Pheromones will be made illegal in the USA under this bill - H.R. 5564.

This bill is going to pass unless EVERYONE writes their congressmen. PLEASE DO IT TODAY.

Here\'s the background info:

Note that the bill has been renamed from H.R. 207 to H.R. 5564

Here is an email that a congressman posted about the issue:

Please sign the sample letter or write your own, and mail it to your Congressional Representative.

To find your Congressional Representatives, call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 1-202-225-3121. If you want to discuss this with your representative, you can be connected to his or her office directly.

You can also find out who your Congressional Representative is and send an e-mail letter by accessing the web site

Sample Letter:


The Honorable
United States House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Representative:

It has come to my attention that a bill (H.R. 5564) has been introduced that aims to classify a wide variety of nutritional supplements as controlled substances. As a consumer of nutritional supplement products, I am gravely concerned about the consequences of this bill.

This bill represents an abuse of the legislative system, and a blatant misuse of the controlled substance act. How can the government vote overnight to make criminal the possession of substances that have been used safely for years by millions of Americans? How can the government allow the attorney general to classify compounds as controlled substances without determining the existence of appropriate toxicological or pharmacological activity? Was the controlled substance act enacted with the intention that it be used as a political tool?

If the government believes nutritional supplements such as pregnenolone and DHEA are unsafe and wishes to restrict access to them, then let it do so through already established legitimate means. Let the government produce the evidence that these substances are a risk to individuals and society, or that they meet the legal/scientific qualifications to be listed as controlled substances. Then, and only then, should the government be allowed to act.

If this bill is passed it will directly affect the freedoms and lives of millions of Americans, including mature individuals that use DHEA and pregnenolone for anti-aging / disease-prevention purposes.

Please vote NO on H.R. 5564.





Bruce, please do not move this to the health forum because we need everyone to write their congressman, and the health forum gets much less traffic.