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  1. #1
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    Default My pheromone experiments


    I thought I\'d tell you all about my experiences with pheromones. Not hit stories exactly, just the results of experimenting over the last couple of months and what the effects of various combinations were, for me anyway. This is a very long post, and I ramble a bit sometimes. I hope I don\'t bore anyone, I just like details. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

    My profile: I\'m 30 years old, 5\'10\" tall with a slim build and a dark, Mediterranean complexion. I\'m of average appearance, maybe a little different but not unpleasant I don\'t think. I\'m generally shy and can sometimes be very quiet, but I\'ve been told this comes across as being cold or aloof. I\'ve also been told that I can be intense, even intimidating. None of this is intentional, but that\'s apparently how I come across. I suck at initiating and closing with women, but I\'m generally pretty good in the middle. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] I\'ve never been very successful with women, probably due to those factors, and because I\'m too shy to approach women directly. I think I tend to blend in with the wallpaper at times. My confidence with women is shaky at best, and \'mones are one of the tools I\'m using to try to fix that. Anyway, enough of this [bad word]. On with the show.

    My situation: I work in a small office. I\'m new to a big city and don\'t know anyone so I don\'t go out much yet, but I\'m trying to change that. People that I work with are quite friendly, but not much else. We get on ok. They don\'t really invite me out or anything, except the occasional after-work drink. As well as \'mones, I\'ve been working hard at things like appearing warm and friendly, building my confidence etc, but it\'s slow progress. At this stage, lack of confidence is still the real killer. Pheromones are just part of an overall strategy, but this post is mainly about the \'mones.

    My goals:
    1) Improve the way people at work relate to me.
    2) Sex with women.
    3) Goto (2)

    My arsenal: SOE, NPA, WAGG, AE/w, Andro 4.2

    The experiments: Most of these combinations were used for between 2 and 4 weeks each. I\'d apply as outlined below, then cover with a cologne. My favourites are YSL \"Body Kouros\", Dunhill \"Desire\" and Armani \"Acqua Di Gio\". I\'d initiate conversations and try to get fairly close to people to maximise the effect of the \'mones, but I was careful not to overdo it.

    Andro 4.2: I got this from a local source before Love Scent, so I didn\'t have access to all the information in this forum. If I had, this wouldn\'t have been my first choice given my profile. Basically, it was a disaster. I used this for about 2 weeks, and I got a lot of stares from women. Constantly. Everywhere. Problem is, they were all apprehensive stares, not in the least bit friendly. I tried doses from 1 dab up to 2 sprays. With cologne and without (ergh!). The more I used the worse the apprehension, but the less I used the less attention. I didn\'t find a useful mid-point where I got attention without the apprehension. Curiously, I got no reactions from people at work. Maybe they\'re just used to me. I gave up and put the bottle away. Soon after this I found Love Scent, and got SOE and AE/w after a lot of reading.

    SOE: I had great hopes for this one. The testimonials sounded perfect. The chattiness and friendliness were exactly what I was after at work, and would hopefully make social situations more comfortable. I used this for about 4 weeks on its own. The results were dismal. I\'m a very observant guy, but I noticed nothing different in other people. They weren\'t any friendlier or chattier. Nothing. Nadda. Zip. Very disappointing. I tried doses from 1 dab each side of my neck, to practically covering my face and neck. No difference. Well ... there was one minor incident.

    As a last-ditch effort to see if it did anything, I applied a strip to my forearm and then sprayed a new cologne on it. I went up to this pretty girl at work and asked her what she thought of this cologne. She put her nose to my forearm and took a nice, long whiff. She smiled and said it smelled really nice, and seemed to relax and open up a little. A little later in the day she came by and asked if she could smell the cologne again. Again she sniffed, smiled and seemed to relax and open up a little. The difference was minor, but better than nothing. Normally she never comes up and talks to me at all, and when I talk to her she doesn\'t seem all that interested. So why wasn\'t I getting anything normally? I\'m just guessing, but maybe I need a lot of it to counteract the negatives I listed in my profile. Then again, maybe she just liked the cologne.

