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  1. #1

    Default Couple questions for you successful users.

    When you guys talk about your DIHL hits , how close are you from the women ? How far away would you say pheromones are being picked up ( average dose in say a supermarket or similar surrounding ) 4 feet , 15 feet , 20 yards ... more ?

    I\'m halfway thru my fouth week of experimanting with four popular items from Love Scent that many others rave about. I have had no reactions from friends, aquaintances or strangers in situations ranging from work to stores to even a night club which is a rare enviroment for me.

    Nothing out of the ordinary. No DIHL or compliments from women about the cologne I\'m wearing ; no guys becoming aggressive and testy like some others here reported - and fortuneately, no \'clearing out of rooms\' as some report with an OD.

    Usually I\'m the one initiating a conversation in any situation so my test is simply to see if pheromones will reverse that old scenario - no matter how \'minor\' that may seem.

    I notice in some of your posts immediate results weren\'t seen and of course a trial and error period was necessary. So whats the longest someone here has gone from trying the stuff before seeing a reaction ? How long would you have tried before deciding it wasn\'t for you ? Would you say one month an adequate test to figure you\'re not one to benefit through pheromone use ?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    2 months but i found i wasnt paying to much attention either to the subtle differences, you might want to as an idea stop using them for a week and note differences. Also what products have you been using what ratios etc. You could try using different combos of products or different amounts. Id if you have the stuff in youre possession anyway and forked out the cash just use them till you run out you should get a few more months just to give youreself more time to get use to them, and if it doesnt work well then i would like to know why ive got friends of mine using them and they all report good results male and female. But as some have said they dont work for all depending on whether you want youre money back i guess you could return them for a refund depending on how much youve used. Youre call good luck anyhows.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    No bro I read of some guy that tested for 3years!! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] for hits. I tested for like 2wks w/ the Jb1 mix and wans\'t working and then stopped for a little while and read and read and read more on the forum. At the same time I am going over my procedure in preparing the mixture(amounts,rations), the situations in which I used them (was it hot, cold, ventilated area, receptive people). At first I improvised on the drops of APC b/c I couldn\'t find any dropper. but then I emptied out a eye dropper (the ones you buy for red and irritated eyes,ex-visine) and put the APC in there and now I get much more precision on my mixing. I also keep my NPA in the refrigerator b/c its alcohol and here in miami I may lose some by keeping it in my room that gets hot sometimes and Idon\'t want to lose even a fraction of NPA.
    Hope this help something.
    PEace [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    How did you go dalesha did you get hits im to lazy to go back over youre previous posts oh hold on ill do it anyway PEACE

  5. #5

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    When we talk about DIHL looks the average pickup distance would be on average 15 feet.
    Have you noticed anythign at all different during your experiments from youre family friends and accquaitences you know anything that minor that might go unnoticed. And when you say nothing do you real mean nothing at all has changed what about youre own personal confidence levels (have you had the buzz thats talked about) and how much of an OD have you done as well what products, sorry for the third degree just need the info for other newbies that may have some problems and wil help them identify areas they can change during their experimentation.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.


    For whats its worth as a fairly new user, the most helpful advice I have picked up from this forum is to use a mixture of \'one and \'ol. Play around with various ratios of those (e.g. PI with PF or APC and PF). I have absolutely no doubt they work but at the moment am going through various combos and yes there have been several days when I have had no hits and sometimes worse. As you may have read, alot of experimentation is needed - more homework needed! Stick with it though, when it does work it really lifts my soul


  7. #7

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.


    This phenom is a close quarters reaction. I have found most notable is when you are in conversation and then she just gets the stare, and then goofy. Like she is momentarily lost in thought with a large smile. Then after a few seconds it is like boom she is back...So as far as distance 2-4 feet.

    Also do not look for reactions from those that you already interact with or have known for a while. They already have a subconscious as well as conscious picture of you. It is new people that pheros really work on and give those DIHL and other results.

    Best of Luck\\TCO

  8. #8

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    Thanks for the suggestions and input everyone. You guys are a great bunch .... except for the nut trying to screw his sister in law. Geez ...

    Anyway, I don\'t even think about returning anything for my money back. I knew this is a \'maybe it\'ll work\' thing , not something that is going to work for everybody.

