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  1. #1
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    Okay, I'm too excited to

    wait to post results. hehehe I'm WORSE than a kid in a candy store!

    I wore PI/w alone for three days in a row

    this week. Amounts/results follow.

    9/21 - 3 drops - one split behind ears and on neck, one split between both

    wrists, one behind knees applied about 10 minutes before arriving at work. Women at work were MUCH friendlier than

    usual. Usually when there are a large number of women together, there is a bit of cattiness - didn't experience

    that at ALL! (Okay, with the exception of the dopey one but that was to be expected, mones or not.) The men were

    highly attentive except for one. In a previous post, I mentioned this guy that seemed to be avoiding me when I wore

    SOE/w. When I went into work, he was in a bad mood to begin with and immediately picked a fight (he later admitted

    that he was jonesing to fight with someone and apologized because he was wrong - I think the apology was a hit as

    that is completely out of character for him). I am friends with quite a few women at work but we just usually

    don't have the time to chat. One of them made it a point to keep me in her office and said she misses our

    conversations. Would this have happened without mones? Maybe but she wouldn't have kept calling me afterwards

    just to joke around. Even the normally alouf woman stopped to have a really nice conversation with me. Overall, a

    good experience.

    9/22 Same application and time
    My "friend" ( ) was highly attentive and talkative. Pretty

    much the same results as the day before, only they seemed a bit more, intense shall we say? The entire group had

    lunch together for the first time in a LONG time and it was just wonderful! I wouldn't say I was the 100% center

    of attention but it WAS a LOT more attention than usual. One man in our department who doesn't particularly care

    for women in our field not only listened to what I had to say but he appreciated my comments and even joked around

    with me! (this man wasn't in the previous day) Completely unusual behavior for him. The man that was in a bad

    mood the day before was actually really, REALLY nice. I reapplied before going to Back to School Night with my ex.

    He was talkative, attentive and NOT argumentative! Holy cow! I did not have strangers come up to me to talk; I

    never expect that at a school function. However, the parents that I do know were a bit chattier than usual.

    9/23 3 drops - one on neck, one behind neck at hair line, one split between wrists applied about 10 minutes before

    arriving at work
    To give a bit of background - we've been having a difficult time finding qualified applicants at

    work. Two women (women with quite a bit of "pull") went to two of the owners and the VP of human resources

    yesterday to suggest re-vamping the department to expect less from applicants and putting me in charge with a HUGE

    raise with the promise of running a job site with the BEST superintendent in the world in 6 months with ANOTHER

    promotion! One of the men also suggested this to me and told me to talk to HR about it. Would this have happened

    without mones? Yes and no. The suggestion had been brought up to me a while ago but without the promise of moving

    back out to the field with a promotion. However, it was more locker room talk, if you will. I experienced the

    same extra chattiness and friendliness that I experienced the days before.

    Would these things have happened

    without mones? Yes and no. We ARE a close knit group at work. However, this was more... intense. I work hard and

    am good at what I do. (Please don't think I'm bragging.) However, in my field that usually means a bigger raise

    and bonus while keeping you at the same level since you're already a proven factor that works.

    I can't go into

    TOO much more detail without completely exposing my identity on the message boards (I like to keep some anonymity)

    but can tell you that this was a great time overall. (Okay, with the exception of the completely dopey woman at


    I have worn SOE/w and TE/w gel packs at work in the past and did have a couple of responses, but nothing

    like what I've experienced this week.

    I don't think I'm going to try ANYTHING else at work. I'll have to

    get a life and start going out in order to test the other mones. hehehe

  2. #2
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Jersey Girl,


    results are completely consistent with mine and with those of some other women I've spoken with. I tried a mix a

    couple of days ago WITHOUT the PI/w. Nothing! I should do it again as a "control" but I hate to!

    I love the fact

    that it makes other women more friendly towards me. Being from Europe I tend to act a little more reserved and I

    know they like to think that I'm "stuck-up". I know because some who have become friends afterwards have told me


    So I think that PI/w is our "base". Then we can add little "spices" according to the situation.


    Maybe the copulins for a romantic night.
    - I think that some Rone might give you some alpha aura in the workplace.

    Depending on whether the others can accept that of course. You'd be the best judge of that.

    Haven't been at my

    much today - Soccer game ( We won!) and then I got into cleaning mode. Sigh ... It does have to

    happen once in a while. I'll be catching up on work tomorrow though, so let's see if we can connect.
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  3. #3
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    *I* don't think you're

    stuck up! I think you're a very helpful, sweet and considerate person.

    Rone - I was thinking about adding

    that at some point.

    What do you think about PI/w with EW? I diluted it 100 drops carrier oil to 1 drop of EW.

    And while I was doing it, I spilled almost 1/2 the bottle onto my kitchen table. It smelled like, ummm, you know in

    here. So I grabbed the bleach and scrubbed. Then I grabbed the orange cleaner and scrubbed. Then I lit a strongly

    scented candle. And now it smells like clean, ummm, you know in here. LMAO! Actually, the smell is finally

    dissipating (either that or I'm getting used to it but that's a REALLY horrible thought! ). I've tried

    swabbing the table with rubbing alcohol and that didn't work. I'm scrubbing it every 10 minutes. Any ideas?

