Alot of you have taken interest in deciphering the great mystery concerning our elusive friend RONE. I know that like myself, alot of you would like to have some concrete evidence on just what this phero actually does and how well it works for us. So i propose this. I know that alot of people here have chem sets and therefore have bottle of rone by itself. I propose that some of these people use rone only on themselves for a whole week and enlighten us with some of their results and effects.Day by day we can keep a log of their effects and day to day results as well as how much hey wore and where they applied it and in what situations. Now the rone must not be mixed with any other phero, otherwise the results will be inconclusive, the rone has to be worn by itself. I think that the results from this little project will greatly enlighten our knowledge of this mysterious phero and let us know just how it works and how we can incorporate it into our arsenal. Participants please speak up right now and lets keep this professional.