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  1. #1
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    Default Hit report and an urgent request for some advice

    Hi all,

    this is my first post and I hope I’m not gonna bother you guys with this thread.

    I’m 20, normal looking, 5.9 ft. Sorry for any mistakes, I’m not a native


    I experimented with products like C18

    without any hit. I’m glad I found this site and the cool products offered at love scent.

    When my Chikara (dull grey cap and a dull grey spray head; don’t know which version

    that is) arrived I was looking for a good situation to test that product.

    I’m a member in a local volleyball team (boys and girls) and there was a match next Sunday, so I decided to

    test it there.

    There’s just one girl of our team who went with us to

    the match. I usually don’t talk to her a lot, just normal talk like I do it with every other team member. I know her

    for more than 2 years know.

    I find her pretty attractive, don’t know

    why I never attempted to approach her.

    OK, on that Sunday I wanted

    to test Chikara, that girl who went with us was my first “victim”. I applied one spray of chika on my left pulse

    point and one on the right pulse point. A third one on my left wrist, then I rubbed my wrists together.

    As I was driving to the gym where the match

    should take place, I saw her walking (my victim) on the street heading for the gym. I stopped and asked her, if she

    wants to drive with me. She agreed and that was pretty cool, cause I think a car is a perfect place to get somebody

    exposed to your mones. That was about 45 min after I applied the chika. I didn’t notice anything, maybe I was

    expecting to much. She was talkative, that’s all. That was just a 5 mins ride, so maybe there was not enough time to

    let the mones do their job.

    We arrived, and

    everyone was doing all the paper crap and I didn’t see her for bout 30 mins. When the first game started it was

    about 07:00 pm I was playing near to her and I was glad as she is within the range of the mones .(Does anyone know

    the approximate effective range of mones if it’s not windy?)


    time passed and it was bout 09:00 pm. Because of the games I sweat a lot, so I decided to put another spray on my

    neck every 2 hours. I saw her talking to the coach and the coach wanted to talk to me too. When I was talking to the

    coach I noticed that she was goggling to me for half a second or so and then she looked away. She did this couple

    times. I caught her once. Our talk was interrupted as there was the next game. After the game I applied another

    spray (it was 09:00 pm) one the neck cause I noticed that the chika smell got weak. After applying I talked to

    another team member we sat down ant got something to eat. His girlfriend was next to him, and I couldn’t believe it,

    she was gazing to me! I looked into her eyes and she didn’t look away as I expected so I did, as I didn’t wanna get

    into trouble.

    Anyway, that was a cool ego booster. Suddenly my

    target approached us and sat down in front of me. She was staring at me and just said, “You’re a glutton”. I smiled

    and she smiled back but she didn’t stop staring at me. I tought someting like "is this stuff really gonna work

    know"? I looked deep into her eyes and she didn’t look away and after few seconds she said. “Hurry up, let’s go”

    (Lets go?!? What does that mean? You have to see, that there was no reason why we should go and she didn’t tell me

    where to go) I said OK. As I was following her I started to realize what was going on. I was shocked!!! My heart

    started to beat very fast. She was heading for a corner of the gym where nobody else was and she sat onto the

    ground. I sat down next to her. I said somewhat like, “cool match, isn’t it” I just didn’t know what to say. That

    was so unlikely what she did. I couldn’t believe it, this girl was actually inviting me to follow her without any

    reason. She started to talk that she is going to fitness training as much as she can and she likes to go swimming in

    summer and a lot more of this “senseless talking” I didn’t have any idea, why she was telling me all that crap. I

    just told her what I like to do in summer.

    Suddenly she took of her

    barrettes and told me in a very commanding way I should keep them for a second. She was playing with her hair and

    then she was actually laying down onto the floor and with her head onto my bosom, so that she looked into my eyes.

