So school has started for me, this is my senior year. That means only one year to go! Well anyway, it seems like every other day I have an outstanding pheromonal day, then the next day they kinda ignore me. This has been an ongoing cycle. Can anyone relate to that? Well anyway I thought of an idea which is working ok so far. Apply pheromones *ONLY* if you need it. I\'m gonna try to bring them along where I go from now on, so I can kinda be like Popeye and his spinach.

Pheromones were an every morning routine for me. I thought impecable grooming would solve the problem, but nope, pheros last way longer than I thought. They last like one and a half days!! I use really really little amount of WKM#1. Just a teeny tiny bit on my wrist then I rub them together and wah lah magic.

I think the strongest quote, and most important to remember in using pheromones is LESS IS MORE!!!!