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  1. #1
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    Default My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    Thanks to the bro who ripped the mp3\'s & posted for us to download, you da man. I thought the tape was pretty good, definitely worth the listen, I took notes as I went along & thought I\'d share in case anyone just wanted to read my \"cliff notes.\" Below covers about 75% of his material.

    I listened to all of them & I\'ll be doing my \"homework\" over the next 2-3 weeks to see if I can boost my self-esteem.

    It really opened my eyes to how important creating your own internal frame is compared with trying to trick the girl into liking you through suggestive verbal & non-verbal communication.

    Just wanted to post a few of the gems I got from the tapes:
    <ul type=\"square\">[*]If I want a frame of mind I must rehearse it.[*]Being with me is the best possible choice a woman could make.[*]You don’t over come someone’s uncertainty by being uncertain about yourself.[*]I never get rejected I only discover if a woman has good taste.[*]What I resist persists
    What I accept I gain power to utilize[*]You never know what physical type a woman will go for.[*]Never attach excess meaning by being accepted or rejected.[*]I was wrong more often then I was right, but I was wrong tiny &amp; I was right tremendous.[*]You know that feeling you get when you see a crisp $100 bill on the floor &amp; you feel a breeze coming &amp; out of fear that it might get away you get that feeling inside that tells you to quickly bend over to pick it up? You should train your mind to react like that when you see beautiful women, don\'t think just react in the same manner - go for it![/list]
    Think to yourself: &lt;Let these commands be fulfilled&gt;
    Repeat these daily outloud in a confident powerful tone of voice 3 times each:
    Affirmations<ul type=\"square\">[*]1. You are aggressive direct &amp; powerful with the women you desire, you radiate a confidence, self control &amp; charm that women find irresistibly attractive.[*]2. Your mind is focused on what you desire you go for what you want congruently &amp; powerfully.[*]3. You never know what physical type a woman will go for, so you always go for it congruently &amp; powerfully.[*]4. You take immediate advantage of your opportunities with women you swiftly establish incredible rapport, gather the information that you need &amp; then close with aggression power &amp; finesse.[*]5. You radiate a natural, easy self-acceptance that women find irresistibly attractive.[*]6. You safe guard your moral &amp; self-esteen at all times, you swiftly size up a woman’s potential &amp; eliminate those that are wasting your time.[*]7. You are mastering the responses, attitudes, behaviors, insights &amp; timing that are bringing you irresistible power with the women that you desire.[/list]

    Building Film Strips

    Pick a location or context (perform this exercise once for each location, i.e. bar, grocery store, club).

    First slide, see in your mind the very 1st thing that would let you know that you are in that location. Narrate yourself walking into a room &amp; see the girl that you would like to
    go meet. ONLY STILLS not moving images.

    Next slide, see the next STILL IMAGE in the progression, maybe a picture of you two chatting &amp; smiling.

    Next picture, you &amp; her sitting over a table eating dinner.

    Next picture, making out on the couch like crazy.

    Next picture, the two of us getting it on in your favorite position. Be sure to see both faces &amp; see the expressions on the faces.

    Next picture, the two of us getting it on in another position.

    Now take the film (think of the negatives you get back with film you get developed), &amp; have it form a circle so you can see the 1st image right next to the last image as it loops around. Picture this circle so all you can see is the thin side, put it over your head &amp; imagine it quickly going down into your head.

    Review mistakes, usually 3 different ones
    1.Think of a recent flub up or mistake
    2.Watch the 40 ft tall me sitting in a movie theater watching a SMALL Black &amp; White short film &amp; how he can notice the flub up &amp; point out how he would have done it differently
    3.Watch how the 40 ft me would have gone through &amp; done it differently
    4.Go back to an hour before the first time I made the flub up, turn &amp; look towards the present &amp; see the most recent time I did it correctly because you corrected it.
    5.From an hour before the 1st time you ever did it watch the 40 ft me going through it doing it right with it turning out the way you wanted it to.
    6.Repeat steps 4 &amp; 5 from an experience it happened more recently.
    7.Move out into the future &amp; visualize yourself doing it right seeing it coming out the way you wanted it to.