    At this point, I was definitely in outer space, it was so unbelievable what she did. I mean, I just had to say “yes”

    I didn’t do anything except staring at her, and she was doing all the job. I thought the mones must have completely

    hijacked her brain, and make her feel attracted to me. She started to talk constantly about her life and her family

    and she just didn’t stop talking. It was know 11:30 pm and I was thinking whether to apply another spray or not. I

    decided not to apply another spray since I was afraid of OD. She opened a bottle of champagne that we won from the

    match and started drinking it. It was about midnight and we were still there at this corner of the gym talking and

    talking and talking... Once she said, since a couple of months she has nothing to lough at and nothing to make her

    happy that’s way she wants to have fun with alcohol (I thought she might have had a bad time for some reason) . She

    killed ¾ of the bottle and I ¼ as I had to drive. She got drunk and she was now laughing at almost every think I

    said, yes it was great fun…

    Because of her incredible approach, know

    I felt really attracted to her and I really wanted to get together with her. Well, is there any other sign that is

    more obvious that a girl is attracted to you ? I think what she did was a 100% approach.

    But now, here comes the f***ing turning point of the story.

    Without any warning she stood up and said “I wanna go home” . And she asked if I could drive her home.

    I instinctively said “yes”. I thought, what the hell is going on, why does she do

    this?? Everything is perfect and you wanna GO HOME???

    When we were driving she talked just the ordinary crap like, “oh, its pretty late “ or “go left, its to

    shortest way”. When we arrived, I turned the engine off, maybe she felt, that I just didn’t wanna let her disembark

    . I said, “its pretty fun to talk to you when your drunk and I like it”. She said nothing. Then she said. “I better

    go, its late”. She got out of the car and said “bye”. I said “bye”.

    I couldn’t sleep the whole night, and the next one either. I was trying to figure

    out what I did wrong.

    Next time when I was going

    for the volleyball training, I met her in front of the gym. She said “hi”. I said “hi”. then we went into to gym and

    she told me she got some homework to do. That’s all what she said. I met her to days later, and she behaved as if

    nothing has ever happened!!!!

    That’s the story and

    since that happened I just cannot get her outta my head. I really want to do something to get together with her, but

    I just don’t know what to do and what I did wrong.

    Each time a met her

    after that match I wore 1 spray of chika applied onto my neck. But without any result.

    Can anybody tell me what mix I should use to get her? She’s 18.

    I don’t need a sexual mix I just need something to get together with her. I’m planning to use a high nol


    Can enyone interpret her behaviour and

    tell me what was her intention? Can anyone in here give me some advice what I should do and how I should approach

    her???? What the hell can I do to turn things good again?

    I hope I didn’t bother you with this thread but I need some damn advicee and


    PS: I

    believe that was a hit, wasn’t it?


    Last edited by Sparky; 02-03-2005 at 07:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    I would say that was a hit

    probably from the mones but it could have been the way you looked her in the eyes, was it the first time you looked

    at her like that? If it was the mones, you may have od'd as the chikara broke down and became none.

  3. #3
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Maybe you didn't do anything

    wrong. Women can be extremely flickle and change their mind suddenly. We've all been there many times. What's

    confusing is when they do it all the time. My last GF broke up with me nearly every week and would often change her

    mind within hours, sometimes minutes.

    Or perhaps you did something that turned her off. However, it's not

    apparent from your narrative. Maybe she has a BF. Perhaps you should ask her. I've asked women what went wrong and

    many actually told me.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh
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    I would say you blew your

    chance. She wanted you to do something (like make out with her) and you didn't have the nerve.

    As for getting

    another chance with her, you probably need to let her see you interact with other girls, in a situation where you

    don't hold back. I don't think trying to talk to her about it will help. First, she is not likely to admit that

    she wanted you to take her (which is basically what she wanted) and second she is not about to give you pointers on

    how to do it.

    Remember what the Fonzie told Joannie: If you put an ad, short-cakes, SOMEONE is going to answer


  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    She came on to you. You played it

    cool. She lost interest.

    I know it’s tough being young and not wanting to scare off girls that you’re

    attracted to. But at some point you have to make that leap and hold her hand, touch her face, kiss her lips or

    otherwise show your attraction in some physical way.
    It’s going to be awkward and you’re bound to get

    shot down a couple of times; but that’s the only way you’ll ever find sexual happiness (and get some sleep at

    Give truth a chance.