    BTW, I like the pretty girl a lot. She\'s in her early 20\'s, extremely attractive, and has a 7\' monster of a boyfriend who also works in the office. So I\'m not trying to score with her or anything, but I\'d love to be close friends, and I\'ve been carefully observing her reaction.

    AE/w: This stuff has such a strong smell. I tried to use it, honest, but I couldn\'t stand it. Not that it smells bad, it just smells waaay too feminine for me. Cologne couldn\'t hide it. I even tried Phantom\'s lotion trick, but I could still smell it. Argh. Maybe I should have bought AE/m instead, but I figured the lower androstenone levels would be better for me. Oh well, no results for this since I didn\'t really use it. Any other suggestions for reducing the scent without affecting the pheromones? I\'m sure I\'ll find some use for it.

    SOE + Andro: This was my AE/w surrogate (nol/rone + none). The Andro got their attention, but I didn\'t want the apprehension, and I was hoping the SOE would counteract it. The results were a little more interesting. The pretty girl seemed to pay a little more attention to me when I talked to her, with more eye contact. She still didn\'t initiate any conversations though. Once I caught her staring at my crotch, which was nice. And I checked, my zipper wasn\'t open and I didn\'t have any food stuck there or anything (not that there normally would be but, you know ... [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]). Also, a girl at a store started staring at my chest (where I sprayed the Andro) as soon as she saw me. I talked to her, and she never took her eyes off my chest, even when talking back. Very weird. Is this what women with large breasts feel like? Another notable experience was getting free food from teenage girls at a fast food joint for no apparent reason. That\'s it really. It had potential, but never really felt quite right. I used this combination for about 3 weeks. My most effective dose was one spray of Andro on my chest and two 3-inch swipes of SOE on my neck, but I tried other amounts as well. A little frustrated, I came back to Love Scent and ordered WAGG and NPA.

    SOE + Andro + NPA + WAGG: Kind of unintentional. I picked up the Love Scent package from the post office around lunch time. At work I decided to try a small amount of NPA and WAGG, even though I was already wearing the SOE/Andro mix. Just one very small dab of each on my collar. Straight afterwards I went to a company meeting and sat in a chair near the back. The pretty girl came in and went to sit next to another guy, but then seemed to hesitate for a moment, and instead dragged a chair over and sat next to me. She asked if I was wearing a cologne, saying she had caught a fleeting scent of something. Throughout the meeting I could see with my peripheral vision that she kept glancing over at me. We also chatted a little bit, and she seemed happy to do so, with plenty of eye contact. This was my best reaction from her so far. Only used this combination that one time.

    NPA + WAGG + SOE: Now we\'re talking! The next day I used 2 small dabs each of NPA and WAGG, and about a 1 square inch patch of SOE on either side of my neck. Topped it off with Body Kouros cologne. The NPA stink was still coming through clearly, but any more cologne would have been an OD. I think I just have a sensitive nose or something. As soon as I walked into the office and sat down, people from all around me started homing in toward my desk. Within minutes, I had a group of people standing around me chatting. It took me a few moments to realise I wasn\'t being mobbed, then I relaxed and enjoyed it. People were chatting to me all day. It was nice.

    That night some of us went out for a few drinks at a popular local bar. I went home first and changed, and I put on 4 small dabs each of NPA and WAGG and about 2 square inches of SOE on either side of my neck. We were going to be outdoors in the bar\'s courtyard, so I hoped the larger amount would be okay since 2 dabs of each was fine in a small office. Even if I OD\'d, that would be useful to know too.

    This was an interesting night. First of all, people wanted to talk to me. There were a few people there that I\'d never met before, or that I knew but didn\'t get on that well with. They were all very friendly and talkative. People kept buying me drinks. One of the guys I didn\'t get on that well with started talking to me, and quite amazingly he really opened up. He even told me about a couple of personal trageties in his life that he hadn\'t even told his close friends about. Don\'t know why he felt compelled to tell me. A girlfriend of one of my workmates kept chatting with me the whole night, and when we where sitting down she had her hand my thigh, under the table. When standing she would stand very close, just barely touching. She was attractive too, early 20\'s, but damn it I could hardly make a move, could I?