    Picture a gear shift to know what speed to use when you approach a woman, so you can be more laid back &amp; slow compared to coming across too fast &amp; needy.

    [some lines, not too bad, not great]
    Excuse me can I ask you a question? Would you ever go out with a guy that you met in a place like this, when she starts to say well it depends, then you interrupt her &amp; say, “Great. My name is…”

    “Have you ever felt totally comfortable talking to someone you just met?” to which they reply, “Well of course I have.” To which you reply, “Great. As you are thinking about that, I’d like to introduce myself, my name is.”

    See a woman in a skimpy dress. &lt;very soft voice&gt; “You know that is a great dress you are almost wearing.”

    A woman dressed really hot, “Have you ever heard of a body that won’t quit?” Yeah, “Yours doesn’t even take a coffee break.”

    First gear – laughter, getting them laughing
    Second gear – get them talking in a comfortable way about themself
    Third gear – getting them really turned on
    Fourth gear – close the deal

    “Has anyone ever told you, you are a shining projection of genetic perfection?” while laughing.

    80% No world. 80% of business comes from 20% of your clients.
    90% of your pleasure will come from 10% of the women you meet.

    “When you think about how wonderful it feels to be loved by someone you truly care for, doesn’t it really make you want to be with someone special again?”

    Watch her eyes light up &amp; her state change.


    Look, I think you are a really great girl I think you deserve a chance to go out with me &amp; discover how much fun you can have. Can you be ready Monday night at 8 o’clock?

    Questions to ask yourself
    How can I enjoy the challenges that living this adventure will bring me?

    1.Get yourself into a relaxed state (before going to bed)
    2.Begin to think of the values you’d like to share with this special person, qualities to the relations: adventure, a sense that you see the world in the same way, mutual enjoyment of each others personality, admiration, passion – any qualities you are looking to share – qualities of the relationship. Spend some time thinking of this.
    3.Qualities she will have to have in order to make the relationship work, start by saying, “She is..” Go into great detail. Including physically attractive, what she will look like, what attributes she’ll have.
    4.Focus on feeling their presence. As if they were already in your life, focus on that feeling of being connected with that special person. You may feel it in your solar plexus area.
    5.As you feel that connection, imagine that there is a quart of light going from your body onto her body, you will even feel a click sometimes that there is a connection. Visualize this same connection in all three locations: Heart, Head, &amp; Groin in all three places, this will give you a very strong sense of connection.
    6.Feel a sense of real gratitude, you might even feel yourself saying “thank you”
    7.Visualize sending out more energy from your solar plexus, doubles the feeling.
    8.Visualize her body looking out at you through her eyes &amp; hear her say the qualities that she admires &amp; respects about you &amp; feel the love that she has for you.
    9.Finally come back into your body &amp; feel that connection of solar plexus, head &amp; groin &amp; thank her in advance for coming into your life. ONLY ONCE A WEEK.
    10.You should get urges to go to places that you normally would not go to, follow these urges &amp; you will be shocked that this woman will be at that place that your body told you to do.
    11.If this person is not exactly what you wanted it is okay, go back &amp; revise your list of qualities. Forgot to mention the quality that she HAS TO BE AVAILABLE.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    Just wanted to give this a little bump, I went on a posting spree &amp; I don\'t want this to get buried to page two, if you have anything to add RJ, speed seduction tips or otherwise I\'d love to hear about &amp; build up my arsenal.

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    Only to consult NLP for extra information. Read the pheromone forum and ask many questions - go on a posting spree and use RJ in every thing u do to gain an upper edge with the female of the species (avoid the bullshit and the Attention whores who roam looking to suck up attention and drain effort from unsuspecting male targets who are seeking sex but never get it because they become a victim of the attention whore who normally has a steady bonk buddy anyway and has no intention of REALLY PUTTING OUT.