  6. #6
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    Yeah but you don't also want to

    be coming on to girls all the time like you really really want/need them. That's a turn off. But you also don't

    want to be totaly cold and show no interest. Gotta play it cool AND sexy. Touch her like you want her; talk to her

    like you could care less. Not as in ignoring her, blowing her off, careless, but careless as in it really doesn't

    matter if she get's to have you or not.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast
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    You have to realize that just

    having a one time encounter and having a relationship are two different things - or at least they seem to be at

    times. This girl seemed to want something right then and there and then changed her mind.

    You have to decide

    what it is that you want and then act that way. If you just wanted the hookup, then you should have taken her right

    then and there. This girl could also have a history of this behavior.

    If you wanted a relationship with her,

    you should have left suddenly while she was still laughing - as if you had to be somewhere else.

    This is all

    easy to say in hindsight, however, you will get hits in the future, but the rest is up to you.

  8. #8
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    Well, it was the first time I

    looked in her eyes like this. If it was actually the mones that caused her approach i might have od'd. I forgot

    that nol turns to none after a while... I should read the cookbook again....

    Gegogi: Would you really ask if she

    has got a BF? I guess many girls don'T like it, if you ask this question, but I have never tried though...


    can understand what you guys told me, and yes i might have blew a chance. You telling me that I should have done

    something like holding her hand, kiss or even make it out with her. But I do not know where the border line is?

    didn't wanna proceed to fast and to far, so that she might be scared and ran away...
    How can you figure out if its

    ok to hold the hand, kiss etc.? I was just afraid of destroying everything, if i proceed to fast, but I guess i

    destroyed everything as i didnt proceed...

  9. #9
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky
    Well, it was

    the first time I looked in her eyes like this. If it was actually the mones that caused her approach i might have

    od'd. I forgot that nol turns to none after a while... I should read the cookbook again....

    Gegogi: Would you

    really ask if she has got a BF? I guess many girls don'T like it, if you ask this question, but I have never tried


    I can understand what you guys told me, and yes i might have blew a chance. You telling me that I

    should have done something like holding her hand, kiss or even make it out with her. But I do not know where the

    border line is?
    I didn't wanna proceed to fast and to far, so that she might be scared and ran away...
    How can

    you figure out if its ok to hold the hand, kiss etc.? I was just afraid of destroying everything, if i proceed to

    fast, but I guess i destroyed everything as i didnt proceed...
    Don't be afraid to ask her if she has a

    boyfriend if your intentions are getting to know her on that level.
    To fast and to far.... If you wouldn't have

    minded going all the way that night then you should have proceeded. It is a man's job to make the moves and the

    women's job to say no, so don't be scared. The worst thing that could of happened is she said no, which means

    nothing would have happened but by not proceeding still nothing happened.

    When you looked her in the eyes like

    that you told her you were a confident, sexual man but then your actions afterwards didn't follow up with that. I

    am guessing you blew your chances but with practice there will be many more. Just don't expect the woman to be so

    obvious as to drag you into a corner as that will not happen as much as you would like.

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast
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    A huge complaint I get from many

    women is that guys do not look into their eyes while speaking with them. I hear this while I am staring at the back

    of a girl's retina.

    I always stare into a girls eyes when talking to her. Always. The first encounter its

    usually obvious that she feels differently than she is expecting because she stumbles over her words or gets uneasy.

    A guy looking into a girl's eyes while speaking with her is a unique experieince for most women. hard to

    believe but in my neck of the woods, it seems to be true.

  11. #11
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky
    I didn't wanna

    proceed to fast and to far, so that she might be scared and ran away...
    How can you figure out if its ok to hold

    the hand, kiss etc.?
    You take her hand into yours, and if she pulls her hand away, you don't do that. If she

    doesn't pull away, you're doing fine.