    I also kept getting hugs, not just from the women but from the men as well. This was something very weird about that night, the normal barriers between guys seemed weaker than usual, and I didn\'t mind getting close and hugging these guys at all, and they didn\'t mind either. And no, none of us are gay, and hugging is not a usual thing between guys in this group. There was nothing sexual about it, but it was close. Any ideas about this? I\'m guessing it was the WAGG, but I don\'t really know.

    The reaction from people outside my group was less interesting. I got a couple of stares from women, but I got even more from men. Ergh. Why? They weren\'t aggressive stares and they weren\'t attracted stares, they were more curious than anything else. Dunno, more testing required.

    Since then I\'ve continued wearing this mix (at the 2-dab level) at work, and people are still being friendly, although not quite as intensely chatty as that first day. My boss gave me his personal sob story out of the blue. The pretty girl at work has been getting increasingly touchy-feely, and there seems to be an increasing amount of trust and friendship developing. I hope it continues to develop. On a couple of occasions she got a bit giggly around me, which is unusual for her. Not enough to be annoying, more amusing than anything else.

    I also tried reducing NPA to a single dab, and there was an noticable decrease in all the effects, including the chattiness and friendliness.

    I think I even got my first DIHL. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] I stepped on the train and there was a mother and teenage daughter sitting there who both stared at me with a dazed look for a few moments. When I turned and walked away they shook themselves out of it. Kind of funny.

    So far a very good response from this combination. Almost too good, I\'ve been a little shell-shocked. Goal (1) has been achieved, I think. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] Now for goal (2). The effects of the individual components came out really well in combination. I guess it\'s some sort of synergistic effect between the different pheromones. I\'d always thought I was using synthetic \'mones to supplement my natural \'mones, but now I\'m wondering if the trick is just to balance the natural \'mones.

    What\'s next: Well, this combination has had an immediate and repeatable effect at work in the few days I\'ve been using it, so I\'ll stick with it. It\'s early days yet, of course. I\'ll try playing with the ratios (e.g. more NPA) and the amounts used, and I\'ll also try adding Andro back into the mix to see the effects, but I probably won\'t mess with it too much or too quickly. I\'ll also make a diluted mix for use in an atomiser, so I can spread the \'mones out a little better. The biggest thing now is testing it outside of work in social situations.

    If anyone has any suggestions about ratios and amounts, or even other combinations, I\'d love to hear them. Also any feedback on this report would also be welcome.

    If you got this far, thanks for your patience. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    Nice post [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Banned User
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    APC covers AE/m very well. I\'m not sure of AE/w, but it covered AE/m scent. AE/m+APC has been my best combo for sexual/social hits.

  4. #4

    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    That was worth the read. Nice post.

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    Very nice. You found the exact same combo that I happened upon and had great results with, NPA/SOE/WAGG. Almost the same ratios. I cover with Pasha by Cartier.

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    MIX#1 comes to mind (good story by the way) actually you have an evolved DD#1 there to.
    MIX#1 is as follows.
    10% ANone
    40% Anol
    10% Arone
    10% EW/PCC (EW in a 400:1 solution - until the new version comes out)
    10% a1
    20% WAGG

    This covers all the compounds (most except for realm) and has gotten me Number (2) responses on a consistent basis.

  7. #7

    Default Re: My pheromone experiments


  8. #8
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    Whatta mean who let the dogs out ?

  9. #9

    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    DrST has hypnotized Elana to bark like a dog every time you post your mix, and ask to be taken for a walk...

  10. #10
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    Woof woof

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    Excellent post, Hungry! Very thorough and informative. Good luck and keep us posted! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  12. #12

    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    Yes, very nice post Hungry.

    I think your perseverance is admirable. So many newbies try pheromones 1 or 2 days and then give up saying they don\'t work. You\'ve proven that it sometimes takes some experimentation to find the right mix and combo that works for you. Congratulations! It sounds like you\'ve found your mix due to your persistence!