  4. #4
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    Yeap NLP. I\'m going to do some experimenting when I get WAGG &amp; see how many times I can incorporate below me into conversation. I got some sales stuff from RJ in the mail last week, here\'s two to remember:<blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    My best ideas don\'t come from above -- they come from below me.

    or<blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    That\'s a really penetrating question. I\'m thinking really hard. Why don\'t you come inside and we\'ll talk about it.

    and my personal favorite<blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Look at you - judging by that smile on your face you must be feeling a tremendous hap-PENIS INSIDE!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    Its pretty shocking how effective that can be biovonic, im a master at working penetrate into the conversation and really hard and just general excitement and fun and games and plenty of fours to play with.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    Watcher bivonic , feel free to give more nlp examples.

    Btw , I experienced the power of mirroring body language !

    I read so much about immitating other peoples moves to make them comfortable , then make your own little moves and see if they do the same.

    Holy [bad word] , I never tried that until few days ago.....Just for the fun of it , I used it on people I know and that I\'m already comfortable with.....

    Damn this scared me a bit + converted me into a \"mirroring \" believer.

    I mean its true , it works. U talk 2 someone , then immitate one of his moves....(the person doesn\'t even have 2 see that move directly - I had a friend of mine watching tv + immitating me : Scratching the back of my head + touching my nose lol. Before that I immitated his arm moves 2 or three times. We were conersating while I applied this technique , so he didn\'t notice anything + we both were watching TV)

    I can tell you , its an incredible feeling 2 realize what power you can have over people.

    You also see if they really like u or not.

    Try it on friends , + I will see how it works on girls on friday...

    But my true goal is , to become automatic with that stuff...whenever I talk to someone...I\'ll try and be aware of bodylanguage then immitate + make the other immitate me so all of this turns out to my advantage.

    Seriously try that , funny as hell.........

    It has something of a \"puppet master\" kind of feel

    + Bivonic , great effort with that R.J stuff , but to be honest I think its only usefull for total loosers with no confidence at all.

    I can easily summ it up for people like you and me , who already have confidence in themselves :


    Thats it....If you like yourself other people will like you too.....If you walk around like a \"dork \" thinking , ooooh my stomach is too fat , my nose is too big , I\'m soo afraid of this and that , Oh my god there is a nice women , lets go play hide .... blablabla - thats just self-pitty ! Drop that , feel good about yourself and don\'t give a flying F.U.C.K if you fail one or two times with a girl.....chances are its not even your fault....

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    The best way to have it become automatic is to keep on doing it. I\'ve used many things from a large bag of tricks on reading and manipulating people that it\'s almost second-nature to me. Even when not mirroring people, be cognizant of the signals you\'re giving off. The best way to read others is to study your own body language, note what emotion brings out what actions, and keep them in mind at all times, even if you\'re not doing so to control what signals you\'re giving off.

  8. #8

    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    I think those Ross Jeffries affirmations are great. I think they\'re inspired. I would think for anyone who did as instructed with those affirmations, your success would be increased as would your feelings of well-being. Affirmations have something of an incantation quality about them; it\'s important to say them the way you\'re told to. I was surprised how much I like those Ross Jeffries affirmations. They seem quite worthwhile to me.

  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    This stuff is powerful and ive used them for 3 years, and its automatic and amazing what one can do. One thing i will keep a secret.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    I never really had the balls to try the full on speed seduction stuff, but I do use mirroring and agree that the unstoppable confidence mp3\'s (erm, Cd, yeah thats right ;-) ) is great.

    I defiantly think that what people think about you is 90% how you think about yourself, up your self image just a little bit and people will react better to you, causing an up-wards spiral. then again nowadays I believe that pretty much everything is a case of that, the more you believe in yourself at something the more you will seceded, and therefore you will see yourself as better at it, etc:

    I think the stuff is overpriced though. I might even paypal the guy some money as a thankyou thinking about it, although I\'d never pay full price for some of his programs. maybe I\'m just too used to the freedom of information the net gives us nowadays.