    You lean in and gently kiss her. If she pulls away, she doesn't want

    you to kiss her. If she doesn't pull away, you're doing fine. If she just turns her cheek to you, move on.

    Don't ask about boyfriends. The girls who have boyfriends will tell you when they are ready to tell you.


    fastest, surest way to screw up with a girl who is THAT interested in you is to do nothing.

    The fastest, surest

    way to find out what she will let you do is to try something.

    But just be sure that whatever you do is something

    you WANT to do. You're under no obligation to like every girl who takes an interest in you.

  12. #12
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    Some time ago I believed that it

    is cool to stare into the eyes of girls when talking to them.
    But I figured out that they often get a bit nervous

    and look away for a second and then look back into your eyes to check if you're still staring.
    So I thought it

    might be impolite to stare at the eyes. So I stopped doing that.
    But now, according to Marlboro:man the staring

    conveys confidence and I can understand this. So I think I should look into a girls eyes when talking.´In fact, I

    like that! Pretty cool....

    In my case, I dont have to ask her if she has a BF. I know for sure that she ain't

    got a BF since at least 2 months.
    I'm not shure if i would ask if i didnt know...

    Considering the fact that

    she doesnt have a BF and the story I told you guys, do you see any chance to approach her and fix everything what I

    did wrong? I know that girls usually dont approach guys like she did and the fact that I let such a great chance

    slip is almost killing me. I think i did everythhing wrong that one can do wrong.

  13. #13
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    Ummm.... stare might be a bit

    strong. Look, gaze, soak in a woman's essence through her eyes. Don't freaking stare at her eyes until your

    contacts fall out. I think what people mean is in contrast to how most Americans talk, out of the side of their

    mouth, eyes wandering, etc. I learned in counseling to look at the eyes, then nose, mouth, back up to the eyes.

    Don't look straight into the eyes all the time, otherwise you'll just weird her out. Staring can intimidate, and

    is often used as a means of control. My boss does that with people, he'll stare at you and stare and stare until

    you feel so uncomfortable, that you have to break away, at which point, he feels he has control over you. Looking

    into someone's eyes is supposed to convey interest, confidence and desire, not control.

    Anyway, to me, this

    girl might be bad news. It sounded like she wanted you to do her then and there in, what it sounds like, front of

    other people? And when you didn't act, she completely lost interest. Doesn't sound like much of an emotional

    connection, more like a raw, animalistic reaction to the pheromones. Personally, I would stay away from her; someone

    like that, I feel, is just bad news. I may be wrong, however.

  14. #14
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    Oh my, this has been hard to


    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky
    She was playing with her hair and then she was actually

    laying down onto the floor and with her head onto my bosom, so that she looked into my eyes.

    Ummm, is there any reason why you didn't kiss her IMMEDIATELY at that point?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky

    But now, here comes the f***ing turning point of the story. Without any warning she

    stood up and said “I wanna go home” . And she asked if I could drive her home.

    Totally expected. Totally normal chick behavior.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky

    Can enyone interpret her behaviour and tell me what was her intention? Can anyone in

    here give me some advice what I should do and how I should approach her???? What the hell can I do to turn things

    good again?

    Umm, yeah. I'm late to the thread, I've been away, but

    as the others here have stated, you messed up. You could have almost taken Friendly's first reply, directly from

    my brain, as I was reading your post. His advice is 100% dead-on, accurate. Including his advice on how to get her


    Not to be too hard on you, because I did this same sort of thing in high school myself. But to recap,


    - Demanded you finish eating.
    - Pulled you away from the table, physically.
    - Found an isolated place.

    Sat down and started drinking.
    - Let her hair down (literally).
    - Placed her head in your lap, and looked up

    into your eyes.

    I cannot *possibly* imagine any more of a clear signal, short of her unzipping your pants. But,

    had she done that, well then, she gets labeled a slut, and she knows that.

    Her standing up, demanding to be

    taken home? Don't overanalyze, it's simple. Your time limit expired. She tried every possible thing to come on

    to you, and in her mind, you rejected her. Her subsequent behavior was merely based on the fact that she was hurt

    by your unintended rejection.

