Even better when I've mixed it with -None and -Stadienone. When I mixed it with -Rone not

    good at all.

  23. #113
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    Can you guys help me on the

    ratio mix?

    How do u know when you have the right ratio mix of -mones?
    some people put 3:2:4 but isnt that and

    OD? I thought the directions on the label are thr right way to follow.

  24. #114
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I've posted this quite a few

    times but will repeat myself again then suggest you do some research on the forum. Most of your questions so far

    have been answered many times.

    Start with any one product. Apply the same small dose every day for a week and

    observe reactions. The next week increase the dose and again the following week. Do that until you get overdose

    reactions. Now you should have a grip on what that particular product will do for you. Do the same thing with the

    next product. Once you've done this with several products you should have enough knowledge of what mones do for

    you, what works and in what doses. Now you are ready to start mixing based on that knowledge. Until you know what

    individual products work for you, how can you figure out what mix is going to work? You can't unless by pure

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  25. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pherolover

    experience with Pherlure has been overall good. Even better when I've mixed it with -None and -Stadienone. When I

    mixed it with -Rone not good at all.
    My theory is that you have bad experiences mixing it with 'rone

    because that's what's already in it, and you're overdosing.

    I think di-DHEA breaks down into 'rone... of

    course, this is all theory based on the fact that mixing TE with pherlure makes me feel the same as when I wear AE.

    Rather loose guessing is more like it. But that's my theory.

    Try Pherlure with SOE. Interesting. :-)

  26. #116
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by catlord17
    Try Pherlure

    with SOE.
    Interesting. :-)
    How old are you, CatLordy17?
    What ratio of Phelure and SOE

    do you wear?
    Will you translate INTERESTING please?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  27. #117
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by b737pilot88
    how old are u

    40 + 8 = 48

    If you're wondering why I'm always asking, it's because deep inside of me the

    age + none (the older you are, the more -none that's needed) is is stuck in there, even though I've found that

    -none doesn't really scare off younger females ... UNLESS, I have no none at all!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  28. #118
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    wow i didnt know that....the

    older you are, you do need more doses of -mone
    "Good looks get you to the door, but it doesn't keep you in!"

  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57

    old are you, CatLordy17?
    What ratio of Phelure and SOE do you wear?
    Will you translate INTERESTING


    I'm 32 years old. When I wear them together, I use 1-2 dabs of SOE on

    each cheek and usually one spray of Pherlure to my throat, but sometimes two. I try to never use more than three

    per day, as the bottle says. Since it seems to last about 3 hours per spray, I try to use one spray at a time so I

    can refresh without overdosing.

    Interesting means I get unexpected responses from this mix. It provokes

    interaction with strangers, as does SOE, and usually the friendliness vibe predominates, but there's a small but

    strong sexual vibe that builds over time and seems to put the idea in their head that they need to "get me". In

    other words, it seems to turn them into "wolves in sheep's clothing", hunting me sexually and thinking it's

    entirely their own idea.

    I haven't posted any of my experiences yet because I'm still testing it for

    consistency, and I'm also alternating between this and AE.

    AE seems to have a much "heavier" vibe to it, and a

    slower moving one. AE makes me think of deep forest green, if we're going for color associations, whereas Pherlure

    + SOE makes me think of a pale ultraviolet. I associate these colors based on how the combinations make me feel.

    AE is more solid, earthy, steady, strong. Pherlure by itself gives me a sense of masculine confidence that's

    neither slow moving nor overly solid, but not over the top, either - well balanced. Pherlure + SOE makes me feel

    like a silver tongued devil, and I'm getting the responses through verbal seduction that's built on both my own

    and her response to the combination.

    Hope that helps. Let's just say that it breaks the social ice...and the

    "bullet" that does it is aimed in a sexual direction from the get-go.

  30. #120
    Journeyman TylerOC's Avatar
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    i just received pherlure in the

    mail tonight at 11 pm. going to begin testing soon

    edit: first reaction so far is that i like how it smells, but

    i did have some other cologne on earlier so after i shower tomorrow morning im going to put it on and test it at

    Last edited by TylerOC; 01-08-2006 at 04:45 AM.

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