<font color=\"purple\"> </font> Hello! Well, I don\'t know what to do.. I created this mixture of PCC, APC+PI/w, and Hawaiian Lei essential oils..of equal parts, and put on a couple of rolls (well, I placed it in my PCC roll-on bottle of equal amounts). The first time I did it, he reaction was, \"What\'s that smell?\" and I got kinda embarrassed and told him it was a plumeria lotion I was using. The next time I put on a lot was last night when we went out and I got into the car. He was like, \"What are you wearing?\" and I said, \"Why? What does it smell like?\" and he was like, \"I don\'t know, but it smells different\". I told him it was a Plumeria fragrance I\'m using, but he said \"I can kind of smell that, but there is this weird after smell.\" What happened here? Did I OD on this stuff? I don\'t know what to do now. Last night, when we got home, I put on more on my wrists, and then put lotion on top of it, and asked him to smell it (not telling him I put the mixture on it) and he said, \"Yeah, that\'s it, what is that?\" Well, I just told him it was Plumeria. So.. everyone...did I just OD on it and he\'s getting this bad reaction to it? I\'m kinda worried now, that I created this frankenstein mix that my hubby won\'t mix. What should I do? Should I just use a few drops of it, or throw it all into a body spray? Help!