Aw jeez. After ten yrs of living here, you\'d think I knew better than to get in the water in May. May, that magical month that baby jellyfish are growing, and their small nematocysts, or stinging cells, are floating invisibly in the waters off south Florida. For me, each subsequent exposure to sea lice has given off a more pronounced and uncomfortable rash, I think it took about a month to get over it the last time. I\'m sure my particular chemistry, immune reactions, and sensitive irish skin don\'t help.

I\'m just asking anybody out there with their own particular experience and/or home remedies, would post and let me in on it. I\'m not talking benadryl cream, hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion, I got that covered. I\'m even not above asking my favorite doc for a script for a short run of oral steroids. I need this to be resolved, or at least on it\'s way, in about a week!