    I know that's hard to hear, since your feelings were exactly the opposite. But

    Friendly is right. The ONLY way to get her back now, is to make out with another chick, IN FRONT OF HER. You have

    to communicate to her that you are a man of action, with - action. This, of course, will make her insanely mad, and

    jealous. And that, is when you make your move. When you see her reacting poorly, then you'll need to isolate her,

    same way she did with you, and make your move. It will be very hard to pull off, and have much more to do with your

    attitude, than anything you do or say. It has to be a mixture of something like, yes, you're interested in her,

    but if she doesn't feel the same way, well then, you can go elsewhere, as you've demonstrated.

    I know how

    hard it is to think about another girl, when THIS is the one you want, but that's what you'll have to do, in order

    to get her. You'll also have to be super-careful you don't hurt the other girl's feelings in the process; it

    needs to be made clear from the outset, that it's "just a hookup". Probably the best atmosphere in which to

    accomplish all this will be a party, preferably with drinking and dancing. Does the team ever party together?

    P.S. On the staring thing - you mention English isn't your first language, so you may be from another country.

    One thing to realize about Americans, is that we perceive direct eye contact as polite, and strong. Looking away is

    perceived as weak, and sneaky. We are very different from other countries in that respect, where direct, long eye

    contact may often be considered rude. Not here, unless accompanied with hostility.

  15. #15
    Full Member phinmone's Avatar
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    @sparky: from what i understand,

    i agree with kappakai, she wanted you there and then. but you did not do anything, so she lost her interest


    generally: you have to make the progressing steps or she looses her interest. you should have

    atleast kissed her and then immediately took her home by saying it's too late for little girls to hand around so

    late (READ: you want to take slow, but you have to make in a right way). you should have teased her a little bit for

    drinking all your booze (this is funny, because it really is not your booze) and trying to make you drunk and seduce

    you only for your sexy body (twisting the roles). .. this kind of cocky+funny mindset takes time to learn, but in my

    personal experience it works great.

    this communicates control and not being needy.

    but your attitude

    "I really wanted to get together with her" is going to kill about 50% of your chances with any girl. because this

    mindset leads to the wrong, needy behaviour which seeks for her approval. THIS KILLS ATTRACTION. dont do it!

    the problem of many guys is that when they get to know a girl that they really like and want to spend time

    with. "the more i spend time with her, the more she will want me" -- this is the same mindset you had . if you

    really want to get together with a girl, this is the last way of behaviour you want to act around her. be

    mysterious. END meetings, phone calls, dates + EVERYTING before she does, leaving her always wanting more. this is

    sometimes hard, but it leads to very positive results.

    i agreee with friendly1, "you probably need to let her

    see you interact with other girls". girls / women are very competitive, and this could help you out.


    you walk pass her or see her, just ignore her. act differently from day to day. don't always say "hello" to her.

    don't always notice her. on other days, talk to her quite much, ask her questions and vice versa.


    look her into her eyes. never look away until she does. smile and she will smile back. and one powerful thing is,

    when you see some chemistry building there, as you talk to her, get close to her and talk to her like around 1,5

    feets away, almost getting too close to her private space.

    DON'T BE SHY and NEVER ask if she has a BF. good



  16. #16
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Well, one thing I have learned

    is that not all Americans are cut from the same cultural cloth. We do tend to be more overbeaing and arrogant than

    most people (in other people's eyes). There are ethnic groups here in the U.S. which retain customs from their

    homelands, and looking intently into people's eyes is a sign of disrespect among those peoples. I am speaking

    mostly of people from Asia. I have a number of Asian friends and they have told me it would be best to refrain from

    doing the usual domination-by-gazing with traditional Asian girls.

  17. #17
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    It is easier to read

    text if you space every few sentences. A huge block of text (especially without a space after a period) is hard for

    the eyes to read. Could you edit the post a bit?


    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  18. #18
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    thank you!
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  19. #19
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    She might be bad news, but I don’t care.

