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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Do Pheromones Work

    I got from
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    Do Pheromones Work
    Wouldn\'t it be nice if you could just spray on some of these magical pheromones and pick up any girl you wanted ? Do pheromones work ?

    I wish I could tell you that it were that easy.

    Of course, I haven\'t done any experiments or research that could prove that they don\'t work but the idea is flawed for several reasons.

    First of all, there is no proof that pheromones work to attract the opposite sex. Marketers of these products make many outrageous claims:

    \"Attract women like magic!\"

    \"unblocks all restraints and releases their raw animal sex drive!\"

    \"Increases your sex appeal 1000%\"

    etc., etc.

    Then, they point you to articles about pheromone research from highly reputable news organizations such as CNN, 20/20, New York Times, etc. as if to imply that the research these sources reported was proving the effectiveness of their product.

    If you actually follow these links you find that the research only indicates that humans have a response to pheromones. In most studies they find that women, when menstruating, emit natural pheromones through their armpits. They make no mention that women are turned on by synthetic, manufactured pheromones men buy off the internet.

    Dating and Pheromones
    Let\'s pretend, for a moment, that women are mildly attracted to these pheromones. If you go into a club after bathing in these pheromones how is a woman going to be attracted to you ? You are emitting a scent that (supposedly) is turning any girl who smells it on. Well, what about the couple that is dancing next to you? In theory, that girl is getting turned on but who\'s to say she is getting turned on to you? She\'s getting turned on to that Joe Schmo she\'s dancing with (who didn\'t pay $49.95.)

    So, assuming that they do work they would only benefit you in one-on-one situations.

    I alluded earlier to the fact that no research mentions synthetic pheromones. These companies are selling you synthetic pheromones.

    Do Pheromones Work
    So the idea is flawed in three ways:

    No scientific study proves that they attract women to men

    If they work they would only be truly effective one on one

    The pheromones they are selling are synthetic

    My own experience...

    Yes, I\'ll admit that I was suckered into buying a bottle of this stuff about a year ago.

    What did I find?

    Well, the pheromones didn\'t get me laid. But, I noticed that for the first couple nights I was wearing them I was even more confident than usual because I thought that they would work or at least give me an edge in some way. This was the only benefit I ever experienced. Once I realized how stupid the whole notion was I lost that confidence boost.


    If you have the money to blow I say go for it. What have you go to lose? Who knows maybe they do work in some VERY subtle fashion. (Do not expect them to live up to the claims.)

    Otherwise, save you money and do something useful for yourself that will work like getting a copy of \"The Ultimate Guide to Getting Woman\".

  2. #2

    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work


    I had a guy I\'d been seeing for a little over two years who suddenly developed some problems with his equipment. Two times in a row Mr. Happy was nonplussed. We were getting worried. Then I put on some PCC. Mr.Happy stood up and took an interest. I put on PCC with PI/w. Mr. Happy was ecstatic several times over.

    There\'s no question that pheromones work and they\'re well worth the money.

    Try putting them on rather than writing about them. You\'ll have better results.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    Then, they point you to articles about pheromone research from highly reputable news organizations such as CNN, 20/20, New York Times, etc. as if to imply that the research these sources reported was proving the effectiveness of their product.

    There is a product out there that has been tested and proven to work. I can\'t mention it here because it isn\'t a love-scent product. If you are interested in the link, PM me. I\'ve used this product, it did nothing for me.

