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Thread: most stupid guy

  1. #1

    Default most stupid guy

    Ok, so I feel like I am the most stupid guy of the universe right now. I went clubbing with JB1/SOE and had plenty of hits (girls approaching me) including this nice girl. I think she rates at an 7 or 8.

    This girl (maybe 22) was really into me as we danced, and her sister and another guy also told me she was hot and into me. So far, so good but the problem is wasn´t into her that much last night, so I acted like I wasn´t interested in her. The only things we exchanged were our names.

    Maybe it was the alcohol that lowered my testosterone level [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] , or maybe it was me thinking I should go for another girl, anyway I feel pretty stupid. I am not used to pick-up girls every week but there is no excuse for me for acting this way. The girl left the club pretty sad and I got sad too afterwards. HOW CAN I BE SO STUPID???

    This is not the first time I´m throwing away opportunities like crazy, anyone else has that too? It´s like I´m not able to handle the extra attention I´m getting.
    I don´t know if I have to be happy because the phero´s worked well (yes they reallly did their job very well, maybe I don´t need a-1), or have to be sad because I missed an opportunity to learn to know this nice girl.

    BTW, I used
    SOE on face, neck and underarms
    JB1 on neck, underarms and behind the ear
    Boss Elements - Eau de toilette

  2. #2
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: most stupid guy


    You weren\'t stupid. If your instincts prompted you to pass on this girl on this particular night, then you did the right thing by passing. You\'ve got to go with your instincts!

    If however, you seriously regret not making your play for her, then the next time you see her tell her how much you enjoyed the time you spent with her, and that maybe you weren\'t \"on your game\" that night, and would like a chance to make it up to her.

    Either way, go with your gut feeling.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: most stupid guy

    I seem to always make that mistake. It\'s like I\'ve got no game or something. I\'m trying to fix it, but it\'s easier said than done. Way easier.

    Anyone have tips on how to overcome the \"not going for the girl that seems to be into you\" problem. I\'m following my instincts, but I don\'t think they\'re helping much.

  4. #4

    Default Re: most stupid guy

    Wilde - Thank you for your reply!
    The problem is I´m not going to see her again(she isn´t a regular in that club).


    I wonder if you are the same type of guy as me. I don´t look bad, I am tall, I don´t dance bad, but I am just a bit shy and have no game too. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Oh, and I use mones on a regular basis.

  5. #5

    Default Re: most stupid guy

    Franki i know how you feel..

    this happens to me all the time now. For example i went swimming with my friends and a girl comes over and asks our names... then goes back to her friends..

    1 of them an italian hot blonde girl (i rate her a 9 ) , so hot that guys turn to see her..

    All of a sudden she cries loud from the other side of the Pool: My friend XXXX (her name) finds you very cute steve! . BOOM!

    The cute blonde giggels slightly and waves over to me... al i manage is a halfhearted wave back.. i dont move.. my friends almost crack up and almost try to pull me over but i CANT MOVE..

    the girls really gets sad and after like 10 mins staying there with her friends she gets bored probably thinking i dont like her and goes away..

    AWWW! This type of thing happens to me all the time... and man i TRIED to change.. but its somehow deep into your psyche..

    I tried:
    - Pheromones to convince me that im attractive (i have low selfesteem altough i get approached all the time)
    - sites like and ross jeffries confidence tapes
    -self help stuff of al kinds

    its a shame!

    I do only change if there is some kind of SPECIAL atmosphere.. You know when u managed something perfect or are in such a good high mood that u think: FUCK! What do i have to loose?

    In such a moment il hop over my inner Pig (lol dont know if this is the same meaning as in German) and can say things like: YOu know youre very cute too id like to see if the person behind this sweet appereance makes up to it?

    People like it ! People always like compliments... err im going offtopic i think [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Something i can say that makes it a little better is this for me.. GET DRUNK

    But dont GET DRUNK the way most people do... its like OD with pheromones.. to much is to much... if u haven`t eaten anything drink like 2- big bears and you will feel alot more relaxed.. REPEAT YOURSELF 1000 TIMES A DAY: What do i have to loose?

    Cause i think this happens to us because of the Fear of rejection...

    to get over it we have to get rejected and actually FEEL that it does not hurt

    im really working on it... slowly progressing and i wish you the best of luck to succeed man


  6. #6

    Default Re: most stupid guy

    err beers not BEARS [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Default Re: most stupid guy


    Actually I was a bit drunk that night and felt like I had nothing to loose. The point was I didn´t find the girl that attractive, which I find hard to understand afterwards because she wasn´t ugly at all. I think it was the alcohol (or the phero´s) affecting my libido.