    I just want to get her, she approached me in a way that makes me irresistible to her, she made my eyes to only see

    her. Though, I am not supposed to show her this, if I understand what you guys are telling me.


    Yes, I agree with that

    was friendly1 said and your support of friendly’s advice. Further, it’s pretty hard to find a girl in that team that

    fits. Some are to young, or to old…

    Next time after training, I

    started to talk to another girl that was almost correct age, with that what friendly said in mind. I tried to flirt

    with that other girl, or at least keep her talking to me for long time. After 15 mins or so, she (my actual target)

    walked to us accompanied with another younger girl and my target tried to disturb our conversation in a rather

    obtrusive way. After the second attempt of my target to kill my conversation with that other chick, I finally talked

    to my target. She just wanted to know if the coach is still taking a shower…

    I found it strange, I mean she tried to kill our conversation for such an stupid question. After I

    answered her question the other chick left and my actual target went home too…

    I also don’t wanna overrate her behaviour and bet the farm that I made her jealous. Maybe she really

    wanted to talk to the coach…

    Well, I’ll try to “attack” another girl

    right in front of her, but it’s hard to find one. There’s no party during winter time…

    To be mysterious can be

    cool, yes and one seems to be more interesting. I’ll try to behave from day to day different when I see her. I

    think, you guys have some more experience with that part of life than I hve, so I think I’m not doing the wrong, if

    I follow your advice.

    PS: How can I learn body language? I’m planning

    to read the threads concerning body language. Or do you mean some different books threads, etc?

    I tried to upgrade my social

    skills before I knew that something like pheromones exist. I’m trying to upgrade them more and more. It takes a long

    time!!! But it’s possible. I consider mones as a support, that give you some advantage compared to other males. But

    alone, the mones cannot do the job.

    dihl means deer in headlights

    look, right? But she didn’t look as confusing as a “deer looking into the headlight"? What do you consider a dihl?

    I know I’m a poor omega wolf that want to evolve and become a

    higher ranking wolf
    J That was real cool


    I thank you all for that that great interest in my case, that was much

    more than I expectet!!

  20. #20
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky
    Next time after training, I started to talk to another girl that was almost correct age, with that

    what friendly said in mind. I tried to flirt with that other girl, or at least keep her talking to me for long time.

    After 15 mins or so, she (my actual target) walked to us accompanied with another younger girl and my target tried

    to disturb our conversation in a rather obtrusive way. After the second attempt of my target to kill my conversation

    with that other chick, I finally talked to my target. She just wanted to know if the coach is still taking a


    I found it strange, I mean she tried to kill our conversation

    for such an stupid question. After I answered her question the other chick left and my actual target went home

    Either she is still interested, or else she is trying to play you.

    Don't try to

    make an opportunity for her. But if she makes another opportunity for you, try to cuddle with her. If she allows

    that, then try to kiss her (don't ASK if you can kiss her -- just do it). Be sure you are teasing her.

    If she

    pulls away at any point up to the kissing, just get up, say, "Hey, I don't know what you want, but this isn't what

    I want." And walk away.

    After you kiss her, you're on your own. Be careful.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    Either she is

    still interested, or else she is trying to play you.

    Don't try to make an opportunity for her. But if she makes

    another opportunity for you, try to cuddle with her. If she allows that, then try to kiss her (don't ASK if you can

    kiss her -- just do it). Be sure you are teasing her.

    If she pulls away at any point up to the kissing, just get

    up, say, "Hey, I don't know what you want, but this isn't what I want." And walk away.

    After you kiss her,

    you're on your own. Be careful.
    If I'm getting on your nerves, just tell me plz. What do you mean by

    saying "Dont try to make an opportunity for her" Does that mean I should stop attacking other gurls? Or does that

    mean I should not approach her until she approaches me?

    Further you said, "Be sure you are teasing her". Do you

    mean I should try to tease her everytime i see her, or only if she approaches me or if she makes another opportunity

    for me?