    I intend to keep trying until what I bought is gone ; SOE, PI, APC, NPA. If I don\'t see
    some sort of reaction by the time they are gone I believe it\'ll be safe to say it isn\'t for me.

    As far as doseages ; I tried each alone then combos I\'ve seen suggested here. I\'ll be the first to admitt I\'m not playing chemist with dropper bottels, measuring and mixing, etc. I go with the drops or dabs that come out of the original containers. I\'d like these pheromones to help out alittle but it wouldn\'t be worth it to me to have to spend alot of time mixing and measuring to the precise dosages some guys are doing. I\'m not into it that much.

    But up until yesterday I\'d say my doses were light. Yesterday I used PI, SOE and NPA - about two drops each and about two two-inch stripes ( different areas , not combined as a mix ) plus just enough colonge to mask a possible offensive odor to others.

    Results .....

    Nuttin. People were still nice and the day went well. As far as doing anything different in the last few days ; I haven\'t been saying the usual \"Hi\" or \"Goodmorning\" to strangers seeing if they\'ll be the first to break the ice. They haven\'t ; that is what I would consider the first \'Hit\' if it happens.

    Today I tried alot ( for me ) of SOE : two four inch stripes on my neck, two drops of NPA on the front and back of my neck and wrists.

    Results were the same. I was hoping (?!?) someone would turn around in line and say I smell like shit or something - but still nothing.

    Thanks again for the feedback. I\'ll let you know if I finally break through and I\'ll just keep tuned in here hoping to learn something I maybe doing wrong or can do differently.


  9. #9
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.


    I have followed this forum for well over a year as a lurker and user of phermones.

    Your situation intrgues me. If I may ask, what colognes are you using and in which part of the world do you reside?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    tounge ;

    I live in the eastern US ; Delaware to be exact. I was never a big user of colonges though have always recieved them as gifts , etc.

    So since messing with these pheromones I dug out some and have been using something just labeled as \'PS fine colonge\' ( ??? ) and Hilfiger athletics. I use VERY little of that PS stuff as it is potent as hell! All I\'ll do is spray a small amount on my finger and paint it on - and that\'s plenty.

    Think I could be using \'wrong\' colonges with the pheromones ? Is that even possible ?

    I\'m glad you\'re intrigued about my so far \'uncompatible\' condition with pheromones. When I first started trying out SoE James really cautioned me about using too much of anything as he thought I might be putting out alot of my own male pheromones based on weights I use in my workouts. So if I\'ve ODing, I think I\'d have seen a negative reaction from someone by now.

    I appreciate your interest ... any suggestions or ideas that haven\'t been offered me already ? I\'d love to hear what your opinions are if you get a chance.


  11. #11

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    My advice is with youre SOE use (this is a lot but) 12 swipes 8 on youre neck 2 on youre face and 2 on youre wrists also use Ae if you have it or NPA and OD on that use maybe even some more go out for a short while just as a one off test and if then still no reaction well i dunno just keep using till you run out be creative or even try using the alcohol products spray in youe hair.

  12. #12
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.


    I think you may want to try a better type cologne than what you have. Yours may be too old. Also, I have the Paul Sebastion(PS Fine Cologne) myself and have not had any good come of it. Hilfiger has dropped their Athletics Cologne,so what does that tell you?

    I don\'t have any immediate answers for you, but to keep experimenting with Phero Cologne combos and continue to post your findings.

    [ February 20, 2002: Message edited by: tounge ]

  13. #13

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    I agree with TCO. I\'ve gotten the same DIHL like you described it, and its kinda funny, it makes me feel like i\'m a stud with a giggling girl in front of me. Can you imagine, I\'m trying to tell her something, then she stared at me, then silence, then she blinked her eyes and said, \"Ahh.. Sorry, i\'m kinda lost for a moment...\" Then she looked down and giggled, then tried to reply to my question. That\'s about 3ft. distance.

