I find the

question quite interesting. Can there be a connection between one\'s sexual orientation and the ability to smell

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=\"http://www.server2.love-scent.com/ubbthreads/dopoll.php\"><INPUT

TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"pollname\" VALUE=\"1076168228Rakesh\">

Can you smell pheromones?


type=\"radio\" name=\"option\" value=\"1\" />Heterosexual male-can smell pheromones
<input type=\"radio\"

name=\"option\" value=\"2\" />Homosexual male-can smell pheromones
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"option\"

value=\"3\" />Bisexual male-can smell pheromones

<input type=\"radio\" name=\"option\" value=\"4\"

/>Heterosexual male-can not smell pheromones
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"option\" value=\"5\" />Homosexual

male-can not smell pheromones
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"option\" value=\"6\" />Bisexual male-can not smell


<input type=\"radio\" name=\"option\" value=\"7\" />Heterosexual female-can smell

<input type=\"radio\" name=\"option\" value=\"8\" />Homosexual female-can smell pheromones

type=\"radio\" name=\"option\" value=\"9\" />Bisexual female-can smell pheromones

<input type=\"radio\"

name=\"option\" value=\"10\" />Heterosexual female-can not smell pheromones
<input type=\"radio\"

name=\"option\" value=\"11\" />Homosexual female-can not smell pheromones
<input type=\"radio\"

name=\"option\" value=\"12\" />Bisexual female-can not smell pheromones
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit

VALUE=\"Submit vote\" class=\"buttons\"></form>