  22. #22
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky
    If I'm

    getting on your nerves, just tell me plz. What do you mean by saying "Dont try to make an opportunity for her" Does

    that mean I should stop attacking other gurls? Or does that mean I should not approach her until she approaches me?

    Further you said, "Be sure you are teasing her". Do you mean I should try to tease her everytime i see her, or

    only if she approaches me or if she makes another opportunity for me?
    Young Jedi you got lots to learn but

    hey your still young.
    Answer 1 don't approach her till she approaches you.
    Answer 2 Tease her as often as

    possible but not in a rude way. In other words if she wearing a shirt that looks like it belongs in the '70's

    call her marsha brady or ask her if she got it at a used clothes store for a penny. DO not make fun of things such

    as looks or height (things that a person cannot change). When teasing a girl do so in a way so that they know your

    teasing them but aren't 100% sure.

  23. #23
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    I have to say that teasing a woman

    is a integral part of interacting with her. I make sure that she knows I'm playing - and I do tease people about

    their height, especially if they are wearing 4 inch heels. However, I am defiantely not being mean and the point of

    all of this is to make her laugh - make her tilt her head back and instinctively lift her arms and slap my shoulder


    I know I'm a funny guy and if she's not laughing

    or smiling, then she's not my type of girl. Incidentally, only about 1/10 or less do not respond. Most of them

    laugh quite uncontrollobly after 2 minutes or so. And the duds that were cold usually do a double take and stare in

    the direction of the laughter - and then maybe there's a 2nd chance with the duds.

    We can't control many

    things in our lives - but we can control being funny.

    How do I know this? I went to Border's and bought 3

    books on comedy writing, read them from cover to cover and the next day of all things, I met a new woman that

    aspired to be a comedy writer. Coincidence??? Yes, but a pretty freaky one.

    I was always somewhat off beat

    and funny, but actually reading it in print just drove it home and although things were going pretty well before I

    became Mr. Funny, things just exploded afterwards.

    I use the comedy all the time now, everywhere I go with

    everyone I meet except for cops or some legal things. If you think you can't do it, remember I'm not suggesting

    that you turn into a stand up comic - its much easier to get laughs when you're just a normal person that read

    books on comedy - if your funny doesn't work, well it happens to people all the time. Just don't tell people you

    bought the books.

  24. #24
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Which 3 books did you buy,

    I bought one but it didn't seem to do very much.

  25. #25
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    hey sparky, whatever floats your

    boat. we're all individuals with different styles and targets and expectations. i'm not as big a fan of aggressive

    women, i like the thrill of the chase, and a little mystery and tact in my woman. it's a reflection of my own

    personality, perhaps. i like to make things a challenge for myself, and therefore, i will have a tendency to hunt

    women down relentlessly. this comes with its own set of problems and issues, one of which i'm currently dealing

    with. be true to yourself, and pursue life and women and money and whatever the best way for yourself. there is NO

    universal approach, otherwise the world would be a pretty bland place. there are definitely some things you can do

    to assist you in developing your game, but if you don't want a girl with a sense of humor, then you might not

    necessarily develop a sense of humor. but you gotta figure out the skills for yourself. it's trial and error, which

    is why most women will say, men get better with age, because those skills are honed over time.

  26. #26
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    Funny books - I actually first went

    to amazondotcom and halfdotcom and looked up books on how to be funny and read reviews. Then I went to Border's to

    find only 3 books and bought all of them sight unseen - I couldn't wait for the mail. One was called "How To Be

    Funny" and I think the other one is a workbook for a comedy writer. The third one is written by the same author as

    the lat one.

    I'm being intentionally vaugue because I am at work and the books are at home. Maybe we should

    start a thread on being funny and see what happens?

