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  1. #31

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    I picked up a small bottle of balsam peru and my God .... what do you dilute it with ?!? ! I mean this [censored] is powerful - there\'s no way in the world you could wear one, tiny drop of this without clearing out an entire mall.

    One minute drop on my index finger smells like a cross between 100 bathroom bowl deordorizers and building full of fresh cut Christmas trees.

    Seriously, Cuddles ... you say a \' couple drops\'. You mean in a big mix of something, right ? There is no way the stuff I have could be worn as a \'cover scent\' for anything short of working on a garbage truck.

    This [censored] is brutal.

    I MUST have mis understood how you used it - clarify it for me please?

  2. #32

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    All essential oils must be diluted. A couple drops mixed with oil based nol and Jojoba oil ... but you\'re right a couple drops max ... but this stuff works especially on women who are a little older. Trust me this stuff mixed with oil-nol and Jojoba causes, shall we put it nicely, \"spasms in the pelvic region\" ... or as one co-worker put it, \"her stuff itches\" ... I hope I didn\'t offend anyone but that statement is a quote and I\'m not the one who said it ... Good luck with it but the EO should last you forever and then some ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #33

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Is there anything that can replace jojoba temporarily; something that could be bought in a drug store or perfume dept in a dept store - or is jojoba something that might be found in a perfume dept ? I hope the jojoba helps a GREAT DEAL to tone down the incredibly strong smell of the balsam peru.

    I can tell you one thing ; I only turned the bottle over on my finger and back - didn\'t even let a drop fall out - and my sinuses have never been so clear all night. You\'ll never have a stuffy nose with this stuff around - or anyone who is standing near you. I can see why 10 ml would last a life time.

    I believe you about your success with it but right now all I can think about using it for is mopping the the kitchen floor and disinfecting the bathroom - that\'s the kind of smell it seems to have to me. Whew !

  4. #34

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Peru Balsam shouldn\'t be smelling THAT strong I wouldn\'t think! Does the latin term \"myroxylon pererae\" appear on the bottle? Anyway Jojoba is my fave, but you might be able to use Sweet Almond Oil, Grapeseed Oil or Avocado Oil. Look for Jojoba though. Not sure how critical that is. What company makes the oil? Aura Cacia? Frontier? Tisserand? Other? I will never forget some of the results of the Peru Balsam mix. Being grabbed in an elevator. Having a woman actually falling on me at work. And of course the infamous \"stuff\" incident. All of this can be had in natural food stores but I\'d think even the supermarket would have Jojoba Oil with skin and/or hair products. Let me know. Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #35

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Aromaland is where I got mine from and yes, \'myroxyloa balsamum v. pareirae\' appears right on the front of the bottle. I think it\'s the real thing , just wasn\'t expecting this kind of \'Lysol\' scent or intensity. Maybe the women that fell all over you when you were wearing it were cleaning women :&gt LOL.

    Anyway, I\'ll look for the jojoba oil in those stores and keep you posted if anything results from your mix.

  6. #36

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)


    how much PC do you spike cool scent with? i don\'t think you actually say.


  7. #37

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    I am not as exact with my mixes as many on the forum. You usually won\'t see anything like a 4:1 or a 2.5:1 in any of my reports. Actually the people that do that are easier to copy but I guess I am not that disciplined. If you have a bottle of Cool Scent you would probably do fine with a couple droppers full of nol concentrate. Please PM me if you have further questions.

  8. #38

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    \"Look for Jojoba though. Not sure how critical that is\"

    It is critical if you want to keep it for a long time. Most oils turns rancid after a year but Jojoba can be kept for years.

    It is also possible to do a similar mix in high proof alcohol (>75%). EO usually disolve easily in ethanol and you could use an alcohol based phero to mix it with. I don\'t know about Peru Basalm but it should be all right.

    I did try to mix drops of jojoba in ethanol before and it didn\'t work at all. I\'m still trying to find a carrier oil that can also be diluted in alcohol...

  9. #39

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    I had a feeling Jojoba was the best one to use but I didn\'t exactly know why. But now that we have this added info, I drop the \"not critical\" statement ... find some Jojoba if at all possible ... Cuddles p.s. I am concerned about your claim that Peru Balsam smells like Lysol and is unreasonably strong. Just doesn\'t sound right ... Hey Dr.SmellThis if you are reading can you comment on the aroma of Peru Balsam? Lysol-like just isn\'t my take on it ...

  10. #40

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Ok; today was the first time I put on the peru - one tiny drop. I don\'t have the jojoba so all I tried some Suave skin lotion. I knew that wouldn\'t cut it but I felt it could be more evenly distributed instead of trying to smear one drop around.

    First thing at work a friend says to me;

    \" So your knee is acting up , huh ? \"

    \" Why ... I look like I\'m limping or something ? \"

    \" No\" ... I just smelled the Icy Hot as soon as you walked in the shop \".

    So to me it smells like some sort of bathroom disinfectant and to the next guy it smells like Icy Hot linament ! Either way I doubt I\'ll be complimented on it by the ladies as I am when wearing Cool Water colonge, LOL.

    Am I supposed to smell this or am I to dilute it so I can\'t smell it at all ... like a phero ? What does jojoba smell like that you suggest I dilute it with ?

    I figured that this EO was the cover scent you used with a phero rather than colonge ... right ?

