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  1. #1

    Default Paul Down Unders thread

    Id figured that i needed my own thread with which to post all my information from now on so if anyone wants to bring anything up then this is the place so to speak.

    So thats about it to begin with.

    Keep the things coming and what does everyone think about my grammar.

    Is this ok guys i had a few suggestions on how to make things more readable.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    Looks fine to me.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    Thanks jambat thought i would put it up and get it going, seeing as though jaz and others have their own little threads and so forth.

    I must admit the grammar looks heap better now, my english teacher in high school was always a sticker for proper english so to speak.

    So here it is.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    Paul, I\'m impressed! You seem so ... coherent!

    So now that you have your own thread, what are you gonna cover? What do you think of my suggestion on Scientist\'s thread to experiment with minimum applications -- how little pheros get a good response?


  5. #5

    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    Yeah sounds like a good idea to experiment with. Um i get results from as little as two sprays.

    SO it sounds like a good idea i await the results, apart from that thanks for the vote of confidence in the \'grammar\' so to speak.

    Anyone else got any ideas for me to use.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    Looking at Scientist\'s measurements of how much a spray is (like 2.5 drops), I wonder what results you\'d get with one spray or less of The Edge. Who knows, a half spray of TE might be the ticket!


  7. #7
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread


    LOVE your new writing style,PLEASE keep up the good work.Something of an exercise in \"Grapho-Linguistics\" (GLP) more or less. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    You\'d asked on another thread about the herbal stuff,\"Delightfully Intimate\".I tried it.It\'s pretty much like several similar products I\'ve tried.It gives you a \"chubby\",(Soprano\"s reference meaning semi-inflated dick) even prior to stimulation.I really haven\'t put this stuff to the long term test but stuff with the same ingredients have given me longer-lasting ,harder erections,and more intense orgasms.

    I was surprised somewhat by the inclusion of Kava and St. John\'s Wort which are herbal anti-anxietals,but no complaints.I couldn\'t find Morinda or Avena Sativa (kinda like the sound of that one) but then I didn\'t look too hard.(No pun intended).It also has Nettle which like Saw Palmetto is reputedly good for the prostate.

    Then the good stuff,Yohimbe the African hard-on herb. Yohimbine,its active ingredient,is actually a prescribable drug for male impotence that can be found in the \"Physician\'s Desk Reference\". Muira Puama,is a rainforest herb,(Amazon,I think)with a similar reputation as Yohimbe. And last, but not least Damiana,an herb found in S.W. USA and Mexico,long used as an Aphrodisiac for both men and women.Damiana is available in LIQUEUR FORM in Mexico and elsewhere, and is a RARE TREAT.I\'d love to hear from any of our Mexican colleagues who\'ve tried it.

    The DI herbal is probably no better or worse than many products out there,but it IS reasonably priced compared to most.I would recommend it.Just another way of giving yourself an extra edge. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    oh my god what\'s this no more runon sentances and open ended thoughts well i guess i\'ll have to go with the majority opinion and congradulate paul on his gramar, syntax and other social conventions but i do hope he slips every once in a while and, paul, i\'m sorry for ever having made fun of your style, even though i guess i\'m making fun of it now but that\'s only because it gives me a rise but concernin DAMIANA, i once went to a party where they served wine infused with the stuff and although there was no orgy there were a few very cudly couples going home early with a smile on their face tastes kind of bitter though myself i couldn\'t stop staring at all the womens legs, even the chunky ones lol

  9. #9
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread


    You can get Damiana tea at your local health food store.On the box it tells you that the leaves can also be SMOKED! Far Out! [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    Smoked! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]
    As if pheromones weren\'t enough, I am suddenly faced with another ethical dilema. I mean, my gf probably wouldn\'t notice a few damiana leaves sprinkled in with... But, no. That would be wrong, wouldn\'t it?

  11. #11
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    a.k.a. et al,

    So try to score some of the liqueur.Some states that have liquor control boards make it available as a special order item. Others have it on the shelf (New Jersey for one.)In Virginia it is available by special order per bottle.Pennsylvania has a 12 bottle minimum order,but has had difficulty getting it for me for about the last six months.I had successfully ordered two cases in the last two years.

    Best bet is Mexico.It\'s cheap(@$10)on the Baja where it\'s made, but I also found it in Cancun for $13 to $20/bottle.