  11. #11
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    Yeah the stuff looks great, I could used some it last night, but I didn\'t have the balls, I didn\'t want to crash &amp; burn on my first experiment, especially with girls that I know.

    My favorite has become the suggestive commands such as. Have you ever met someone for the first time &amp; felt totally comfortable around him? He has some nice progression, calls them like shifting gears in a car, I can\'t remember off the top of my head it\'s something like this:
    1. Get them laughing
    2. Get them feeling good about themself
    3. Get them fascinating about stuff that turns them on
    4. Transfer that energy on to you, meaning make them associate you with these new horny feelings they are feeling
    5. Close the deal

  12. #12
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    The principle behind mirroring is that it shows your target that you genuinly like them, kind intensions and such. Be carefull though, because if done too much it becomes a vdery submissive signal, think about it, you are working hard to be accepted, and even if its not consious recognition, they will notice on some level and start treating you as someone \"beneath\" them (in the bad sense of the word [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ).

    As I\'m guessing some people are doing here, its good to get it going and then wait for them to reciprocate, instead of just continually doing it. Given the right social dynamic between you and your target (female, or male friend), it is possible that you will never reach the stage where it becomes a submissive behavoir, it will just strengthen whatever bond exists already.

    Another interesting thing allong these lines (in fact this is mirroring in its fruition stage) is when two people synch. Have you even noticed how if you see two people comopletely into each other seem to do things completely in synch, without even thinking, like thought processes meld. For example, they both pick up their glass and drink at the same time, but then both decide to place the glass down and pick it up to have one final sip? Its crazy stuff to watch, even better from the inside [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  13. #13

    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    Mirroring is a good tool; one caveat I\'d suggest is not to mirror every single move. Get a friend to do a mirroring exercise with you and mirror your ever move or even every other move. It becomes incredibly annoying. It can make you feel suffocated. So ease up from it from time to time, I\'d say use it somewhat sparingly.

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    Any interesting urls dealing with mirroring, technique wise.
    (Moves to immitate / moves not to immitates / different moves different results...moves for girls / moves for buisness relations / friends)

    + the fruition stage is very often found in couples ( also long term friends) . Man + women who stayed together for along time + passionatly love each other , tend to do lots of things simultaniously (saying the same thing / reaching for the same object and so on )

    This is the highest level of mirroring , that you cannot reach artificially , so I belive ! + This comes naturally with time...

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    I think you missed the point...a bit. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    \"Mirroring is a good tool; one caveat I\'d suggest is not to mirror every single move. Get a friend to do a mirroring exercise with you and mirror your ever move or even every other move. It becomes incredibly annoying. It can make you feel suffocated. So ease up from it from time to time, I\'d say use it somewhat sparingly. \"

    The good thing about mirroring is : ´While others mirror you , they do it unconsciously

    Sure thing its common sense , not to overdo \"your own\" mirroring. If somebody notices that u copy each and every move , they will think you are making fun of them = bad result.

    using it sparingly is a good advice though !

  16. #16
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    I haven\'t got any web sites giving specific tips, just a lot that say its a good idea [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] After a lot of searching i got out their and mixed it up myself, with interesting results (was a while ago, so no stories [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img] , suffice to say it worked).

    Like FTR said, dont mirror everything, not at all, that can get silly. Start off slow and wait untill you get a responce, then perhaps move up a gear (a small one), or move onto another technique. Soon these practices become part of a flexible routine that you can adapt to *most* situations

  17. #17
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    \'Monkey see - monkey do\' really does apply to humans, especially when there\'s a positive bond between the people. My study of mimetics is limited, but \'field\' work convinced me early on that there\'s something to it. Unconscious signals are powerful, maybe more powerful than words in the long run, and operate down in the hidden brain where so much of our sex life lurks.

    I\'m better at observing mirroring in my target than in actually consciously trying to mimic her myself, although I have caught myself unconsciously mimicking her lots of times. True mirroring is unconscious, but we devious types are always looking for an edge - we want to control it or fake it to help us get our way.

