I decided to use PPA today.

I think it\'s a curve...Ie, no pheromones equals less effect, and too much equal less...I have had better results with PPA than pure none.

Anyway, I was wondering on some things....

Really on the EFFECTIVENESS of phermones.

This was due to a variety of reasons. First of all, I notice that, while taking DHEA, and after lifting, I seem to get the same hits as pheromones.

Anyway....When I was wearing pheromnes, I would notice people looking at me, (girls) and etc...I\'ll give you an example of the latter.

So, anyway, I tried it again.

1. None and rone (the ONLY sexual TYPE available ANYWAY work best on girls that like high tesosterone guys.

2. The guys that these girls like with high testosterone is either black guys, Mexicans, or other type of foreigns.

Well, when I was wearing pheromnes, I noticed CERTAIN people looking at me......I stopped for a while, that seemed to stop (except after I would work out). I figured maybe they never really worked.

In addition to people AROUND me acting more aggressive...

The MAIN thing I noticed.

I put them on....Just a swab behind each ear and the rest rubbed over body and clothes.


I\'m walking down the halls....And this girl, that\'s with her boyfriend (Mexican boyfriend!) This is the SAME girl that always looked at me when I was weraing the pheromnes. I had figured m maybe I\'m just imagining it...Howver, when I stopped using pheromones, that same thing stopped.

Well, SURE ENOUGH...I\'m walking down the halls. She is with her boyfriend....I come walkign the other way, she turns her head around and stares at me (not really stares, but...hwatever).... I figure...Ok....

So, anyway, I\'m in lunch..I get up to throw my food away, and some other girl looks right at me (COINCIDENTALLY I ALWAYS see her talking to some black dude (correlation with blacks and mexican loving white girls? I THINK SO!)

So, anyway....More stuff like that....

But, I\'m going to get on the bus....Same girl that was with her Mexican boyfriend, walks by....Looking strait ahead...Once she comes to where I am standing at, she turns her head and looks strait at me for 2 seconds.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, I got a LOT of the girls giving me a quick glance, and than looking away...Probably...half to 3 quarter of a second glance. Normally they wouldn\'t look to see anything, but with pheromones, or after I have worked out every time I\'m walking, and I\'m behind some girl, they start looking behind them, a lot of times like 4 or 5 times within a minute...

Anyway... So, there it goes.

The only problem is...I don\'t know how to talk...I don\'t have confidence. I mean, I have confidence I have nothing to say....

It just seems SO INTERESTING to me, how someone can say they LOVE soemoen and yet I COME UP and now all the sudden they FORGET who they are with....

Pretty much, whenever I\'m there, they forget about whoever they are with...

Oh, I forgot to mention, aside from girls acting like clutz, being embarrassed, etc...

I get asked byt he dudes aggression types of quetions after working out or, while on dhea, or ESPECIALLY using the mones.

Just, stuff like, talking about who\'s going to fight who, who would win what fight....Who\'s ass of some girl they\'d like to smack, who they\'d like to f**...Or, telling me look at that girl over there, etc. I suppose they figure I am someone they can tell because I have high tesosterone levels and want the same thing....Which, is true, even without mones, I believe I am a very aggressive person, however, I using something called self-control a lot of the times.

Oh, and I MAY be just imaging this..I REALLY think this should be explored, this happens a lot just with DHEA and working out..

The EVER FAMOUS...Ass showing...No, I\'m not joking...It ALWAYS happens, SOMEHOW some GIRL\'S ASS SOMEHOW goes in your sight....She will bend over to do something as simple as tie her shoe or do this, do that....Or, if she is standing strait, and I am the other way, she will to where I can see her ass...No problem with that...Got\'s my vote, however, the bending over should be explaored, I have heard very little about that, I KNOW that has to do SOMETHING with pheromones. I think it\'s up there SOMEWHERE with twirling the hair, etc...In fact I don\'t even KNOW if the girls KNOW they are doing it...They just figure....I should turn this way, or I should bend over. I don\'t know.
But, it\'s definately something I have noticed.
