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  1. #1
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    Default It makes no sense

    Most of us agree

    that how you present yourself and behave is much more important then the pheromones you wear. It is also commonly

    understood that even though we may produce different amount of pheromones naturally this amount is minuscule

    compared to the amount we get from pheromone products.

    Thus, if two people use 1 SOE gel pack the difference

    in the amount of mones they have on them is insignificant. Natural production is therefore not a viable explanation

    for variation of results between different people.

    If I am “On” I generate attraction and get looks from

    women. When I am “off” people avoid me and I get no looks. Makes sense so far, pheromones can not override the

    impression people get from the vibe you put out.

    What I do not get is this: How come when I am on, the

    pheromones do not seem to amplify things. If there is an effect it is so small that it not noticeable. At the same

    time we have posts like “I am a bartender and with Perception I get almost double the amount of tips then I get

    without mones”(jollysnowdevil).

    So, given that you already know how to present yourself in an good way, how

    come mones amplify things for some people and not for others? I mean if I talk to a certain amount of women the same

    amount will be interested mones or no mones. And those that are interested do no seem to react differently compared

    to what they would normally do.

    But at the same time I have received a few hits that I would clearly

    attribute to mones. But those are extremely infrequent and mostly come from really young women (under 20).

  2. #2
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traggard

    So, given

    that you already know how to present yourself in an good way, how come mones amplify things for some people and not

    for others?.
    First of all, this has been discussed many times before, however it have never seemed to be

    concluded in any way. Thing is that there's a lot more complexity to the issue rather than just "on" and "off" as

    you nicely put it

    You say you get more attention now, so at least you're not one of the

    "not-working-at-all" newbie-cases. Lucky for you, and there might just be that you still need to find that very

    right combination that makes your personal signature enhanced effectively. Unless you're saying that you've

    already found what you think is the most effective combination. It shold take a long time in finding the right one,

    because it's a complex process, and therefore there aren't any miracle product out there doing miracles for


    There's many factors that has to be taken in consideration when trying to understand this question.

    In short we're all different, and the phero's aren't able to create miracles you wouldn't be able to achieve on

    your own:

    I am totally convinced that if you're an unatractive dude with mones you will most likely get less

    increase of attention than an attractive dude will.

    There's the importance of having the RIGHT COMBINATION!->

    this again is a very complex subject thoroughly discussed and no-conclusive too. Women respond differently, and one

    might like this combo, and another might like another, and a third might like you best without any, and a third

    might like you regardless...

    More specific examples is that some might feel that the mones aren't enhancing at

    all, when they fail to realize that they may be enhancing very much indeed but in the wrong areas, i.e. an 18year

    old with too much none added to a natural high none production will get the opposite results than intended. A smelly

    guy can get REAL smelly! And a person with natural high nol production might be overdoing it without knowing


    And there are many many more things to be taken into consideration as well. There might also be

    scientific explanations to your questions, but it seems that science hasn't found much of them yet, or they

    haven't reached this board, or at least both you and I haven't succeded in finding them here yet.

    So untill

    you have found some sense through serious devotion and experimentation for a longer period of time it makes pretty

    perfect sense that this won't make much sense to you at this point....

  3. #3
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Traggard, actually, I believe we may

    have concluded that amount of synthetic pheromones vs. natural output isn't wildly different. What is very

    different is per drop of sweat vs. per drop of AE, for example.

    As for the other points, I do and don't

    agree about pheromones only working subtlely. For me, at least, at their best, they basically create an aura that

    is extremely powerful. This usually occurs with NPA or TE involved, but since I have had a lot of problems with

    stinking from them, I've cut down, and thus my responses aren't as good. When I use the regular amount and rely

    on EOs to cover them, the EOs seem to pin the mone molecules down and prevent them from diffusing, even when I put

    it on the bottom.

    In any case, a lot of the reactions that one gets from synthetic products is probably

    related to your own output, and this theory is far more understandable if we consider that the pheromone levels we

    are putting on don't different that much from our existing total outputs. Maybe it is 1 to 1, or 2 to 1 or

    whatever, but it isn't 100 to 1 or 1000 to 1 as many of us assumed it was previously.

    Regarding the numbers,

    it is all as far as I can tell. I don't know any of this for a fact.

    Quote Originally Posted by Traggard
    Most of us

    agree that how you present yourself and behave is much more important then the pheromones you wear. It is also

    commonly understood that even though we may produce different amount of pheromones naturally this amount is

    minuscule compared to the amount we get from pheromone products.

    Thus, if two people use 1 SOE gel pack

    the difference in the amount of mones they have on them is insignificant. Natural production is therefore not a

    viable explanation for variation of results between different people.

    If I am “On” I generate attraction

    and get looks from women. When I am “off” people avoid me and I get no looks. Makes sense so far, pheromones can not

    override the impression people get from the vibe you put out.

    What I do not get is this: How come when I

    am on, the pheromones do not seem to amplify things. If there is an effect it is so small that it not noticeable. At

    the same time we have posts like “I am a bartender and with Perception I get almost double the amount of tips then I

    get without mones”(jollysnowdevil).

    So, given that you already know how to present yourself in an good

    way, how come mones amplify things for some people and not for others? I mean if I talk to a certain amount of women

    the same amount will be interested mones or no mones. And those that are interested do no seem to react differently

    compared to what they would normally do.

