I\'ve always been interested in how chemicals influence human behavior and consciousness - ever since Timothy Leary.

I specifically came via smart drugs as I\'m in a very info-intensive profession and my current gig has lot\'s of details to keep straight. That lead into even deeper investigations into neuroscience and neuropharmacology. Probably my most influential book was \"Sociobiology\" by Wilson. In one chapter on chemical communications, it is estimated that the chemical information bandwidth is a 1000X that of sight!

Marital issues also got me looking for ways to influence female states of mind such as aphrodesiacs - first on the wifey and then on other females during various separations. Men were graced with reason for a purpose and that purpose is getting laid. Mostly, she had turned a dud after a couple of kids.

I had played with Realm for Men for years and thought highly of it as a mood enhancer and with Andron before that. Somewhere along the line I picked up something called \"Harem Knights\" which had more of an effect on females but it was not till I came across Bruce\'s site that I discovered the real mojo of pheromones.

I\'ve been fairly successful with the ladies over the years, even more so as I mature and I better understand the Grand Game. I\'d guess I\'m pushing 50 partners over my life - so far. Supposedly, the male average is 4 but that\'s gotta be too low. It\'s never been easy enough, but is it ever? Had 3 wives, 5 children and two grandchildren to show for it all, along with memories of some fine companions.

So, the premise that pheromones are going to be of interest primarily to the middling may be supported in my case. I\'m not handsome and I am getting to an age when many, if not most, guys have given up. I am tall, modestly successful, athletic, and very smart.

I see pheromone products enhancers of sexual search efficiency and efficacy and as aphrodesiacs with benefits for male dominance interactions and for PMS treatment. I really see surprising new applications coming to light in the years ahead.

[ May 16, 2002: Message edited by: Whitehall ]