    I\'ve also had DIHL\'s for like 15 ft. or less, and this is just an \"eye lock\" experience, no goofy, no hair-twirling, but an extended period of time that our eyes were locked together. I try not to blink on these kinds of situations until they break first.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    Playing with the hair is a sign or nerveneous so that explains that one i guess we just gotta take a course in reading body language and verbal clues as well. I think you guys have the stunned mullet look down pat (DIHL or SM)

  15. #15

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    If it wasn\'t for this forum and my interest in the subject, I would have given up on pheros by now. I still have nothing extraordinary to report.

    I guess Scientist didn\'t get great results until recently...

  16. #16

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    Hey it took me three years, and then whoa it started but keep preserving if anything these lack of responses are allowing us to generate new ideas and new products and combos in the search of hitting upon something and its generating lots of information to go through the media and drawing attention to the whole subject of pheromones which should be interesting, all sorts of news items are coming and in the most its a direct flow on of the forum here. 8 months back we were getting 1000 hits a day, now that membership on the forum has gone from 150 to nearly 800 that should correspond to 10000 hits a day from all over the world. So everything here is going to get circulated and repeated in oen form or another ideas will be built upon etc etc so its real important folks. Keep the postings coming. Quick maths 10000 times 365 should equal 3.65 million hits a year and so forth. Makes you kinda interested hey.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    Donald, how did you maintain faith for three years before you finally achieved success?

    If this is not atypical, do you think it\'s strange that pheros would be so difficult to use?!

  18. #18

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    I had regular responses but i was only using andro and attraction i knew the stuff got responses from word go. But once i found this site and had access to the better quality products like alter ego and every bloody thing else here then thats when i really got the strong reactions from anyone and everyone plus another secret is i use a lot of the time a quite a bit more than most people. Typically the higer end application amounts just before the OD limit that is how i get more responses i also spread the stuff all over the body from the groin up which increases responses it gives an overall effect which makes it seem more natural to the ladies .

  19. #19

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    Isn\'t Andro the same concentration as The Edge? Attraction isn\'t exactly a light weight either though it\'s heavy on the -nol.

    Basically, it sounds like you upped the dosage considerably and got better results. So far, I\'ve only upped it to 2 large sprays of the Edge on my shirt (about twice the recommended 0.02 mg), and didn\'t get any OD responses. I haven\'t tried a spray on my groin yet. =).

    I guess I\'m always around people I know and afraid to OD. Maybe, I should totally OD and go to a club by myself sometime!

  20. #20
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.


    I\'ve seen DIHL happening most often at distances less than 15 feet. Sometimes you may see it from a greater distance if you\'ve just passed near the female. But the further away you are, the less likely she\'ll zero in on you as the sender of the signal, unless you\'re the only male within range. It pays to circulate, spreading the magic about, but you should come to roost as near as possible to your intended target.

    I was given some Paul Sebastian as a gift by a woman who loved the scent, but I couldn\'t stand the way it smelled on me after an hour or so. It turned sour. She didn\'t notice, but it nearly made me want to puke. I quit using it and switched to L\'eau D\'Issey, a scent that is much more suited to my body chemistry.
    Keep at it! Hopefully you\'ll find your magic combination of pheros and fragrance.


    Andro 4.2 actually has the \"edge\" concentration-wise at .14mg/ml compared to TE\'s .12mg/ml .
    Attraction comes in at .11mg/ml, but only about a third of that is A-None (2.2mg Nol and 1.2mg None).

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  21. #21

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    So, Andro is at least as concentrated as Edge but didn\'t work for you as well as Edge? I guess those secret ingredients...

  22. #22

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    Hey donaldoduck
    The hits that you asked were these:
    I have only bought the Jb1 and in my house I have gotten a lot more respect from my brother which acts like a little punk (and hard-core alpha male a-hole) around me. Now there is nothing wrong w/ being an alpha male but the a-holeness and the \"territorialness\" should be kept under control especially because I have always been faster and stronger than him. But I kept being the nice guy and didn\'t confront him. But w/ the JB1 it is beautiful. It is like the perfect dispute resolution thing in the world. I don\'t have to say anything or do anything to really threaten him but he still feels like he is in the presence of an alpha-male and finally is acting more like a brother and less of an a-hole.
    Then the female hit was very nice too. @8:00Am (just before first class) I put a spray of jb on my upper-middle chest and and one spray to my hands and painted it on the sides of my neck. From the back of my ears all the way down the neck.
    Then during my first class I didn\'t really notice anything out of the ordinary because my body wasn\'t very hot since I put them in the car just as I got to the University. Then I had to walk to my second class and that involve a quick 5minute walk and that raises your body temp well. Then I sat down and then everbody sat down too and there was one girl just infront of me (call her G1). G1 kept turning her eyes like to see behind her and then she turned her head just enough to see but not to make it super odvious. Then G2 was on the row to my right. but 2chairs to the front of where my position would be in her row. She kept looking at my direction, and making eye contact. She also talked to her guy friend that was right behind her kind of just to have an excuse to sneak a look back at me. Also the guys kind of looked at me like you would look a bodybuilder. You know with that slightly respect, slightly impressed, easily to get scared. But I try not to act too alpha-male so the guys won\'t throw attitudes around.