    But at the same time I have received a few hits that I would

    clearly attribute to mones. But those are extremely infrequent and mostly come from really young women (under

    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    same here when i'm "on" it's not

    about the -mones because i'm getting AI's from across the street or from chicks that shouldn't be within -mones

    distance. when i'm not "on", nobody pays attention to me even with a regular combo of -mones. i don't really know

    how big a part -mones work in generating attraction, but they amplify foolsmate. basically the chick almost begs you

    to take her number or escalate.

    i think it's all in the body language you project that gets AI's. same Trock

    this time last year was lucky to get any AI's, but now I expect an AI from every chick I run into.

  5. #5
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    TRock, which mones do you

    usually use in the field? How are you figures for getting numbers, makeouts or better with and without mones?

  6. #6
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "...which mones do you

    usually use in the field? How are you figures for getting numbers, makeouts or better with and without

    Sorry, but that question sounds really funny! Change a few words and it's the exact question

    that gets asked on a fly fishing forum I sometimes visit.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    i use the same combo that i

    discovered last aug or sept. i was a relative newbie in the game last around that time but i've since transition

    into a more natural game. i haven't gone to the gym since december and i am noticeably overwieght. i assume my

    natural signature has changed with the increase of inner game and gaining weight or this could be all irrelavent.

    but anyways it's use 1 dab of te, 3 inches of soe, and 3 sprays of chikara 2nd edition. maybe once in awhile 1 dab

    of pheros, 3 sprays chikara, +- 1 dab te. but any game night it's the 1st combo, i might double the amounts. i have

    a almost daily log going from back in july 2004. when i stop being lazy, i'll analyze it for patterns and post them

    here if i see any.

    last semester when i had a wing who was also a socially competent rafc and we did pretty well

    in clubs, we had this awesome chemistry. this semester that wing isn't around. my club game can put in 2

    categories. clubing with wbafc roommate = almost 0 success. i think it's the hunting/desperation vibe we give off.

    i'm still very much state dependant when i'm out gaming and the guy brings my state down. when i go out with cool

    natural friends, success is almost guranteed. i assume it's because we're hanging out with each and acting cool

    versus actively gaming. so in the end, i use the same combo but with different results depending who my social group


  8. #8
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRock
    but anyways it's

    use 1 dab of te, 3 inches of soe, and 3 sprays of chikara 2nd edition. maybe once in awhile 1 dab of pheros, 3

    sprays chikara, +- 1 dab te. but any game night it's the 1st combo, i might double the amounts.
    I assume

    this has been working for you since you've been using it for over a year now, eh T?

    You're hits ...

    aggressive or friendly ?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    the whole spectrum. so here is

    what has happened in the last year that i can remember. girls have bought me drinks, drunk girls have came up to me

    at clubs, they have sent signals for me to dance with them, they have initiated contact like hugs and stuff, i'm

    just hanging with friends and they come up and try to start rapport with me. and then the usual hair flipping,

    grooming, and staring etc.

    so during the daytime when i'm not drunk and try to interpret body language, i get

    hits but most of the hits are light. from reading body language and how will women flirt, they'll be like a hit

    every 2 weeks or so where they're subcommunicating to me "take me you moron".

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Being "on" is a very important

    aspect of pheromone use.Attitude and the "aura" that you are producing will have a huge impact on weather or not you

    get "hits."I am the prototype for that concept.I am short (5'6") bald and somewhat over weight altho I carry it

    well because I am also very muscular.I am very average looking and people always kinda think it's funny when I

    leave a group of friends to go hit on some twenty one year old debutante.By the way...Im 38 years old.But if Im

    "on," I get wonderful responses with or without pheromones.Altho I have to say that using pheromones has an impact

    on the quality and duration and end result of my contacts.But if Im "off,"I will likely get a smile and thats about

    it.Personal energy can be read a half mile away.If it's good,people will like you....if your energy is dark or will be far less likely to get good responses.I dont even have to dress well or comb my hair(what I

    have left of it) to get good reactions most of the time.As for the references to "personal chemistry,it is my strong

    oppinion that personal chemistry is as much about acids and enzymes in your sweat reacting to pheromones as much as

    anything else.If your sweat is very alkaline or acid,you will likely get different results.Thats my two cents


  11. #11
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tim929
    If your sweat is very

    alkaline or acid,you will likely get different results.

    agreed... does anyone know how they might

    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    I do not get is this: How come when I am on, the pheromones do not seem to amplify things. If there is an effect it

    is so small that it not noticeable. At the same time we have posts like “I am a bartender and with Perception

    I get almost double the amount of tips then I get without mones”(jollysnowdevil).

    So, given that you

    already know how to present yourself in an good way, how come mones amplify things for some people and not for

    others? I mean if I talk to a certain amount of women the same amount will be interested mones or no mones. And

    those that are interested do no seem to react differently compared to what they would normally do.


    perception works really well with my chemistry. brings out my social charm more and the customers i deal with

    are in better mood around me and they in turn get drunker and happier and well tips go up. some mones work with me

    others dont the rest i havent tried yet as i have found success.
    i dont use mones for pure sex. more for

    social and business ventures. i have a happy go lucky disposition as it is. if i get shot down oh well thats one

    more pill of viagra for another lady. life's too short to be unhappy and miserable.
    maybe when you

    do get in that "on" zone you finally just open your eyes wide enough to notice the effects of the mones. what do

    you expect from your mones really? women wont ever just walk right up to you and pet your brontasaurus giganticus.

    this isnt cinamax you know

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