    In contrast with that : When I´m sober I´m experiencing the same as you do: Even if girls approach me and let me know they like me I´m sometimes to timid to act the right way, but that is getting better the last months. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  8. #8
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: most stupid guy

    And if all else fails go visit a sperm bank (sorry andrology lab) - coincidence. And make a donation.

  9. #9

    Default Re: most stupid guy

    I´m sorry I exaggerated a bit in this post, but that was because it was written in the heat of the moment. (6am)(being a bit drunk) [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Fortunately I got plenty of opportunities to come, plus the fun that the phero´s provide, what still makes me excited about the future. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    I want to wish all of you who are going out this saturday night good luck and much fun. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  10. #10

    Default Re: most stupid guy

    I think I posted something on REGRETS and so I\'m not going to bored more people with the same information, but here\'s what I\'ve been doing to transform myself into somebody who takes advtange of those windows of opportunities.
    I created rules that work for ME and here are descriptions in a nutshell.

    1. Use common sense. If someone is being nice be nice back. If I want to get to know the girl a bit more, ask basic information about herself (phone number or e-mail works). I like to get their e-mail address because if I\'m nervous about calling them, I can just take my time with the e-mail to get some serious points. There is so much more room for creativity in writing.

    2. Control emotions. Hardest thing to do. What I do is imagine that my emotions are a bad guy in my head trying to keep me away from getting to my target. I don\'t argue with the little bastard, I just put him in a bag and trash him. In short, I forget about me and concentrate on my target.

    3. Concentrate on target. This helps me forget about myself and focus on my girl. I talk about her until she eventually starts talking about me. Probably the best of describing this rule is \"Don\'t talk about self unless she does.\"

    4. Give my target my undivided attention. Don\'t turn away and pay attention to anyone else but her. She should be your universe, anything outside that is irrevelant.

    5. Make eye contact (more than you would with a friend). I\'ve trained myself to not make it uncomfortable either. Just find out what\'s the right dose of this.

    6. Smile, Smile, Smile. It\'s almost like magic. Without having a reason for doing it, I just smile and next thing I know SHE smiles, which leads me to have even a bigger smile on my face (and so on).

    There are probably more things that I\'m not concious about that might be part of the package. I just remember that there are no mistakes that can\'t be solved and for this reason I constantly try to improvise. I\'m learning a lot from this forum and things are not quite 180 degrees to where I was before, but I\'m getting there.

    I think that some rules I have listed are standard, but the stragery to take charge of your emotions should very much depend on you.

    Curious (Pseudo-Psychologist) Dude

  11. #11
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: most stupid guy

    Failure to respond to a female initiative can be seen several ways:

    1) Temporary testosterone deficiency

    2) Better judgment

    3) Inapproprate female aggressiveness

    I can remember several of the #3 cases - there is something innately off-putting about a woman that takes too much initiative. It\'s like trying to dance with a woman that wants to lead - your inner man is telling you this ain\'t no lady. She is just not following the rules. From your description, it does not sound like this was an overt misstep on her part but it can be subtle and still affect your response.

    I could tell of the time the sexy 19 y/o asked me after our lunch together \"When is your favorite time to make love?\" and I DIDN\'T say \"Now.\" That was 25 years ago and I still kick myself!

    The moral is, barring a solid reason #2, never turn it down.

    [ April 06, 2002: Message edited by: Whitehall ]

  12. #12
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: most stupid guy

    Curious Dude has some pretty good rules, but I would like to add 2 more- Never but I mean never look at her breasts or any part of her body, that\'s a sure way of ruining everything. Also never talk about sex unless she brings it up. This is just for a first meeting, after that the skies the limit. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  13. #13

    Default Re: most stupid guy

    Yeah Franki, I\'m tall and OK looking. SO I guess I\'m kind of in the same boat as you.

    I know what you mean about certain girls not attracting you. Last semester this girl comes into my apartment (she was stalking my roomate). I was watching TV. My roomate tells her to leave, she sees me on the couch and starts sitting on my lap and trying to get me to have sex with her. She was kinda overweight and stuff and I just wasn\'t interested.

    I\'m not sure if we should trust our gut feelings, but I can\'t go out with any girl, I have to be attracted to her and she has to have self esteem and be comfortable with herself or else the relationship will start sucking really fast.

