Hi to all -

I decided to look into pheromones to see if they would help me with a problem...My hubby suffers from mild depression (talk therapy, no drugs), and one of his most unfortunate symptoms is lack of interest in sex. We were having (boring) sex once, maybe twice a month. I thought pheromones might persuade him to have a little more interest. So after researching on the forum (thanks, guys!) I ordered PI/w.

Well, the first time I used it (two drops, wrists and neck) it was awesome! I put it on after I got home from work, and we spent an hour or so sitting very close to each other working on bills and stuff (how romantic!) after the kids went to bed. At 10:00 he\'s suggesting we go up to bed (never does this) and then we proceeded to have the most passionate sex we\'ve had in at least 6 years. Deep, passionate kisses and went on for hours! Wow.

So then I thought \"Gee, this stuff really works!\" but thought I should try again to make sure. I put on 3 drops the next time and OD\'d (he slept in the other bedroom!), tried two drops again a few days later, but nothing. So then I\'m thinking it was a coincidence. Then another fantastic experience - same thing: very intense, passionate, lasted about three hours. Two more failures and then another \"Wow\" session. (Didn\'t last as long because we were both so overheated.)

So here are my observations after about three months of PI/w use:
- Does not increase the frequency of sex if the \"target\" is not interested
- If he is interested, it definitely increases the intensity, pleasure and quality of the sex
- I intend to keep testing this theory because it is so much fun

I also notice that my own responses are much more intense. I respond to his intensity and am much more passionate (and creative!). Don\'t know if this is due to the mones or just positive reinforcement. Still, it works for me.

Thanks to you all for being so open with experiences and advice!