    I think if you can deliberately mimic some of her gestures, you can send an unconscious signal of bonding or rapport. I\'m not very good at consciously doing this, but I will do some obvious things if I think of it at the time. Like matching smoking/drinking gestures. But I find that by trying too hard I just distract myself and screw up the conversation. If the girl is painfully boring and longwinded then I can do more fake \'mirroring\' (mainly to relieve the tedium and amuse myself). But for me, if I truly get caught up in a girl and am focusing on her I\'ll catch myself mirroring her unconsciously, which is probably much smoother and more effective than when I consciously try to fake it.

    What does work well for me is the other side of the deal - watching to see if she is mirroring me. If I know she is mirroring me, that is good info to have. In that case I am in the lead and setting the gestures, and she is following me unconsciously. This gives me an indication of her interest/attraction.

    Sometimes I\'ll throw in an unusual gesture to see if she follows. One time I suspected a girl was becoming interested in me, but she was not admitting to it. I sat halfway across the room, where she could see me, but we were both having conversations with other people out of earshot. I put my head on my hand, holding my chin with my elbow on the table, an unusual gesture for me. A few minutes later she did the same, even though we could only see each other in periphery! When I shifted to a new position, she would follow shortly afterward. It really was strange, and she followed every change, even though she was talking to someone else. So I take mirroring of my gestures as an honest indication of interest and attraction, especially if she is playing coy consciously and trying not to be obvious. Her mirroring betrays her and tells me I\'m on the right track. The better we know each other the more I seem to see it in her.

    I watch for her mirroring gestures to see if she betrays an interest, especially an interest she\'s trying to hide. Unfortunately for me I\'m not that good at consciously trying to follow her moves, to send a signal of rapport. I think that a valid tactic, I just concentrate too heavily on my conversation and her eyes to be very good at noticing and copying her gestures. I do wish I were better at it.

  18. #18
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    Thanks Irish, good post

  19. #19

    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    \"I just concentrate too heavily on my conversation and her eyes to be very good at noticing and copying her gestures.\"

    The above comprises the best seduction technique - as you\'ve observed, without your having to do more than that, she\'ll mirror you, which, I would think, would be the objective in the first place. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  20. #20
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    I could see some real value in being able to put someone at ease initially, by intentionally mirroring her gestures. I\'m just not so good at pulling it off. And because I\'m self-conscious when I try that, it really interferes with the things I AM better at - which are more emotional and conversational. But yeah, I certainly agree that the dynamic would need to change at some point, with me taking more of the lead and she mirroring me (at least for my personality and style). I do like the post above about being able to mix in leading and following signals as appropriate - I just recognize my limitations in being able to pull that off. And basically, I\'m too lazy to work on the technique…

    I think the mirroring concept applies in a broader sense to more than just gestures. People really mirror emotions, something I am much better at projecting at will than gestures. Voice, eyes, and expression can project any emotion - just ask an actor. If you watch a sad situation in a movie, you become sad. Likewise with any emotion - enthusiasm, playfulness, sorrow, anything - we tend to fall in line with those projecting those emotions in our presence.

    Most of us drift along in an emotionally neutral state when alone (unless there is some overriding situation in our lives). It is surprising how much we take emotional cues from others in social situations. In seduction this is very useful. Any emotion you want your target to have at a particular time, just project that emotion first yourself. It will usually be contagious. The positive emotions are best early on, comforting and fun. Save the darker stuff till you know her better, and glimpse what lurks beneath her defenses…When you begin to draw things out of her that she has kept hidden, you have real emotional power (which translates into any other type of power that interests you).

  21. #21
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    Pick youre nose and watch them copy. Stick youre hand on youre head and wiggle youre fingers around adn watch everyone do the same.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    Nobody cuts through the crap to the heart of the matter like Brother Watcher!

  23. #23

    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    Or, cuts through the heart of the matter to the crap, as the case may be.