  4. #4

    Default pheromones do work

    Pheros DO work. They have created results in my life that were unheard of ... undreamed of previous to my discovering them. This doesn\'t mean that someone can just put them on and not do any work. But they do create a very real advantage. Sometimes I don\'t get what I want right there and then ... but hey sometimes I do ... and sometimes is more than it was before pheros ... No one will ever convince me they don\'t work ... I have too much, ahem, hard evidence ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    You should have seen my girlfriend sucking for this andostrerone bathed arm of mine while humping my leg telling me that whatever I did put on this arm was turning her on big time...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    I think that was tongue-in-cheek, but anyway, it gives me an opportunity to bring up another issue related to the phero pursuit. EVEN WITH PHEROS, MALES ARE THE INITIATOR OF SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS ... this is true of all animal species ... the female of the species doesn\'t approach a male and start humping his leg ... pheros do not relieve us of our job as the one who \"makes the first move\" ... if a female is interested she may put herself in a position where it is easier for us to make that first move, but it\'s our job to get the ball rolling ... that is male behavior .. wait a minute FTR already said all this ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    The guy who wrote that article was probably like most first time phero users. He probably ended up ordering APC from one of those sites that sells only that low end, low phero content product. So, he likely didn\'t have any real knowledge about the different products and phero content, and probably used only a small amount of APC with a low -none dosage due to the low -none content of APC.

    If he had used one of the higher end products that we are all so familiar with on here, he might have had better results to talk about.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    y\'all -
    i think they work, cuz i got laid while wearing them. i think it creates a positive impression very quickly, and you smell good, so it helps. it makes things very comfortable aroud people.
    i think the best way to test is with a current gf/bf and see if their reaction is more intense than it is normally.

    i can guarantee you\'ll see results with SoE mixed with a very small amount of NPA 10-15 %. even a girl walking up to you and smiling and talking is good enough. all you gotta think of it as is pheromones are a new cologne.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    Great point.. I use phero\'s around my wife, always get a reaction, some good and some bad, but I always get something.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    Yup, I secretely used phero for weeks around my girlfriend and got reactions. I\'ve been living with her for years now so I know what is a normal reaction or not.

    Now she knows about it and I still get reactions.

  11. #11
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    Yeah, CNN\'s article had a study of Athena 10X.

    - Krish

  12. #12

    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    Isn\'t that the real low-level stuff? Like less mone than Realm?

  13. #13
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    Yeah, I have to agree. That seems to be the case.

    - Krish

  14. #14
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    They don\'t say how much pheromones nor which pheromones it has, but from people\'s stories, Athena isn\'t all that good. I was just saying, they did actually conduct a study.

    - Krish

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    Ok, synethic DOESN\'T matter, in fact, synethic won\'t have BACTERIA...Now, the reason that they MIGHT NOT WORK, is because...

    Example..You put on some\'s about half the strenth of proimal..

    Well, yoru body doesn\'t NATURALLy rpoduce just the none..

    Girls are attracted to none STILL, but, here\'s the thing, women like women, even if they aren\'t technically gay, there\'s still a connection, there is more than NONE...And, more than RONE, you have to have th eright combo..

    Thing is, it\'s what goes with YOU.......Most the time, pheromones WORK, because, you have the right body/personality for htem, and than, you put back what you wash off...Usually all three of the pheromens...

    But, if you are NOT alpha male, are NOT inviting, and NOT a leader, like YOU AREEEEEEEEEE than, putting on pheromones ain\'t going to HELP, peopel see RIGHT THROUGH IT...

    They only ENHANCE what you ALREADY have, and that is when you put on the RIGHT COMBINATIONS...Ie, none isn\'t the only phero...

    Now, I agree....Most times, synthetic dont\' work too good..Because they aren\'t in the right COMBINATION...However, even if you put on every pheromone known of, if you don\'t ahve the TYPE for the pheromones, they won\'t WORK, like a hot girl that puts on makeup, makes her hotter, however, if you get an ulgy girl, with makeup, it don\'t help, she\'s still ugly, GET IT?

    The synthic v.s. natural, is just like, putting on just the right TONE of the girl with teh lipstick, or face color stuff, etc.

    Do you all see the correlation?

    Now, if you have all none on, it\'s like a loudspeaker though, noone knows what you\'re saying, but, it\'s loud...Which, I have found to be true..

