Wilde Oscar --

I\'ve seen a number of different references. Do a google search on androstenol and minutes and you\'ll see (among the blizzard of phero ads) studies. There\'s one site -- http://www.sirc.org/publik/smell_attract.html -- that\'s actually pretty negative on phermones, but points out that the sweat oxidizes in 20 minutes.

I think that the concentration of androstenol and the location of the application probably results in it lasting a lot longer. As well, using a oil-base solution (AE, perhaps) likely greatly diminishes oxidation.

I\'m a bit confused as I know that there\'s oxidation and baterial breakdown, and no one seems to distinguish between the two.

One thing, though -- all the studies use face masks or T-shirts or some object sprayed with \'nol, so I think that supports using clothing or hair rather than skin as the place to put it.