    Also very important, I am hitting the weights and got a good physique, but I want it to be much better. I was dress cassual good (perry ellis button shirt, good new jeans) I have kind of gotten in touch w/ sexier side and can give girls a pretty sexy look [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img] lol I have big, dark green eyes and I need to take advantage of THEEMM!!! serously because I am also 5\'6\" and skinny boned. So not much of a alpha male as far as skeletal part. Although my hormones are also working very good now because I\'m eating alot of meats and exercising.
    My exercising is alot of pullups, pushups, running, and am also incorporating weight lifting. But I like doing the cardio because w/ all the meats I eat my cholesterol must be crazy. But since that cholesterol then changes into testosterone and all of that Its all good. Oh Im 19, latin. I did notice that my natural brown-ness haha did increase when my testosterone started going up. But exercise is essential w/ this diet. And don\'t be afraid to go intense w/ this exercise because you will recover quick, with all the meats that your eating.
    HOPE this HELPs

  23. #23

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    > Tounge ;

    A new colonge ? I never gave a thought about \'old\' cologne. I never was a big user of this stuff being a \'blue color\' worker. I\'m only wearing it now to cover up the possible cat piss odors you guys have me concerned about :eek - so to me one is no different than another. Thanks for the suggestion. I\'ve seen \'Hugo\' and \'Issey\' mentioned here as ones that blended with the pheromones so maybe I\'ll try those. Though I don\'t see how a different cologne would change the pheromones affect on those around me, I\'ll give it a shot.

    > Wilde Oscar ;

    I\'ve been watching for that \'delayed reaction DIHL\' from women ( old, young, nice looking and not-so-nice looking ) after standing nearby for them to get a whiff of me .... but so far it hasn\'t happened. But who knows , maybe when they get home they tell someone about the pig that was standing in line with them that hadn\'t showered for a week ! LOL

    > DD :

    Three years ?? Good for you for hanging in there like that! This isn\'t something I\'d take that seriously, though. I\'m just looking for a little help and if casual pheromone use without becoming a scientist or fanatic about it doesn\'t work, no big deal.

    Today I thought I\'d try staying away from using anything for the next few days to see if there was a difference - but at the last minute I really put the SoE on heavier than I ever thought I would and also added APC and NPA. Left the cologne off.

    And the envelope please ....

    The winner is ......

    \'Nobody Home\'(again)! LOL

    Sorry about this thread getting this long - I really didn\'t expect this many responses when I\'ve had nothing to post that will help anyone else. I am going to hold off posting again until I have something postive to contribute. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Mucho grasious, amigos for the feed back.


  24. #24

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    hear, hear, jim.. I\'m in nearby MD, and kinda like you, haven\'t had much successes with this stuff. Not that I\'m gonna quit cold turkey, for it still is a fine art. Just a little ironic that two east coasters are having this trouble.

  25. #25
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    Lack of success with pheromones should be taken in context. How much success were you having before? Honestly, like with extremely attractive women, men who are built well and good-looking can be intimidating. The ladies may not think they\'re up to your standard--and so they stay away. I\'m sure this is one reason Bruce always says to wear a smile, but above all; be approachable--not just to some women, but to all women. So what if you\'re not interested in fat chicks, smile anyway--maybe someone more to your fancy will see the smile and realize you\'re really easy going.