  13. #13
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    Nice work Hungry... I think it would be most interesting at this point to try NPA/SOE without the WAGG, to perhaps get a feel for what WAGG is contributing. I\'ve used NPA/SOE/WAGG but it doesn\'t seem better than just the NPA/SOE, for me.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    That was a great post man, puts all of mine to shame nice to read and thanks.

    Your post is the post I would point to any newbie to read before they even buy -mones. The honesty and also the showing of it taking awhile to find the right product and/or mix, and the effects of hitting that.

    -nol in my use can sometimes make guys come off as acting \"gay\" or a bit too close. You may get stares and so on but it may also be the -none working making you seem like a superman. I have gotten some stares not sure they seem a bit \"wonderous\" or may seem a bit \"gay\" if you are new to seeing this I am not sure.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    MIX#1 comes to mind (good story by the way) actually you have an evolved DD#1 there to.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\"> lol what did I tell you? You should of claimed NPA/SOE/WAGG as DD#2 like I said before [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

  16. #16
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    How do you claim your own mix for this webpage?

  17. #17
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    &lt;&lt;How do you claim your own mix for this webpage? &gt;&gt;

    Step 1.

    First you need to reach real \"Full Member\" status. An inspection by the inspector generals is the preferred method. (Elana &amp; FTR)

    Step 2.

    Samples of the mix must be submitted to at least 5 active members of the forum (excluding voting members of the council). These samples must be of sufficiant volume to allow testing at the inventors recommended dosage for at least every second day for 3 months.

    Step 4.

    Once testing has been completed by all 5 subjects in the public-field testing team,the mix must be named.
    Full members are allowed to submit for approval any mix they wish. (including, apparently, mixes that have already been named. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img])

    Step 5.

    Finally, the mix must be submitted to council (by written submission). The mix will receive a Pending Phero-patent number. All seats of the council, of which there are 7,will test the mix for 6 months in real world tests. The 7 seats of the L-S Pheromone Council, whose current members are Oscar, Belgarethr (the imposter) , Balgareth (the real Belgareth. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] ), Whitehall, DrSmellThis, Jambat (currently being proxied by CptKipling) and of course the chairman Bruce, has final judgement with no right to appeal.

    Step 6.

    Money must be deposited into the following bank account in Sweden:

    Nordea Bank

    Bunn De Berger - Goode Tymes Trust Account

    Acc No. #98278-23945-10037

    Step 7.

    Once all proceeds have been completely transfered and record of this transaction has been received then you will be able to publish your mix and it\'s name on the L-S forum.

    ...This information is in the FAQ of which you should have already read if you are seriously thinking of submitting a mix.

  18. #18
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    I think you forgot about the jingle. Doesn\'t he have to provide a little song with the mix for the internet commercial?

  19. #19
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    ...This information is in the FAQ of which you should have already read if you are seriously thinking of submitting a mix.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Yeah genius, read the archives!

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    I thought I\'d tell you all about my experiences with pheromones. Not hit stories exactly, just the results of experimenting over the last couple of months and what the effects of various combinations were, for me anyway. This is a very long post, and I ramble a bit sometimes. I hope I don\'t bore anyone, I just like details. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

    My profile: I\'m 30 years old, 5\'10\" tall with a slim build and a dark, Mediterranean complexion. I\'m of average appearance, maybe a little different but not unpleasant I don\'t think. I\'m generally shy and can sometimes be very quiet, but I\'ve been told this comes across as being cold or aloof. I\'ve also been told that I can be intense, even intimidating. None of this is intentional, but that\'s apparently how I come across. I suck at initiating and closing with women, but I\'m generally pretty good in the middle. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] I\'ve never been very successful with women, probably due to those factors, and because I\'m too shy to approach women directly. I think I tend to blend in with the wallpaper at times. My confidence with women is shaky at best, and \'mones are one of the tools I\'m using to try to fix that. Anyway, enough of this [bad word]. On with the show.

    My situation: I work in a small office. I\'m new to a big city and don\'t know anyone so I don\'t go out much yet, but I\'m trying to change that. People that I work with are quite friendly, but not much else. We get on ok. They don\'t really invite me out or anything, except the occasional after-work drink. As well as \'mones, I\'ve been working hard at things like appearing warm and friendly, building my confidence etc, but it\'s slow progress. At this stage, lack of confidence is still the real killer. Pheromones are just part of an overall strategy, but this post is mainly about the \'mones.

