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  1. #1
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    Default Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    I\'m a 33 year old male in good shape--physically + financially.
    I run an office of all women. We are all friendly and get along well.

    This one 39 year old unattached hottie (looks 29!!) I want to take to the next level. I\'ve been using Primal Instinct but there\'s no difference with her or any of the other women in the office. I use one drop behind each ear.

    For all those I continually read about who gets the sexual hits--please tell me your tips to make a friend something more.

    I haven\'t seen any difference with her or any of the other women (ages 26 through 45 ) I want to know the best strategies for hook ups before I return this product and maybe try something else.

    Thanks. I\'ll post my results if anyone gives me ideas.

  2. #2
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    It would be kind of hard if you\'re already in the friendship zone. How long have you been using it around the women? Have you tried a cover scent? Like we always say around here not every product will work for you, try another drop below the atoms Apple, if you continue to see no noticeable effects try AE.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    Thanks for a reply.
    I\'ve been using it for a week now.
    There\'s been no flirting or anything from any of the women.
    I know I haven\'t od on it any of the days.
    I used Drakkar for 4 days and then tried Polo the last day.

    What\'s your suggestions?

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    try toning down the amount of PI/ really is very strong and incredibly easy to OD on...try one drop max or maybe even less (small dab) and report back to us...

  5. #5
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    Or wear 8 drops to see if you are repelling anyone. (not in the office). At least you\'ll know if it\'s working. Ya know what I mean? Experiment. Different products work differently for different people.

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    I gotta agree, work from 10 backwards. At least if you are repelling women its working and sometimes at those levels then they do actually respond better. If you are worried about smelling spread it from say youre head as follows.

    1 drop back of neck
    1 drop behind each ear
    1 drop chin
    1 drop front of neck
    1 drop each side of youre shirt collar (it wont stain)
    2 drops on youre chest (skin)
    1 drop groin
    1 drop outside of front of shirt (button line)

    Fiddle with it though let us know how it goes, other women may respond also, be prepared for it.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    Do give out some nice smiles, eye contact, etc., particularly with androstenone-based products, which can cause intimidation as well as desire. Which happens will be dependent on other factors, as with the adrenalin decision to fight or flee.

    A woman\'s sensitivity to most pheromones will also vary quite a lot by time of month, so that (as well as people getting acclimated to your new pheromone signature) could mean a few weeks for your target to be at her most receptive.

    Pheromones may beef up cupid\'s bow quite a bit, but they don\'t give him nuclear warheads. It may be easier to sweep her off her feet, but you still need to do that yourself, no pheromone will do that for you.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    That is so true, but u can maximise their effectiveness, you need to use them for a while to get an idea on what is possible and each product gives so much differeing responses that if you say get SOE or whatever next u will notice completley different uses for it.
    For the nuclear warhead of pheromones which is possible get perfect 10 and or the chem set.

  9. #9
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    Well one-week is not very long, try it for at least a month to six weeks. Try PI on different parts of the body, back of hands, behind neck,at least 1 or 2 dabs. Look for signs of hits, also she might see you as a friend only, plus the Pheromones may not affect her. So don\'t really expect anything to happen.

  10. #10
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Word Up: General Advice for Initiates

    OK, I wonder about the advice you\'re getting. Somebody needs to put forth some effort to steer you here.

    Firstly, your colognes are cheap BS that might be scaring her away.

    Depends on how much you want to put out, and what level you\'e at:

    If you\'re a newbie, try \"old AE.\"
    Next level: SOE + 5 dabs Edge
    Next Level: SOE + 4 dabs Edge + dab PI only
    Next Level: Add drop A1 on back
    Next Level: Add 5 mg DHEA after meals or before seeing her. Tribulus on an empty stomach.
    Next Level: experiment with omitting showers the day of the date and halving phero dosage on that day.
    Next Level: Go with all chem set.
    Next Level: Buy Amouage Gold for Men
    Next Level: copy my latest mix in the \"WAGG: What a Great Ripoff\" thread, near the bottom of the posts. This mix was very heavily researched, and would be costly to produce from scratch.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    Well, here the results from week 2 of using PI.

    Week 1 I was using a total of 2 drops per day at the office. I was very careful about od\'ing.

    After the recommendations of those who responded I upped it to 4 drops. 1 behind each ear and neck area, 1 on each wrist and forearm.

    The hottie hung around the office a little more than before, and we did talk more than in the previous week.

    But there was absolutely no flirting, or any hint whatsoever that I was any more attractive than before.

    I am going to up the PI to 6 drops to see if I finally od or if the hottie pays more attention to me. So far there has been no DIHL or anyone else paying more attention to me. I even went out for drinks Fri night and got no hits. (And it\'s not because I am too shy or ugly--had to throw that in!!)

    I figure I\'m not going to change this hottie\'s view of friendship towards me, but I\'ll give it another week or so.

    Keep up with any suggestions for me and I\'ll give out he results next week.


  12. #12
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    Be careful using that much in an office environment.

    Outside the office is probably better for OD experimentation. Try the mall. Spend the afternoon. Go into every store and talk to the salesgirls. Let us know what happens.

  13. #13
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    Perfect 10 lol
    Ok something else she could be not on her period, women are 10 times more receptive during their period go to 4 drops next week, if shes on a regular monthly cycle she will probably show an interest again, same thing wil happen, no you are a friend to her and thats it by the sounds of it.
    Trying doing some weight work, see if that pumps up natural levels.

  14. #14
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    During their period?

  15. #15
    Banned User
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    Default Re: Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    I think he ment during Ovulation.

  16. #16
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Getting a 39 year old Hottie

    Thats what I thought.

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