    Jim, with all the reports on the relaxing effect of SOE, it\'s hard to imagine why women wouldn\'t at least be engaging you in conversations more frequently. Where do you hang out? Do you belong to any social groups--a good way to experiment if you see the same people every week or so in social settings.

    If you give me (or us) enough info, maybe we can help you set up an experiment to determine what\'s not happening, and why. Same with you Technologist. It may be that your socialization back East is more structured than in other parts of the US, or in other countries. Reminds me of when I went to a jazz concert in Philly, and absolutely no one talked to anyone else (except those in their immediate company) while entering or leaving.
    Too much forced anonymity for my tastes. I was advised by a ladyfriend not to look at anyone on the street directly--but didn\'t follow her advice. In contrast, in every major city I\'ve visited in the West, and in the South, I\'ve noticed that people are unafraid to say hi, or even to strike up a conversation with a stranger.

    Hopefully, we\'ll hear from some others who are Easterners.

  26. #26

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    Could it be the cold weather on the East Coast? Maybe, you need a higher dose to disperse the pheros or add a heater underneath your shirt. =)

  27. #27

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    Good lord James. Is it really that cold in PHILLY?? Will Smith was born there and he has lots of personality and openness. But your right on people being easy going in the GOOD OL\' SOUTH!! I lived in Texas and now in Miami and people are really open and sincere and caring in Texas and very easygoing and socializing people in Miami.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.


    I was having until fairly recently quite alot of hits with andro and PF.

    However, in the last couple of weeks the hits have tailed off. Is it possible that those around me become tolerant to your new \'none signature and therefore is it necessary to rotate your usage?

    Sorry if its an obvious question. I have PF, andro, PI, APC and TE so far and hope to complete with AE and SOE before long. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  29. #29

    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    For what it\'s worth, I live on the east coast, and I\'ve been using pheros for about 2 weeks. AE to be specific, about 3 dabs, 1 in pits, one on chest, one just under the jawline. I do usually wear cologne (Heritage by Guerlain), and I\'ve continued wearing it over the AE.
    The first week I went for application behind the ears and at the wrists, and got no real responses at all. I found that I needed to get this stuff in places where it would get warm and stay warm, even at the risk of limiting the distribution.

    While I have still had no obvious hits either, but I would say that I\'ve seen subtle changes in people that I interact with regularly. For example, my boss (who was just fine before) is more attentive and deferrential when I talk with him. I\'ve gotten more \"That\'s a good idea!\" out of him in the past two weeks than I have in the past 5 years. Since my ideas have always been good [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] he must be the one who\'s seeing them differently. Mind you, he hasn\'t done anything completely out of character. He\'s just a little more receptive.

    No women have thrown themselves at me in social situations, and no one has told me I smell terrific. BUT I find that, even with women I have known for some time, they are more likely to have incidental contact with me while we talk. Nothing big, just a brief hand on the forearm, standing a little closer than usual, or something like that.

    All of these interactions happen from being in close proximity to the person in question; in conversation distance. I get nothing from just walking by people - I\'ve tried, but it doesn\'t happen for me. Maybe when it warms up a bit things will be different. Hope this helps

  30. #30
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Couple questions for you successful users.

    Just for the heck of it I would try puting some npa directly on your arm pits and then roll on quite a bit of SOE over that; then try it out in a mall or shop somewhere warm. Keep adding more until something happens one way or the other. Or maybe easier: do the same thing with Alter Ego only. Take a shower; don\'t use any other fragrance. Just put some serious dabs of Alter Ego on your arm pits and go somewhere warm and quiet, where folks can mingle and relax a little. When I hear people say \"maybe it\'s something to do with the East Coast,\" what pops into my mind is a situation where people are used to being crowded and tuning out sensory input as best they can. Actually, I don\'t have a clue about life in the East; just my image of it, but if it rings any bells, maybe that is what you are up against. Personally, I simply can\'t imagine not being able to drive people out of a cozy book store with an arm pit OD of Alter Ego. Not that that is the big goal, but at this point it might be a place to start.
    One other point: I was born and raised in Chicago, which has some long nasty cold winter weather, and as I remember the old sniffer gets pretty dead during those winter months and along with it the romantic instinct. Seems like Spring has a lot more dramatic impact on the human spirit in the North than it does in the South. That might turn things around for you.

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