    And, it\'s hard to get the right combo of pheromones.

    What I\'ve been doing now, is just taking DHEA, etc...And stuff...

    But, even if you maximize what you ALREADY HAVE, or you use JUST THE RIGHT PHEROMONES cocentration, and relations to each other (ie, just the right AMOUNT of makeup, and tone, etc...) If you aren\'t what the pheromoens are, it won\'t HELP.

    If that hasn\'t explained it, I don\'t know WHAT WILL!

    1. you need pheros as close as possible to the concentration and ratios to other pheros as you can.

    2. That\'s all you can do is # 1....If that doesn\'t work, your probelm is not pheroes, but rather, you need to maybe, striaten, whiten teeth, better clothes, better haircut, better attitude/personality, and, work out....Oh, and learn how to talk the right way...etc.

    3. There is no #3... If you do #1 and #2 you won\'t have no problem, except MAYBE, for, you know... Culture, where you\'re at...Relgion, small town, age...etc...

    It\'s that simple..Dont\' come ont he board and say, I tried this...It didn\'t work...Or, I felt more confident, and give like 3 facts, and say, IT DOESN\'T WORK! And tha\'ts it, oh HELLL no

    And, none, if girls was attracted to none, they wouldn\'t go for the guy the think they can whipp, and they wouldn\'t be bi some of them...


  16. #16
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    He was posting something he found. I don\'t think he agree\'d with it though. Don\'t know though.

    - Krish

  17. #17
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    Ok and im a moron with nothing better to waste my money on.

    As ive said before let those type of websites attack pheros we know they work but the less actual media coverage and the less people that know about them the better as we have freeier reign.
    They arent synthetic they are just isolated compounds that are pumped out in commercial numbers - a bit like insulin for diabectics and DHEA (ARONE) is available as a herbal supplement anyway.

    I say let them bag us and ill keep getting the benefits from something i know gives me an edge over others.

    Ok nothing more needs to be said, i say let these articles continue plain and simple let them kill pheros off less competition.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    AGREED!! Cuz if people start realizing these things work then the government will get involved .... regulation ... can\'t purchase without prescription ... made illegal entirely ... that\'s right everybody out there ... these things are just placebos ... that\'s right ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  19. #19
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    I agree I think the guy that wrote the article didn\'t fully test the product or it was one of those ripoffs. Probably was expecting women to jump all over him too without doing any research. Here at love-scent you get the better quality products.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    I could very well imagine one would think pheromones don\'t work. When I had just seen some of the rip-off site and not Love-Scent and I had used the products, I would have thought the same. People really need a lot of guidance as to what to look for when wearing pheromones, what to expect and how to use them. I am happy I found Love-Scent rather quick after visiting a few of the rip-off sites.

    I think 60-70 % of the people who order here at Love-Scent, think the stuff doesn\'t work and give up on it. On the rip-off sites that figure is a lot higher. I think it is pretty hard to sell pheromones and to keep customers happy, I mean, I have tried to convince some people on other forums that pheromones really work, but allmost all of them are very skeptical.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Do Pheromones Work

    I hope everyone realizes my last post was tongue-in-cheek. The people who REALLY are interested in pheromones will not let initial failure deter them. A certain amount of tweaking is usually required. The site can only offer the products and explain their general uses. Only the user can custom design his/her mone products. But I think many people expect to put on a dab of something and all of a sudden all of the people of the opposite sex will drop everything and come running towards them drooling. Do we really want that anyway? Some of them might not be so desirable! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Seriously, though, the high \"dropout rate\" is unavoidable. Some folks aren\'t all that serious. Those of us that are, are on this forum! Later, Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  22. #22
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    i will soon know from first hand


  23. #23
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    Ill tell you one thing. Im

    normally a very skeptical person. For some reason i like to think realistically. When i first heard of these

    pheromones, i didnt think there was anyway they could work. I didnt wanna waste my money on it... but after awhile i

    had to find out for myself. Im new here.. and have only tried chikara. But i feel like its the best kept secret in

    my life so far lol. Im not exaggerating. If nothing else.... these Mones really make ur day better by giving you

    more confidence, not to mention you have something to look forward too. I have been gettin glances in about a week

    so i can tell u as a skeptist that they work. Not a love potion... but it will give u the advantage over other guys.

