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  1. #1
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    Default Will Pheromone's help me?


    been considering buying pheromone's to help me in my current situation with this girl I like. There is this girl I

    really like a lot, she's the girl of my dreams. I've been friends with her for nearly half a year. But she

    doesen't seee me "like that". Well I was wondering if pheromones can help me in my situation?

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    sometime's friends will

    find a spark between them and styart a romantic relationship. more often than not it is unlikely.

    im sure

    you'll hear this a lot the next few days. mones enhance attraction that is already there. if she is not already

    attracted to you than the mones wont do you much good with her.

    best advice look for somebody else to distract

    you from her. you're pretty much at the point where it would be all or nothing. lovers are easier to find than

    really good friends.

  3. #3
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jollysnowdevil

    advice look for somebody else to distract you from her. ...
    Plus that might spark jealousy or a fear

    of loss and she might start chasing you!
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  4. #4
    Banned User
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrianGumble
    I've been

    considering buying pheromone's to help me in my current situation with this girl I like. There is this girl I

    really like a lot, she's the girl of my dreams. I've been friends with her for nearly half a year. But she

    doesen't seee me "like that". Well I was wondering if pheromones can help me in my situation?
    I think

    you have an uphill climb. Mones combined with a different approach may help but its doubtful since she has made up

    her mind how she see's you in a non-sexual way. The best chance you have to get her to "see" you in a different way

    would be to pick up some Ae...start teasing and being flirty with her...start acting like a man around her... not

    her little girlfriend...and most importantly start seeing other woman so she sees that other woman see you as a man

    and make them more important to you than her even though they may not be. If she gives you a hard time leave or tell

    her you gotta go. If this sounds like too much of a production that is because it is. That is why I say its not

    worth it. You can do these things and even if you do it all to perfection she still may be stuck in her way of

    seeing you. Having girls interested in you and giving her less attention and teasing and being flirty (dont mention

    having sex with her or be too aggressive) is your best chance. However if you do these things be aware that one of

    two things is going to happen. You are definately going to lose a friend....and there is only a small chance that

    you will lose her as a friend because she will become your lover....there is more of a chance that you will lose her

    because she feels betrayed that you are no longer interested in being her friend and have another thing in mind that

    you have obviously hidden from her since you have allowed yourself to be defined as a friend to her. So whether you

    allowed this due to inexperience or fear or because you thought it could turn into more down the road doesnt matter.

    A woman doesnt like to be played. Thats why its best for you to just learn your lesson and move on....but if you

    insist on trying to convert her....the stuff I said above can and does work if you stick with it and be a man.

  5. #5
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    Plus that might

    spark jealousy or a fear of loss and she might start chasing you!
    Find someone else to

    possibly do what Mtnjim said. First we need to know what kind of guys she likes...Does she like the typical "bad

    boy" jerk type guy or does she like level headed decent guys? If she likes bad boys then you can wear some TE or NPA

    around her with a little WAGG or SOE to not overly intimidate, now if she likes the super bad boy jerks don't even

    add any SOE or WAGG.

    NOW, If she likes healthy decent guys that are ambitious; Get Alpha A314, which gives off

    this successfull/leader/trusting/sexy: like a good looking guy in a nice suit effect. Add with that some AE or a

    tiny bit of TE to increase the sexual side a little bit with Anone..but not too much. those are the two routes you

    have to decide between depending on the type guys she goes for.

    turning female friends into girlfriends or

    friends with benefits is a hard thing to do, because they already have sized you up as friend or potential

    boyfriend..This means you'll more than likely have to wear the proper combonation of pheromones around her longer

    than you would a girl that doesn't know you yet in order to change her mind set about you. In any case you can find

    another girl to date or go out with on the side...have fun..and like we've said spark possible jealousy if all goes

    just right..

    Best advice I can probably give on the is possible to convert a friend..just not


  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    order the females get out there

    and dont focus on one girl.

  7. #7
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    yup, don't put all

    your eggs in one basket, because when all those eggs hit the ground its going to hurt a lot worse than if you get

    out and date other girls.

  8. #8
    Enlightened One
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    use the experiences pheromones can

    give u if working properly to get out there and get social experience

  9. #9
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    There's almost always something

    more than friendship in close male-female relationships. The difficulty is bringing it to the surface. I've had

    many friends turn into lovers or friends-with-benefits. However it happened organically. That is, it just evolved

    with little effort on my part. I was happy with the friendship and didn't care one way or the other. Usually if you

    really want it you come off as needy and hungry and, short of a mercy fuck, you'll end up with nothing, not even a


    Even if there is attraction, it still may not work out. I had a dear friend whom I knew was in

    love with me. And I cared just as much for her. And yet, although close as friends, we never got together. She had a

    boyfriend and only dated guys with lots of money and power. She made 6 figures and had difficulty respecting guys

    sexually that made less money than her! Now when I got a GF my friend went through the roof and was jealous as hell

    and our friendship went south. The jealousy card doesn't always work that well...

    I say back off and enjoy

    the friendship. Make yourself as attractive as possible, tease her a little, be a man and live your life. Whatever

    you do, don't let her see you as needy and hungry. If it's meant to be, it will happen. The pheromones might help

    fan the flames but won't fundamentally change what isn't there to begin with.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrianGumble
    I've been

    considering buying pheromone's to help me in my current situation with this girl I like. There is this girl I

    really like a lot, she's the girl of my dreams. I've been friends with her for nearly half a year. But she

    doesen't seee me "like that". Well I was wondering if pheromones can help me in my situation?
    First of

    all, of all the names you could have possibly picked, why did you pick the name "brian gumble".

    Number 2, when

    you say things like "this girl I like".."the girl of my dreams" amount of pheromones can help you.

  11. #11
    Phero Pro
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    Always keep in mind, that if you

    ever land the girl of your dreams. That dream frequently turns out to be a nightmare.

  12. #12
    Banned User
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    If it happens though that they

    feel the same towards you(dreams), then its the best thing in the world if the two of you can make it last and get

    through problems.

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    Always keep

    in mind, that if you ever land the girl of your dreams. That dream frequently turns out to be a nightmare.

    all the women who were the "girl of my dreams" turned out to be real huge nightmares. the ones i paid no

    attention to in a romantic sense snuck up and turned into really really good things.

  14. #14
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Yeah, in general it's better

    to meet the girl that, despite all your expectations, imagination, and fears, slaps you in the face with the trout

    of true love. You really don't have to dream much, because it's mostly all there before you know it.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

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