    My goals:
    1) Improve the way people at work relate to me.
    2) Sex with women.
    3) Goto (2)

    My arsenal: SOE, NPA, WAGG, AE/w, Andro 4.2

    The experiments: Most of these combinations were used for between 2 and 4 weeks each. I\'d apply as outlined below, then cover with a cologne. My favourites are YSL \"Body Kouros\", Dunhill \"Desire\" and Armani \"Acqua Di Gio\". I\'d initiate conversations and try to get fairly close to people to maximise the effect of the \'mones, but I was careful not to overdo it.

    Andro 4.2: I got this from a local source before Love Scent, so I didn\'t have access to all the information in this forum. If I had, this wouldn\'t have been my first choice given my profile. Basically, it was a disaster. I used this for about 2 weeks, and I got a lot of stares from women. Constantly. Everywhere. Problem is, they were all apprehensive stares, not in the least bit friendly. I tried doses from 1 dab up to 2 sprays. With cologne and without (ergh!). The more I used the worse the apprehension, but the less I used the less attention. I didn\'t find a useful mid-point where I got attention without the apprehension. Curiously, I got no reactions from people at work. Maybe they\'re just used to me. I gave up and put the bottle away. Soon after this I found Love Scent, and got SOE and AE/w after a lot of reading.

    SOE: I had great hopes for this one. The testimonials sounded perfect. The chattiness and friendliness were exactly what I was after at work, and would hopefully make social situations more comfortable. I used this for about 4 weeks on its own. The results were dismal. I\'m a very observant guy, but I noticed nothing different in other people. They weren\'t any friendlier or chattier. Nothing. Nadda. Zip. Very disappointing. I tried doses from 1 dab each side of my neck, to practically covering my face and neck. No difference. Well ... there was one minor incident.

    As a last-ditch effort to see if it did anything, I applied a strip to my forearm and then sprayed a new cologne on it. I went up to this pretty girl at work and asked her what she thought of this cologne. She put her nose to my forearm and took a nice, long whiff. She smiled and said it smelled really nice, and seemed to relax and open up a little. A little later in the day she came by and asked if she could smell the cologne again. Again she sniffed, smiled and seemed to relax and open up a little. The difference was minor, but better than nothing. Normally she never comes up and talks to me at all, and when I talk to her she doesn\'t seem all that interested. So why wasn\'t I getting anything normally? I\'m just guessing, but maybe I need a lot of it to counteract the negatives I listed in my profile. Then again, maybe she just liked the cologne.

    BTW, I like the pretty girl a lot. She\'s in her early 20\'s, extremely attractive, and has a 7\' monster of a boyfriend who also works in the office. So I\'m not trying to score with her or anything, but I\'d love to be close friends, and I\'ve been carefully observing her reaction.

    AE/w: This stuff has such a strong smell. I tried to use it, honest, but I couldn\'t stand it. Not that it smells bad, it just smells waaay too feminine for me. Cologne couldn\'t hide it. I even tried Phantom\'s lotion trick, but I could still smell it. Argh. Maybe I should have bought AE/m instead, but I figured the lower androstenone levels would be better for me. Oh well, no results for this since I didn\'t really use it. Any other suggestions for reducing the scent without affecting the pheromones? I\'m sure I\'ll find some use for it.

    SOE + Andro: This was my AE/w surrogate (nol/rone + none). The Andro got their attention, but I didn\'t want the apprehension, and I was hoping the SOE would counteract it. The results were a little more interesting. The pretty girl seemed to pay a little more attention to me when I talked to her, with more eye contact. She still didn\'t initiate any conversations though. Once I caught her staring at my crotch, which was nice. And I checked, my zipper wasn\'t open and I didn\'t have any food stuck there or anything (not that there normally would be but, you know ... [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]). Also, a girl at a store started staring at my chest (where I sprayed the Andro) as soon as she saw me. I talked to her, and she never took her eyes off my chest, even when talking back. Very weird. Is this what women with large breasts feel like? Another notable experience was getting free food from teenage girls at a fast food joint for no apparent reason. That\'s it really. It had potential, but never really felt quite right. I used this combination for about 3 weeks. My most effective dose was one spray of Andro on my chest and two 3-inch swipes of SOE on my neck, but I tried other amounts as well. A little frustrated, I came back to Love Scent and ordered WAGG and NPA.