  24. #24
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Question from Bivonic...

    <font color=blue>bivonic wasn\'t able to post this, so he emailed it to me and asked me to do it for him.....</font color=blue>

    I want to know if this is a sign of a girl unconsciously mirroring me.

    If I\'m in the pool room &amp; I\'m chatting with her, I\'ve seen her do this a few times &amp; it confused the heck out of me the first few times. Essentially I\'ll be leaning up against the sliding glass door &amp; she\'ll be standing a foot &amp; a half in front of me &amp; when we get ourselves into a deep conversation she\'ll go from standing right in front of me to leaning up against the sliding glass door with me on my right side away from the bar (she\'s a waitress). This has happened a number of times, is she just tired &amp; wants to lean against the sliding glass door, or could this be subconscious mirroring? Is there anything I should do to follow up when she does this to test the waters, like face her head on, or should I continue talking to her through peripheral eye contact?

    Another question I have is that she\'s currently in another relationship but she has seemed real depressed the past week &amp; a half. Rather then focus on what is bothering her (I\'ve tried to find out, but not much luck) I was thinking of trying to alter her state &amp; associate this better mood with me, make sense? Any advice?

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Question from Bivonic...

    It could be mirroring - you\'ll know if she follows you as you change positions and gestures.

    I observe mirroring as one data point among other cues - I don\'t read too much into it by itself. It\'s definitely positive, and often occurs when there is attraction. But it can also be an indication of mere interest in what you\'re saying, or simple friendliness. All good, but not necessarily deep attraction. If she also acts nervous or laughs inappropriately around you, in addition to mirroring, then she\'s really trying to hide a strong attraction.

    If she\'s going through a bad time with another guy it is the perfect setup for you. Don\'t fall into the trap of criticizing him and telling her to drop him. If she talks about him SUBTLY DEMONSTRATE you are the opposite of that jackass, without saying it. Focus on her and her feelings, compliment her, connect with her without advising her, let her talk. Be caring but not overly involved - maintain your cool. Do five times as much listening as talking - you\'ll learn what you need by really paying attention to what she says. As you begin to understand her mental state tailor yourself to fill the lack in her life. Good luck.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    I know this isn\'t going to be too popular, but after doing a little checking into RJ\'s material, and following things back, I noticed some stuff which bothered me. While NLP is a complex and vague subject (which it\'s hard to learn much about without significant cash payments), I did manage to learn enough to think that RJ\'s techniques are only loosely based on NLP. What bothered me more was that NLP seems to be held in quite low regard by most psychologists and psychiatrists. Nobody with any formal psychological or neurological training was involved in its creation, it was cooked up by a linguist and a mathematician (who has had some really alarming questions raised about his character -- he\'s repeatedly been called a coke junkie, alcoholic, chronic liar, even murderer, including under oath). The terms \"new age\" and \"pseudo-science\" keep cropping up, along with comparisons to groups like est (Erhard Seminar Training) and Landmark Forum.

    You might want to read \"A Critical Assessment of NLP\" before paying anyone for NLP-related training or materials:

    Here\'s coverage of NLP co-founder Bandler\'s murder trial. Either he or the cocaine dealer friend he was with blew the coke dealer\'s estranged girlfriend\'s head off. He and friend each blamed the other, but were both so drunk and strung out that neither were credible witnesses. Bandler undisputedly threatened her life earlier in the day she was killed. Shades of OJ!

    Here\'s the Skeptic\'s Dictionary entry for NLP:

    Just thought that someone should mention this sometime. Do keep a close eye on your wallets, folks.

  27. #27
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Here is the Dave Barry article.
    I love that man [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img][img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img][img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    That\'s a scream! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Thanks for saving us 9 hours and $114!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    What is NLP?

    I imagine Neuro Linguistic Programming, but what is that?

  30. #30
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    Aug 2002
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    Default Re: My thoughts on Ross Jeffries techniques

    Speed Seduction is NLP.
    NLP is not Speed Seduction.

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