    The best part of Damiana is the bottle. It is clear glass,in the scale of a Mateus bottle,but is shaped like a woman\'s body in a relatively tasteful way.

    The liqueur is transparent bright yellow,reminiscent of Galliano,but louches milky when brought near the freezing point.

    Its taste is extremely sweet for a second,maybe less,then the taste approaches that of white pepper.Easily the second strangest stuff I\'ve ever drank.

    The tea tastes totally different with something of a licorice-like flavor.Either way it\'s magical stuff.One herbal book I saw listed among its uses,\"Enhances female orgasm\".There\'s loads of info about the herb on the web but I\'ve yet to find the liqueur there.If anyone gets a line on it,please let me know.I\'m down to my last 5 bottles. [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  12. #12

    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    Thanks a lot guys, will keep up this new style. Hey who brought up the penis enlargement stuff before, that sounds interesting, well good to hear about the herbal stuff as well.

    Yeah well thats about it, im still working out and things get even freakier every day so later everyone.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    Hey there Wilde Oscar..just in case yor supply of Damiana is running low you can order as much as you Just type in Damiana in the search area at the bottom of the sells for $22.20 Hope that helps you out.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    Dylan posted the penis enlargement stuff under \"carved physiques and PI\" in August. If your looking into the subject do a google search on jelqing first before you spend any money. Check this out while your at it -PE review
    I\'m not selling anything. I\'m on week two with penile-secrets and not seeing definite gains yet (although I didn\'t expect to see much this early on). Good luck with the info.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    I\'ve read about Jelquing for penis enlargements in the past, but never had the discipline to keep up a daily routine.

    I can recommend a thing called \"kengels though. It\'s an exercise that helps blood flow to the penis. I had really weak erections and had problems getting it up. But now I can get them on demand and they are as strong as steel.

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    Okay, so we\'re all doing the Pheros, there\'s going to be a run on Damiana Liquer and we\'re shooting for \"the monster.\" [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I may be the only one NOT doing the NLP. Most of us are doing the photoreading, and a number of us are doing Psychic work (or will be soon).

    What did I say earlier about us taking over the world?!?!?!? [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    I don\'t recall though, what are \"Kengels?\"

    Here\'s one low-level psychic excercise; one that I\'m still working on: when you look at someone, look at the OUTLINE of them against their background. THEN you can see their aura. I can\'t see colors YET, but I can see an energy around people, and that at least tells me their mood. It\'s in my newly purchased \"Complete Idiot\'s Guide to Being Psychic,\" but it\'s also in a book I haven\'t gotten to yet about invisibility and levitation. Oddly, it\'s in the beginning of the invisibility book, but further in in the guide. Yes, I *DO* think we all possess these abilities; it\'s just a matter of turning them on.

    BTW, has anyone done any Cloudbusting excercises yet? [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Gee, we\'re going to be Gods and Goddesses, huh, but I doubt anyone else here reads Crowley. (I actually haven\'t read it directly, but I have SOME knowledge of his work.)

    Ciao, y\'all! [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread


    Thanks for the Damiana link! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] There\'s even a picture of the bottle.Price is a bit steep,but if I can\'t find it anywhere cheaper,this is a great back-up.

    Thanks Again!
    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    Youre Welcome Oscar..anytime. Think i\'m going to pick some up this weekend to make a few margarittas with..and a few new friends

  19. #19

    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    I like to stick to bourban and vodka and margarittas are pretty good to.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    Ok i got a question for everyone here, does anyone use electronic muscle simulators to work out, i mean the one with pads and you put em on your arms and they contract and do all the easy work for you while you watch tv etc.

    Do they work any good or just a quick gimmick, thinking of buying one and any advice or stories would be good thanks a lot everyone.

    Thought i would put my thread back up top as well, just for a laugh.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    Hey im half way their to that pokemon tree cozie thing that bruce is giving away to the first person to 1000 posts here in the forum i just 500 lol [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] have i been of any use to anyone or just one big pain in the ass. Oh well its been a fun ride anyway. Now how bout that second 500. Here we go again.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    And I think I\'m close being a 5 star member [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  23. #23

    Default Re: Paul Down Unders thread

    Almost there jambat, i rated you a five star member so there must be others who rated you lower i wish someone would rate me, [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] . I wanna be a five star member hold on i think i am.

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