    SOE + Andro + NPA + WAGG: Kind of unintentional. I picked up the Love Scent package from the post office around lunch time. At work I decided to try a small amount of NPA and WAGG, even though I was already wearing the SOE/Andro mix. Just one very small dab of each on my collar. Straight afterwards I went to a company meeting and sat in a chair near the back. The pretty girl came in and went to sit next to another guy, but then seemed to hesitate for a moment, and instead dragged a chair over and sat next to me. She asked if I was wearing a cologne, saying she had caught a fleeting scent of something. Throughout the meeting I could see with my peripheral vision that she kept glancing over at me. We also chatted a little bit, and she seemed happy to do so, with plenty of eye contact. This was my best reaction from her so far. Only used this combination that one time.

    NPA + WAGG + SOE: Now we\'re talking! The next day I used 2 small dabs each of NPA and WAGG, and about a 1 square inch patch of SOE on either side of my neck. Topped it off with Body Kouros cologne. The NPA stink was still coming through clearly, but any more cologne would have been an OD. I think I just have a sensitive nose or something. As soon as I walked into the office and sat down, people from all around me started homing in toward my desk. Within minutes, I had a group of people standing around me chatting. It took me a few moments to realise I wasn\'t being mobbed, then I relaxed and enjoyed it. People were chatting to me all day. It was nice.

    That night some of us went out for a few drinks at a popular local bar. I went home first and changed, and I put on 4 small dabs each of NPA and WAGG and about 2 square inches of SOE on either side of my neck. We were going to be outdoors in the bar\'s courtyard, so I hoped the larger amount would be okay since 2 dabs of each was fine in a small office. Even if I OD\'d, that would be useful to know too.

    This was an interesting night. First of all, people wanted to talk to me. There were a few people there that I\'d never met before, or that I knew but didn\'t get on that well with. They were all very friendly and talkative. People kept buying me drinks. One of the guys I didn\'t get on that well with started talking to me, and quite amazingly he really opened up. He even told me about a couple of personal trageties in his life that he hadn\'t even told his close friends about. Don\'t know why he felt compelled to tell me. A girlfriend of one of my workmates kept chatting with me the whole night, and when we where sitting down she had her hand my thigh, under the table. When standing she would stand very close, just barely touching. She was attractive too, early 20\'s, but damn it I could hardly make a move, could I?

    I also kept getting hugs, not just from the women but from the men as well. This was something very weird about that night, the normal barriers between guys seemed weaker than usual, and I didn\'t mind getting close and hugging these guys at all, and they didn\'t mind either. And no, none of us are gay, and hugging is not a usual thing between guys in this group. There was nothing sexual about it, but it was close. Any ideas about this? I\'m guessing it was the WAGG, but I don\'t really know.

    The reaction from people outside my group was less interesting. I got a couple of stares from women, but I got even more from men. Ergh. Why? They weren\'t aggressive stares and they weren\'t attracted stares, they were more curious than anything else. Dunno, more testing required.

    Since then I\'ve continued wearing this mix (at the 2-dab level) at work, and people are still being friendly, although not quite as intensely chatty as that first day. My boss gave me his personal sob story out of the blue. The pretty girl at work has been getting increasingly touchy-feely, and there seems to be an increasing amount of trust and friendship developing. I hope it continues to develop. On a couple of occasions she got a bit giggly around me, which is unusual for her. Not enough to be annoying, more amusing than anything else.

    I also tried reducing NPA to a single dab, and there was an noticable decrease in all the effects, including the chattiness and friendliness.

    I think I even got my first DIHL. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] I stepped on the train and there was a mother and teenage daughter sitting there who both stared at me with a dazed look for a few moments. When I turned and walked away they shook themselves out of it. Kind of funny.