  14. #14
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: most stupid guy

    Hey Franki, with all due respect get your shit together! [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img] One-day these opportunities are not going to come by for maybe months or years. You will go into a long slump,at least get the phone number. It\'s cool you\'re using Pheromones and everything but it\'s time to interact. It gets easier every time you approach and talk to women. You\'re meeting sevens and nines, so go for it. The girl at the club you just weren\'t attracted to, so you shouldn\'t feel stupid for that.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: most stupid guy

    Curious Dude, Jose: Truer words have never been spoken, and your advice I think is going to come in handy on my first date in years.

    It\'s nothing that people don\'t know already, but people forget about, when they let their emotions take control...been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.

    If you do, you come across as desperate, clingy and needy: recipe for disaster and heartbreak if it\'s someone you\'ve taken a great liking to or have a crush on.

    Controlling your emotions and being aware of your body language are the hardest thing for a person to do. You need to be aware of everything 100% of the signals you\'re giving out, yet appearing relaxed and comfortable at the same time. I can well imagine how difficult it is to try and keep your focus and concentration on your companion, yet keeping the \"little bad guy inside\" in his cage. I love that analogy.

    Thanks guys. I\'m delighted I found this forum when I did. My self-confidence and self-esteem seems to be growing by the day simply by being here....and I haven\'t even received my \"mones\" yet [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  16. #16
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    Default Re: most stupid guy

    Dude, lol, you are not stupid as I am. I do this ALL the time. And, I wear the NONE from the kit at FULL FUCKING STRENGHT. Combined with my football player like physic and a six pack, yes, I know. I\'m 16 right..I work at Wendys, and some of the the hot drunk, high, horny girls come in.

    Check this out now...2 girls came in with a guy 2 nights ago. They were 19 1/2, hot, and one of those crazy horny girls...Now, they PRACTICALLY, (Not literally, but, I could have easily had it..) to have sex with both of them at the same time.
    I have no idea why I did not take that..All I got was her name too. And no, it\'s not becuase of soical or whatever, because, I\'m NOT waiting to marriage or anything like that..

    Also, alcohol. Obviously, you do not drink that much, or you don\'t drink much at a time. When you drink your testosterone levels go down. Now, when you are, (for a lack of a better word)...horny, the body releases this chemical that tells you you want sex, which releases testosterone. Now, after you\'ve been drinking your test is lowered, now, the body, trying to balance out your hormone levels realeases this chemic ( I do not recall the name of it at this time ) to try and bring them back to normal. What happenes is it\'s making you want sex. This is why people have sex when they\'re drunk, (that, and because it takes away the sense of right and wrong, the things that tell you not too, etc.)

    Also, girls have a lower test level. And they\'re normal with this lower level. Now, when they get drunk, and they get a taste of this hormone being released, they go crazy as H E L L...
    The same thing happens when males and females smoke weed.

    When you are taking testosterone RAISING drugs, the opposite happens, however, you\'re test level is increased, so you want to want sex (if that makes any sense with you peolpe...)


  17. #17
    Banned User
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    Default Re: most stupid guy

    Now, yes, not looking at her breasts, etc, is good if you want to have her think you are a nice guy..

    But if you want her to think you\'re not a nice guy, and to think that you are interested in her, do it dude.

    Think about it, if you try to be nice to her, and she doens\'t like you, why are you trying to trick someone into liking you? You\'d be better of just letting her know you like her (not in words, but rather, in looks.)

    Check this out, why do the girls where the tight shirts, short shorts, etc. Tight pants? Yes, I know, part of it is because they want to tease, but that\'s not all of it, they want to let you know that they are interested, and you\'ve got to let them know that you are interest, however, guys can\'t do this, with words, only looks.
    When a hot girl walks in the room, I check her out, she KNOWS I\'m checking her out, and I give her direct eye contact...I know she wants me, she knows I want me, I\'m already over the first step (now, if I could just learn to talk to them, damn it!) This does work a little bit better if you are more of the push around, instead of the push OVER.

    You do like I said, she doens\'t wnat you, fine, however, you cannot TRICK a girl into liking you, either they like you or they don\'t....if they like you a little, if you let them know, they won\'t pass it up, but you can\'t make someone who does not like you like you (yes, I have learned my lesson). This mones stuff...this is like, a lifestyle change. I\'ve got the physich now, nice hair cut, I like to either wear those thin, polo shirts or the thick 2 layer football like shirts, and I\'ve got the black eye contacts, you know, the ones that the WHOLE eye black. That, combined with my NONE from the ket at .1% strength, yes, full fucking strength, ( I put it under the under arms, I have tried it not, however, people say it stinks, plus, it\'s in a good spot).

    Now, I combine these...And the way I said,, is just perfect for me.

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