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  1. #1

    Default Showering Morning Vs. Night

    I normally shower in the morning before going out. There have been times when I\'ve woken up late and am in too much of a hurry to take a shower, so I just make myself presentable and leave.

    Now that I look back on it, in my before Phero days I would get a lot more \"hits\" (eye contact) on those days that I was unable to shower.

    Do you guys think that this increase in the amount of Pheros by showering at night are really enough to even show any effects. Also, if there is enough of a difference in the amount of Pheros, then wouldn\'t the natural Pheros complement the synthetic ones and therefore provide better results?

    So maybe I should shower only at night. What do you think?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    I believe our positive pheros are stronger after shower and sleep. It is difficult to balance this out in our modern world. I think these discussions on this forum show how individualistic this pheromone use is. Ultimately we must find what works the best for us. Justine seems to know what is working best for her. Read her posts.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    Your day will bring you more attention from the opposite sex, including eye contact and hits, by showering the night before with a mild, unscented soap, and using no deodorant or anti-perspirant or scented lotion. If by chance you have to skip a day of showering (and you aren\'t funky from a hot dsy or workout) you will do doubly well. I have a clean diet, eat lots of fruits, veggies and fiber with no red meat or dairy, and drink lots of water. I don\'t ever have a strong or foul body odor, though I do perspire normally in the usual places. Because of my reasonably \"clean\" lifestyle, I am able to shower every other day if I want. I never need deodorsnt or anti-perspirant, I\'m able to keep my abundant blonde underarm hair long and unshaven, and have a pleasnat natural body scent. Eating meat, processed foods, drinking (too much) and smoking will mess up your natural odor. Masking products like scented and deodorant soap and deodorant, anti-perspirant, strong artificial colognes, snd showering too often will hide a healthy person\'s natural sexy scent. Females who shave their pubic area and armpits, shower too much and apply deodorants destroy a lot of their natural allure and may miss out on meeting new people or diminish the close-up and personal pheromone experience for their partner. Hope this helps.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    Another thing, two truly healthy humans can have hot sex, either sleep or dry off, wipe off \"extra stuff\" (but not shower) and go out without an odor problem. The natural pheros will make them very interesting to others though.
    There have been times I have taken some of my own natural vaginal secretions (not after sex, mind you) and dabbed it behind my ears and between my breasts before going out on a date.

  5. #5
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night


    Anyone else falling in love with this woman?

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    You are so cute!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    Oscar I just gave her a 5 rating for the good information she is providing here.
    Thanks Justine

  8. #8
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    Elk Dreamer,

    I\'d give her more than \"5\" if it were possible! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    Thanks, Elk. You guys are really cool. Around here, you can get some honest exchange and helpful information.

    I\'m still trying to figure out which products to choose for myself. Some said SOE and PI combined. Is that a good choice? Any other ideas? I like oil-based stuff in a musk scent, but I\'m open to try new things. I know I\'d never wear a strong, perfumey commercial cologne scent, anything that smells of alcohol or fruit. I like sandalwood and amber too.

    On men, I prefer unscented phero stuff mixed with clean sweat and no deodorant or scented/anti-bacterial soap and I really hate cologne for some reason. Even though the male unscented pheros can smell strong when first applied to the skin (just like most of you say), they mix well with clean sweat and natural male underarm scent. After a short time, they begin to smell really sexy on a healthy clean man. If a man smells like a bear in the woods (from either poor hygiene or an unhealthy lifestyle), pheros won\'t help him out much, will they? Keep in mind, when I discuss armpit odor, vaginal scent or sweat, I am referring to clean, fresh stuff.

    Back to what I would use on myself. Just like my essential oils, I would apply phero products in the AM to warm body areas like pubic bone, armpit hair and between my breasts about 8 to 12 hours after a shower with no scents or deodorant. What do you guys feel would work best under those conditions snd fit in with my tastes? I am unfamiliar with the various male or female products you are discussing. Which products are best for personal and business success as opposed to sexusl attractant qualities?

  10. #10
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night


    I really think you should try Passion Copulin Concentrate. Don\'t let the idea of the cucumber-melon scent put you off. I\'ve got it and it really smells great. Plus, if memory serves, dollar for dollar it\'s one of the best deals on the site. But then maybe it WOULD be a waste of money for you buying a vaginal secretion-based attractant since you don\'t seem to be bashful about utilizing the real thing. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    PI/w is a good choice too. Totally scent-free as far as I can tell. More suited to a business scenario than PCC. Loads of Androstenol and some Copulins.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    Thanks for the tip. Not sure I could deal with a phenomenol product if it is melon and cucumber scented. How is it superior to others? Tell me more. Should it be mixed with PI?
    What does SOE smell like? How does that work? Also, I visited a out-of-town a friend who had a female phero product that had a pheromone \"andro-something\" name (I forgot the name). I think the bottle was brown glass with a silver snd red label. It seemed to be oil-based and had a light sexy scent. I put some of it in my armpits and between my breasts, and it was really nice. I drove back home and I know I smelled really sexy and got a lot of attention for the next two days. Then, alas, I took a shower. I called her a couple of weeks later and she had used it up and discarded the bottle. It was a gift, so she didn\'t know where to get more. Do you know anything about this product, what it contains and how it works? Have any females out there used it?

