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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default The Total \'Great Guy\' Effect with WAGG

    We all know WAGG is coming soon, which will create a \'great guy\' effect that makes women admire you, as apposed to want to suck your d**k. I was thinking, what are some other techniques and skills one should develop to recieve the ultimate \'great guy\' effect. You know, to get the girl thinking \'Wow, I love being with you.\'

  2. #2
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    Default Re: The Total \'Great Guy\' Effect with WAGG

    Don\'t be a fraid to be bold & say genuine sincere things that make them \"melt.\" I think the trick is along the lines of what Irish said in the other thread, in my opinion if you get inside their head & think of what it is that is bothering them without them telling you & be able to say just the right thing, that\'s one step towards the \"Great Guy\" title.

    For example, I brought a pretty girl I know by to my local bar where \"Sally\" works, this was a few months ago. My friend & I were playing pool, and between games we would just sit close to each other & share with the other whatever was on our minds, it was really nothing romantic between the two of us we are just close friends. Well as I was checking out I could tell \"Sally\" was disturbed, angry, etc... out of jealousy, I knew this & did not bother to ask what was wrong, but when I inquired about my check about these 8 coronas that were on, she stammered back, \"Oh those were what your girlfriend drank!\" I responded, \"Sally, she\'s just a friend of mine, & for your information I think you are the hottest girl in the bar right now by far!\" LOL she nearly collapsed, she put her right hand over her heart & literally sunk 4 inches in her posture, so I could tell she was melting & I gave her a little hug & then me & my \"girlfriend\" that I brought took off.

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: The Total \'Great Guy\' Effect with WAGG

    Oh yeah I know what you mean. Flattery. One thing though, isn\'t body language more important though? What\'s things in body language you should do to give this effect of Great Guy.

    By the way, what you did for that girl was very kind, I might need to take from that.

  4. #4
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Total \'Great Guy\' Effect with WAGG

    the problem with flirting with women who work at a bar is that if you are ever talking to some other girl, you seem insincere or a jerk. Problem is, what are you supposed to do? Help them serve for christ sakes?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: The Total \'Great Guy\' Effect with WAGG

    >>What\'s things in body language you should do to give this effect of Great Guy. <<

    Mirror the woman (posture, speech, nuances) Don\'t make it blatantly obvious, though. If she\'s sitting cross-legged, do the same. She takes a sip of a drink, do the same a few moments later. When she says something, reiterate what she has just said. This is especially effective if you do so several days/weeks after she has first said it. Mirroring is extremely effective not only in a sexual context, but also in a day to day relations to establish a rapport subconsciously with the other individual. After doing this for a good period of time 10-20 minutes, you can tell if you\'ve linked by taking the do something and then see if the other individual mirrors you. It\'s a very powerful way to give a subliminal \"we\'re alike\" \"good guy\" image.

    Among other things you can do: lean just slighty toward her as she speaks. It invades that personal space barrier everyone has, but in a non threatening manner. She\'ll soon perceive you as safe and won\'t mind you getting even closer. Look her in the eyes and smile (not leer and grin...much different). Make sure the eye contact is not too long at first, but gradually increase the length of it as the conversation progresses. Again you\'re establishing a comfort level.

    A show of palms/wrists is a submissive gesture which subconsciously implies vulnerability. By gesturing every so often with exposed wrists as you speak it again gives the indication that you are not a threat.

    Body language can be very powerful stuff. Use it wisely! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  6. #6
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    Default Re: The Total \'Great Guy\' Effect with WAGG

    When does WAGG come out? Where can I buy some?

  7. #7
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Total \'Great Guy\' Effect with WAGG

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