    Congratulations on the soccer game!

    I'll be around tomorrow after 12:30ish. Catch you then!

  4. #4
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Girl

    don't think you're stuck up! I think you're a very helpful, sweet and considerate person.

    Rone - I was

    thinking about adding that at some point.

    What do you think about PI/w with EW? I diluted it 100 drops carrier

    oil to 1 drop of EW. And while I was doing it, I spilled almost 1/2 the bottle onto my kitchen table. It smelled

    like, ummm, you know in here. So I grabbed the bleach and scrubbed. Then I grabbed the orange cleaner and scrubbed.

    Then I lit a strongly scented candle. And now it smells like clean, ummm, you know in here. LMAO! Actually, the

    smell is finally dissipating (either that or I'm getting used to it but that's a REALLY horrible thought! ).

    I've tried swabbing the table with rubbing alcohol and that didn't work. I'm scrubbing it every 10 minutes. Any


    Congratulations on the soccer game!

    I'll be around tomorrow after 12:30ish. Catch you

    Oh you poor, poor thing! I've spilled stuff myself, but luckily the worst I ever spilled was PCC

    and it was on myself. It is funny though. I've been tempted to take my EW mixing outside, but I've been lucky so


    As far as ideas to remove smell - This might be totally goofy but what came to my mind is a trick I heard

    of around here for when your dog has an unfortunate encounter with a skunk. They say to give the dog a bath in

    tomato juice! I never had to test it out, but maybe tomato juice has "bad smell absorbing properties"? Then again it

    might only work with the specific chemical formulation of skunk spray?

    Mom... what are you doing? Why are

    you washing the kitchen table with tomato juice?

    PS Or else some VS Vanilla body spray? I think the Vanilla is

    good at counteracting the acidy smell of EW.
    Treasure Every Moment that you have
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  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Baking soda will absorb most of

    the smell.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  6. #6
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth

    soda will absorb most of the smell.
    Now why didn't I think of that!

    That is what you call

    the KISS principle! (Not my forte I admit!)
    Treasure Every Moment that you have
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  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaughtieGirl
    Now why

    didn't I think of that!

    That is what you call the KISS principle! (Not my forte I admit!)

    I like that principle.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  8. #8
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth

    like that principle.
    It sure does have a lot going for it!
    Treasure Every Moment that you have
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  9. #9
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    Thanks for the suggestions

    guys! I finally got rid of the smell - tried the tomato juice and the baking soda suggestions. The ultimate test

    was when my ex came in and did NOT ask if I made fish for dinner.

  10. #10
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    Okay, I KNOW that I said I

    wasn't going to mix products until I worked with each one independently but I JUST couldn't help it.

    Yesterday and today, I wore 2 drops of my EW dilution with 3 drops PI/w around my "friend". HOLY COW! His

    reaction was UNBELIEVABLE! Words can't even describe...

    I've definitely found a winning combination.

  11. #11
    Stranger T-KO's Avatar
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    Jersey Girl,
    I couldn't help but

    laugh at your EW chemical spill. The same thing has happened to me accept I got some on my carpet. peeeeeyou!!!!

    Let me tell you, I darn near called poison control. hehehe I ended up moving out of that apartment, not for that

    reason though. That solved that issue. Anyway, if you find anything that gets the stink out let me know. Maybe

    amonia or simple green. -Good luck-

  12. #12
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    I'm STILL laughing about

    the spill. Fortunately, since it was only my kitchen table, it didn't soak into anything. I kept cleaning and

    cleaning and cleaning. I threw out the sponges that I cleaned with. I don't smell it any more. I can't imagine

    how horrible spilling EW on your carpet must have been!

  13. #13
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Girl

    STILL laughing about the spill. Fortunately, since it was only my kitchen table, it didn't soak into anything. I

    kept cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. I threw out the sponges that I cleaned with. I don't smell it any more. I

    can't imagine how horrible spilling EW on your carpet must have been!
    Oh if you want a real good laugh

    --- the archives have a thread about the first version of EW. It was upteen times stronger than this one. People

    were double and triple bagging the bottle, taking it outside for mixing and pretty much wearing gas masks. If I have

    some time I'll search for it. It was one of the most hilarious threads I ever read!
    Treasure Every Moment that you have
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaughtieGirl
    Oh if

    you want a real good laugh --- the archives have a thread about the first version of EW. It was upteen times

    stronger than this one. People were double and triple bagging the bottle, taking it outside for mixing and pretty

    much wearing gas masks. If I have some time I'll search for it. It was one of the most hilarious threads I ever

    I am SOOOO glad that I didn't spill the first version! LMAO! Just the thought...

  15. #15
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    The first version, as I've

    said before, would peel paint. Whitehall actually recomended using hazardous chemical procedures to handle the

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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