    So far a very good response from this combination. Almost too good, I\'ve been a little shell-shocked. Goal (1) has been achieved, I think. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] Now for goal (2). The effects of the individual components came out really well in combination. I guess it\'s some sort of synergistic effect between the different pheromones. I\'d always thought I was using synthetic \'mones to supplement my natural \'mones, but now I\'m wondering if the trick is just to balance the natural \'mones.

    What\'s next: Well, this combination has had an immediate and repeatable effect at work in the few days I\'ve been using it, so I\'ll stick with it. It\'s early days yet, of course. I\'ll try playing with the ratios (e.g. more NPA) and the amounts used, and I\'ll also try adding Andro back into the mix to see the effects, but I probably won\'t mess with it too much or too quickly. I\'ll also make a diluted mix for use in an atomiser, so I can spread the \'mones out a little better. The biggest thing now is testing it outside of work in social situations.

    If anyone has any suggestions about ratios and amounts, or even other combinations, I\'d love to hear them. Also any feedback on this report would also be welcome.

    If you got this far, thanks for your patience. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    good job seems like wagg works the same way for you as it does for me...I myself produce large amounts of none naturally (and I suspect you do as well, judging from your description)If you havent already, read my thread entitled (Im a Wagg Man From Now On\". In it I talk about my experiences mixing WAGG with PI/m as well as Ae/m. This product has literally been a godsend for me since it allows me to try none containing products without OD\'ing. Before any amount of none (even the small amount in AE/m) would immediately cause me to OD...anyways I just wanted to say good job bro..and keep up the experimentation. All these newbies that have flooded the board in the recent months should look up at you as a model forum member...

  21. #21
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    MIX#1 is different, i use all avalilable pheoromone compounds, and have gone over the forum, to see what ratios of different products worked in all other mixes.
    The ANone level is there at 10% because the success of DD#1 and Lite depends on reduced ANone ratios. 40% ANol and 10% Arone, well SOE works well and a 4/1 ratio is used. SO to allow WAGG a1 ANd EW to be used i had to make it a smaller contribution. a1 Seems to work in small doses in a mix, so 10% it was, to migitage PMS etc. EW/PCC - well the theroies for men wearing it are vague so it was only a small % and also this can be used as a unisex mix, so some couplins were needed. WAGG, well 20% seems to work in the various mixes so far, limited success has been found in higher concentrations. To make it easy for people mixing. And so far the only one to experiment (being me alone) and its by far the best ive seen so far, something has to be said for these multi compound mixes. That is my reasoning for pushing MIX#1

  22. #22
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    good job seems like wagg works the same way for you as it does for me...I myself produce large amounts of none naturally (and I suspect you do as well, judging from your description)If you havent already, read my thread entitled (Im a Wagg Man From Now On\". In it I talk about my experiences mixing WAGG with PI/m as well as Ae/m. This product has literally been a godsend for me since it allows me to try none containing products without OD\'ing. Before any amount of none (even the small amount in AE/m) would immediately cause me to OD...anyways I just wanted to say good job bro..and keep up the experimentation. All these newbies that have flooded the board in the recent months should look up at you as a model forum member...

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I\'m pretty sensitive to none myself. I think I\'m under the mistaken impression that all because I cant smell it other people cant either. Thanks for the tip Sonnyblack I\'m going to try combining my none prods with WAGG, up to now I\'ve been using it as a standalone. And also yes terrific, fantastic post Hungry. Definetly keep us appraised of your 2nd goal of plentiful sexual conquests...e.g. \"the pretty girl\".

  23. #23
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    Hi guys.

    Thanks for all the responses, I appreciate the kind words. I\'m still trying different ratios because I want to try to enhance some of the effects and mute some of the others, but I\'ll definitely keep you all posted about the results.

    Thanks again.


  24. #24
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    Default Re: My pheromone experiments

    And don\'t stay hungry.
    Eat something. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
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    Any female going to post a

    play-by-play similar to Hungry's for a newbie like me?

  26. #26
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by lin7sg
    Any female going to

    post a play-by-play similar to Hungry's for a newbie like me?
    If you should be so lucky, Lin7sg!

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

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