  12. #12
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    I find that showering in the evening and then having a really strong workout and just not showering the morning after works well (have to change the sheets on the bed often but - it doesnt smell to bad luckily im one of these people that can sweat like all hell pump out huge amounts of pheros and not stink at all - probably all the supplements im taking an healthy diet fit etc.
    As far as the phero products they still contain more than i could ever hope to produce naturally.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    That brown bottle with sliver label oil base and scent sounds like androsterone. I bought some from Bruce a long time ago and it sounds like the pheromone you were using. It is very nice. I appears like it would be ideal for use as you describe so well. I still think you would benefit greatly from a tiny bit of REALM. I know it is powerful under the right circumstance. As I said before you have it together, your descriptions remind me of a favorite female friend. She is the one who wore fresh washed clothing hung out and dried in fresh air and sun. She ate veggies too but wasn\'t turned off from a meat eater like me. I wore Andron/Jovan when I met her. She loved my smell. I hope this is helpful to you, although you don\'t need much help, believe me. All of your comments show you are right on!
    Elk [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  14. #14

    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    Hi. Why would Realm be good for me? What is is in it and what does it do. Why would the other product (AndrosSomething) I wrote about work? What is up with that one?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    I think both used sparingly would enhance the natural direction you are going. Both have andron in a good balance. You can get samples of REALM .

  16. #16
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night


    I don\'t know why I thought that PCC was a good $\'s / mg. bargain. I just checked the comparison chart and it\'s almost as expensive per mg. as Realm, which isn\'t good. Sorry! [img]images/icons/blush.gif[/img]

    PCC\'s great stuff, just expensive.
    I must have been thinking about women\'s PPA which IS a relative bargain, but smells a lot like suntan oil.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    In my book we described the vaginal secretions behind the ears approach as linked to French prostitutes and the \"wafting of their wares.\" However, this trick, like the pit trick should not be reserved for pros. Nice to read that it works for you, as it should.

    On a somewhat promotional note, I have now
    had 5 women purchase and wear SoE. Their
    complaint was that they weren\'t getting all the exposure to it that they desired. Honestly, on each woman it smelled slightly different, but my perception was that it smelled extremely good; not at all masculine on them; and it was somewhat arousing--most fragrances are a turn off for me; I prefer a more natural approach.

    It\'s probably worth a try; if you don\'t like it or it\'s effects you can always get your money back from Bruce--or gift it to someone you want to get to know intimately.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    Today I didn\'t take a shower in the morning to test all this out. I went out with about 2 2 inch swipes of soe on my neck. I don\'t have BO, but my arm pits smell a little bit and I hope it\'s not too much.

    I noticed a lot of interested looks, but for some reason I didn\'t follow through with most of them because I felt that it would be awkward for them. On the bus, outside waiting to take an exam...

    I don\'t lack confidence, I just seem to realize \"Oh that was a hit\" after it\'s too late.

    SOE so far has worked better than all the products I\'ve tried before (TE and PI). This is probably due to the fact that I produce a lot of none naturally.

    Here\'s the biggest hit I had while using SOE and my stupid mistake:

    I was at this party on Sat and I was kinda drunk. I went and sat down to this really hot girl and started talkling to her. Then her friend this even hotter girl came up and the girl I was sitting next to told me that she was supposed to have been saving the seat for the other girl. So I got up.

    Then I sat on this couch on the other side of the room and talked to this ok looking girl. She later got up and left. Then the girl who I had sat next before got up from the other side of the room. I got her name and she got mine and she told me something but I couldn\'t hear her because the music was so loud so I said \"yeah.\" She then walked away.

    How stupid was that of me to not get her number?

    And oh yeah, sorry about the super-long post. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  19. #19

    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    You know, I once asked whether applying underarm deoderent would effect my natural phero effectiveness. James had assured me that deoderent just masks the smell and doesn\'t eliminate the pheros.

  20. #20
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    I woud imagine deoderant is O.K. but anti-perspirants would possibly reduce pheros?

  21. #21

    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    Both deodorants and anti-perspirants mask natural pheromones. It is the deodorant part that masks your natural scent. Anti-perspirants, by cutting back on natural perspiration, thereby double the masking and elinimating the natural goodies you already have. Pheros are supposed to add to you natural stuff and enhance it.
    Morpheous\' post about having a slight armpit odor (due to no shower or deodorant) but no true BO is the sexiest thing in the world. I detest heavy cologne and deodorant, but love that clean sweat that isn\'t quite BO but quite a noticable odor all the same. It seems ideal for a man to shower after work on a night he doesm\'t go out so he is sexy the next day. If he goes out that night, he should shower in the morning.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    I recently exchanged emails with someone who seems to have a really well developed sense of smell.
    He says he has been since his teens, able to distinguish a person\'s sexual and hygiene status by being around him. To him the smell of the colognes and deos don\'t bother him but amplify the smells even more.
    He says he can even distinguish if the person is circumcised or not by the person\'s odor.

    I know I smell more of me when I get up in the morning and can distinguish smells of a few people close to me, but that\'s it for now.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

  23. #23
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Showering Morning Vs. Night

    YESSSS after fours years of using phero products non stop i have developed this nack of figuring out someones personality by their natural pheros smell with synthetics it becomes harder but i pick up none nol and rone easily.
    It gets a little annoying if you got someone who has Bad BO or is an asshole (im not talking none here im talking something else which is a really offensive bad ass attitude *not alpha male just prick material* i do find however that i seem to produces naturally a heavy output of none and rone.
    Thats why i prefer a nol and rone heavy mix with some none added> Hence my batches of AE:SOe 50 50 mixes.

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