  27. #27
    Full Member phinmone's Avatar
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    @sparky: never tell her in the

    "beginning" that you have positive feelings towards her. the better the more you tease her. you can also say: "you

    like me / you love me", with a serious face or "you just love for my sexy looks" / "you want me only for my sexy

    body". this is more powerful than "i like you / i love you" . why? because a) you don't tell / share your intimate

    feelings to her right away and you're not a wussy b) you're confident b) you're not needy

    you need to

    learn a whole bunch of stuff. this forum contains very much information about bodylanguage and general behaviour

    towards women and girls. there are also a few good books and courses in the internet and are also discussed in this


    the thing with kissing, try to look in the internet for a "kiss test". this test is GOOD and it does

    not embarres you even if you cannot be successful trying to kiss a girl!

    good luck


  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky
    She might be bad news, but I don’t care. I just want to get her,
    (Yoda voice) Refreshing, your honesty is. The first step to becoming a

    Jedi, your self-honesty also is. (end yoda routine)

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky

    After 15 mins or so, she (my actual target) walked to us accompanied with

    another younger girl and my target tried to disturb our conversation in a rather obtrusive way. After the second

    attempt of my target to kill my conversation with that other chick, I finally talked to my target. She just wanted

    to know if the coach is still taking a shower…

    I found it strange, I

    mean she tried to kill our conversation for such an stupid question. After I answered her question the other chick

    left and my actual target went home too…

    I also don’t wanna overrate

    her behaviour and bet the farm that I made her jealous. Maybe she really wanted to talk to the coach…

    Good first step to recovery. You definitely made her jealous. Just so we're clear:

    - Her

    accompaniment was her "wingman" (more classic chick behavior from this girl)
    - She had absolutely NO concern about

    the coach in the shower. Her only objective was to break up your conversation.
    - She left afterwards, because she

    accomplished her objective (but that's ok, so did you )
    - Yes, you did make her jealous
    - No, she did

    not really want to talk to the coach.

    Once again, I second Friendly's advice. I'm starting to feel redundant,

    actually, but I feel it's rude not to reply. His line "I don't know what you want, but this isn't what I want",

    is GOLD. Use it, if she starts acting like a tease when you kiss-test her. This is called a "takeaway", and done

    properly, is devastatingly effective against women. I discovered the technique through much frustrating trial and

    error, and got even got laid several times because of it. I even still use it today sometimes with my wife, so

    don't think it's just for dating scenarios. Again, as I mentioned previously, it's all about attitude to pull

    this off.

    A couple of other observations, just from the general thread:

    There are lots of suggestions about

    playful teasing, and that's good, but be sure to know the difference between a tease and an insult. Sometimes,

    putting down a girl can get good results - this is known as a "neg hit", but is only to be used on hyper-confident

    10's, which it doesn't sound like this girl is. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure she's attractive, but her

    behavior so far has been completely immature and predictable. Her reaction to your jealous pitch was exactly as

    expected. So keep it light, and playful, and nothing that could be taken as insulting.

    Also, what HASN'T been

    mentioned, is what you do AFTER you kiss her. Assuming that happens (either with or without a "takeaway"), it's

    then time to switch tactics. Once you are making out, that's no longer the time to appear disinterested, in fact,

    the opposite. I found, many, many times, after kissing women romantically, that a simple "I want you", whispered

    sensually in her ear, was all that was needed to close the deal. Friendly said you were on your own after the kiss,

    but I've just given you one extra step... but after that, you're REALLY on your own......

  29. #29
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemist
    I have to

    say that teasing a woman is a integral part of interacting with her. I make sure that she knows I'm playing - and I

    do tease people about their height, especially if they are wearing 4 inch heels. However, I am defiantely not being

    mean and the point of all of this is to make her laugh - make her tilt her head back and instinctively lift her arms

    and slap my shoulder - it is all done TO MAKE HER INITIATE PHYSICAL CONTACT.
    I understand where you can

    get away with this chemist but someone just starting should be very careful about teasing girls for things they

    cannot change such as height. I tease girls about unchangable things too, but I have enough expeirience that I

    usually don't screw it up.

  30. #30
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Yes, it is very important not to

    out right turn the girl off. However, I have found that sometimes offending the girl is actually a good thing for

    attraction - while her words indicate offense, her body language and laughter indicate some sort of


    Knowing how to do it is indeed a skill that takes others more time than some to pick up - I took

    a very long time - over a decade!

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