    Then u gotta do the rest.

  24. #24
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    yea, i got some free samples

    coming in the mail, and i cant wait to put them on before i go to my classes this semester!! i already have a

    girlfriend, but that doesnt mean i dont want to make any 'lady friends'.....

  25. #25
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    Well! Their is no doubt,

    Pheromones in some strange way, do work.

    I had this girl once who used comment that she

    really liked my ‘body odor’ or rather ‘sweat’ and she could get off from stiffing my armpit. Now at first I thought

    this rather funny but going down the ‘Pheromone lane’ it got me thinking that we has men emit some sort of

    body chemical that some females find attractive. Haven’t you seemed some really ugly bloke with the girl of your

    dreams and guess what? You are handsome and he’s not. Of course putting other factors into


    Regarding Pheromones, well I am of the opinion that since they are rather

    synthetically manufactured you have to find - that special one that suits your body chemistry - for it to work

    anyway, and it’s only when you do that you can shout to the highest heaven’s… ‘Eureka’.


    further think that sometimes one does use some Pheromones with no results not because they are not using it well but

    because it just aren’t for them or rather they purchased pig fat from a rip-off company. 'Just like you might

    try eating custard with a fork or something'.

    ’So do Pheromones work? Well, I know

    what happens when you put a put a piece of meat in the park in summer, it attracts all sorts, shouldn’t Pheromones

    be like this? Especially when Pheromones in a bottle are actually a harvest of our primal body essences…’

    Should we have to use Pheromones then learn how to talk

    posh, laugh funnily, clown, etc, etc., for them to work. Hell no!

  26. #26
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    yea, i totally agree you

    cant just stand there and expect to get hits like flies on honey. but i can say ive seen not so good looking

    females and been like, "damn, im attracted to her and shes not that pretty." so obviously there are other factors

    that dont meet the eye

  27. #27
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    Of course! Of course! If its not the

    eyes its the nose...The attraction factors are many.

  28. #28
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I applied SOE and NPA and went to

    the zoo with a couple female friends. I didn't notice any difference with my two friends, but the animals in the

    petting zoo were all over me, especially the female goats and pigs (honest, I carry no food). Man that goat was too

    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  29. #29
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    The very first time I ever tried

    pheromones, I was immediately overwhelmed by the way they made *me* feel. Later I noticed various social effects,

    but my first reaction was "Hey, I feel more alive or sexy or something." That is a contagious feeling sometimes and

    could be a big part of the pheromone reaction.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  30. #30
    Man of La Pancha
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonicbum
    yea, i

    totally agree you cant just stand there and expect to get hits like flies on honey. but i can say ive seen not so

    good looking females and been like, "damn, im attracted to her and shes not that pretty." so obviously there are

    other factors that dont meet the eye
    I've said that, too...remember that there's no one standard for

    attractiveness...I don't care what the media tries to poison me with, there are so many attractive women that

    wouldn't make it on the TV or movie screen and so many unattractive women (to me) that do make it on TV, etc.

    solely for their looks (aka not very stellar at acting or whatever else) the movie "Beautiful Girls". I

    recommend everyone watches that who wonders about the psychology of attraction. Everyone wants the 'perfect

    girl', but you have to realize that the perfect person for you isn't going to be on the cover of a magazine

    necessarily but may just be the person you find more beautiful than anyone else because of how she looks, who she

    is, and what she means to you...most people get that, some people don't. This movie depicts that

    realization...there are those who get it and one who doesn't...

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...or the


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