  11. #41

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    I have never ever come across a bad bottle of essential oil, but that has to be what you have. Peru Balsam is a pleasant woodsy smell (it IS wood) and isn\'t akin to Lysol at all. I use Aura Cacia brand but if you have any real EO then it should be about the same. But something is very fishy about the stuff you got. It can\'t be the Peru Balsam EO that I have been using. I wish Dr Smell this could cut in here. Jojoba doesn\'t have any pronounced fragrance, I use it as a carrier only. Keep me posted as you have been ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  12. #42

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    well i got some dark continent, cool scent, and PC
    DC smells pretty bad
    cool scent is good
    and PC smells a little like NPA but probably cuz of the alcohol
    i added about a decent amount of PC to cool scent; i\'ll add more if i don\'t see results
    i think i\'m gonna return DC - i really don\'t like it
    what good IR colognes are there that suit young guys like me?

  13. #43

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    PM me on this and I will answer all questions that I can answer. And the ones I can\'t answer, I will just say \"I Dunno\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] No, seriously, I should be able to help on most or all of your questions due to my past experience. Later, Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  14. #44
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    like I said in another post I\'m not a big fan of Dark Continent, and I don\'t think PC is worth $100 when you can get a more pure form of Nol here at love-scent. This company doesn\'t give out too much information about itself so who knows how much Nol they put in PC or any of their colognes. I have had some hits with \"The Roman\" but nothing to brag about. I purchased all my IR products before I discovered love-scent and to tell you the truth I think there inferior to Stonelabs products.

  15. #45

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    I don\'t have the Stone Labs Nol yet but I fully intend to use it where I used PC previously to compare. And even though I have raved about my past results using IR stuff, I don\'t like their secrecy any more than the rest of you. Nol percentage should be disclosed, especially now that there are so many mone products out there. I was going to call IR to see if they would tell me the nol percentage of PC but if they won\'t even tell a wholesale customer (Bruce) then I don\'t think it\'s worth me bothering. Everyone please PM me for answers/opinions on IR. Later, Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #46
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    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Why do we have to PM with questions? This is a forum and any question answered may be helpful to other people, too. Just post so everyone can benefit from it.

  17. #47
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    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Maybe the Cuddlebear wants to temper the IR-hype a little bit. If everybody buys IR-products now and they don\'t work then he is responsible. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  18. #48
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    I asked Cuddlebear to ease up on plugging IR products. I have to admit, I thought he was working for the company and was posing a threat to the honest exchange of info on the forum. I don\'t think that now, but I still think his enthusiasm for the products and lack of experience with anything else is potentially leading newbies astray. I don\'t expect everyone to think just like me. In fact, many forum members know far more than I do about what works and what doesn\'t, but I have tested virtually all of the IR products and quite frankly, the fragrances are all pretty cheap and the phero content is questionable. The customer service from the salesman I have been dealing with at IR is great, and I was glad to finally find something I liked in the form of the little essential oil samples we have been giving away with various sets, but other than those I really wouldn\'t recommend anything to newbies and the situation with Cuddles was getting way way out of hand.

    Anyway, if you want to hear a hard sell on IR products contact Cuddlebear, but you have been warned. The fragrances are pretty lame in my oppinion and the phero content is unknown.


  19. #49

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    One salesman I spoke with at IR told me that each of the fragrances resemble the following colognes:

    Dark Continent: Drakkar
    Power Play: Polo
    Millenium 2000: Polo + extra pheromones
    Hoops: Polo Sport
    Force: Lighter version of Drakkar
    The Roman: Gorgio
    Eclipse: Tommy

    Each of these colognes I\'ve seen mentioned as chick magnets from various sources, so you add the pheromones and voila.

    So I guess you can just buy the actual colognes and add the pheromones you get from Love-scent. Then you\'ll know exactly how much pheromones are in it.

  20. #50
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    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    > So I guess you can just buy the actual colognes and add the pheromones you get from Love-scent. Then you\'ll know exactly how much pheromones are in it.

    Hey, there\'s an idea...

  21. #51

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    I mean I don\'t know how much they would resemble the IR products and according to the cookbook some colognes don\'t mix well with pheros.

  22. #52

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    I want to keep my IR comments on the forum to a minimum now but this fragrance comparison thing needs to be addressed. Dark Continent like Drakkar? Hoops like Polo Sport? That would be like saying Cool Water smelled like Old Spice. THOSE ARE NOT VALID COMPARISONS AT ALL ... NOT ANY OF THEM. That blows my mind completely! OK, please PM me if you need more info but any sniff test will tell you quickly that these fragrances don\'t resemble each other. No fault of the guy that posted since he was just reporting what he was told, but wow! That is the most blatant misinformation I have ever seen in print. However, the idea of buying a fragrance like Drakkar and adding Chem Kit Nol certainly sounds good to me. In fact I have a Drakkar NOL mix somewhere in my cabinet ... Cuddles

  23. #53

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Yeah thats just what the IR salesman told me, he didn\'t say they smelled exactly like, he said they resemble. I guess he could have been giving his own opinion on the closest thing to each. I haven\'t got to smell any for myself with the exception of (the probably mixed up) Force they sent me which didn\'t smell anything at all like Drakkar.

  24. #54
    Journeyman DssMaster's Avatar
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    Hey Cuddlebear, have you tried

    the Super Primal Concentrate that IR sells? I've seen some good feedback posted at another site online, and would

    like to know if you have tried it with successful results as claimed at that other site. Please inform...


    would like to know if it's as strong as other -nol formulas like SOE, Instant Openness, and Instant Honesty.

    Anybody care to comment on that?

  25. #55
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Holy old post bumping batman!

    You do realize that most of the people you're talking to are no longer here, right?

  26. #56
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    I'm still here but in the shadows.
    "You made three mistakes. 1. You took the job. 2. A 4 man crew to catch me, f***ing insulting. 3. You didn't pack enough weapons."- Riddick "The Chronicles of Riddick"

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